Darious I (Archipelago Immortal series)

I think a Medium and Small map would have been a better choice for the kind of game you are trying to highlight. Your island is actually about as big as they get on Arch.
What mod is that which has all new shiny buttons and the score modifier at end of turn?
Grrr, I was in the middle of sleep when someone banged on my door and woke me up, now I can’t get back to bed so time to browse the civ forums!

Question now is, what to do for tomorrow’s set. My worker will right now get the rice up running because that’s rather obvious, nothing else he can do right now. I will probably still bee-line metal-casting because…even if I get no copper, I can at least get a trireme out or two. Maybe send a couple to opposite ends of the world to pick up contacts (I miss selling contacts from civ III), and hopefully win the circumnavigation bonus. Or.. I can try to get paper up fast and get it the cheesy way.

I also may get a couple workboats out fast and use them for scouts, until barbs are ready to show up, then bring them back.

I also should at least work more on my beaker calculations. I know there are extra hidden modifiers for how many beakers you get into a tech each turn. So far we are at a surplus.

IIRC, Immortal has a 1.25x research cost, while Settler only has 0.60.
Also, Standard has 1.30x research cost, while Duel has 1.00.

Hmm, we haven’t met anyone yet, so how come we are getting a bonus. It’s been a long time since I’ve paid more attention to these issues.
Obsolete, I may not play even close to your level, but I can give you some Archipelago tips.

1) REX like the shiz (yes, i just said that). Your priorities should be Sailing, Masonry (GLH), and Metal Casting (leads to optics, Colossus).
2) You're Financial, what are you freaking out about?
3) Pump Settlers and Work Boats, stopping occasionally for military (to escort the Settler) and Wonders.

I suggest a city 1S of the Rice to claim the 2 Ivories. At that point, it should be able to work the Rice if necessary to build some Galleys.

Your first Work Boat should hit the Clams, the second explore.
Gooblah, I was looking at that spot at the start but decided against it. Things will be just too cramped, and it’s bad enough as it is. If I land a city on the left elephant, I’ll get a bit more breathing room, and free up more water tiles, which I can at least turn into food-neutral after a lighthouse is made. I’ll also get a city bonus, and my elephant happy source will be hooked up without even needing to road anything.

Anyhow, I decided to do the next 10 turns here since I’m up… and some very interesting developments, which are rather important.

Turns 20-30
Spoiler :


First of all, we popped that bronze source I was expecting. Yup, it even was right in the fat cross, as I suspected. But what I didn’t expect was that it was in the wrong tile. It appeared south, not on that plains-hill. Hmmm! Could I be really lucky and about to get Iron on the plains-hill?

I am god-aweful pleased now I didn’t make that early move to #9.

But there’s been a bad development. When my worker had nothing to do, I had him sit south to fog-bust and watch out for anything passing by. And suddenly a red (maroon) border just popped up next to me. Ughhh.

I don’t mind.. Cyan borders… but Red!?? Why did it have to be… Red!??

At first it looks like I’m protected because there is an ocean tile separating us. However I learned in a past game that despite the manual claims Triremes,etc. can’t enter ocean squares…. If there is an ocean connected on both sides by a coast then you can indeed pass through them. Now I’m not sure if this mechanic requires a culture border to be in that ocean tile or not.

Can someone who knows how this works in 3.17 explain more definitely? It’s obviously critical here. I think, I will have to beeline a settler and place him on the right elephant tile ASAP, which will at least block him from both the left and right sides of my coast, and HOPEFULLY save the other islands for me. Though he’ll probably end up finding another way…

Anyhow, as for city builds, I decided to get a warrior asap because I want to keep those phant tiles fog-busted. When my border expands the next time I‘ll bring him home for POLICE-CONTROL.

I was originally thinking on whipping him, but I will only get 7 overflow of hammers with the rest being converted to 9 gold. That rather sucks, so I’ll just move the rice tile to the mine and get him out in 2 turns for now.
You can settle a city on the easternmost elephants and keep your borders closed with that guy (is it Tokugawa? If so, then no need to worry about that ;)). That will prevent him (her if it's not Toku but Catherine?) from settling your island.

Of course, you'll eventually want open borders for the extremely lucrative trade routes (especially after the Great Lighthouse).

Are you planning on making a settler before the Great Lighthouse? I think you should do so.
Thanks, supr! I've been lurking for a while, so I figured it was time to post =P.

Obsolete's starting situation looks pretty lame... the only option we really have is to settle our 2 or 3 cities and then get some galleys and hope that the next island over is a better rock than this one =P. It looks like we can explore to the west and east a bit, at least.

Is that Tokugawa to the south? He threatens expansion a bit, but in the long term, he's just a waste of space. He hardly ever trades techs or even opens borders... if you get an opportunity, just eliminate him and take his island =/.
I don’t think it’s Toku because the shade of red is a bit off. I suspect it is a Russian leader, but I am not 100% sure. The FoW combined with just the edge view can be distorting it quite a bit.

Whoever it is, I know they are there, and I know where their second city is now… but they don’t know where I am (yet), hehe.

I guess I could use photoshop color-picker to compare the silhouette with the other red leaders to see who it may be. Haha! Makes you wonder… shouldn’t someone have made a color-pallete for the civ community so we can do a simple eye-judgement call without the guesswork?

As for the trade-routes, they are simply going to have to suffer, because I am NOT going to open up the routes for a very long time. I am going to try and box off whatever islands I can for quite a while. I’ll turn the routes on later when I start to sprint to liberalism. I also don’t want any religions spreading to me until around that time also.

Anyhow, my settler will have to wait. I am NOT going to stall TGL. That Deity-of-random game had the wonder gone at turn 50 in one of the runs. And since immortal gets no more and no less wonder bonuses than deity, I simply can’t expect them to be any much worse, because the era-bonus doesn’t even kick in at that time.
Can someone who knows how this works in 3.17 explain more definitely? It’s obviously critical here. I think, I will have to beeline a settler and place him on the right elephant tile ASAP, which will at least block him from both the left and right sides of my coast, and HOPEFULLY save the other islands for me. Though he’ll probably end up finding another way…

Something like that happened to me before in a recent game I played. Huayna Capac was on a continent to my southwest, and his workboats were able to cross over to my continent, but mine couldn't reach his.

The reason his boats could reach my continent was that his cultural borders went out into the ocean, and were just far enough to touch one of my coastal squares. On the other hand, my cultural borders didn't go that far, and the place where they met Huayna's borders was on ocean tiles. Therefore, my workboats could not pass into his cultural borders because they would have to enter ocean in order to do so.
Alright, that settles it then. I need to block that off as a priority. At least, before the Red-guy ends up getting compass. IIRC compass is the only thing that extends borders past another water-tile.

So unfortunately, my other island will have to wait, despite the boosted trade bonus for now. Safety first... fun later.

Since I don't have control of the Oracle, and I don't have control over the goodies they popped from Huts.. I'm not going to mess around here. That spot gets settled right after TGL.
Alright, that settles it then. I need to block that off as a priority. At least, before the Red-guy ends up getting compass. IIRC compass is the only thing that extends borders past another water-tile.

Optics is the tech that gives you +1 water view.

Also, Compass doesn't extend cultural borders past another water tile. It's normal culture that does it, and its capped at 2 water spaces.
If there is only one row of ocean tiles separating you two, whoever's culture covers it will be able to travel over into the other territory. So if his culture controls the ocean you better close borders, but if you get control keep them open as you'll be able to travel to his lands (and not vice versa).

Or of course there might be two rows of ocean tiles in which case travel will be impossible for either side until astronomy and you might as well open borders for trade routes (which can travel over oceans pre-astro through culture touching)
if he manages to cultural wrestle those ocean tiles he could benefit both from trade routes and be safe from invasions(assuming those borders are for a newly placed city which will also pop its borders). If the red guy gets those tiles, he can invade pre astro.
Alright, we have some bad news… and then some worse news…

First, the bad news.

Turns 30-40

Spoiler :

I whipped a workboat and sent it asap to scout toward the east island. Unfortunately, from the tiles scouted so far, there is nothing of value. Nothing! No food, no other sources, not even a production hill. Not even a river! Cant even find a defensive spot for a pill-box. Ohh, but we got jungle-tiles if that’s your fancy!

Hmmm! Hopefully something gets discovered fast near the south of it or… the hell with that, let the barbs keep it. I’ll come back later and maybe get lucky in 400 turns from now to see uranium on it or… SOMETHING.

My other work boat will immediately go to the west, probably start with the lower west since it’s closer to the red-guy, and see if there is anything decent I can try to claim before I get out-paced. I was originally going to whip this second workboat, but then realized I will have a stacked unhappiness for 16 turns. Ummm…. Maybe I’m going a bit over-board already.. As I don’t even have a police-guard in the capital. I ended up backing off from the whip for now… Though I should have thought of that earlier, cause then I could have got a second work boat timed out better. You know how it goes, often missing something by 1 turn ends up spiraling out of control and you lose the game.

And now.. The worse news.

Remember how I figured it was a Russian leader? I was thinking we got 3 of them, so odds are in our favour it is not Stalin. I mean, the game couldn’t be this cruel to us could it? The only guys I didn’t’ want to see right there were aggressive, or industrious. No… the game couldn’t be this sick could it?

Well, you guessed it! Stalin greeted us. That’s right.

Ohooo, not only did he greet us, you ask, how is that possible? Well look, right away his border popped! That can only mean one thing, he already has the Stonehenge… and is in his shiny-factor mode. So… we are in …. serious trouble.

I am going to have to take a good long pause here and try to regroup how to get out of this mess. Notice that ALREADY he can cross the ocean tile with a workboat… or entire naval army if he wants and land directly in my lands. And there is nothing I can do about it. And he is aggressive!

Very big problems here… I don’t know how this lighthouse thing will work, when Stalin starts on a coast… and gets mining and fishing techs due to the bonus techs from the start. And gets 50% wonder bonus… I just HOPE he really has the stone I don’t, so when he gets masonry to unlock TGL he will be tempted to go for TGW or Mids instead. Maybe.. He delays sailing for a while, even on Archipelago? I don’t know how he thinks, in fact the AI is so terrible a thinker, I often don’t even try to guess anymore.

I think, I will try to grow my blocker city asap while bee lining caste, so I can run a bunch of artists. That way I can try to win the culture-war over the ocean and have a protection net from getting backstabbed and a$$-raped by him without any warning. If he wants to attack me, he’ll have to snake around other islands the hard way. Now.. If only I can last that long. Sadly, I’ll end up losing some great Gps due to artists, but what else can I do?
Here's what to do:

1. Get the Great Lighthouse ASAP
2. Settle that southern elephant city to block
3. Quickly get 2-3 more settlers on your main island
4. Open Borders with Stalin. If you see any galleys heading your way, you might as well close your borders.

Also, check your espionage level in comparison with Stalin's to see if he's in contact with anyone else.
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