Culture sinks


Jul 22, 2007
Seems like in v0.97 there is a need for some ways to invest culture with changes in policies.
I like those changes, I want to post about new patch gameplay but have too little time to play let alone write about it atm, but I already have a quick idea I want to share.

How about a diminishing return infinitely repeatable boost one could spend their culture points?

My idea is either permanent or long lasting stability boost for culture points, idea is you get +1 stability for x culture, next time it costs 2x culture, 4x, 8x etc.
If stability boost is counter to larger dev philosophy this could be anything else, my other idea is - spend accumulated culture for boosting culture per turn (+1 per tick). Perhaps make more such sinks, also for boosting religion etc.

Anyway I am leaving this idea here as it seems there is early game culture stockpiling issue now, so perhaps we could brainstorm ideas on what to spend it.
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