Dainiji Sekai Taisen

very nice indeed, but I have very little room to manuever. I wish I could use more of the units you've supplied.

In fact after going through this site


I've decided to drop the malaria and jet fighters to squeeze in at least an early british bomber (Hudson), paratrooper, also a late jap bomber (Peggy) and a jungle raider(a la force 136 and chindits).

Progress report

units completed
tech tree completed
improvements and wonders completed
placement of cities and units completed
events- working on it now

still to go

terrain design
text updates (i.e. game and civpedia)
kobayashi said:
Negotiations will be enabled between some tribes BUT with the exchange tech OK button removed. Japan wins if it is able to control X number of objective cities and then negotiate peace with the Allies.

there is a problem with this, one of the answers "would you accept X instead" is lodged in the labels.txt and can't be erased like all the replies in the game.txt.

Any work-around? (other than changing it to 'don't click this')
Uh-oh! After which dialog(s) in Game.txt does the line in Labels.txt ("Will you accept %STRING4 instead?") appear? @EXCHANGEx?

So you've seen an unlabeled option in the dialog when you substituted a blank line for the default text in Labels?
when they ask for something in exchange for another thing, besides a straight yes or no there is a third option to offer somethingelse.

When reply options are erased from the game.txt, they simply disappear - which is the desired effect

however, when an option is erased from the labels.txt, a <nil> appears as a click button on the dialogue screen.
Just noticed that you're on this project. Great! And I love that idea for trading btw.
kobayashi said:
Any work-around? (other than changing it to 'don't click this')

With my limited experience in this area, I only see only 3 remotely possible options.
  • The one you discussed. :( 'Don't click this'
  • Edit the preceding Games.txt dialog(s) to prevent the 'Labels.txt dialog' from appearing. I suspect that this can't be accomplished.
  • Edit the human techs' AI values in @CIVILIZE so that the AI won't even consider trading for them. This may also involve:
    • Some balancing of the number of acquired techs in these civs.
    • 'Anti-trade' values in the attack/expand/civilize ratings in @LEADERS.
    • Probably should steer away from 'pro-trade' governments, e.g. Rep and Dem.
    • All of this is an untested long shot, of course. :rolleyes:
Things have progressed to the stage where I have actually been able to play test but I've never made it to 1939 because I always discovered things which needed changing and had to start over again (maybe 10 times now).

I have some basic sounds already and the people file had been done. I added Terrain2 from A World AT WAR which was great and the first round of icons has been put in. What's basically left is fixing the text and rebalancing.

Does anyone want to be the beta-tester? I figure we should get to the beta version in about two weeks or so.

While it is a human vs AI scenario, I am not going to rely on brute force Red Front style auto unit spawning to make the AI more powerful. Instead, everything is being designed so that it is difficult for the human player to control his population and get enough production to keep the war machine and economy going.


the Japanese cannot make infantry units and must rely on one or two 'free' infantry units generated each turn.

It takes two years for a big shipyard city to make a carrier.

Japan starts off with Adam Smith which allows them to barely break-even. This expires with the oil embargo and many cities wil have to switch to War Bonds (capitalization) to prevent improvements from being auctioned off automatically.
Those Icons gotta go man. The cities and special resource tile.

Sorry man but that looks horrible IMO.
I'm going for a real map feel - like in an typical WWII map, hence the cliff like coastlines and deep blue sea. The player should be able to see the territory controlled and where the resources are located at a glance. So I'm afraid the circle cities have to stay. When I'm touching up at the end maybe I'll stylize them a bit more but they will defiitely not have buildings and stuff.

As for the resources, I'll be changing all the resources to maybe a square or diamond format. The current round icon I'm using for irrigation was just a unit I stripped from Rape of Nations for temporary use. The final versions should be smaller but still at a high contrast to the background. At one point I was thinking of using words in highlighted boxes to represent the resources.

Another change yet to be experimented with is the use simple black lines for roads and a horizontal/vertical grid for the sea.

Any how I use post an updated screenshot later to test the waters again.
Well it'll be different I'll give you that. Should make a nice change from the noramal WW2 scens hopefully.
Actually I kind of like the idea of using basic form for the cities. I find it refreshing. I take it the iconsize depends on the population of the city?
What exactly are those hypnotic circles? Looks like some kind of a mutant star trek scenario ;) I'd really prefer real cities, but you make the calls! :)

I always have faith in your work, so put me up for beta testing.
CapTVK said:
Actually I kind of like the idea of using basic form for the cities. I find it refreshing. I take it the iconsize depends on the population of the city?

Yes, I actually just wanted everything to be plain circles or squares, like red dots on the map but I figured people would think that was plain laziness. So besides size, the cities change shape from square to circle to hexagon to hexcircle.


I am wondering if the negative visual impact is due to the disproportionately large circles. If you had to pick between the following (After mentally removing the ugly orange bonus circles)

1 increasing sizes, square->circle->hexagon->hexcircle (i.e just the way it is now)
2 just a uniformly small circle for all cities regardless of size
3 reduce the number of types to three (i.e. downsize all hexagons into circles)
4 reduce the number of types to two (i.e. option 2 except the very large cities remain as large hexcircles)

which one would you pick?
Eivind IV said:
What exactly are those hypnotic circles? Looks like some kind of a mutant star trek scenario ;) I'd really prefer real cities, but you make the calls! :)

I always have faith in your work, so put me up for beta testing.

OK, you be the beta man then. After playing a while you might realize that the 'plain' cities give the map an uncluttered feel.
Have a city icon with mabe notches to represent city size, or, have regular cities and an graphics set with only icons, that way the player can choose which style they want to use, :D
Kinda like Eivind's latest version of blitzkreig 1936, that allows players to choose between regular or black and white :cool:
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