• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

Delete old saves!

Grey Fox

Master of Points
Dec 19, 2001
Delete all old saves, and try to do that in the future too!

(Forget the old suggested rule all!)

Happy Civing!

/Grey Fox
Edit: Glad the rule is gone! Working on deleting my old attachments. It is very time consuming!

We should delete all the old games that are no longer being played.
hmm.. donsig may be right. This rule does seem very inconvenient.

Anyway, you can have as many savegame attachments as you want in the current game. But when you are done, you should try to delete those obsolete games. Hope this is more reasonable...

We can save lots of space by deleting those save games in old sucession game threads. We only need to keep the last few saves in old SG thread.
Originally posted by donsig
This rule sucks.

We should delete all the old games that are no longer being played.
Yea that sounds much better!
It will scrolling to find your game and not make a constant nusinse for the player
I say just delete old Attachments once the player downloads and its not being used anymore that would be easier than sending the game to the (the Gamestarter) each time. :p
But when you are done, you should try to delete those obsolete games.

I'll go through the old games I was in and see what can be done away with. Might be more efficient to get rid of complete threads once a game is done. What would it take to do that?
I suggested this once, and everyone said no :(

That's ok though, because good ideas never die :D
Just a technical question -

Just because you delete the attachment in the thread, does that really mean you are deleting the attachment on the server? I have a feeling that all you will be doing is deleting the link to the file. But that's just off the top of my head.

Another question, is this site running off a dedicated server?
Shld we delete the screenshots too? I think each of those can take up to 100k+ in space....
I would prefer to keep screen shots unless ULTRA critical.
They are to much a part of the games writeup in history.
On the other hands, I have started deleting old save games.

On killing threads - NO!
They are a part of the history of this forum.
All right, I spent the last couple hours (seemed like longer) deleting attachments. In six different thread I zapped a total of 21 saves and 10 screen shots. The latter are about 125k each while the former range from (probably) 100k up to near the max of 500k. Let's say 250k for a ball park average. That's about 7 MB or one per cent of what was there. (This estimate is probably on the high side.)

This is not as much fun as playing civ. There are other threads where I've played games but I think I'm deleted out for now.

Is there a way we can nominate old threads for the recycle bin?

Why do people keep wanted to destroy our history and the old threads?

On the other hand, I have also started deleting our of date games saves.
I would like to keep the pictures, as they are part of the game history.

Let's see - cleaned up Plxi, CSG, LK3, ...
On killing threads - NO! They are a part of the history of this forum.

I'm all for history and archives - heck I work in a library - but I like playing succession games here. Difficult to do when the forum is down.

I doubt many of these games are looked at once they get buried on page 8. I remember one game I played in where even the players lost interest. It came down to myself and one other player to finish it. Who's gonna miss that thread?

We had a Prussian game that went sour and we abandoned - no point in keeping that. I'm sure many others could go.

I'd like to keep the screen shots as well. I'd also like to be able to remove posts that don't pertain to the story of the game. (Like the 'I've got the game' posts in open games.) We could do this when I started playing succession games but that ability has been taken from us.

Do we need more monitors (moderators?) for this particular forum? Do we need a standard policy for running succession games?
Why do people keep wanted to destroy our history and the old threads?

I'm not advocating wiping everything. I just think there are certain threads that are not looked at anymore and won't be looked at. It would be nice to point out a thread, nominate it for deletion. If no one objects then a moderator could delete it. That seems like it would be a more efficient way of conserving server space. Since we can only edit our own posts server space will continue to be a problem if only a handful of us clean up our old saves.

I really want to avoid having to save server space by having only one attachment per game!
I think some of the SGs are pretty good stories and shld be preserved, minus the saved files and redundant screenshots. Deleting whole threads will be just too wasteful. :o

I am sure TF can appoint a few trustworthy mini-mods to help clean up the old SGs in this section in case the posters never turn up to delete them. Like when he appointed Duck to mini-mod the Civ2 Demo game. :) These mini-mods can delete, amend posts but not reading the state secrets of CFC. ;)
I will delete all my old save attachments, and though I feel the same as Lee, the screenshots too.

Perhaps the option to delete posts should be restored as well. Alot of old posts (like "I can play in a few hours") could be thrown out.
Originally posted by joespaniel
I will delete all my old save attachments, and though I feel the same as Lee, the screenshots too.

:cry: :cry: :cry:
Damn lack of space....
All the color of the old games are gone.
I think some of the SGs are pretty good stories and shld be preserved, minus the saved files and redundant screenshots. Deleting whole threads will be just too wasteful.

Yeah, but the key word is 'some'. I think there are some games that no one would miss. Like our aborted prussian game.

Anyway, your idea of a mini-mod is great. If they're looking for volunteers I'd sign up.

Hey joespaniel - don't go crazy deleting all the screen shots. Maybe we should concentrate on the saves and see what happens.
Maybe we could leave a few critical saved games in some of the threads, like GOTM submissions, first save, somewhere around 10 AD, and the final save, and maybe a few of the critical turning points of the games. It would be a shame to delete the LK series and the RBD series for example, because there is alot of information in those that will help alot of players. I learned more from reading through those threads than I did from the strategy section of the forum. There are a few critical points in some of those games where certain tactics were needed to save/win the game that are explained that newer players could download and try, and greatly help to make them better players.
Just because you delete the attachment in the thread, does that really mean you are deleting the attachment on the server? I have a feeling that all you will be doing is deleting the link to the file. But that's just off the top of my head.

Another question, is this site running off a dedicated server?

Deleting attachments does delete the files off the server. :)

The site is hosted by Telefragged. They have their own servers...

The easy upload feature is great for files that don't need # of downloads tracking and I hope people would use it as much as possible.

I agree we should keep the threads in this forum since they are part of the forum history. Just delete those obsolete saves and I'll be happy. :D
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