Deity let's play: Ragnar


May 14, 2021
I've been inspired by Henrik and Lain to record a game. First thing to say is that it's much harder and a lot more work than it looks - ar at least I've found it to be - so kudos to them.

I've played a bit and I think the sound quality and slow play are less of a problem now so bear with me. I spend about 25 minutes talking about this and the leader before actually starting so, if you don't care what I think about aggressive or the trading post, I'd skip that. I've already uploaded a couple of videos. I can't promise how quickly I'll upload more because of life but I do promise to finish the game!

Deity NHNE - normal speed - fractal and everything normal.

We're a charming bearded gentleman by the name of Ragnar. Here's the start. There were no rerolls and I don't think it's actually as good as it looks at first blush for reasons I explain in the video:

Spoiler :


Here's the game:

Spoiler :

And the worldbuilder is here to if you want to play along.

It's one of the most interesting maps I've played for a while so hopefully you'll enjoy watching, playing or both.


Thanks for upload! good to see another civtuber.

Some feedback:
You may want to fix something about your scaled output as its shrinking the game by about 20% and leaving a lot of blank space on the screen and a smaller UI.
For a deity let's play, maaybe don't talk about the civ & leader for 25 minutes - anyone watching deity would already know most of this so I personally try to keep it 5 mins max, but take as long as you wish to do your turns since everyone has their own pace.
It took me way longer than it should've but something to look into is noise cancelling/suppression so we don't hear breathing, chair creaking etc.
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Thanks for the feedback. It’s much appreciated. Yeah I sorted the scaling out for the video and then I guess I messed it up again when I recorded my own national epic! Oops. I’ll change the video but this is the sort of stuff I’m pretty useless at which has turned this into a lot more work than it probably should be.

It’s true that the sound quality is not good on the first few videos. I switched from my work headset to my headphones which I think work better, and I think just loosened up a bit too, but if even the intro quality is not good then I still don’t have a solution. Thanks for the headset recommendation, I’ll think about it if I do this again. I’m enjoying it but not sure how realistic it is for me to do it too often.
This stuff is definitely work. The legends like Henrik make it look easy. Maybe try recording on immortal so you can more autopilot and relax. I would still get a lot from it as would others.
use OBS
has scaling, noise cancelling and various other video, audio, streaming options, as well as overlays/images.
i sounded like an absolute idiot for ages in my videos, only got it together recently. i try to keep introduction 5 min definitely not more than 10 before im playing. everyone has their own preferred play speed, i think i go rather fast. but that would take time to get used to.
Cheers and sorry for the delay in replying - the tyranny of school holidays! That’s the program I’m using so hopefully with a bit of googling I can sort out some of the issues. Honestly though, I think you’ve always sounded great! It’s probably my voice and my headset that’s the problem.

Regarding the speed of play, I do play slowly but that’s how I like it. I enjoy thinking about my moves and the sense that even relatively minor ones can make a difference to the outcome. That’s why I like deity and the fact that it sometimes feels like you have to win the game several times and sometimes you don’t. I don’t get a lot out of creaming immortal AI.

And I’m a 41 year old with young children so my aspiration was no more than recording a game I was going to play anyway so I play pretty much how I would offline. I don’t have time for more than that! As I don’t want to know anything about a map I play on T0, I ended up rolling a map which sees me meet Shaka on T2 and neither of us had met anybody else by the end of my first turn set. This clearly wasn’t ideal for my first time on video because it led to me spending a lot of time thinking about whether it was semi-iso and, if so, what that meant. Once I get into a form of game I’m more familiar with, I speed up (although I still don’t play quickly).
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