DaftRTOR - A Story Untold

Outline of France

Note! This history is subject to edits according to feedback from Daftpanzer and other players. Assume it was written by a rabid French nationalist.


Ancient Gauls (10 000-1000 BC)
A contested account often dismissed as pseudohistory, France upholds a belief in a trans-Atlantic Gallic culture which from which Celtonia, France, Spain, Portugal and Latin Rome are descended, often dubbed the ‘Atlantean Hypothesis’. French point to the existence of dolmens and other megalithic structures as evidence for the material truth of this history.

Frankish Migration (1000-800 BC)
Proto-Germanic tribes migrating out of Scandinavia settle in Gaul, forming a new ruling class. The origins of Frankish Kingship come from this period.

Old France (800 BC-700 AD)
The Merovingian, Carolingian and Capetian Frankish dynasties, among many others, established the basis of the French state. A feudal system with a warrior aristocracy becomes extremely well-established through this period, but begins to decay and become increasingly unable to resist foreign incursions.

Viking Raids (700-1000 AD)
As the great Viking expeditions out of Scandinavia reach their peak, Scandinavian adventurers peel away peripheral French duchies such as Normandie, and the French monarchy falls to its nadir.

Romanization (1000 AD-1412 AD)
As the Viking era stabilizes at its conclusion and the invaders assimilate into the native population, Roman transatlantic influence is reaching its peak. Roman traders and missionaries established monasteries and trading entrepots in Eastern France, introducing their language and religion. Facing profound crises of legitimacy the Frankish lords begin to adopt many Roman traditions as their own.

The Maid of Orléans (1412-1499 AD)
The most transformative person in all of French History. Born in a small town some distance from Orléans into a time of duplicitous dukes, conniving counts and an utterly powerless Capetian monarchy, a peasant girl led a resistance against the remaining Norse Jarls in France. Inspired by powerful Christian visions, she accelerated the slow religious conversion of France into a tremendous wave, casting out the last remnants of foreign rule from and returning power to the King. However, King Charles Capet proved to be a weak and inept figurehead, and the Maid would go on to be the dominant person in government, guided by divine inspiration, military acumen and shrewd political judgement. A lifelong virgin, she was succeeded by her niece as Mayor of the Palace ‘under’ Charles Capet.

The Arc Ages (1499-1700 AD)
The House of Arc solidified Roman Catholicism as the faith of France, and established themselves as monarchs in all but name. The legend of the Sainted Maid also instilled traditions of martial infallibility, legitimized female rulership and normalized the presence of women alongside men in the army. With the eventual death of the last main-line Capetians, the House of Arc became the true monarchs of France. Energetic leaders and reformers saw great strides in governmental organization and technology. The decline of feudal privileges and the rise of a centralized monarchy saw great amounts of political and economic power accumulate in Paris. Improved agricultural techniques and land reform led to a tremendous boom in population, bringing yet further economic development, spreading wealth to a nascent middle class in the cities and countryside alike, and turned France into one of the beating hearts of the global Renaissance.

The Scandinavian Wars (1700-1750 AD)
As France had flourished over the previous centuries, so had Scandinavia languished. The Jarls had wrested power away from any central source to the point where there was no unified authority at all, as had been the case a millennium before in France. With a powerful state apparatus and advanced gunpowder army, France began to roll up the disparate Jarls in a half-century of wars, culminating in the expansion of French borders all the way to the gates of Teotihuacan.

The Darc Ages (1750-1789 AD)
While French power was at its zenith, the conquest of Scandinavia proved to be a poisonous luncheon which would eventually prove fatal to the old monarchy. Burdened by the costs of conquering and occupying such a vast realm, and belligerent in its foreign policy, the House of Arc fell deeper and deeper into a catastrophic debt, while the accumulation of wealth by the beneficiaries of the Arc monarchy saw the gradual immiseration of the rural peasantry. At the same time, liberal ideas were infiltrating society and the restive middle classes, owners of much of the monarchy’s debts, who sought ever-greater influence in the governance of France. As the ossifying Arc regime grew increasingly intransigent, the calls for change grew ever louder.

Révolution! (1789-1830)
Facing the prospect of bankruptcy, King Louis d’Arc grudgingly called upon a grand assembly of the potentates of France to resolve the economic crisis. Proving to be stubborn when he ought to have been flexible, and overly accommodating when he ought to have been bold, Louis rapidly alienated almost all of his estates. Liberal reformers pushed him into accepting limits to his power, but the King’s refusal to cooperate with these potential allies eventually saw the Liberals discredited by radicals, who saw it more fitting to remove the monarchy altogether, ultimately resolving to execute Louis, bringing an end to the unbroken line which had ruled France for nearly 300 years. Through the 1790s, France rapidly fell into a horrifying civil war, with the radical powers in Paris growing increasingly extreme in their outlooks, and the peasantry roiling between progressive land reformers and conservative monarchists. No great military genius arose from the carnage of this conflict, and instead France fought itself until it was utterly exhausted, from which emerged neither a radical republic of the people nor the restoration of the infallible absolute monarchy. Instead, France experienced the most hideous of ironic fates: compromise, in the form of the restoration of a liberal cadet branch of the House of Arc under a constitutional system, the exact thing that Louis had refused forty ruinous years before.

Restoration (1830-1840 AD)
Exhausted by war, France was for the first time in decades ruled by an uncontested Queen of the French, Madeleine d’Arc. Madeleine had the liberal credentials to mollify the larger part of France’s political left, while also presenting a pious and stoic figure of authority in the model of the Maid to satisfy the French political right. She maintained a strong military posture throughout her rule, ultimately forming international alliances with Celtonia which set her Kingdom on a collision course for war against the Great Iroquois Nation.

World War 1 (1840-1860 AD)
Madeleine d’Arc looked to a war of Germany, America and France against Iroquois as an opportunity to solidify her rule, restore the legend of military infallibility, and right half a century of French political tragedy. Her decision would serve to revive the legend of her family, although she would not be the beneficiary. Rather it was a distant cousin, Alexandre d’Arc, who would earn great glory in a stunning conquest of Iroquois México and the rise of France to a new level of imperial glory. When Madeleine was temporarily isolated from the public due to illness, Alexandre crowned himself Emperor, establishing autocratic, military-backed rule and neutering the French Chamber of Deputies.

The French Empire/The Mutilated Peace (1860-1880 AD)
Alexandre was dumbfounded by the peace proposals offered by his Celtonian allies, which would see the return of vast portions of France’s conquests. Vowing to maintain what France had earned by right of blood, Alexandre continued his war against the exhausted Iroquois, seeking to establish a French hegemony over Euromerica by fiat. The period of the French Empire saw a major diplomatic realignment in the French-Celtonian split, with France maintaining an alliance with America, and further allying with their erstwhile indirect foes, the Romans, and the previously neutral Dutch. Celtonia and Germany formed the centre of the rival pact for world domination.

World War 2 (1880-1890 AD)
Alexandre d’Arc was an energetic, charismatic and deeply capable Emperor who ruled from the marshal’s tent, rather than the palaces of Paris. Much of his reign was spent doing battle in the Iroquois hinterlands, where he won victory after victory against the Iroquois, aiming to grind them down with the superior numbers and firepower of the French Empire. Seeking to bring another front to bear against the Iroquois, Alexandre placed his brother Guillaume on the throne of the Celtic puppet of Spain. It was in the midst of this long campaign that Celtonia launched a ‘peacekeeping’ operation to halt Alexandre’s ambitions- a move that is now regarded as the beginning of the Second World War. Forced onto the back foot, Alexandre led his armies against Celtonian operations in Mexico, until his shocking death to stray artillery fire in 1885. From this point onwards, the Celts and Germans pressed steadily southwards into the French Empire. Emperor Alexandre II, still a child, was discredited by his inability to bring about any miraculous victories, and the Imperial Marshals fought increasingly disjointed defences as two hundred years of glorious conquest were undone by German and Celtonian arms.
End of Empire (1890-1900 AD)
At the humiliating Peace of Lund, the French Empire was mercilessly dismembered. Celtonian-German peacekeepers saw the restoration of their former archenemy, the Iroquois, as well as the resurrection of Mexico and the creation from whole cloth of the Scandinavian Union. France’s northern border was pushed as far south as Chartres while proud Normandie, the fist of the empire, was reduced to an exclave forced to host a Celtic garrison. Madeleine’s daughter, Marie, was restored to rulership in a revived constitutional monarchy, and maintained the title of Empress, although under the circumstances of France’s humiliation this seemed almost like a mockery by the victorious powers.

The Cliques (1900-1910 AD)
The Imperial Army, directly descended from the proud royal legions who once conquered Scandinavia, won the First World War against the Iroquois and laid low an entire continent, was the true source of authority in France and had been ever since Alexandre I’s torso was violently removed from the rest of his body. In the first years of Marie’s rule, France’s economy was in ruins and unable to maintain many of the functions of state. Correctly perceiving the incapacitation of the nation, the Imperial Marshals took on many of these functions, effectively turning the old military commands into de facto autonomous departments, leaning on France’s historic admiration of military strength. On the other side of the political aisle, long-suppressed anarchist and communist movements abounded, seeking to win the revolution which was denied a century prior. The Imperial Marshals have taken to suppressing these movements with gusto, and present themselves as the only legitimate inheritors to France.

Civil War/The Second French Revolution (1910-1928)
With Empress Marie d’Arc’s death to an anarchist’s bullet, her daughter, the auspiciously-named Empress Jeanne I, ascended to de jure leadership of France. A liberal by inclination and education, Jeanne had the allegiance of the emaciated middle class of French society, but had all but lost the Army and held no sway over the simmering urban and rural proletariat. Her complete failure to prevent the independence of the Duchy of Normandie further cratered her legitimacy, despite this loss being rather directly due to the refusal of the Imperial Marshals to cooperate with Paris, as well as the overwhelming threat of Celtonian military intervention supporting the Normans. Grand Marshal Villeneuve of the eastern Loire Clique initiated the civil war by marching on Paris to depose the Empress, only to be halted by loyalist Marshal Villiers at the Battle of Bourges. Grand Marshal Jourdain of Rheims cooperated with Paris to halt the Loire Clique’s advance, but subsequently withdrew his support once the Paris government began to retake ground. Meanwhile, Grand Marshal Ignace controls the oil-producing western departments, probing against the vulnerable western frontier and placing artillery alarmingly close to Paris.

An Uncertain Future (1928 and Beyond)
France is in a lower state than it has been in for a millennium, when Viking raids scoured the coast and the teachings of Christ had not yet illuminated the lands. The Loire and Rheims Cliques are in open war over Marseilles, home of the first revolution, while the Orléans Clique is in a state of low-level conflict with Paris. A dizzying array of factions seek to capitalize on this moment, or simply to survive.

Political Factions

Legitimists who promote the cause of the descendants of Alexandre d’Arc, the last great leader of France. Anti-democratic, ambiguous in their stance towards Catholicism, and fiercely militaristic, Alexandrines dream of the reunification of France by military force and the recreation of maximalist French Imperial visions. Unfortunately for them, they are hamstrung by the lack of a universally agreed-upon heir to Alexandre, which bears half of the responsibility for the disunity of the cliques- the other half being the incredibly large egos of the Grand Marshals, who could bow before an Alexandre III but would rather die than bend a knee to each other.

Urban and liberal supporters of Empress Jeanne, while simultaneously and paradoxically Catholic and socially conservative, the Loyalists are an ostensibly weak faction but hold a central and difficult-to-dislodge position in the wealthiest and most developed part of France, while also having passive support in the cities outside of Jeanne’s control. Jeanne’s legitimacy derives from her grandmother’s emergence as the uniting ruler at the end of the revolution, but there is no consensus on who the true heir of the Sainted Maid is, which prevents any sort of grand monarchist reunification.

A largely-urban movement grown out of the impoverishment of the working class of the cities which grew so massively from the 1700s to the 1900s, communards reject the house of Arc entirely, seeking to create a democratic socialist state led by a revolutionary vanguard of armed workers. The communard movement was dealt a profound blow during World War 2, when the red-red split between Dutch and Celtic communists shattered the unity of the movement, but the current iteration of the French Communard Party aligns itself with Amsterdam.

Once part of the same revolutionary movement as the communards, the blacks split with the reds decades ago over a similar row to that which shattered communist unity. Philosophically rejecting the communard insistence on the authority of the state, the anarchists deeply oppose all forms of authority, whether they carry a red flag, a tricolour or an imperial eagle. Moreso than any faction in France, the anarchists are present everywhere, and ready to act the moment the fascists weaken themselves in their own struggles for power.
A Roman voter is not born; he is made.

From the day he is born, it is drilled into him that he is owed nothing; rather, that by being born, he has taken on a tremendous debt, that may only be paid in blood, sweat, and tears. He is taught that he must devote himself to the betterment of his country. To train his body for the Legions. To train his mind for the nation’s commerce. And to train his heart for the Basalissa and for Rome.

To the more liberal democracies, this may smack of fascism, but most Romans would push back on those comparisons. They are free to critique the Consul, the Legates, the Basilissa, and even blaspheme God. Roman law affords many individual liberties that even the basest can enjoy.

However, for those who are to take part in Roman democracy, it is accepted that one must have “invested” in the nation, to be sure that they are the right sort to be guiding the empire. For the vast majority of citizens, that means that they have served in the Roman Military, but that is not the only method of gaining suffrage. Service in the bureaucracy, holding an advanced degree such as in medicine or science; even the well-off bourgeois who meet property requirements are given votes on the basis of the prosperity they help create and the higher taxes they pay. The system has ensured that a large majority of Romans are able to vote, though the average age trends higher; it is not until around age 30 that most Romans who did not serve attain the right to vote.

Prior to voting, attendance for a series of lectures of the issues facing Rome is required. For those serving in the military, these lectures are conducted by the unit’s Democracy Officer, while civilians may go to a local civic club. While each prefecture will have anywhere between three and five candidates running for office, knowledge of who those candidates are is generally suppressed, and candidates who reveal themselves may face censure; candidates may give speeches as advocates for certain causes (such as liberalizing trade laws or more funding for the air force).

On voting day, Rome asks its voters first to answer a brief, ten question test on Roman politics, both internal and external, to ensure that their voters are informed enough to make a vote. From there, unlike in most democracies where a citizen would select a candidate directly, Roman voters answer a survey of ten to thirty questions depending on the election year. Based on the results of the citizen’s answers, imperial officials will determine which candidate the voter would desire to support the most, and casts the citizen’s vote accordingly. The methodology the officials use to select the voting intention has been criticized as opaque and impossible for independent observers to discern, but for a nation that was long scarred by civil wars and internal strife, this system has led to two centuries of peaceful transitions of power.
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Ancien Regime in the Holy Kingdom of Hatti​

The Holy Kingdom of Hatti is a true Theocracy, and has been for centuries, perhaps millennia. Indeed, the same term in Hatti denotes both a “High Priest” and “Noble Lord”: LÚ EN. The Monarch, or Tawananna, is the eldest descendent of the previous bloodline with no gender preference. The Tawananna’s role is predominantly religious, serving as a conduit for divine blessings as the offspring of the Divine Mother, Arrinia. Although primarily a religious figure, the Tawananna does retain the right to receive kingdom reports, endorse decrees, approve diplomatic agreements, and provide confidential endorsements or warnings to the priests that run the Kingdom. Lastly, the Tawananna is the legal landowner of all the lands in the Holy Kingdom, held in trust for their ancestors and descendants.

True power resides in the Chief Conclave, or Panku-GAL, an assembly of an odd number of High Priests (typically 5 or 7, though occasionally as high as 21 or as low as 3). Members of the Panku-GAL forgo individual public speech, instead acting as conduits for the Divine Will, presenting a unified stance through the Nabar-GAL (Herald/Speaker). The Nabar-GAL is tasked with proposing successors and resolving ties in the council's decisions.

The structure of the Panku-GAL and the Tawananna’s privacy ensure a unified theocratic voice through the Nabar-GAL. The required silence of the High Priests in the Panku-GAL allows for the strategic inclusion of influential voices, potentially including those who might otherwise be outspoken. Although theoretically serving for life, it is a growing precedent of High Priests retiring upon reaching 72. Retired High Priests can serve no other administrative posts, but are often sought after by the lesser Conclaves and Temples for their wisdom. The stance of the Panku-GAL can shift over time, as seen in historical instances such as the aftermath of the Holy Crusade and Communist interventions during World War II.

The Three Magistracies

Under the Tawananna and the Panku-GAL are the Three Magistracies, through which flows all the political functions of the Theocracy. The Chief Magistrates, required to be High Priests appointed by the Panku-GAL, are pivotal in executing the governance of the Holy Kingdom. Effective Chief Magistrates may be promoted to the Panku-GAL, while those associated with failures may face removal and loss of status.

The High Warden serves as the Chief Magistrate of the Magistracy of Peace, which oversees the Military and Foreign Affairs of the Holy Kingdom. This role is charged with maintaining national security, managing foreign relations, and gathering intelligence. The High Warden is also responsible for directing covert operations abroad and coordinating military responses during crises.

The High Overseer, as the Chief Magistrate of the Magistracy of Propriety, manages Internal Affairs, such the enforcement of blasphemy edicts, judicial appeals, and law enforcement agencies. This role includes overseeing intelligence gathering and covert operations within the Kingdom, ensuring alignment of lesser Conclaves with the Panku-GAL, and supervising the education and ordainment of new Priests. The High Overseer is crucial in maintaining internal stability and public order.

The High Commissioner, serving as the Chief Magistrate of the Magistracy of Prosperity, is responsible for Taxation and Economic Development. Originating from the Bureaus of Grain and Gold, this Magistracy is evolving rapidly to meet the Kingdom’s economic needs during industrialization. (It replaced the Magistracy of Provisions during the Second World War). The High Commissioner is key in economic strategy, development planning, and ensuring sustainable growth and prosperity.

The Hierarchy of the Priests

Serving the spiritual and administrative needs of the Three Magistracies are the countless Priests of the Holy Kingdom. Both males and females can serve as priests, with most roles open to either gender. However, certain roles are restricted based on gender. Although there are countless ranks of Priesthood, they are generally split into three main groups.

The High Priests serve in the Panku and Panku-Gal, as Chief Magistrates, as Temple Priests, Warden Commanders, and other such positions of power and influence in the Magistracies. High Priests who do not hold formal administrative or executive positions continue to serve their communities as arbitrators, judges, representatives, or counselors.

The Scribe Priests handle the bulk of the spiritual needs of the Holy Kingdom. The rank of Scribe Priests represents the lowest tier of Ordained Priests, named for their traditional role in scribing copies of holy books. The 'middle tier' of priests, those between the Scribes and the High Priests, are also categorized as Scribe Priests. These are the day to day priests who hold sermons, preside over marriages and funerals, and offer guidance to the common people.

The Lay Priests are individuals with religious education who, for various reasons, are not ordained. Although they cannot perform the sacraments and ceremonies of the faith, they can still read the holy texts and serve a supporting role in their local priesthood. For example, teachers and caretakers of younger students are often Lay Priests. Additionally, many Lay Priests also maintain a second profession that would require similar higher levels of education, such as physicians or lawyers.

Traditionally, only Priests and their children are permitted to learn how to read and write, so any literate adult is considered to be at least a Lay Priest. The common people were allowed to use numbers and keep basic ledgers, but anything more complicated they were expected to send for their local Lay Priest to bookkeep for them.

Although both Scribe Priests and High Priests can perform sacraments, sermons, and services, the key distinction lies in their responsibilities outside their priesthood. Scribe Priests are generally responsible for their own community and some Lay Priests, and aren’t participating in Panku. The High Priests preside over lower priests, including other High Priests, participate in Panku, and work with the influential non Priest members of society.

The Traditional Hatti Community

The traditional Hatti community is built around several families and a handful of priests. Within each family, the role of head is held by the eldest member of each generation who is not a priest. This role is context sensitive - if there is a gathering without the patriarch or matriarch, the eldest member of the eldest generation would assume that role temporarily. When marriages are planned, the negotiations would make it clear if the new couple would be part of one family, establish a new family, or join the two families. This is hugely important, because property/contracts are held at the family level, and not by individuals.

In addition to more familiar spiritual duties discussed above, in a traditional Hatti community the priests also assess children at the Age of 12, and assign them to various roles. They also serve as matchmakers for unmarried adults at 24. Additionally, they reassess individuals every 12 years thereafter, reviewing their satisfaction with life, job, and role, and reassigning them as needed.

The lay and scribe priests then form a larger community under a High Priest or a Panku of High Priests, through which collective action can be organized, edicts from the Panku-GAL be distributed, and local needs be met. For example, a village that needs more metalworking can have blacksmiths assigned or matchmade to move there, from other villages with an excess. Or if an irrigation network needs to be dredged out, they can send a request for funds and experts up to the Panku-GAL through a Magistracy, while levying local unskilled labor for the grunt work.

Historical Shifts

The first major change to this system occurred after the end of the Holy Crusades in 1770s. Evicted Hatti colonists and returning Hatti warriors who survived the Celtonian counter offensives found themselves dispossessed and without a home community to return to. These came to be referred as the Silikuş, and proved to be a major strain on Hatti society. Eventually, the various rules of assigning roles and joining communities were relaxed, and the first wave of Silikuş were able to establish new roots.

However, this did create a precedent that opened a different wound. Previously, the control of the priests on an individual’s assignment was near absolute, creating a system comparable to serfdom or caste system, where lazy priests would assign family members to the same roles generation after generation, ignoring personal preferences and desires. Those who flouted their assignments were rare, and often declared outlaws or blasphemers. Now, a displeasing assignment can lead to a person becoming a Silikuş, shedding their name and family obligations and fleeing for one of the growing Hatti cities. Additionally, many communities now often keep a population of Silikuş around for their flexibility in labor, as they can help out with the harvest then pivot to odd jobs then volunteer for the army in place of an established community member.

Additionally, many of the Silikuş began associating with the Urban Guilds. These are associations within the cities where there may be many individuals participating in a role, and they sought to standardize their training and membership process. Although initially allied with the priests, with the influx of Silikuş the Urban Guilds became more of a rival power structure. After the Communist proxy war in Hatti, the Urban Guilds became more and more like labor unions, establishing their own internal councils, and cultivating guild priests to send to their city’s Panku. Some guilds even abuse the rules of adoption to tie the guild into a single legal family unit that can own property together.

Parallel to the emergence of the Silikuş from the trauma of the failed Crusade, is the emergence of the Secular Literati class. Many of the first generation of "Secularists" were Lay Priests who saw new ways of thinking and doing things emerging in Celtonian, Roman, and Incan lands. Although they weren’t necessarily against Arrinism, they were labeled as “Secular” by the fundamentalists due to not being ordained priests, promoting universal literacy, and ultimately, because Secularism is a non-starter in a theocracy. Their initial attempts at reform in the early 1800s were quashed by the conservatives, but they continued spreading quietly despite the best efforts of the Magistracy of Propriety, who were at least able to shut down several conspiracies to launch a revolt, coup, or infiltration of the Theocracy.

During World War 2, there was an exodus of the Literati due to the pressures of the Dutch invasion, and then the support of the Celtonian expeditionary armies. While not a proper diaspora, these Literati traveled the world, learning of foreign and modern ideologies, and sought to infiltrate back home to share what they have learned.

It is to the credit of the Magistracy of Propriety that despite the pressures of these three classes, the stability of the Holy Kingdom of Hatti remains high. However, with world tensions rising, who knows what cracks the pressure of another War could create? And with the increasing economic acceleration fostered by the Magistracy of Prosperity, perhaps peace could be even worse for the society under the watch of the Panku-Gal.

Cultural Shifts Associated with the Holy Crusade’s Failure, ~1780s
  • Silikuş Class forms, weakening the Traditional Assignment system
  • Secular Literati Class forms, weakening the Priesthood’s monopoly on Education
  • Magistracy of War was replaced by the Magistracy of Peace

Cultural Shifts associated with World War 2, ~1890s

  • Celtonian military investments bring major rail roads and industry into Hatti for the first time
  • The Urban Guilds became class conscious, organizing guild priests to send to the Panku
  • Exodus of the Literati to study at major centers of Fascist, Liberal, Communist and Neo-Druidist thought
  • Magistracy of Provisions was replaced by Magistracy of Prosperity
  • Magistracy of Propriety commits to education reform in hopes of indoctrinating “correct thought”

Cultural Note: The Hatti are a people who use a Base 12 counting system. They believe that the true lifespan of a person is 144 years: 72 years as a Mortal, 72 years as a Divine Spirit (with spiritual years counted differently than mortal ones). This is the origin of the first High Priest who retired from the Panku-Gal at 72.

Cultural Note: Both High Priests and Scribe Priests are expected to parent 12 children, which may be direct descendants or children adopted before the age of 12. Male Priests are thus allowed to engage in limited polygamy. Female Priests who suspect the infertility of a spouse must choose to either denounce them and annul their marriage, or choose adoption instead.

Cultural Note: “Land ownership” by the various families are usually long term 144 year leases.

Currently, Secular Literati tend to support the Democratic Reformers, while the Urban Guilds tend to support the Communists. The Silikuş are not united enough to back a group on their own.
A Declaration of the Union Government on the Portuguese Conflict

1. Resolved,
that the continued strife in Portugal is beneficial neither to the Inca nor the Portuguese,

2. Resolved, that the Plebiscite of Cuzco has created a model for the progress and success of the Incan Nation, and that self-determination is a core principle of world government,

3. Resolved, that as a friend to both Incan and Portuguese, the Celtonian Union is uniquely positioned to serve as a neutral arbiter in the future territorial status,

It is so proposed that the Incan Nation and representatives of the military command of Portugal accept an immediate cease-fire in hostilities.

It is so proposed that the Celtonian government orchestrate a plebiscite within claimed Portuguese territory, offering the populace continued union with the Inca, autonomous region status, or full independence.

It is so proposed that if Portugal secedes from Incan control that the latter party be fully compensated, with the Union acting as financial guarantor for Portugal’s interests.

Passed and acceded by the Consail-in-Aonach, Navua, 1928.
A Declaration of the Union Government on the Portuguese Conflict

1. Resolved,
that the continued strife in Portugal is beneficial neither to the Inca nor the Portuguese,

2. Resolved, that the Plebiscite of Cuzco has created a model for the progress and success of the Incan Nation, and that self-determination is a core principle of world government,

3. Resolved, that as a friend to both Incan and Portuguese, the Celtonian Union is uniquely positioned to serve as a neutral arbiter in the future territorial status,

It is so proposed that the Incan Nation and representatives of the military command of Portugal accept an immediate cease-fire in hostilities.

It is so proposed that the Celtonian government orchestrate a plebiscite within claimed Portuguese territory, offering the populace continued union with the Inca, autonomous region status, or full independence.

It is so proposed that if Portugal secedes from Incan control that the latter party be fully compensated, with the Union acting as financial guarantor for Portugal’s interests.

Passed and acceded by the Consail-in-Aonach, Navua, 1928.

Statement of the Council of the Realm on the Celtonian Declaration - Cuzco 1928

1. Resolved, the Inca Realm is sovereign over the province of Portugal.

The principles of modern sovereignty dictate that no state has authority to intervene in matters under the domestic jurisdiction of any other state. Ergo, every state, no matter how large or small, has an equal right to sovereignty. From this principle it is indisputable that the Inca State is lawfully sovereign over the province of Portugal and that this has been the case for millennia. It is thus indisputable that the armed forces in the province of portugal are in a state of unlawful rebellion and possess neither sovereignty nor legitimacy. It is further indisputable that Celtonia has no jurisdiction over the domestic affairs of the Inca nation.

  1. The first proposal (ceasefire) is accordingly rejected, for such a cessation of lawful military action can necessarily only be predicated upon rebel forces submitting themselves to the legitimate authority and jurisdiction of the state and the resumption thereby of peace and order. While rebel forces continue to raise arms in rebellion, a unilateral ceasefire on the part of the state is impossible and would constitute a forfeiture of its obligations to the people.
  2. The second proposal (plebiscite) is rejected, as it is chimerical to permit a foreign government to oversee the domestic affairs of the Inca state, and furthermore such a plebiscite is impossible while a state of rebellion continues to exist in fact and in law.
  3. The third proposal is rejected inasmuch as the impossibility of the former proposals render it moot, the Inca state further notes that fitting and commensurate compensation has not been offered by Celtonia or any other party with respect to the possibility of any grant of independence, bestowed in good faith, to the province of Portugal.
The Council of the Realm appreciates the ardent desire of the Consail-in-Aonach to promote peace and tranquility amidst the realms of Tawantinsuyu and across the world at large and upholds as ever the goodwill and desire for friendship with Celtonia that averted catastrophe and a return to the horrors of the 19th century in 1926. It recommends that the tranquility Celtonia desires is best achieved through adherence to the principles of non-interference in the domestic affairs of other states. The Inca State has upheld these common principles of international law sedulously and its people benefited greatly therefrom by its neutrality in the world wars, being spared the horrors inflicted on the nations by those terrible conflicts. The world would be well served by Celtonia and all other nations doing likewise, lest in future days such horrors are repeated by failure to learn from the lessons of history.
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Spoiler Guardians of the Sun :

Verse 1: In the land where the jaguar roams,
Where the sacred rivers flow,
We rise from ancient stone,
To defend our heart and home.

Chorus: Hail to the fierce, the undying,
Guardians of the sun and sky,
With the strength of our ancestors,
We will rise, we will never die.

Verse 2: From the temples to the peaks,
Our spirit ever stands,
With the power of the ages,
We unite our valiant hands.

Chorus: Hail to the fierce, the undying,
Guardians of the sun and sky,
With the strength of our ancestors,
We will rise, we will never die.

Verse 3: Against the Celtic foe we rose,
With hearts ablaze and swords in hand,
From our sacred, ancient homes,
We cast the devils from our land.

Chorus: Hail to the fierce, the undying,
Guardians of the sun and sky,
With the strength of our ancestors,
We will rise, we will never die.

Bridge: In the shadow of the pyramids,
Our legacy prevails,
Through the storm and battle's roar,
Our resolve will never fail.

Chorus: Hail to the fierce, the undying,
Guardians of the sun and sky,
With the strength of our ancestors,
We will rise, we will never die.

Outro:Stand with honor, proud and true,
In the spirit of our past,
For the future of our nation,
May our might forever last.

I'll play as the Maya.
From: The Union Government of Celtonia
To: The Incan State

We would be willing to use our influence to suggest the Portuguese rebellion fully disarm and commit to a demilitarized state. Further, we are happy to endorse a neutral third party orchestrating any future referendum. It is our position that the crushing of the rebellion by force of arms would inflame anti-Incan sentiment in Celtonia, and wish to avoid our people calling for direct Celtic intervention in the conflict.

Namely - if the Incan State will commit to a general declaration of amnesty and freedom from prosecution for the Portuguese rebels if they lay down their arms, and to organize a plebiscite with international oversight (we would suggest Spanish or American) following the cessation of hostilities - we will attempt to use our influence to convince the rebel forces to peacefully do so.

From: The Union Government of Celtonia
To: The Union of Mexico

We believe that the most effective method of resolving the civil war quickly will be to offer concessions to the communist guerillas, while focusing our offensives against the Aztec fundementalists. As such, we propose the following:

1. A program of land reform and redistribution in rural Mexico - Celtonia will compensate Mexican landowners (in Celtonian arkans) so that they may reinvest in urban areas.
2. A list of worker's rights guaranteed in the Mexican constitution - minimum wages and working conditions for industrial and agricultural laborers (no wage controls at this time for white-collar workers).
3. The free entry of the Mexican Communist party into the electoral system without punishment so that the Mexican People may (if they choose) vote for additional reforms in postwar elections.

The Celtonian government will not issue terms on behalf of the Mexican government as your decisions are sovereign in this matter - this is merely the recommendation of the Aonach.
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Inca-Maya Defensive Pact

~ The Inca State and the Maya Empire agree to a defensive pact, effective for two years, subject to periodic renewal.


signed - Kamachiq Atik Quylluratuq
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Inca-Maya Defensive Pact

~ The Inca State and the Maya Empire agree to a defensive pact, effective for two years, subject to periodic renewal.


signed - Kamachiq Atik Quylluratuq

signed, Prime Minister Apoxpalon Pech in the name of his divine majesty

World Tour Announcement​

In profound honor and with utmost jubilation, we announce that our Tawananna shall embark upon a grand journey across the world, and visit as many of the great ports and nations we can reach. His family shall travel with him aboard the historic ship TV Arrinia’s Blessings. It is our hope and our aspiration that this moment can be one where the nations of the world can present both their honored history and share their modern accomplishments to the world.

Events shall be organized by our Wardens in concert with local authorities. Public visitations shall be held. Royal generosity shall be offered. Pending time, visits of interior cities by Rail, Truck, or Airship may be assessed and approved.

To the Governments of the World: If you would wish to recommend additional destinations, or withdraw your nation from the proposed itinerary below, please make your will known. Our local Wardens shall be available to negotiate any details that may be necessary to ensure a peaceful and safe journey, and an appropriate presentation of each destination.
Spoiler Original Map :


Spoiler Updated Map :

Notable Proposed Ports of Call (MODIFIED!)
  1. Amsterdam, Netherlands
  2. Keflavik, Greenland
  3. Oslo, Scandinavia
  4. Alleghany, Iroquois
  5. Konigsberg, Germany
  6. Kiel, Germany
  7. New York, United States of America
  8. Dyrrachium, Rome
  9. Alesia, Celtonia
  10. Ventree, Celtonia
  11. Halifax, Acadia
  12. Stavanger, Stavanger
  13. Seattle, United States of America
  14. Miami, United States of America
  15. Maunch Chunk, Iroquois
  16. Toledo, Spain
  17. Coruna, Spain
  18. Vitcos, Inca
  19. Molde, Molde
  20. Chichén Itza, Maya
  21. Copan, Maya

Internal Memorandum 117.3580* from the Warden** of the Maya and the Commissioner of Foreign Visitors, With Postscript by the Nabar-GAL Tudhaliya​

It is without doubt that “Neo-Mayan Modernism” is one of the great cultural trends of the previous century and of the modern era. Stemming from the Celtic occupation of Copan and Chichen Itza, and adopted by the Architects of Trans-Atlantic Liberalism. Such cultural appropriation has brought great benefits to the Mayan Empire, which we shall detail below. But in summary: Tourism brings wealth and understanding. Understanding brings prestige and respect. The Mayans are considered an honored part of the international community, despite participating in the First World War.

. . .

In contrast, while our realm has architectural wonder at least equal, if not greater splendor, we have seen no such “Tourism Dividend” after World War Two. This, we can lay at the feet of the alienating policies we have levied towards visitors in our nation. It is one thing to be aloof or isolationist, but another to refuse the admiration and respect of our fellow nations and their peoples.

There is no harm for other nations to learn more of our Faith, our stalwart People, and of our rich History. In fact, only good can come from this. If you look at the great nations of our world, the ones with the most books written about them, and the most visitors and travelers, are inevitably the ones that are the strongest and with the most prestige.

Of course, national security shall remain of key concern. Tourists will not be permitted to wander through sensitive areas, or active archeological sites - indeed, our own commoners do not have that right. We can look towards the modern management of foreign visitors in these other nations to learn what we can adopt to overhaul our system.

Stability will also be maintained by ensuring that visitors are still properly vetted before being offered entry passes, and establishing proper infrastructure to negotiate the cultural differences that would inevitably precede cultural appreciation.
. . .

Here is the proposal from our assessment: at the very least we need to overhaul our quota system for entry passes, and provide updated literature regarding the appropriate manners to present, and splendid sights to see. We should also train a slate of multilingual guides to offer services and navigate cultural differences.

Lastly, we need to create a draw reminding the world that our nation exists and is open for their eyes and interest. We propose that the Tawananna, our glorious symbol, and his family to represent our nation on a World Tour. Alongside our agents can share pamphlets and work with local authorities to arrange for the vetting of those seeking entry permits to visit our nation as tourists.

If we can also reform our system for visitors for investment, this would also smooth the flow of capital and prevent some of the unfortunate incidents of the previous decade. Refer to memorandum 312.3576

Post Script: The Tawananna will be delighted to undertake such a mission for the benefit of our nation. The Panku-GAL shall hold a hearing for you to present specific proposals and will issue the appropriate decrees to make them happen. Esdu - Nabar-GAL Tudhaliya

* Because the Magistracy of Peace handles foreign policy, it will be the Wardens that serve as Ambassadors/Envoys/Embassies etc.
** The Hatti Calender starts from when Hattusa was made capital of the unified Holy Kingdom, which was 1652 B.C.
*** Each country has 2 Wardens assigned to it: the first for diplomacy, the second for intelligence. The differing roles of these Wardens are not elucidated in public, and they usually go on diplomatic missions together.
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From: The Union Government of Celtonia
To: The Union of Mexico

We believe that the most effective method of resolving the civil war quickly will be to offer concessions to the communist guerillas, while focusing our offensives against the Aztec fundementalists. As such, we propose the following:

1. A program of land reform and redistribution in rural Mexico - Celtonia will compensate Mexican landowners (in Celtonian arkans) so that they may reinvest in urban areas.
2. A list of worker's rights guaranteed in the Mexican constitution - minimum wages and working conditions for industrial and agricultural laborers (no wage controls at this time for white-collar workers).
3. The free entry of the Mexican Communist party into the electoral system without punishment so that the Mexican People may (if they choose) vote for additional reforms in postwar elections.

The Celtonian government will not issue terms on behalf of the Mexican government as your decisions are sovereign in this matter - this is merely the recommendation of the Aonach.

From: The Union of Mexico
To: our friends and allies in Celtonia

Reluctantly, we agree to your proposals in principle. However we must be careful to avoid giving too much power and legitimacy to the rebels currently in active rebellion against the state.

We agree to begin implementation of articles 1 and 2. We must add conditions on Article 3 to be fully implemented only on conclusion of a peace treaty and an end to the fighting. In the interim, we are prepared to immediately offer full amnesty to Communist milita who are willing to lay down their arms, and a transition for current Communist commanders to once again become citizens and politicans.

Our position would be greatly strengthened by the defeat of the so-called 'Holy Aztec Empire' radicals who have shown themselves to be utterly barbaric and truly abhorrent in the modern world. We propose to focus on them as the main threat.

OOC: more NPC diplo to come tomorrow! I am super tired this evening, it's already 1am here. Also I noticed Union of Mexico was Republic of Mexico on the map, I am fixing that now. I really appreciate the input so far from everyone!
From: The Conseil-in-Aonach of Celtonia
To: Her Most Serene and Splendid Imperial Majesty Basilissa Sophia III, Her Reportedly Handsome Consul Paris Angelus, and the Senate and People of Rome

It is our pleasure to promote a pact of particular productivity between our august nations. The Roman-Celtic Scientific and Commercial Pact envisions the following:

1. Celtonia and Rome will invest a minimum of $5 (with an option to increase) in one another's economic or industrial sectors annually for the next 5 years.
2. Celtonia and Rome will endeavor to construct mutually beneficial increased rail, port, and air links between our nations, with the costs of infrastructure projects mutually shared where mutually beneficial.
3. Celtonia and Rome will establish a unified packaging regime for commercial products, with product information published in Celtic and Greek.
4. Celtonia and Rome will establish a tariff-free regime to encourage mutual increases in exports (exempting military and other goods of critical national security as deemed in exclusion lists).
5. Celtonia will share scientific and technical expertise with Rome, establishing a rotation of professors and lecture series in numerous fields.
6. Rome will provide Celtonia with a preferential option to purchase Roman oil surpluses during peacetime.

We await the reply of the Roman Senate with any needed clarifications or amendments.
The Roman Government of Her Most Serene and Splendid Imperial Majesty, the Basalissa Sophia III, Empress of the Romans and Defender of the Faith, agrees to the treaty with the Celts; we believe that this sets a proper example of cooperation throughout the continent.

Let peace come not through force of arms, but from the mutual profits of our companies!

New York, United States of America

Representing an expansion of ties across the Atlantic, Crown Princess Euphemia, daughter of the Empress, attended the signing and ratification of the new North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Made up of the United States, Rome, and Germany, the alliance intends to foster the mutual aid and protection amongst Atlantic democracies. The Crown Princess has been sent as a representative as her mother to expand on the current Roman-German alliance and to build ties with the United States in an effort to make a democratic bloc that will make any aggressive dictatorships think twice about any wars of aggression

Terms of the Treaty of New York in regards to the formation of NATO:

Article I: Members renounce the use of force to resolve disputes between themselves
Article II: Members agree to maintain democratic governments, collaborate on commercial and cultural ties between themselves with an emphasis on free and fair economic competition
Article III: Members agree to maintain adequate defensive forces to contribute to mutual defense and to support NATO missions, commensurate with their economic power
Article IV: Members who fail to maintain modern defensive forces that can contribute to the defense of other members, and Members who fail to maintain democratic governments, can have their membership suspended by a 2/3 majority vote, and ultimately expelled by unanimous vote
Article V: An attack on one member is an attack on all; defensive

Signed Her Most Serene and Splendid Imperial Majesty, the Basalissa Sophia III

From The Roman Empire, on behalf of NATO
To Holstein, Acadia, Stavanger, Nebraska

We would like to formally invite you to join the NATO treaty

From The Roman Empire, on behalf of NATO
To Nassau-Tennessee

We understand that there has been unfortunate chaos in your nation as a result of war and revolution. NATO forces would be more than happy to assist you in the re-establishment of order in your nation and assist in setting up free and fair elections; if the government that emerges from those elections is amenable, we would be eager to offer you NATO membership.

From The Roman Empire, on behalf of NATO
To Spain

Though you are not an Atlantic Sea Power, we do note that you share security concerns with the other members of the North Atlantic Community. Therefore, we believe it would be fitting to invite you to NATO as well. Her Most Serene and Splendid Imperial Majesty sends well-wishes to her sister monarch, Queen Isabella III, and hopes that they can join hands and make the world safe for their nations and for freedom loving peoples everywhere.

Crown Princess to depart for Scandinavian Union to negotiate the Varangian Treaty!
Kiel, Germany

After a tour of Kiel Harbor, where Roman goods are unloaded onto the docks and German goods loaded onto the ships, Crown Princess Euphemia dined with local officials and German Chancellor Heinrich Biermann, where they enjoyed a performance from the renowned Kiel Children's Church Choir. She will be spending the morning breakfasting with the Women's Society for the Relief of Poverty before departing on Hermes, the imperial yacht used for diplomatic purposes, on a voyage to Oslo, where she hopes to expand Roman-Norse ties with the Hásætisvörður. On the agenda? Negotiations of trade barriers being reduced, non-aggression, and the allowing of Roman military recruitment on Scandinavian soil for the elite Varangian Guard to regain its Nordic character.

The Varangian Treaty
Article I: The Scandinavian Union agrees to allow the Roman Empire to recruit for the Elite Varangian Guard on Scandinavian soil
Article II: Rome and Scandinavia agree to an indefinite Non-Aggression Pact
Article III: Rome and Scandinavia agree to foster further cultural and commercial ties

Signed Crown Princess Euphemia, on behalf of Her Most Serene and Splendid Imperial Majesty, the Basalissa Sophia III,

From The Roman Empire
To Normandie, Greenland, Molde, Norseland

We would be thrilled to foster ties with your countries as we look to revive the Norse character of the Varangian Guard. Would you be amenable to signing a version of the Varangian Treaty?

From The Roman Empire
To Stavanger

In addition to our proposal of NATO, we would also be eager to sign a Varangian Treaty with you as well.
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View attachment 700152

New York, United States of America

Representing an expansion of ties across the Atlantic, Crown Princess Euphemia, daughter of the Empress, attended the signing and ratification of the new North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Made up of the United States, Rome, and Germany, the alliance intends to foster the mutual aid and protection amongst Atlantic democracies. The Crown Princess has been sent as a representative as her mother to expand on the current Roman-German alliance and to build ties with the United States in an effort to make a democratic bloc that will make any aggressive dictatorships think twice about any wars of aggression

Terms of the Treaty of New York in regards to the formation of NATO:

Article I: Members renounce the use of force to resolve disputes between themselves
Article II: Members agree to maintain democratic governments, collaborate on commercial and cultural ties between themselves with an emphasis on free and fair economic competition
Article III: Members agree to maintain adequate defensive forces to contribute to mutual defense and to support NATO missions
Article IV: Members who fail to maintain modern defensive forces that can contribute to the defense of other members, and Members who fail to maintain democratic governments, can have their membership suspended by a 2/3 majority vote, and ultimately expelled by unanimous vote
Article V: An attack on one member is an attack on all; defensive

Signed Her Most Serene and Splendid Imperial Majesty, the Basalissa Sophia III

From The Roman Empire, on behalf of NATO
To Holstein, Acadia, Stavanger, Nebraska

We would like to formally invite you to join the NATO treaty

From The Roman Empire, on behalf of NATO
To Nassau-Tennessee

We understand that there has been unfortunate chaos in your nation as a result of war and revolution. NATO forces would be more than happy to assist you in the re-establishment of order in your nation and assist in setting up free and fair elections; if the government that emerges from those elections is amenable, we would eager to offer you NATO membership.

Crown Princess to depart for Scandinavian Union to negotiate the Varangian Treaty!
Kiel, Germany

After a tour of Kiel Harbor, where Roman goods are unloaded onto the docks and German goods loaded onto the ships, Crown Princess Euphemia dined with local officials and German Chancellor Heinrich Biermann, where they enjoyed a performance from the renowned Kiel Children's Church Choir. She will be spending the morning breakfasting with the Women's Society for the Relief of Poverty before departing on Hermes, the imperial yacht used for diplomatic purposes, on a voyage to Oslo, where she hopes to expand Roman-Norse ties with the Hásætisvörður. On the agenda? Negotiations of trade barriers being reduced, non-aggression, and the allowing of Roman military recruitment on Scandinavian soil for the elite Varangian Guard to regain its Nordic character.

The Varangian Treaty
Article I: The Scandinavian Union agrees to allow the Roman Empire to recruit for the Elite Varangian Guard on Scandinavian soil
Article II: Rome and Scandinavia agree to an indefinite Non-Aggression Pact
Article III: Rome and Scandinavia agree to foster further cultural and commercial ties

Signed Crown Princess Euphemia, on behalf of Her Most Serene and Splendid Imperial Majesty, the Basalissa Sophia III,

From The Roman Empire
To Normandie, Greenland, Molde, Norseland

We would be thrilled to foster ties with your countries as we look to revive the Norse character of the Varangian Guard. Would you be amenable to signing a version of the Varangian Treaty?

From The Roman Empire
To Stavanger

In addition to our proposal of NATO, we would also be eager to sign a Varangian Treaty with you as well.
Germany signs the NATO Treaty and is hopeful the rest will follow suit.
In order to de-escalate the Portuguese conflict, the Celtonian Union is declaring a blockade of the Portuguese coastline. To avoid a repetition of the Cuzco Intervention and further military escalation, we urge all sides to commit to an immediate cease-fire and negotiations.

Attempts by the Portuguese Free State to pursue further offensives, or by the Inca or Maya to attack Lisbon, shall be seen as violations of the blockade protection zone and potential threats to Celtonian military assets. These threats shall be responded to accordingly.

Approved by the Consail-in-Aonach.

(Vote tally: 204 in favor, 189 against, 26 abstentions)
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View attachment 700152

New York, United States of America

Representing an expansion of ties across the Atlantic, Crown Princess Euphemia, daughter of the Empress, attended the signing and ratification of the new North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Made up of the United States, Rome, and Germany, the alliance intends to foster the mutual aid and protection amongst Atlantic democracies. The Crown Princess has been sent as a representative as her mother to expand on the current Roman-German alliance and to build ties with the United States in an effort to make a democratic bloc that will make any aggressive dictatorships think twice about any wars of aggression

Terms of the Treaty of New York in regards to the formation of NATO:

Article I: Members renounce the use of force to resolve disputes between themselves
Article II: Members agree to maintain democratic governments, collaborate on commercial and cultural ties between themselves with an emphasis on free and fair economic competition
Article III: Members agree to maintain adequate defensive forces to contribute to mutual defense and to support NATO missions, commensurate with their economic power
Article IV: Members who fail to maintain modern defensive forces that can contribute to the defense of other members, and Members who fail to maintain democratic governments, can have their membership suspended by a 2/3 majority vote, and ultimately expelled by unanimous vote
Article V: An attack on one member is an attack on all; defensive

Signed Her Most Serene and Splendid Imperial Majesty, the Basalissa Sophia III

From The Roman Empire, on behalf of NATO
To Holstein, Acadia, Stavanger, Nebraska

We would like to formally invite you to join the NATO treaty

From The Roman Empire, on behalf of NATO
To Nassau-Tennessee

We understand that there has been unfortunate chaos in your nation as a result of war and revolution. NATO forces would be more than happy to assist you in the re-establishment of order in your nation and assist in setting up free and fair elections; if the government that emerges from those elections is amenable, we would be eager to offer you NATO membership.

From The Roman Empire, on behalf of NATO
To Spain

Though you are not an Atlantic Sea Power, we do note that you share security concerns with the other members of the North Atlantic Community. Therefore, we believe it would be fitting to invite you to NATO as well. Her Most Serene and Splendid Imperial Majesty sends well-wishes to her sister monarch, Queen Isabella III, and hopes that they can join hands and make the world safe for their nations and for freedom loving peoples everywhere.

Crown Princess to depart for Scandinavian Union to negotiate the Varangian Treaty!
Kiel, Germany

After a tour of Kiel Harbor, where Roman goods are unloaded onto the docks and German goods loaded onto the ships, Crown Princess Euphemia dined with local officials and German Chancellor Heinrich Biermann, where they enjoyed a performance from the renowned Kiel Children's Church Choir. She will be spending the morning breakfasting with the Women's Society for the Relief of Poverty before departing on Hermes, the imperial yacht used for diplomatic purposes, on a voyage to Oslo, where she hopes to expand Roman-Norse ties with the Hásætisvörður. On the agenda? Negotiations of trade barriers being reduced, non-aggression, and the allowing of Roman military recruitment on Scandinavian soil for the elite Varangian Guard to regain its Nordic character.

The Varangian Treaty
Article I: The Scandinavian Union agrees to allow the Roman Empire to recruit for the Elite Varangian Guard on Scandinavian soil
Article II: Rome and Scandinavia agree to an indefinite Non-Aggression Pact
Article III: Rome and Scandinavia agree to foster further cultural and commercial ties

Signed Crown Princess Euphemia, on behalf of Her Most Serene and Splendid Imperial Majesty, the Basalissa Sophia III,

From The Roman Empire
To Normandie, Greenland, Molde, Norseland

We would be thrilled to foster ties with your countries as we look to revive the Norse character of the Varangian Guard. Would you be amenable to signing a version of the Varangian Treaty?

From The Roman Empire
To Stavanger

In addition to our proposal of NATO, we would also be eager to sign a Varangian Treaty with you as well.

Responses to offer of 'NATO' membership

we question the need for such an alliance during our modern era of peace, it would seem to be creating unnecessary divisions. We are of course committed to peaceful relations with other countries and look forward to continued partnership with Celtonia in particular. We do not see a need at this time to enter into such a military alliance. We instead propose a ‘League of Nations’ that will work to promote peace and justice in the world, and provide a platform in which all nations may have a voice.

Holstein: we will watch the development of NATO with interest, however we do not wish to commit ourselves to such an alliance at this time. We share some of the concerns of our neighbours in Acadia to the south. We are committed to our continued partnership with Germany in the interim.

Stavanger: we will watch the development of NATO with interest, however there is much to consider, and we do not wish to rush into making such a commitment.

Nassau-Tennessee: we are interested in joining NATO, however as a proud socialist-communist state that strives for the common good of the working class, we require assurances that we will not be required to change our political system. We also will need some time to consider the implications. We extend our goodwill to our neighbouring people, to the workers of the Roman Empire and all nations in the world, and reiterate that we believe wars of aggression to be a tool by fascist-captialist elites to consolidate their power and oppress the working class.

Nebraska: we require some time to consider the implications of joining such an alliance, as we do not wish to position our country as a ‘frontline province’ without considerable reassurances from our neighbours.

Kingdom of Spain: we thank the Roman representative for their kind words, and send our likewise good wishes to the Roman Basilissa. However, with regards to NATO, we believe this to be ill-advised political theatre that will only raise tensions on the world stage. We second the Acadian idea of the creation of a ‘League of Nations’.


Responses to the ‘Varangian Treaty’

In general, these countries will not prevent their citizens emigrating to the Roman Empire to join military service there, but it is not something they can promote as government policy.

(I will let Angst speak for Scandinavia)

Norseland in particular, respectfully refuses to compromise its current military, economic and social relationships with Celtonia.
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Brief Statement by the foreign office of the Great Iroquois Nation

We consider the rebellion in Portugal to be an internal matter for the Inca Nation and strongly discourage other nations from interfering or threatening further violence.

We furthermore condemn the 'NATO' initiative as nothing more than an attempt to create artificial divisions. We state our desire to work with the Roman Empire on a bilateral basis on numerous economic and security issues, and believe there is much that our peoples can gain from cooperation.

We add our support to the creation of a 'League of Nations' as a global body dedicated to peace and diplomacy.

Lastly, regarding the Mexican situation, we believe that continued Celtonian involvement in the region to be a major cause for unrest. We reiterate our calls for Celtonia to withdraw from its illegally-occupied areas of Nemausus and Calcadia if it truly desires peace in the region.
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