[Demand] Make all great people captureable


May 10, 2008
If we can capture prophets, why not artists? After WW2, Soviet and NATO forces captured several German great scientists. The AI also has a habit letting it's GWAMs wander around the battlefield and get killed instead of settling or bulbing them in the face of certain death.
I don't see the problem either and no one would even realize the difference when capturing considering the AI tend to expend them right away. It would make a difference for humans though because we save ours for the most part, and it would indirectly buff the faith belief reliquary.
I don't get why this isn't already implemented in the base game...as you observed, there are plenty of historical precedents for it and it really would make things a bit more interesting in gameplay (even multiplayer - be careful leaving your GP sitting about the place in case some hops in and captures 'em.)
If we can capture prophets, why not artists? After WW2, Soviet and NATO forces captured several German great scientists. The AI also has a habit letting it's GWAMs wander around the battlefield and get killed instead of settling or bulbing them in the face of certain death.

It was more of a Treasures of Nineveh type of thing than 101st Airborne chasing von Braun in the German countryside. :p

I'm not against capturing Great People though.
So should a GG and a GA betray their former nation? Cause that'll be cool. Besides, I don't know anyone in history that has been captured by his enemy and fought his own nation afterwards. Maybe General Sheperd from MW2 but he wasn't capture nor join the Russians, but that's not real.
So should a GG and a GA betray their former nation? Cause that'll be cool. Besides, I don't know anyone in history that has been captured by his enemy and fought his own nation afterwards. Maybe General Sheperd from MW2 but he wasn't capture nor join the Russians, but that's not real.

Or Edmund Duke in Starcraft. Maybe generals and admirals should get killed like now... But I see no reason why I can't capture Elton John.
I would imagine this sort of thing would work better as one specific civ's UA where captured Great People (most usually ending up being Generals) and maybe even Settlers stay as they are, rather than an overall-implemented mechanic.
I'm in principle for this idea - the only thing that holds me back from implementing it is that AI seems to have a very high tendency for having Great Engineers floating around unprotected doing nothing, often walking right up to my units when we are in war. If I could capture these, it would sort of throw balance off a bit - obviously, that's an issue more with AI coding than with the idea itself, but it IS an issue.
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