curragh or warriors?

Tuscan Talon: curragh or warriors?

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on time
Apr 13, 2004
Germany GMT+1
As there were existing different opinions on the question what to build after the worker in Tuscan Talon, I am opening this poll to get a team decision:

The options are:

1. Go with the curragh


2. We need some warriors (for MP duty and/or defense) first.


3. Something completely different (please write into the thread).
I will probably vote curragh pending further discussion. We don't need a warrior for defense given that our 2 warriors already dominate the world's military based on our military service. Another MP would be useful, but I think contact with the other continent is more valuable, and the sooner we get a curragh out, the sooner that will happen.

Besides, I think I am going to suggest building a warrior first from our worker pump, and we don't really have a use for more than 2 MPs. The reason for building 1 warrior is to let the worker pump stay at size 2 or 3 to grow more quickly than the 7 turns it would take if we kept building workers at size 1.
I have no problem with a Curragh, after we get MPs in the cities. We expidited the luxury city, but we didn't expidite the road to the luxury. We have a capital with a Granary and a mega-food Worker pump. We need MPs. The Worker pump should build Workers, so we can hook up the lux. Just as the Capital needs to build Settlers, so we can expand quickly. That Southern Warrior will meet the Tribe on this continent before a two movement Curragh will get down there. The Curragh can wait until we secure our cities.
A three-move curragh with a 75% chance of surviving sea/ocean will meet the other continent which is probably more important than meeting our continent mates. We are more likely to trade techs successfully overseas than locally.
I vote Warrior, I see we are exploring the coast far enough out with warrior(s)
Our first vessel should be our Dromon so it has the greatest chance of surviving an encounter while exploring.

The maintenance cost would be better used at the time settlers walk to their position and warriors to defend it
Warrior --> Worker ---> Curragh

Warrior for MP. Worker to start hooking up the ivory. Curragh to explore.
A Worker is being built now. The poll asks what should be built after the Worker that will road the Ivory. We need at least two Warriors before the Curragh. One for TT and one for the Worker Pump. The Worker Pump will grow in size even though it will be building Workers. There is no need to build Warriors in the Worker Pump or the capital.
A Worker is being built now. The poll asks what should be built after the Worker that will road the Ivory. We need at least two Warriors before the Curragh. One for TT and one for the Worker Pump. The Worker Pump will grow in size even though it will be building Workers. There is no need to build Warriors in the Worker Pump or the capital.

Ok, my vote is for warriors.

Show me.

If there is anyone I don't need to show, it's you, Chamnix. The city will get 2F and 1s and using the irrigated FP (switching Aerie to the North Forest to finish the Granary)that will give us 5f. Take away two for pop, that leave 3f. That's growth in 7, at which time we will pick up use of the unmined BG. That's a Worker produced in 9 turns, not 10. Because we picked up 2 more food that will allow us to net 4f per turn, which means faster growth. Because we picked up the extra shield at turn 7 and the Worker produced 2 turns later, we roll over to size 1 with 9f in the bin,making it 4 turns to size 2. There we pick up the unmined BG again. All this time, I'm sure the Worker is irrigating another FP or Plain (I would probably do the plain, but it's not a big deal). Regardless, the city is growing at a faster clip each production cycle because of the food overlap.

The Warrior would get there to play the role of MP. No Warrior build needed.
Well, the question is how do we want the worker pump to work? We can get it up to size 4 to build 4 turns workers in 20 turns giving us 24 shields along the way, making 2 warriors and, say, 4 gold, or we can build 2 workers in 20 turns and it will be size 2. We'll have 2 workers by turn 28 if we grow to size 4, 3 by then if we grow while building workers and it still won't be size 4.

Now, getting worker turns is important and valuable. But then, getting a curragh out (and take advantage of one of our traits) is important as well.

I'm going to vote curragh.
Let's be the first ones to meet our soon-to-be overseas friends so that we can convince them our next door neighbors are low-life, bottom-feeding, scum-sucking dictators with delusions of godhood and deserve to die.

Curragh (one direction) -> curragh (other direction) -> warrior.
Curragh wins. This is what I call the democratic process. :goodjob:
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