The Treaty of the True Triple Alliance (TTA):
§0. Treaty Duration and cancellation terms
* This treaty will last indefinitely, and can only be canceled by written notice 20 turns in advance.
* Such notice to cancel the treaty can not be given before the year 800 AD (turn 150).
§1. Peace and Non-Aggression
* The peoples of Cavaleiros, Kazakhstan and Mad Scientists agree to take no hostile action of any kind towards members of the alliance.
§2. Open Borders
* The peoples of Cavaleiros, Kazakhstan and Mad Scientists agree to open borders with each other, to allow the free passage of units and merchants alike.
* This state of Open Borders will be effective immediately, on all sides, from the signature of this treaty.
* This will be handled via a formal Open Borders agreement when possible, once Writing is commonly known within the alliance. If passage is needed before that time, it will be handled through a phony state of war.
§3. Mutual Technological Advancement
* The peoples of Cavaleiros, Kazakhstan and Mad Scientists agree to form an Exclusive Tech Alliance (ETA). No member of the ETA will buy, sell or trade technologies with a civ/team outside the ETA without the consent of the other two ETA members.
* The peoples of Cavaleiros, Kazakhstan and Mad Scientists agree to cooperate on the advancement of knowledge, initially to achieve the
following technology goals and trades as soon as possible:
- Team Mad Scientists to give Sailing, Iron Working and Polytheism
- Team Cavaleiros to give Meditation, Priesthood and Monarchy
- Team Kazakhstan to give Hunting, Animal Husbandry, Writing and Alphabet
* Members agree to carry out research at the highest sustainable speed, with no stockpiling of gold beyond that reasonably needed to deal with adverse events.
* Exceptions to the advancement plan at any point in time may be given in a state of emergency, or in the case of an urgent domestic need.
* If any member of the alliance wishes to invoke such an exception, it must notify the other two alliance members of its intent and reasons for the deviation.
* Upon completion of any technology goal by any people, the technology will be traded to the other two peoples as quickly as possible, after Alphabet is common knowledge.
* All members agree that mutual technological advancement will continue beyond the completion of the immediate technology goals, but that plans for the future technology goals are to be negotiated continuously at later points, as addendums to this treaty.
* All members agree that a cooperative spirit is more important in such an alliance than strict adherence to minute advantage to the own team.
§4. Resources
* The peoples of Cavaleiros, Kazakhstan and Mad Scientists agree that in the case that any alliance member has a spare resource to trade, they will first try to negotiate a trade with the one of the other peoples of this treaty.
Only if no such deal is possible will the people consider trading that resource to another people.
§5. Religion
* The peoples of Cavaleiros and Mad Scientists recognize the wishes and needs of the people of Kazakhstan for a religion, and will agree to let Kazakhstan have priority for researching any technology that leads to a religion, until they have managed to found one.