Blue Monkey
Archon Without Portfolio
After a brief discussion with 7Ronin and Stormrage about the scenario/mod design process the other day, I remembered that LoneWolf5050's excellent pdf on the C3C features had inspired me to make a blank Culture Traits chart to help me in designing mods.

Here's my version of his chart in PDF format and ready to help anyone make sure they've covered the 28 possible combinations of traits in their cultural selection. Too simple for some, but it may be useful to others like me who need help to see the big picture.
Get it here
Made on a Mac

Here's my version of his chart in PDF format and ready to help anyone make sure they've covered the 28 possible combinations of traits in their cultural selection. Too simple for some, but it may be useful to others like me who need help to see the big picture.
Get it here
![Mac Civ3 Icon [civ3mac] [civ3mac]](/images/smilies/macciv3.gif)