Dedicate Music to Other Posters


Feb 6, 2008
Combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell
This was originally gangleri2001's idea, but the thread got locked. So I'm making a new one! But make sure you follow the rules for this kind of thread, which are: "people must consent to be targeted in the thread. Additionally, no trolling or flaming. No foul or dirty content in the links."

So have at it! I of course am in.
I dun know anything about music but I hereby consent to music being dedicated towards me.
Man, if that song doesn't hit the nail on the head as to why I'm not married at 41...
Man, if that song doesn't hit the nail on the head as to why I'm not married at 41...

You're officially my favorite poster on the board. First the oversized Nascar Coffee Mug (which I called accurately, BTW) and now Freebird. If I ever make it out to Missouri I'll buy you a Bud. The closest I ever get is Peoria, IL BTW.
Consent given.
Nothing to dedicate at the moment, but I give consent.
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