Decrease opponent's gold?


Jun 2, 2006
Orlando, Florida
Well, I'm playing a single player game, and I'm trying to bribe some Indian cities, but they have a pretty large treasury, so to incite a revolt most cities require 15,000 gold or more. Since I need to subvert them, that's way too much to pay, so I was wondering if there's a way to decrease their treasury, without demanding tribute. They have nukes so I don't want to risk going to war.
Yes. However, If you really want to maintain the peace, start trading with them. Send as many camals/freight to AI cities as you can and build up your treasury, than you can pick off a few Indian cities. But, you might be better off to use the coins to build SDI defenses in your cities and build up your army to conquer them. When the AI gets nukes, its always a GOOD idea to build SDIs in your cities, just to be safe.
Ace is right. Once the AI has the nukes, they would use it to prevent you from wining the game. You just have to build SDIs and prepare a bigger army than theirs.
Vet spies can bribe more cheaply. If you can capture by force the ai palace, it will cost them 1000 gold to rebuild it. If they rebuild to a new city, capture it also. When they do not have 1000 gold, all the rest of their cities can be bribed very cheaply.
As was said before, the ai will nuke any unprotected city at any time. Build sdi asap. Note that sdi in one city will also protect other cities within 3 squares. Plan your build to use this fact, and watch the nukes fail.
ai will nuke any unprotected city at any time. Build sdi asap. Note that sdi in one city will also protect other cities within 3 squares. Plan your build to use this fact, and watch the nukes fail.
The AI will not nuke tiny cities. Size 8 seems to be the trigger to get nuke attention, but I have not done exhaustive tests, and in games I've played with nukes, my cities were either greater than 7, or size 1 & 2.

This plan of attack is called the Nuke Trap. For example, if you build your cities in the right pattern in BC, for nuke war 3000 years later, you can make size 1/2 SDI cities "covering" your metropolises.

Nukes & the AI Summary:
1. The AI does not fly nukes to the target. The missile simply appears overhead and detonates, with no ground track like a human planer must do.
2. When the AI produces a nuke in any city in its empire, it is instantly available for launch from any city in its empire.
3. The AI nukes obey the 16-square range limit, from their launch point.
4. After production & subsequent physical existance, the nuke is bound by the 16-square range limit.
5. The AI will not "scout" with its nukes; the go home & stay there.
6. The AI knows with 100% accuracy which cities have SDI. Instantly.
7. The AI will never nuke a city which contains the SDI city improvement.
8. The AI does not ever look at what is protected by the 3-square SDI protection umbrella.
9. The AI does not ever nuke a ship stack... no matter how large.
10. The AI is incapable of correlating civilization unhappiness & nukes with government type & wonders; most notably, it will not rehome nukes to the Shakespeare city in a Republic/Democracy. It will change government forms (usually to Fundy) if it cannot cope with Democracy unhappiness.

The above, as in all my posting, relates to Civ 2 MGE (5.4.0f), and with reference to Diety-level play. If anyone observes any reproducable exceptions to the above, please post! :)
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