Well I'll make a promise.. If I get bronze, I MAY take a shot at this... colossus. But no promises (no pun intended).
Alright, good and bad news.
First, after moving the scout to #9, I spotted the bananas. Which, wasn’t exactly the resource I was looking for. However, I was still TEMPTED to give it a shot to settle up there because there were still a few water tiles I could hit lucky on. After debating on it for quite some time, I decided to just settle where I was, as I knew for certain I’d be able to at least get a mine up before bronze working hit.
On turn 0 I was pretty happy after hitting the settle button in place. Mainly because I did get a rice patch after all. And also because moving up north wouldn’t have gained anything (except silly bananas). So I would have been behind more than ahead, and mad.
But I may have made a mistake still, not sure. I still went with my original plan of going Fishing first. I figured that one clam tile can support itself AND give 3 beakers, which is 33% of my early output. Which, should lead to gains on getting to bronze working faster, etc.
However, I may have been over-thinking this, and trying to leverage financial too much. In all honesty by the time I am done my worker, and get the city to pop 2 in order to get that clam tile, it would have a lot of catching up to do to pay off. If I had gone Mining -> Bronzeworking first, I could possibly chop faster, and get things going to a much better start. Not sure… I’ll have to run these numbers later on, but it’s possible I already misplayed this like a rookie, from turn 0 !!!
Well, fishing seems cheap, 65 beakers. Mining takes up 80, and bronze 195. Starting capitals always have a base of 9. Hmmm!
Anyhow, I popped one hut, but only got a lousy 27 gold. I also made sure to wait till the right moment. I felt for sure I was going to get something big, like animal husbandry, haha! No luck there.
Anyhow, some more bad news. Seems I’m on a really small patch of land. I already knew this a few turns in advance because you can often (illegally?) see coast lines behind hill tiles. And while it’s not 100% certain, I think it’s 95% or so that this patch is all my continent is going to get.
Grrrrr! And when I settled on that tiny river tile I was so thinking ahead of that game looking toward the SoL and 3GD. Now the only real point in building them would be to deny them to the bigger giant guys.
At least it doesn’t seem I’m at the extreme poles, so maybe I am within bounds to build the space elevator if I want to go that route, we shall see. But with so little terrain it’s doubtful if I will even get a resource like aluminum. Haha!
Soon I’ll have to get off this sh!ty little island. I was hoping I would share some patch of land with someone else… and then have a close friend only to pounce on them in the very late stage if I ran into an emergency.
It looks like the only thing I can do now is try to get a bunch of small islands and hope a lot of them will get a lot of future resources. I’m worried about not getting any oil, aluminum, uranium, and coal. And god help me if I don’t get any iron/copper cause already it looks like I got no marble or stone. On fractal it’s just too easy for a human player to march a settler off and grab whatever resource site he wants. But definitely these maps force a different kind of game.
By the way, turn #9 someone founded Buddhism. Anyone want to take a guess on who that may be?