DaftRTOR - A Story Untold

View attachment 700152

New York, United States of America

Representing an expansion of ties across the Atlantic, Crown Princess Euphemia, daughter of the Empress, attended the signing and ratification of the new North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Made up of the United States, Rome, and Germany, the alliance intends to foster the mutual aid and protection amongst Atlantic democracies. The Crown Princess has been sent as a representative as her mother to expand on the current Roman-German alliance and to build ties with the United States in an effort to make a democratic bloc that will make any aggressive dictatorships think twice about any wars of aggression

Terms of the Treaty of New York in regards to the formation of NATO:

Article I: Members renounce the use of force to resolve disputes between themselves
Article II: Members agree to maintain democratic governments, collaborate on commercial and cultural ties between themselves with an emphasis on free and fair economic competition
Article III: Members agree to maintain adequate defensive forces to contribute to mutual defense and to support NATO missions, commensurate with their economic power
Article IV: Members who fail to maintain modern defensive forces that can contribute to the defense of other members, and Members who fail to maintain democratic governments, can have their membership suspended by a 2/3 majority vote, and ultimately expelled by unanimous vote
Article V: An attack on one member is an attack on all; defensive

Signed Her Most Serene and Splendid Imperial Majesty, the Basalissa Sophia III

From The Roman Empire, on behalf of NATO
To Holstein, Acadia, Stavanger, Nebraska

We would like to formally invite you to join the NATO treaty

From The Roman Empire, on behalf of NATO
To Nassau-Tennessee

We understand that there has been unfortunate chaos in your nation as a result of war and revolution. NATO forces would be more than happy to assist you in the re-establishment of order in your nation and assist in setting up free and fair elections; if the government that emerges from those elections is amenable, we would be eager to offer you NATO membership.

From The Roman Empire, on behalf of NATO
To Spain

Though you are not an Atlantic Sea Power, we do note that you share security concerns with the other members of the North Atlantic Community. Therefore, we believe it would be fitting to invite you to NATO as well. Her Most Serene and Splendid Imperial Majesty sends well-wishes to her sister monarch, Queen Isabella III, and hopes that they can join hands and make the world safe for their nations and for freedom loving peoples everywhere.

Crown Princess to depart for Scandinavian Union to negotiate the Varangian Treaty!
Kiel, Germany

After a tour of Kiel Harbor, where Roman goods are unloaded onto the docks and German goods loaded onto the ships, Crown Princess Euphemia dined with local officials and German Chancellor Heinrich Biermann, where they enjoyed a performance from the renowned Kiel Children's Church Choir. She will be spending the morning breakfasting with the Women's Society for the Relief of Poverty before departing on Hermes, the imperial yacht used for diplomatic purposes, on a voyage to Oslo, where she hopes to expand Roman-Norse ties with the Hásætisvörður. On the agenda? Negotiations of trade barriers being reduced, non-aggression, and the allowing of Roman military recruitment on Scandinavian soil for the elite Varangian Guard to regain its Nordic character.

The Varangian Treaty
Article I: The Scandinavian Union agrees to allow the Roman Empire to recruit for the Elite Varangian Guard on Scandinavian soil
Article II: Rome and Scandinavia agree to an indefinite Non-Aggression Pact
Article III: Rome and Scandinavia agree to foster further cultural and commercial ties

Signed Crown Princess Euphemia, on behalf of Her Most Serene and Splendid Imperial Majesty, the Basalissa Sophia III,

From The Roman Empire
To Normandie, Greenland, Molde, Norseland

We would be thrilled to foster ties with your countries as we look to revive the Norse character of the Varangian Guard. Would you be amenable to signing a version of the Varangian Treaty?

From The Roman Empire
To Stavanger

In addition to our proposal of NATO, we would also be eager to sign a Varangian Treaty with you as well.
The United States of America signs the NATO Treaty.
OOC: Off to a music festival, back Monday. Will catch up then.
In order to de-escalate the Portuguese conflict, the Celtonian Union is declaring a blockade of the Portuguese coastline. To avoid a repetition of the Cuzco Intervention and further military escalation, we urge all sides to commit to an immediate cease-fire and negotiations.

Attempts by the Portuguese Free State to pursue further offensives, or by the Inca or Maya to attack Lisbon, shall be seen as violations of the blockade protection zone and potential threats to Celtonian military assets. These threats shall be responded to accordingly.

Approved by the Consail-in-Aonach.

(Vote tally: 204 in favor, 189 against, 26 abstentions)
Inca Statement on the Celtonian Declaration of Blockade - 1928

The Celtonian declaration of blockade is nothing other than an attempt to goad a cassus belli by conducting an act of war against the Inca Nation. It does this not out of love for the Portuguese or any general moral principle (for why then would Celtonia be so unconcerned about the chaos in France?) but to provide grounds upon which it may deny the democratic will of the people of Cuzco as expressed in the 1920 plebiscite and thwart the will of the majority of its own people who hunger for peace and an end to ceaseless imperialist excursions abroad and rightly harbour desire for nothing but friendly neighbourly relations with the peace-loving Inca nation and all the nations of the world.

The duplicity of the Celtonian government, both towards the Inca State and towards its own people is clearly manifest in its own diplomatic policies. With one hand when its egregious suggestion to impose upon our sovereignty was rightly and firmly rejected it proposed to use its influence to disarm the ethnically Portuguese rebels on the proviso that a plebiscite overseen by observors from a neutral state be enacted following a cessation of hostilities, a not unreasonable proposal. Yet immediately on the other hand, before a response to its amended proposal could even be drafted, it preposterously declared that the suppression by the Inca State of rebellion in its own territory would entail nothing less than an act of war against Celtonia and merit a military response. This shows nothing but bad faith. Let this declaration by the Aonach be a warning to all states of the hypocrisy of the current Celtonian government, which claims to love peace and yet pursues war in every quarter. It claims to defend democracy whilst it simultaneously undermines the ardent popular will of the Inca people and indeed of nations everywhere throughout the world as seen in its coercion of the legitimate Mexican government in favour of communist radicals, in policy impositions made in the past into the internal affairs of numerous small countries defenseless against its coercion and yes, also in its cynical attempt to provoke the Inca to war and manipulate Celtonia's domestic politics thereby.

Any nation, including Celtonia, should any nation be so bold as to declare a blockade on one of its territories, would deem a declaration of the kind the Aonach has declared as a violation of all civilised principles of diplomacy and an expression of nothing less than astounding hubris. The Incan Nation thus condemns it absolutely. Yet despite the perfidy of the warmongering Celtonian government, which cannot hide its malintent and its disdain for the popular will of the nations in its actions, the Inca Nation has proven again and again by its leaderships wise policies that it, united under our government, is a peaceloving people which desires nothing but peace and concord with its neighbours. It will not be goaded to vain and foolish action against the Celtonian incursion into our sovereign waters and provide thereby the cassus belli for war Celtonia's rulers hope for by which they might on the flimsiest grounds spuriously justify yet another imperialist venture of their own making to the Celtonian people.

Let it be clear to all that if Celtonia enacts war against the Inca, it shall not be us who is the instigator but a corrupt and cynical regime in Navua whose contempt and disdain for the principles of national sovereignty and for the democracy it claims to profess have been made clearly and unambiguously manifest.

~ Kamachiq Atik Quylluratuq
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In the midst of the Incan hyperbole, the Celtonian government reminds the Inca that the disarmament of the Portuguese must require the presence of an observer force to guarantee this is occurring, and to prevent third parties from meddling in the situation by shipping in weapons of their own. The Portuguese will not trust their former colonial masters to disarm them - a point we are certain the Inca can well understand.

If indeed this policy of disarmament leading to plebiscite remains acceptable to the Inca, we look forward to negotiating on this basis. In the meantime, we will act decisively to impose an end to the violence.
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USA News Bulletin
Screenshot 2024-08-23 at 13-50-29 c5303ce3ca6b9217084be01c204f5a35.jpg (JPEG-bilde 564 × 969 p...png

- Economy on the rise! Post-war national stimulus package pass by Congress.
President Charleston signs relief bill, bringing the American economy back on its feet.

- Looking for work? Skilled laborers gallop to the Philadelphia Naval Yard,
working around the clock to meet deadlines for new government production orders.

- Smith & Wesson wins Gov. production bid, company says as War Department shakes hands with Hatti military,
agrees to supply soldiers with quality firearms.

- New York hosts international science fair. Government announces it has entered joint scientific initiative with Germany's brightest, exchanging ideas, knowledge and expertise between our great nations.
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The Path of the Bear
by Murdoch Callahan

[The excerpt below is the first in a series of belligerent pamphlets widely distributed in Navua in 1928.]

We begin with simplicity, as nature does:

True Druidism is NOT pacifism!
True Druidism is NOT isolationism!
True Druidism is NOT anti-imperialism!

Druidism in its ancient emergence and today is the worship of nature and a dedication to its protection.

Yet now, there are some groves which espouse vegetarianism so as not to do violence to innocent creatures! Again I say, to innocent creatures!

Is this, then, nature? To pull out the incisors from one's own mouth and deny their existence, or file them flat like that of a grazing cow?

Does the goshawk lay down with the mouse?

Does the bear sign a treaty with the salmon?

Does the leopard of the Hattian plains ask the consent of the antelope to snap its neck with a bite?


The bones of Celtonian mastadons chipped by our spears attest to our ascension through the hunt. Man is violence, innately a predator being.

Nay, it is liberalism which coddles this fear of violence in the human man - the rise of cities, entertainments, diversions, and all that which separates us from our original place as inhabitants of nature. Liberalism which insulates the Celtonians from the human need to hunt, to struggle, to strive, that is in the heart of OUR nature! This pacifist so-called Neo-Druidism is, as I call it, Liberal Druidism! Yet it is a defiance and a defilement of nature!

And now, consider what it has brought about on the world stage! As the UNION, ever the champion of PEACE and NATURE, has retreated from her borders, her protectorates, what has risen! More destructive industry! More competition! Ever more cities! The decline of morality! Under the banner of a BLESSED PEACE, we have set the stage for countless small empires to spread the fire further! Nay, a retreat into the groves will not serve Druidism! It will serve the DESTRUCTION of Druidism under the banner of FALSE NATURALISTIC LIBERALISM!

Only ONE HEGEMON can protect nature and control the industrial development, the rampant CAPITALISM with which these LIBERAL PACIFISTS seek to consume our Mother! ONE nation, ONE force, to sit atop the lesser nations as an APEX PREDATOR.


Nature and NATURE'S GUARDIAN, the UNION, is herself a slumbering bear. She sleeps, perhaps in hibernation, or in protecting her children, but the fact that she sleeps does not mean that roused she is not to be FURIOUS!

But do not, EVER, not to the face of any working Celtonian, or any follower of Draoi in any nation, claim that OUR NATURE is to WORSHIP PEACE AS A FALSE GOD INSTEAD OF NATURE!

OUR HUMAN NATURE is not green, but RED.

And the nature of the UNION, is not to whimper, but to ROAR.
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Unilateral Declaration of Non-Aggression, Non-Intervention, and Non-Entanglement​

Issued by the High Warden of the Magistracy of Peace, in name of the Holy Kingdom of Hatti, Approved by the Nabar-GAL and the Tawananna

It has come to our attention that with the rising tensions around the world and around our borders, there has been an increasing hearsay regarding Hatti’s intentions, ambitions, or posture on the world stage. Therefore, I am declaring the intention of the Holy Kingdom of Hatti to pursue the threefold principles of Non-Aggression, Non-Intervention, and Non-Entanglement in foreign affairs.

Non-Aggression - The Holy Kingdom of Hatti is fully satisfied and has no interest in any changes to their internationally recognized borders that were established at the end of Second World War. Any incidents that may occur should be recognized as not the official policy of the Holy Kingdom’s government. We are willing to cooperate with an approved third party to investigate and arbitrate any incidents, and pay appropriate recompense in action but not land.

Non-Intervention - The Holy Kingdom of Hatti is not responsible for the welfare and safety of Arrinist worshippers outside of her borders. Mere “reports” of persecution are easily falsified and exaggerated by the global media landscape, and will not serve any role in the official policy or posture of the Holy Kingdom. Namely, we recognize the right of other nations to establish their own religious and domestic policies, as according to their culture and traditions. However, we will maintain an open border for any Arrinist in other nations who wish to migrate to our own, and hope that free movement is maintained in nations that have promised that right. Additionally, we warn that obvious and obscene persecutions would attract the attention of not only the Holy Kingdom of Hatti, but the world community and rightly so.

Non-Entanglement - The Holy Kingdom of Hatti sees no reason to tie their fates to another nation with their own culture and concerns. Although it is interested in maintaining peaceful, if not friendly relations with all nations, it has no interest in either drawing other nations to war, or being used as a weapon in another nation’s interests. Our Wardens are still open to establishing friendly and productive bilateral agreements on many other fronts.

Other: The route of the World Tour has been updated based on feedback and invitations.
The United States is selling surplus military equipment, materials & offering Military Freelancer companies on the open market for both Player & NPC purchase

*The Lesser Iroquois Nation, Communists and Rebels are barred from making any purchases.
*Union of Mexico has a 50% discount on all purchases.
*French Empire has a 50% discount on all purchases.
* rounded up.
*Manpower and maintenance not included

Equipment & Hardware (manpower not included)
4 x Steamers at $1 per vessel, or $3 total.​
4 x Ironclads at $2 per vessel, or $5 total.​
0 x [SOLD OUT]

USA Freelancers (sanctioned by the War Department, not affiliated with the US Army or its branches)
5 x Regiments of Rough Riders at 1$ per unit, or $5 bulk purchase.
5 x Regiments of Cavalry at 2$ per unit, or 8$ bulk purchase.
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Thanks so much for all the input so far! Just a reminder the orders deadline is ~24 hours from the time of this post. If I've missed any questions please do let me know here or on discord. :salute:
The United States is selling surplus military equipment, materials & offering Military Freelancer companies on the open market for both Player & NPC purchase

*The Lesser Iroquois Nation, Communists and Rebels are barred from making any purchases.
*Union of Mexico has a 50% discount on all purchases.
*French Empire has a 50% discount on all purchases.
* rounded up.
*Manpower and maintenance not included

Equipment & Hardware (manpower not included)
4 x Steamers at $1 per vessel, or $3 total.​
4 x Ironclads at $2 per vessel, or $5 total.​
0 x [SOLD OUT]

USA Freelancers (sanctioned by the War Department, not affiliated with the US Army or its branches)
5 x Regiments of Rough Riders at 1$ per unit, or $5 bulk purchase.
5 x Regiments of Cavalry at 2$ per unit, or 8$ bulk purchase.

Normandie is willing to purchase 2x Steamers for $2, if you are willing to accept a delay in the payment to the following year (1929). This is because all of our (2) ships are currently needed to guard our coast. If you have a free ship available you are welcome to come to Besancon to collect the funds this turn.

Molde is willing to buy Ironclad class ships for $1 per ship, if anyone is willing to sell!
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The Mayan Empire is willing to fulfill Molde's order of ironclads from our mothballed fleet.
Germany is also willing to sell Molde 2x ironclads, if still in need of more ships.
The Mayan Empire is willing to fulfill Molde's order of ironclads from our mothballed fleet.

Molde thanks Germany for their offer, however in the spirit of frienship with our Mayan nieghbours we will purchase 2 Ironclads for $2.
(diplo incoming, sry i'm so slow, sooo busy)

Hinn Almenni Höfðingi
(Literally: The Ordinary Chieftain
Often translated as: The Chieftain/The Hofding/Breki's Voyage/The Voyage)

A folksy, popular work by Breki Þjálfason, a modern writer with a penchant for the humorous. It is a pseudohistorical episodic adventure novel, set in the Proto-Germanic migratory period, taking quite a few liberties with the setting (for one, it features longships, cannons, and Christians). "The Chieftain" tells the story of Harald, the epynomous young and ordinary chieftain, who leaves his cruel father to explore the seas, getting into hijinks with strange people.

While just a fun ride similar to OTL's Gulliver's Travels and The Hobbit, it has quite a few elements of poetry woven into it, as well as a clear political message represented by Breki's captaincy and his ship, which is given quite a bit of attention. The longship, named Saga, is of a particular design because it has three masts, named skipper, sailor, and shanty.

Each chapter has Breki and his crew encounter a strange nation, often a jovially thinly-veiled caricature of a contemporary, who has some issue Breki becomes entwined in; like a village who divines their decisions from a local tree, resulting in the king having had a bucket over his head for a decade; or a rabid lone soldier firing catapults to protect a single burned-down shack. At the end of each chapter, whether Breki solves the situation or not, he leaves the exotic location only to return to his travels, his crew and himself self-determined and free.

Breki's adventures and his longship is (blunt) symbolism is about national democracy. Four chapters in the book deals with Breki losing his captainship to the cook over a vote, which is treated amicably, although with some jokes about the cook being overtly concerned with fish soup. The vision of liberty is a Scandinavian one; not one of supremacy and the sword, but quietly and peacefully dealing with a common life with a snide joke every once in a while - and naturally, lots and lots of mead. In one chapter, the only one set solely on Saga, the masts have their symbolic meaning made explicit, where Breki discusses what "holds up the sails" with the cook; skipper representing individual self-direction of the captain, sailor representing the strength of the ship crew, and shanty representing a common ground for everyone to simply enjoy, even if it's not the nicest or most well-sounding song in the world. As Breki notes, the ship's sails would be worthless without the masts, even if they're just poles holding up the cloth.


As summarized in a book review

"I find that the three masts of the Hofding makes three claims of what is promised to people.

There is a promise of self-determination of a person. It is natural for a captain to sail wherever he wants to, as that is what a ship can do in the sea. Everyone has a right to vote.

There is a promise of communal interest. It is impossible for a ship to sail by the captain alone, so the health and happiness of the crew must be ensured. No one person should override the multitude.

There is a promise of belonging. Freedom is pointless if it's bereft of what makes daily life special. Everyone has a right to their culture, no matter how lowly - no matter how drunk."


In context of the zeitgeist, The Chieftain is picked up by some politicians in passing when making their principles clear. Democratic participation is a right; self-determination is a right; material prosperity is a right; and in all this, common heritage is not to be avoided. Some claims are made explicit as to the pan-Nordic movement: that a commonwealth or maybe even a union is held in high regard (by the third principle), but that such a direction should only be done voluntarily. And at a world stage, Scandinavia preaches democracy first and foremost.



? The Varangian Treaty
Article I: The Scandinavian Union agrees to allow the Roman Empire to recruit for the Elite Varangian Guard on Scandinavian soil
Article II: Rome and Scandinavia agree to an indefinite Non-Aggression Pact
Article III: Rome and Scandinavia agree to foster further cultural and commercial ties

! Scandinavia SIGNS this treaty, and agrees to the principles outlined.
Two addendums as consideration to the treaty (which is signed, with a real signature)
- Our citizens have a right to self-deliberation. This is why we support such an endeavour, if they so wish.
- Self-evident consideration in this signing: coercion, aggression, or improper sites of recruitment (such as schools) will be accordingly regulated.


OOC: The Formation of NATO
so i'm going to be more casual in my answer here; i got a PM invite to the club, but it's not formal in this thread. does scandinavia have an invitation here?
From: The Union Government of Celtonia
To: Our favored partners in Acadia, Norseland
CC: Mexico

We are requesting a commitment of soldiers from your governments to assist in protecting the democratic government of Mexico during their crisis. Ideally, these soldiers will perform peacekeeping duties in rear areas, freeing up Mexican and Celtonian forces for front-line combat, and this could be a valuable opportunity for your states to gain military experience. If possible, 2 units from each are requested.

In the event that this is acceptable, the Celtonian 9th Armada will be responsible for transporting your forces to the theatre of war. Please invoice the government for any expenses incurred during their stay.

Respectfully signed - Consail Thomson.
From: The Union Government of Celtonia
To: Our favored partners in Acadia, Norseland
CC: Mexico

We are requesting a commitment of soldiers from your governments to assist in protecting the democratic government of Mexico during their crisis. Ideally, these soldiers will perform peacekeeping duties in rear areas, freeing up Mexican and Celtonian forces for front-line combat, and this could be a valuable opportunity for your states to gain military experience. If possible, 2 units from each are requested.

In the event that this is acceptable, the Celtonian 9th Armada will be responsible for transporting your forces to the theatre of war. Please invoice the government for any expenses incurred during their stay.

Respectfully signed - Consail Thomson.

The issue was debated in Norseland's parliament and the vote to contribute troops, led by the pro-Celtic lobby has narrowly failed against cross-party opposition.

The Acadian Consail, Hillary Schmidt-Douglas, has used executive powers to authorise the temporary deployment of the Acadian Higlanders regiment to serve alongside Celtic troops in Mexico. With signs the Liberal party is divided in its support for this venture, the Consail has decided to only send that single unit.

(OOC: I actually did some dice rolls to help determine these decisions)
Know your Celtonian Navy Deployments!


Naval List of the Celtonian Union


CSS Alesia
CSS Nemausus
CSS Coritan
CSS Calcadia
CSS Tolosa
CSS Galainn
CSS Boudicca

Heavy Cruisers

CSS Gallóglaigh
CSS Ulfheðinn
CSS Ranger
CSS Landsknecht


CSS Claymore
CSS Zweihänder
CSS Falchion
CSS Khopesh
CSS Gladius
CSS Espada

Aircraft Carriers

CSS Cetacean
CSS Pelagian (under construction)


CSS Dogfish
CSS Barracuda
CSS Sandshark
CSS Haddock
CSS Marlin
CSS Hake
CSS Lionfish
CSS Moray
CSS Krait
CSS Kitefin
CSS Stingray (under construction)
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Normandie is willing to purchase 2x Steamers for $2, if you are willing to accept a delay in the payment to the following year (1929). This is because all of our (2) ships are currently needed to guard our coast. If you have a free ship available you are welcome to come to Besancon to collect the funds this turn.
The USA agrees to this transaction, and will send a vessel to pick up the payment.

Cultural Moments of the World Tour​

Although the international press took great interest in the activities of the Royal Family, several moments stood out.

Hilammaru-Kappu - The Door Guard’s Visitor​

Demonstrated by the nephews of the Royal Family at Oslo, the Hilammaru-Kappu is a popular game played with 3 roles and a ball.

Usually, it is played with two teams. Each team has a “palace” where their “Guardsmen” would guard the “Basketmen”. The job of the team’s “Visitors” to place “gifts” into a basket in the enemy’s Palace without being blocked by the Guardsmen or Visitors of the enemy’s team. However, the Visitors are not allowed to enter into the Palace, which establishes the defining dynamic of the game - how the Basketmen can discretely communicate maneuvers with their Visitors to shake off the Guards.

A smaller variant of the game consists of only one palace, defending by a guardsman and a defending visitor. The enemy visitor has to use every trick available to get their gift into the basket! Whenever a change in possession occurs, the Basketman and Guardsman exchange their roles and the field resets.


Larger variants of the game can have multiple people per role, multiple palaces, or even multiple balls in play for an exciting spectacle. Some variants do not allow Guardsmen to use their hands, instead bearing a staff that they must use to deflect the ball (and if they are hit in the body, they must sit down, making their job harder). Other variants have one guardsman protect a basket man from multiple enemy visitors, which are all competing with each other for the ball.

There is some comparison with the Maya Ballgame known as Pitz, but the designated basket carrier is a significant difference in the dynamics of the game when in play. Although the Hilammaru-Kappu may not overtake Pitz in the hearts of international athletes, it still made its moment.

New York International Science Fair​

At the great metropolis of Kiel-New York, the International Science Fair and celebration of the deeper cooperation between American and German scientists received another international visitor: The Tawananna’s family has tweaked their schedule to make sure to arrive in time. It seems that several of the younger members of the family wanted to see the marvels of international science, and where better than in New York?



Although the Hatti Delegation did not have much to offer and mostly observed with various levels of interest and awe, they did pass out a few golden statuettes to the inventors of exhibits that impressed them, and established a small scholarship with some gold to help promote international scholarship - Hattian students to study in New York, and German-American students to take a summer or year to study history in Hatti.

Hittite Traditional Cookware​

As one of the earliest Iron Age Cultures, the Hittites maintained highly sophisticated and traditional set of cookware made from Iron and Ceramics, as well as Bronze and Copper. Each type of metal is prized and utilized for their specific properties, forming a dazzling variety for presentation and serving at the banquets hosted by the Royal Family.


Soon after the departure of the Royal Family from Celtonia, the first international orders for Hattian cookware would start to trickle into Hattusa. The relatively small scale industry mostly built for the domestic market found itself flush with orders and investment dollars, expanding to meet the increasingly ravenous demand of the international market for their work.


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