

Duty Caller
Aug 5, 2004
Czechoslovakia-München Agreement refused[/B]

Alternate history: France and Great Britain refused München Agreement so Hitler started next month war with Czechoslovakia. Slovakia wanted independence so they declared war Czechs and became Axis ally. All agreement s between Czechoslovakia and France with Great Britain was officialy cancelled, but many volunteers wanted fight for Democracy. Soviet Union feels fear to might of German Reich so Stalin wanted helps Czechs. USA hadn´t any agreement with Czechs but maybe they may know about fascist danger....

Version: Civilization III:Conquests

Modifications and using map for other scenarios: allowed

File size: about 12 Mb

Civilopedia: Nothing crashing. Civilization history for Slovaks and Czechs and all units and improvements were image and a little words.

Language: English (very bad)

Units: Polish Cavalry, Czechoslovakian Flak, Land Mine, M26 Sherman, Red Army Regiment, Stuka, Skoda Mech Infantry, Waffen SS, Heavy Machinegunner, V-2, ME 110, King Tiger, Panther, ME 262, German Flamethrower, Panzer Crack, Folke Wolfe 190, Anti-Tank, Anti-NAZI Slovak, Sudeten Partisan, Churchill, French Infantry.

Map: Central Europe - Czech Area

Civilizations: Czechs, German Reich, Slovakia, Austria, Poland

Known problems: Map is not very detailed and I dont understand building rivers in editor, so they are nearly randomize. I had problems with leaders names, so I dont made technologies for civilizations, so German Reich,Czechs and Austria were in modern age and Slovakia with Poland were in industrial age (sorry for all Polish and Slovak people).

I thanx all guys which were working on these units: Thanks to:
If you find unit which you developed in my scenario, please contact me.
And thanx to Phoenix for his WW2, where I searching texts structure, and Supa and others for their replies which help me.

Please write some suggestions and opinions. This scenario may have other, better versions. Blame me, wig me, I wanted any reactions.

Sorry for my English.
If somebody want images or informations about München Agreement I may add it ;)
Yeah, some screenies would be nice.
Map Size :City in left down corner: Munich
in right up corner: Katowice
I fixed all. This scenario I will edit no more in future....
zdarec, rad bych si to zaparil, ale mam nejake problemy po rozbaleni jednotlivych archivu. v jedntokach udajne chybi american_antitank a machinegun..Vse jsem nakopiroval do prislusnych adresaru. Vypada to pekne a po zaplave WW2 map se konecne nekdo odhodlal a udelal mapku pro nas tak zajimavou .doufam,ze se mi to podari rozjet...:))
Now I updated pedia icnons. If this not works I will jump from Nusel bridge :)
Nerad bych nekomu kazil radost, ale z hlediska historickeho to scenario nema zadnou cenu ;)

1. Opevneni bylo jen v nekterych regionech a zdaleka ne vsude dokoncene. Vetsinou bylo hotove jen lehke opevneni.

2. Mnichovska krize byla v roce 1938.

3. Nejlepsi nemecky tank byl PzKpfw IV, tedy "panzer" ctverka. Panthery a Tigery nemci vyvinuli az v prubehu valky.

4. Slovaci se trhli az pred zrizenim protektoratu v roce 1939.

5. Alternativni timeline nebudu komentovat, to je na tvurcich, nicmene Soveti by pro nas nehnuli ani brvou - jejich zamerem bylo pockat, az se Nemci otupi valkou s Francii a Britanii a pak je napadnout a celou stredni (a mozna zapadni) Evropu obsadit.

Nicmene je to sranda si to zahrat, takze tenhle post prosím nebrat jako nejakou zdrcujici kritiku. Spis jako takovou motivaci dat se do updatu :D
He he I told that it is my first scenario and has not ambitions. I tryied make scenario and add it there....
1) Opevnění byla možná jen někde ale bylo daleko hustší než kdekoliv jinde
2) To nevím, dělal jsem to podle sebe a myslel jsem že sem tam dal 1938..
3) S tím jsem se nezabýval
4) A nebyla by trochu nuda hrát prakticky s dvěma národy, protože Polsko má jen 3-4 města?
5) Zatímco například Polsko bylo jejich soused, takže ho napadli spolu s Němci, Československo by mohli napadnout jedině přes Zakarpatskou Ukrajinu, což mi nepřipadá moc pravděpodobné a jinak by to bylo samozřejmě další přiblížení a porušení rovnováhy by musel vnést do Sovětského Svazu přinejmenším znepokojení. Neříkám že by aktivně zasáhlo, ale mohla by nastat situace jako ve Španělsu(fašistiXkomunisti)Jinak jsem napsal že jsou to jenom dobrovolníci(snižují happy o 3:))

Pokud jse o kritiku tak se mi zdá hlavně hra nedynamická...

No jo, chápu, že jsi chtěl především zařídit hratelnost, plus dávám body za to,že pak třeba nějaký zahraničan konečně pochopí, jaké svinstvo nám v roce 1938 provedli ;)

For non-czech speaking people: Download it, play it and than you maybe realize how horrible mistake the 1938 was. Try to learn from it. And, of course, you can apologize fot it :D
Reading What If? 2, are we?;)

Will try!:goodjob:
To all you Czechs:

Ever heard of a little something called vowels? Or syllables? Or non-voiced consonants? Or laryngeals? Or diphthongs? GAH!!!

But that's beside the point. How come Czech, in comparison to it's cousin languages Russian and Polish, is so unpronouncable?
Wow, its difficult english words for me which you used...You are critising our language, arent? Of course we have some words of Russian and Polish, but major is old Slavonic with some German words. Czech with Finnish is hardest language in EU and also one of the hardest in the World...Ok, now I found in dictionary your questions and of course, vowels are á,é,ě,,í,,ú,ů too:)
Well, I was born in Uzbekistan, so I used to know Russian, Uzbek, and Uighur. We had a set of Czech neighbors in the dreary government issued apartment, who spoke Czech. I was very young at the time, but if I recall correctly, that Czech was really quite weird. Even though I was told it was on the same branch of the IE family as Russian, which I used to speak fluently, it sounded utterly alien to me. Speaking of the EU and Lapps, apparentely, Finland has the highest rate of cell phone ownership in the entire world. Even the god damn reindeer have cellphones!
Interesting...I understand Russian a little but before Velvet revolution all people must were learning Russian in schools. Hmm and Uzbeks are not here or I dont registered...But you have pretty flag....
Apparentely, I was completely silent until the age of four, when I started talking very fluently. I could speak Russian better than most adults...but now that I live in the US, or as it is otherwise known, Monolingual Land, I've given up the Uzbek and Russian for a superior command of English, which, at least according to most of the people around me, I speak better than most native speakers. Now then, to get the hang of this 'slang' that so many people use...
Most people who "forget" a language, especially their native one, will easily relearn it after being around people who speak it for a little while(As in a few weeks.).

Cool = Good, settled(as in an agreement), cold.
Tight (the "igh" sounds like the I in the word I) = Good.
Chick = Attractive woman.
Guy = Person, in perticular a male.
Ho = Prostitute
Hobo = Homeless person
Plus more, but I am too lazy to type them.

English has too much slang. Plus, when we speak it, we often do not use proper grammer rules. You should go to the Off-Topic section of this website and frequently use it to improve your English. Also, can you post a screenshot of the map showing political borders instead of terrain?
I don't see why people mutilate their language so much with slang. I always try to spell everything correctly, use appropriate punctuation and capitalization, and use appropriate grammar and conventions whenever possible. I get convulsions whenever I even thing about "Elite Speak." In my opinion, slang is the linguistic equivalent of female genital mutilation.
PresidentMarcosaka, siz O'zbekcha gapirasizmi? Siz kaisi shahardansiz? Qachon Amerikagacha Men ozgina bilaman. Juda ozgina. Men yakshirok Rus tili gapiraman. Men Amerikadanman va Navoida bir yilda yashadim.

That was probably screwy, but I really only spoke enough to make Uzbeks giggle and say "Juda zo'r!" What with me being white and all, they pretty much always reverted to Russian anyway. I can kind of understand it though.

Incidentally, my sister-in-law is Czech and I can kind of understand her--well enough to get the gist of what she's saying.
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