I'll try my hand at analyzing what we have so far...
All other teams founded a city on turn 1. No teams founded their city directly on a luxury.
Commerce (we have 5 commerce):
1 rival - 6 (Knights)
1 rival - 5 (Kuche)
1 rival - less than 5 (Anarchie)
All teams are producing 2 spt (including us).
Food (we have 2 excess fpt):
1 rival - 3 excess fpt (Kuche)
2 rivals - 2 or less excess fpt
Productivity (we have 9 = 2 food + 2 shields + 5 commerce):
1 rival - more than 9 (Knights: 10 = 2 food + 2 shields + 6 commerce)
1 rival - 9 (Kuche: 3 food + 2 shields + 4 commerce)
1 rival - less than 9 (Anarchie: 8 = 2 food + 2 shields + 4 commerce)
What we "know" about our rivals so far:
Team #1 - Knights playing as Carthage (seafaring and industrious)
Camelot - size 1, 2 food in bin
Current turn – will get +2 food, +2 shields, and +6 commerce
Production so far: 2 shields
Commerce so far: approximately 6 commerce
Team #2 – Kuche (may be seafaring but is not industrious)
Essen - size 1, 2 food in bin
Current turn – will get +3 food, +2 shields, and +5 commerce
Production so far: 2 shields
Commerce so far: approximately 5 commerce
Team #3 – Eagles playing as Byzantines (scientific and seafaring)
Aerie - size 1, 0 food in bin
Current turn – will get +2 food, +2 shields, and +5 commerce
Production so far: 0 shields
Commerce so far: 0 commerce
Team #4 – Anarchie (not seafaring or industrious)
Christiana - size 1, 0 food in bin
Current turn – will get +2 food, +2 shields, and +4 commerce
Production so far: 0 shields.
Commerce so far: 0 commerce
BTW, I think whoever will be analyzing demographics really needs access to the save. IMO, it is not reasonable to expect the turnplayer to take enough screenshots for someone to be able to do a full analysis.