CTP2 Scenarios


Dec 8, 2001
Dublin, Ireland
I'm a new player to CTP2, (and an old player of Civ, Civ2, CTP and Civ3) Anyway....is there a site where people can trade and download custom scenarios? I've got a cravin' for a WW2 scenario!
There aren't all *that* many CtP2 scenarios (mods are much more popular) but there are a few and WWII (although made by Activision and thus not too great) is among them: http://apolyton.net/ctp2/files/. Mind you, the file database has not been updated in a while for various reasons (the current excuse is that they're upgrading the database script), so you'll want to keep an eye on the forums as well for the more recent stuff.

I know many people here somewhat dislike Apolyton, but when it comes to the CtP series, Apolyton is really the only decent website out there (and the trolls and spammers left the CtP2 forums ages ago and moved on to Civ3 :D)...
I've been waiting for a decent WW2 scenario for the CtP series as well. Something like Curt Siblings Dictator for ToT would be nice.

Where would one go for tips on creating your own scenarios for CtP1 or 2?

You could try the Apolyton CTP2 Creation forum; Locutus's link above should get you to the Poly site.

(Sorry, Sun_Tzu :o )
Originally posted by Moff Jerjerrod
I've been waiting for a decent WW2 scenario for the CtP series as well. Something like Curt Siblings Dictator for ToT would be nice.

Where would one go for tips on creating your own scenarios for CtP1 or 2?


If you're looking for the thrills of the World War era (1900-1950) in CTP2, then keep your eyes open here. I'll soon be releasing a MOD for CTP2 that will allow you to play the era 1900-1950. It's 600 turns and uses a new tech tree, units, buildings & wonders from the era. I'm just finishing up the AI and will then finish the Great Library. If you want, I'll post a link where you can download the MOD. :)
Damnit Peter, you beat me to it by two minutes :) Moff, you might want to check the World at War mod by Dale once you are at Apolyton. It may not be a scenario but it covers the WWII era... It could certainly serve as a good basis for a WWII scenario (but is fun to play in itself as well). For tips on scenario creation in general, you'll want to check out the Apolyton Modificaiton section and modding guide on hexagonian's website and (for the more advanced stuff) anything related to SLIC, such as my (still incomplete) SLIC documentation.

Edit: D'oh! Now Dale also beat me to it :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Thank you PeteT, Dale, and Locutus for your replies!!!

I will look into that WW2 Era Mod as well as the links on Apolyton you've all provided me. My dream, time permitting, is to make a nice WW2 scenario for CTP2. From what I've seen in existing WW2 scenarios for Civ2/ToT it appears that a lot of work is involved, but that won't scare me though. I'll give a go at it!

Thanks again everyone! :goodjob:
Hmmm, CtP1... I don't think so. The whole scenario concept never really kicked off for CtP1, people focussed too much on mods. Gemini was working on a WWII scenario for a long time and got pretty far with it, but he never released anything, and last time I heard from him was well over a year ago... So it looks like you'll have to make one yourself ;)
Hmmm, CtP1... I don't think so. The whole scenario concept never really kicked off for CtP1, people focussed too much on mods. Gemini was working on a WWII scenario for a long time and got pretty far with it, but he never released anything, and last time I heard from him was well over a year ago... So it looks like you'll have to make one yourself ;)

Thank you very much Locutus for adding the Disarm CTP2 Scenario to your Weplayciv site. i can get it to work. but it did have bugs in it. so what i did was i saved the game and then reloaded the game and it worked fine. i noticed that it was sort of a Re-creation of the 2194 days of war scenario for Civilization II. The map it used was so much larger then the one for Civilization II. it had all 255 city locations from the original version. its only been in the past few months that i discovered that this CTP2 world war II scenario was based on the 2194 days of way scenario. i found out because i went to the civ2 scenario league site and downloaded the civ2 version of the game. then i began to see the similarities. all of the city locations had been imported into the ctp2 version. but the scenario description did not have any of the original text. it was only by seeing the fact that the city names were exactly the same in both version that i really figured it out. Im currently working on a 27 civ version of this game on the larger 200x400 size earth. all of the land masses are nearly finished with only Asia and Greenland not completely Filled with city locations. it has over 1000 city locations so far. here is a link. By the way my User name is Jonathan1980 on that website. My real name is Jonathan and i was born in 1980. i was 21 years old when CTP2 first came out but it was not until 2009 that this WW2 scenario came out. i was 29 years old then. we all had to wait 8 years for this world war II scenario to come out for CTP2.

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