Deathmatch: Council Spoiler Thread

Any update from you Niklas?
I'm dying to know what you're up to!

I'll try to play this save tonight.
Forgot to take screenshots, but...

Atomic Theory complete! I sent it to General_W, neither bear has it at this point. I contemplated starting on Electronics, but I simply didn't find it worth it, I don't research fast enough. I went for Economics at 0% research, will take me 7 turns to finish. Getting Smith's will help me enormously, all my productive cities have markets and banks, and a good deal of them have harbors and/or airports as well. I think General_W can handle Electronics and MotoTrans only marginally slower than I would do Electronics on my own.

In other news I've been bulking up on armies, my 4th (3rd built) will complete next turn. Not sure yet whether I should fill them with Tanks, or if I should save up for Modern Armor and MechInfs. They are still some 20 turns off though, depending on what free tech General_W gets of course. Maybe 3-move Tank armies are good enough? :mischief:
Sorry, no screenshots, but at least a status report.

General_W has all but reclaimed the center island. There is Exospector left on the south coast, but it will invariably fall this turn (presumably it will have been scared to death already). The increasing bombing from Whomp is starting to be a problem though, so we probably need more fighters in defense. So far the flaks really don't do their job, not a single one has fired at an incoming bomber and several have been bombed down. :mad:

Beorn also bombed out the east coast furs, so he has a carrier or two out in the ocean. I had no margins for happiness so pretty much all my large production cities are in riot. I've sent workers to reconnect them next turn and had to up the culture slider to 10% (cost 50 gpt) to keep everyone happy. My wines are similarly vulnerable, so I've garrisoned them with flaks and infantry now. I'll also have a fighter on interception duty from next turn, need more of those.

I sent my bombers on a whim over Perf's Avatar, I can't reach that many other places. Lo and behold, he had bombers in there, and they are targeted first! General_W, I urge you to continue what I started there! If we can catch his bomber fleet on the ground, that's going to be a tremendous backlash for him.
sweet! Good find, Niklas.

I'll continue that if I can reach (I think I can).

I think I'll have time to play later today - and I'll even try to get some screenshots :thumbsup:
Cool, some of us are still watching this thing with interest!
General_W, if you want me to keep playing your turns then just let me know! :salute:
Well, after all it's just a couple of turns played in that span... :coffee:
Beorn learned Mass Production (I assume just this turn, since Whomp doesn't seem to have it yet)
I pass it along to Niklas.

3 Turns to Tanks! :D

Keep that gold coming Niklas! I'm at -134gpt

Couple quick screenshots for all you patient lurkers:



My stack in the south is in really rough shape.
I'm in firm control of the center island for now - so I evacuate 12 units (mix of cavalry and infantry) to help hold the south pass.

I've still got sizable forces in the center if the bears try a landing.
I've also isolated Perf's Avatar from any reinforcements. Maybe we should try to take it Niklas?
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