Culture Specific Terrain Buildings Pack


Love one another
Dec 23, 2003
Cobourg, Ontario, Canada
These are my first non-city graphics graphics. 8 culture specific terrain buildings for use in scenarios.

As these are my first graphics of these sort, please, if you find any problems with them, tell me. But I've checked them all over extensively and I'm sure they're ok.

The Preview is in this post, and the downloads are in the two following posts. Anyway, enjoy them!

* note, this is an older preview, I have changed some of these just slightly.


  • Terrain Buildings preview.PNG
    Terrain Buildings preview.PNG
    333 KB · Views: 2,164
Downloads: part 1


Downloads: part 2


Great stuff. :goodjob:

I'll use these in the "Art of War" mod. :) Finally getting rid of those overly generic graphics! :D
Update: I've found a few mistakes, but I've corrected them, and the new downloads are above. They should be ok now.
I strongly recommend you redownload if you've downloaded previously (Unless you like lots of pink and green ;) ) Sorry for any inconvenience.
@ P.S.Y.C.H.O. - Simply save one of the files (unfortunately you can't have all of them at once) as 'TerrainBuildings' in your Terrain folder.

@ Pounder - That's no problem. Your welcome to use my stuff anytime :)

@Rufus T. Firefly - Good idea, thanks. I'll update later.

@ Everyone - thanks! :D
RedAlert, these are great!

I would humbly like to make a request, if I may be so bold. ;)

Would it be possible for you(or anyone, with your permission)to replace the mine graphic w/the goody hut graphic in each pack?
I've always hated the default mines!
I've been using Midnight Piper's mine graphics lately(and have taken to agree that mine is a generic term for industry). Anyway...any help would be appreciated. Thank You!
....Well, if I ever do, I'll be sure to say so!
Mr. Hyperbole said:
RedAlert, these are great!

I would humbly like to make a request, if I may be so bold. ;)

Would it be possible for you(or anyone, with your permission)to replace the mine graphic w/the goody hut graphic in each pack?
I've always hated the default mines!
I've been using Midnight Piper's mine graphics lately(and have taken to agree that mine is a generic term for industry). Anyway...any help would be appreciated. Thank You!

I can do that for you, sure. But just to be clear: you want me to create goody hut graphics to replace the mines with, is that correct?
@ RedAlert; exactly! I love these packs, I would just like to see the mine replaced by the goody hut graphic in each pack. For example, the Mediterranean goody hut would used for the mine(or Asian pack or African pack, etc).
Again, I would really appreciate it.

Thank you!
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