DataI0 Errors???


High Admiral
Mar 24, 2002
AEGIS Cruiser
Ok I was just playing a refreshing game of Regent when my comp froze!! (sorry i was trying to run word 2000!!) anyways i rebooted and then when I try to run my autosave about 17% into the loading a little thing will pop up and say ::

DataI0 Error : GAME

I press OK, then another box pops up that says an error was encountered in the file. I press the little O. Goes back to menu. I tried all my autosaved games and that happens all the time. Should I reinstall Civ3? Should I reinstall 1.17f? Help!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:
i cant help but i am not happy not one bit i had 3 good games going and all of them got hit by the DATA IO BUG arghhhh runnnnnnnn i hope they fixed it REALLY SOON
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