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Demographic Analysis & Intelligence


Nov 14, 2008
Ontario, Canada
This will be the central location for analyzing and getting information from the F11 (Demographics) screen. Essentially, the turnplayer will post an image (or at least table) of F11 screens here, so that the team can scrutinize and make inferences from the top 5 cities, and the demographics.

How all the values are determined
Aright, I will post the screen once per turn. It just doesn't make any sense for this pre-save, as nobody else did anything but clicking end of turn...
Turn 1:
Spoiler :
I'll try my hand at analyzing what we have so far...

All other teams founded a city on turn 1. No teams founded their city directly on a luxury.

Commerce (we have 5 commerce):

1 rival - 6 (Knights)
1 rival - 5 (Kuche)
1 rival - less than 5 (Anarchie)


All teams are producing 2 spt (including us).

Food (we have 2 excess fpt):

1 rival - 3 excess fpt (Kuche)
2 rivals - 2 or less excess fpt

Productivity (we have 9 = 2 food + 2 shields + 5 commerce):

1 rival - more than 9 (Knights: 10 = 2 food + 2 shields + 6 commerce)
1 rival - 9 (Kuche: 3 food + 2 shields + 4 commerce)
1 rival - less than 9 (Anarchie: 8 = 2 food + 2 shields + 4 commerce)

What we "know" about our rivals so far:

Team #1 - Knights playing as Carthage (seafaring and industrious)
Camelot - size 1, 2 food in bin
Current turn – will get +2 food, +2 shields, and +6 commerce
Production so far: 2 shields
Commerce so far: approximately 6 commerce

Team #2 – Kuche (may be seafaring but is not industrious)
Essen - size 1, 2 food in bin
Current turn – will get +3 food, +2 shields, and +5 commerce
Production so far: 2 shields
Commerce so far: approximately 5 commerce

Team #3 – Eagles playing as Byzantines (scientific and seafaring)
Aerie - size 1, 0 food in bin
Current turn – will get +2 food, +2 shields, and +5 commerce
Production so far: 0 shields
Commerce so far: 0 commerce

Team #4 – Anarchie (not seafaring or industrious)
Christiana - size 1, 0 food in bin
Current turn – will get +2 food, +2 shields, and +4 commerce
Production so far: 0 shields.
Commerce so far: 0 commerce

BTW, I think whoever will be analyzing demographics really needs access to the save. IMO, it is not reasonable to expect the turnplayer to take enough screenshots for someone to be able to do a full analysis.
Um, your thumbnails don't enlarge, Bowsling. Can we change that?
Do you have some sort of private photo-bucket, Bowsling? That might be best.

Try to keep all your enlarged attachments to the 800 X 600 size, ok? 1024 X 768 is way too big. :)
From turn 3:

Team 4 (capital of Christiana - I don't know the team names) worked a +2 fpt tile last turn.

Commerce (we have 5 cpt):

1 rival has 5 (Knights)
1 rival has 4 (Kuche)
1 rival has 3 (Anarchie)

Shields (we have 2 spt):

All rivals also have 2 spt.

Food (we have 2 excess fpt):

All 3 rivals have 3 excess fpt (Knights will get 4 excess fpt thanks to irrigation completing)

Productivity (we have 9 = 2 food + 2 shields + 5 commerce):

1 rival has 10 (Knights: 3 food + 2 shields+ 5 commerce)
1 rival has 9 (Kuche: 3 food + 2 shields + 4 commerce)
1 rival has 8 (Anarchie: 3 food + 2 shields + 3 commerce)

What we "know" about our rivals so far:

Team #1 - Knights playing as Carthage (seafaring and industrious)
Camelot - size 1, 4 food in bin
Current turn – will get +4 food, +2 shields, and +5 commerce
Production so far: 4 shields
Commerce so far: approximately 12 commerce

Team #2 – Kuche (may be seafaring but is not industrious)
Essen - size 1, 5 food in bin
Current turn – will get +3 food, +2 shields, and +4 commerce
Production so far: 4 shields
Commerce so far: approximately 10 commerce

Team #3 – Eagles playing as Byzantines (scientific and seafaring)
Aerie - size 1, 2 food in bin
Current turn – will get +2 food, +2 shields, and +5 commerce
Production so far: 2 shields
Commerce so far: 5 commerce

Team #4 – Anarchie (not seafaring or industrious)
Christiana - size 1, 2 food in bin
Current turn – will get +3 food, +2 shields, and +3 commerce
Production so far: 2 shields.
Commerce so far: 4 commerce
Christiana must be the capital of 'Anarchie'. (anarchy)

Essen is the capital of the 'Küche' (kitchen)

And here is the save of turn 4. Here we started working the wheat tile.


From Turn 4:

Commerce (we have 4 cpt):

1 rival has 5 (Knights)
1 rival has 4 (Kuche)
1 rival has 3 (Anarchie)

Shields (we have 2 spt):

All rivals also have 2 spt.

Food (we have 3 excess fpt according to the save although we will actually get 4):

1 rival has 4 or more excess food per turn (Knights)
The other 2 rivals have 3 excess fpt (Kuche will get 4 thanks to irrigation completing)

Productivity (we have 9 = 3 food + 2 shields + 4 commerce):

1 rival has more than 9 (Knights: 11= 4 food + 2 shields + 5 commerce)
1 rival has 9 (Kuche = 3 food (plus 1 with irrigation completing) + 2 shields + 4 commerce)
1 rival has 8 (Anarchie = 3 food + 2 shields + 3 commerce)

We have 4 food in bin and 4 shields accumulated.

Christiana city of Anarchie has 5 food in the bin and probably 4 shields accumulated.

Of Camelot of Knights and Essen of Kuche:

One has 8-9 food in the bin, and the other has 7-8 food.
Both probably have 6 shields accumulated.

I don't know who has the commerce advantage, but one of our rivals seems likely to be seafaring.

What we "know" about our rivals so far:

Team #1 - Knights playing as Carthage (seafaring and industrious)
Camelot - size 1, 8 food in bin
Current turn – will get +4 food, +2 shields, and +5 commerce
Production so far: 6 shields
Commerce so far: approximately 17 commerce

Team #2 – Kuche (may be seafaring but is not industrious)
Essen - size 1, 8 food in bin
Current turn – will get +4 food, +2 shields, and +4 commerce
Production so far: 6 shields
Commerce so far: approximately 14 commerce

Team #3 – Eagles playing as Byzantines (scientific and seafaring)
Aerie - size 1, 4 food in bin
Current turn – will get +4 food, +2 shields, and +4 commerce
Production so far: 4 shields
Commerce so far: 10 commerce

Team #4 – Anarchie (not seafaring or industrious)
Christiana - size 1, 5 food in bin
Current turn – will get +3 food, +2 shields, and +3 commerce
Production so far: 4 shields
Commerce so far: 7 commerce
When are other teams' workers' turns completed relative to when we see F11? For example, right now we are working a wheat tile that gives us +3 fpt. However our worker will finish irrigating it this turn, so when we receive the next turn, we will actually have 4 additional food in our bin. When other teams look at F11 now, will they see us at +3 fpt or +4 fpt?

I suspect the answer is +3 fpt, but I'm not sure (I think this because I think both the Knights and Kuche probably moved worker to the food bonus and started irrigating first). If I am right, then they either have 9-10 and 7-8 food, or both have 8-9 food. If I am right, then it would also mean that one of them is industrious.
I was thinking if a team was seafaring and they were working a water tile with a fish, wouldn't they be at 7 commerce, 5 food, and only 1 shield? That seven commerce would all be allocated to Science. Growth would match ours (and they started before us), but they would be building at half our speed.
Yup. I was thinking a seafaring tribe would get two food from the water plus two food from the fish.

So it would be 7/4/1 for a total of 12. Thanks.

EDIT: Nope. Finally got around to checking. Despotism penalty affects Commerce also. So that would be 6/4/1 for 11. :(
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