Design a civ using known Civ VII mechanics


Aug 3, 2010
Austria (age of exploration civ)

Unique ability:
Influence points generate faster.
All diplo actions toward indepentent powers and city-states cost less influence.

Unique military unit::
Jaeger - replaces musketman, strenght bonus in higher altitudes

Unique infrastructure:
Royal Opera - gives culture and happiness

Associated wonder:
Schönbrunn Palace - During a Celebration, get a gold boost


Please post your design, I love to read that stuff!
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As I wrote in another thread, Austria is one of the few civs that I can imagine being expansionist and diplomatic (along with Greece). With the royal opera, I assume you put them in the last era? I think they would be more interesting in the Age of Exploration, actually.
I don't think there's enough information for Civ designs this early
I love Austria though
Yeah I agree Austria would be most interesting in the Age of Exploration.
Age of Antiquity

The Britons’ unique gameplay revolves around the Crisis, in reference to how their province was hit particularly hard by Roman withdrawal, with Honorius telling them to look to their own defense. It also references the Roman generals who were declared Emperor by their troops in Britain such as Constantine the Great and Constantine III, as well as the legend of Arthur as a sub-Roman Briton attempting to conquer the continent. Following Roman’s withdrawal, Vortigern is said to have hired foederati such as Hengest and Horsa to defend the Britons against enemies such as the Picts, leading to the Anglo-Saxon invasion.

Unique Ability - "Look to Your Own Defense"
Receive three free Duces Bellorum, one as the Crisis Begins, Intensifies, and Culminates, respectively.

Unique Civilian Unit - Dux Bellorum
Army Commander.
His Army suffers no penalties from Crisis cards affecting military units while inside the Brits’ borders.
His Army suffers double penalties from Crisis cards affecting military units while in foreign territory.

Unique Military Unit - Foederati
A powerful Infantry unit that can only be purchased from Independent Peoples.
Every time a Foederati is purchased, add one population to the nearest Town or City and one Crisis card slot. These are removed if the Foederati is killed or destroyed.

Unique Infrastructures
Colonia (Quarter) - Add one population the first time a Colonia is built in a City and any time a Colonia is built in a Town
Hadrian’s Wall - Takes reduced damage from Independent Peoples. This effect is lessened each time the Crisis reaches a milestone.
Bath - Happiness base. Reduces its happiness yield each time each time the Crisis reaches a milestone.

Associated Wonder - Stonehenge

Associated Leader - Ambrosius Aurelianus

Britons -> Anglo-Saxons -> United Kingdom
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Good idea with the bonus to work in a Crisis.

By the way, I just read a GREAT book called The Buried Giant, it takes place in Britain after the Arthurian time and tells about Britons and Saxons, It's by a Nobel-prize winning writer. Very cool dreamy atmosphere.
Age of Exploration civ.

Take advantage of your Couriers de Bois for early access to resources in dangerous wilderness. Protect your trade routes through your Colonial Militia, as well as your connections with the minor civilizations already present in the land.

Unique Ability - Networking
Spend Influence on a minor civilization to create a Courier de Bois. If you have a Trade Route connected to a minor civ, you can levy military units from them even if you are not their Suzerain.

Unique Trader - Courier de Bois
Replaces the Trader. Can be purchased in settlements/cities with gold, or from minor civilizations with influence.

Instead of going directly between settlements, you may route a Courier de Bois between settlements and an unclaimed luxury resource on the map. (Your route may incidentally pass through other resources but your Courier de Bois can only claim 1 of them).
No distsance limits but trade route produces less gold the further it has to go (and the Courier de Bois will be more vulnerable to pillaging!)
Trade routes give the usual benefits, plus:
* If routed between two of the player's settlements, they gain additional food (or gold for a town)
* If routed to a major civilization's cities, Canada gains additional Happiness if the other player did not have a copy of the resource, and the other player gains additional Culture and a copy of the resource.
* If routed to a minor civilization's, Canada gains favor with the minor civ per turn.
If a Courier de Bois is pillaged the raiding civilization gains a copy of the resource for 10 turns.

Unique Military - Colonial Militia
Melee infantry designed for the wilderness. Ignores terrain penalties as long as it is within 1 tile of an active trade route or settlement (including minor civs allied with Canada). Combat bonus when fighting near

Unique Infrastructure
Felting Workshop.
Culture base. Gain a bonus every time a Courier de Bois completes a trade route to this city.
Trapping Station. Rural improvement that can only be established on a navigable river. Creates a copy of the luxury resource Beavers under it. Limit 1 per settlement. Courier de Bois can claim Beavers.

Associated Leader - Samuel de Champlain

Gain bonuses for discovering new resources.

Associated Wonder - Hudson's Bay Company
Trade routes connected to this city do not experience a distance penalty to gold. Gain Influence per turn for every unique resource connected via trade route.
Flanders - Age of Exploration

A powerul French Vassal, the County of Flanders became an influential mercantile power in the low countries around the 10th century AD. Thanks to their accessible rivers and strategic location near the north of France, Flanders flourished as its many trade ports imported raw materials from far away and processed them into fine goods, to be sold at high prices. Flemish lace remains, to this day, one of the region's biggest calling cards. The prosperity from the cloth trade also fueled a boom in the arts and crafts, with Flemish painters revolutionizing the techniques and laying the foundations for later styles.

Focus: Cultural, Economic.

Unique Ability - Flemish Primitives
  • Excess Happiness in towns and cities adds to the Culture and Tourism Generation of Great Works
  • Towns can specialize in Art (generates Culture and Influence)
  • +30% towards the Gravensteen World Wonder

Unique Unit: Goedendag
  • Cheap Pikeman replacement
  • +50% Strength when defending on flat terrain
  • +1 Movement in Marshes
  • If attached to a Commander, these bonuses apply to all units adjacent to the Commander.

Unique Building: Belfort
  • +2 Culture
  • +5 Civic Defence to city for each adjacent Quarter
  • +2 Influence from Adjacent Production Buildings

Unique Building: Lakenhalle
  • +1 Gold on local Resource, +2 Gold from Resources imported from Towns.
  • If the city has a copy of Silk, Wool and Cotton in the city, generate another.
  • If the city has Silk, Wool or Cotton, also create two copies of the Lace Luxury

Unique Quarter: Kasselrij (Requires Belfort + Lakenhalle on the same tile)
  • +1 Production and +1 Culture on resources improved via Plantation or Pasture.
  • +2 Happiness on adjacent Marsh or Navigable River
  • +1 Happiness on adjacent Minor River
Cities: Brugge, Gent, Ieper, Rijsel, Kortrijk, Aalst, Oudenaarde, Kassel, Veurne, Gistel, Dendermonde, Diksmuide, Damme, Deinze, St. Winoxbergen, Duinkerke, Sluis, Oostende, St. Niklaas, Roeselare, Torhout, Eeklo, St. Omer, Dowaai, Oudenburg, Toerkonje, Aardenburg, Hulst, Poperinge, Staden, Hondschoote, Axel, Westrozebeke, Steenvoorde, Waasmunster, Hazebroek, Wijnendale, Sijsele, Male, Saefthinghe.

Associated Wonder: Gravensteen
  • +2 Influence on Resources in this city
  • +1 Influence on Resources in other cities and in towns
  • +5 Civil Defence on all City Centres
  • Allies that kill an enemy inside the city that built this, generate Happiness for the city
  • Must be built adjacent to a Navigable River or on a Marsh

Associated Leader - Pieter de Coninck
Leader Ability: Guldensporenslag
  • +1 Happiness and Production in Cities for each copy of Silk, Wool, Cotton or Lace.
  • Military units have +3 Strength in Marshes
  • Military units have additional Strength against Civs with a higher amount of Cities and Towns (+2 per additional city, +1 per additional town)
Traditions give:
bonus food from Marshes,
bonus Happiness and Gold from resources assigned to the Capitol from Towns,
bonus Culture from Cloth related resources.
bonus Combat Strength when defending to friendly units inside the borders. (double for Civilian units)
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United Kingdom
Modern Age civ

The United Kingdom's gameplay is centered entirely on accruing Great Writer points through inspirational deeds that inspire its citizens to turn them into stories.

Unique Ability - “Faery Stories”
Every time that the U.K. completes any Objective, including those that advances the Age and Legacy Path, it generates Great Write Points

Unique Civilian Unit - Inkling
A separate Great Person type, similar to Great Writers, with a pool unique to the United Kingdom.
The U.K. can use any Great writer points it earns to purchase Great Writers from the common pool in order to deny them to competing civs, or from the Inkling pool, as the Inkling’s Great Writings are much more powerful in their yields.
(The game’s “Inklings” includes famous U.K. writers not part of the historical group, and excludes some who were)

  • J.R.R. Tolkien - The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings
  • C.S. Lewis - The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe & Out of the Silent Planet
  • George MacDonald - The Golden Key & Phantastes
  • Lewis Carroll - Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass
  • J. M. Barrie - Peter Pan & The Little White Bird
  • Madeleine L'Engle - A Wrinkle in Time & A Swiftly Tilting Planet
  • H. Rider Haggard - King Solomon’s Mines & She
  • Andrew Lang - The Blue Fairy Book & The Red Fairy Book
  • Lord Dunsany - The Book of Wonder & The King of Elfland’s Daughter
  • William Morris - House of the Wolfings & Roots of the Mountain
  • Ian Fleming - Casino Royale & From Russia With Love
  • Roald Dahl - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory & Matilda
  • Charles Williams -War in Heaven & Place of the Lion
  • G.K. Chesterton - Orthodoxy & Heresy
  • Kenneth Grahame - The Wind in the Willows
  • Beatrix Potter - The Tale of Peter Rabbit

Unique Military Unit - MI6 Agent
A unique Scout unit with actions similar to Spy operations from Civ VI.
Successfully conducting such operations nets Great Writer points.

Unique Infrastructures
Oxford college (Quarter)
- Has a large number of slots for Great Works of Writing, and theming bonuses in an Oxford college are more powerful than elsewhere.
Boarding School - Science base. Cities with a Boarding School get +1 Science and +1 Culture for every new Population on the Tile worked.
Pub - Culture base. Generates Great Writer Points, with an adjacency bonus with other Pubs.

Associated Leader - Winston Churchill

Associated Wonder - Big Ben
Modern Age civ
America's gameplay design revolves around Influence in order to represent its use of soft-power

Unique Ability - Fifty States
Instead of Towns and Cities, Pioneers found Territories that evolve into States
Rural Districts purchased in Territories permanently gain extra Food
Urban Districts in States produce Influence
States are unrestricted by the City Cap

Unique Civilian Unit - Pioneer
Ignores Rough Terrain and other impediments to Movement
Pioneers cannot be captured on America’s home continent or on land revealed after Antiquity

Unique Military Unit - G.I.
Generates Influence on kills

Unique Infrastructures
Small Town (Quarter)
- Reduces the cost of evolving the Territory into a State; Happiness adjacency with Rural Districts
Suburb - Food adjacency with Farms and Influence adjacency with Urban Districts
Main Street - Appearance and bonuses vary based on adjacent tiles:

  • Bar: +Happiness adjacent to a Vineyard
  • Church: +Faith adjacent to a Worship Building
  • Gas Station: +Production adjacent to an Oil Well
  • Grocer: +Food adjacent to a Farm or Plantation
  • Movie Theater: +Culture adjacent to a Film Studio
  • Savings & Loans: +Gold adjacent to a Bank
  • Schoolhouse: +Science adjacent to a University
  • Town Hall: +Influence adjacent to a Palace

Unique Civics
“Pax Americana”
- Influence cap raised by every G.I. Unit America maintains
“From Sea to Shining Sea” - Can purchase Pioneers with Influence
“The New Colossus” - Unlocks the Statue of Liberty. American War Support coasts no Influence

Associated Leader - Ben Franklin

Associated Wonder - Statue of Liberty
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Age of Discovery

The Anglo-Saxons’ gameplay revolves primarily around the new mechanic of some cities becoming ruined during the Age transition from Antiquity to Discovery

Unique Ability - Migration
Civilization near the Anglo-Saxons lose an additional city when transitioning from Antiquity to the Age of Exploration
The Anglo-Saxons start the Age of Exploration with a number of Settlers equal to their City Cap
Anglo-Saxon Towns founded on the ruins of foreign civilizations start with greatly increased Food and Production

Unique Infrastructures
(Quarter) - Acts as fortification without the need to build Walls. Prevents Naval Raids against itself and all adjacent tiles.
Mead Hall - Happiness base. Happiness adjacency for Orchards and Vineyards. Increased in Settlements founded over foreign ruins.
Shire Moot - Influence base. Influence adjacency with Farms and the Town or City Center. Increased in Settlements founded over foreign ruins.

Unique Civilian Unit - Thegn
Army Commander
Thegns stationed on a Mead Hall or Shire Moot increase their yields

Unique Military Unit - Ceorl
Infantry unit
Cheap but weak, especially against Cavalry
The cost for producing or purchasing a Ceorl in a City or Town is decreased for every Farm built there

“Non Angli, sed angeli”
- New Rural Districts in Settlements built over foreign ruins generate Faith
“Like Lady Godiva” - Reduced Gold upkeep costs for all Urban Districts in Settlements founded over foreign ruins
“Spirit the greater as our strength lessens” - Ceorls in an Army commanded by a Thegn do not have reduced combat strength when damaged or flanked
“Till we have built Jerusalem” - Cities with a Thegn stationed in a Burh will not be ruined in the transition from the Exploration to the Modern Age

Associated Leader - Alfred the Great

Associated Wonder - Lindisfarne

Britons -> Anglo-Saxons -> United Kingdom
Love the America design but I think some unique ship or warplane would be great for them, like maybe a Supercarrier.
I miss the simpler easier civ designs of previous games :cry:

The Hausa - Age of Exploration
Unique Ability
Bilad al-Sudan:
Increased Gold from land trade routes.

Economic, Militaristic

Civic Trees


Tier 1: Unlocks the Gidan Unique Building. Unlocks the Sarkin Sarakuna tradition.
Sarkin Sarakuna: Increases settlement limit. Reduced Unhappiness from occupied cities that follow the same religion as you.
Tier 2:
Reduced cost for diplomacy with Suzerained City-States.

Glory of Katsina
Tier 1:
Increased Science from foreign trade routes. Unlocks Mallamai tradition.
Mallamai: Increased Faith from foreign trade routes. Unlocks Mallam Unique Unit.
Tier 2: Gain a free Mallam for every non-capital city following the same religion as your capital.

Legend of Bayajidda
Tier 1: Receive a free Infantry Unit upon settling a Town. Unlocks the Serpent Slayer Tradition.
Serpent Slayer: Killing an enemy unit reduces the HP of every adjacent enemy unit. Unlocks the Kusugu Well Unique Improvement.
Tier 2: Reduced cost of purchasing Buildings in the capital. Unlocks the Kannai Bakwai Tradition.
Kannai Bakwai: Increased City cap. +1 Quarter cap for each city.

Kano Chronicle
Tier 1:
Unlocks the Kurmi Market Unique Building. Unlocks the Taran Kano Tradition.
Taran Kano: Receive a free Vizier Unit for every City-level settlement, up to a limit of 9.
Tier 2: Unlocks the Ganuwar Unique Infrastructure. Boost to Mallam production for every trade connection to a city following the same religion. Unlocks the Dawakin Zaggi Tradition.
Dawakin Zaggi: Reduced cost for Infantry and Cavalry Units. Upon capturing a city, all Hausa units within 4 tiles gain XP.

Unique Infrastructure
Kurmi Market:
+1 Resource Cap, +1 Trade Cap.
Gidan: +1 Happiness, increased Production for every adjacent Tile.
Ganuwar: Defensive structure. Increased Production for every adjacent Quarter.
Kusugu Well: Only one can be built. +2 Happiness, +2 Culture. Melee Units trained in the city gain the Guardian of the Well promotion.

Unique Civilian Unit
Unique Missionary Unit. Increased movement in Desert. Gain small boost of Science upon Mallam being expended.

Unique Military Unit
Lifidi Horseman:
Unique Cavalry Unit. Greater resistance against ranged attacks. Decreases Unhappiness when stationed in Towns.

Associated Wonder
Gobarau Mosque: Gain Culture for every major civilization's City converted to your religion for the first time. Gain Gold for every City-State converted to your religion for the first time.
The gameplay of the Hebrews is all about getting a head start on the Religion game.
Though it can’t spread its religion, it can define its beliefs and set it up to be spread sooner, farther, and faster in the next Age.
Towards that end it gathers Culture through Nevi’im in unique and interesting ways, such as powerful Codices and Celebrations.

Unique Ability: “Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Eḥad”
Instead of a pantheon, the Hebrews can found a Religion in the Age of Antiquity
This cannot be spread outside the Hebrew’s borders by any means

Cultural, Militaristic

Civics Tree

Holiest of Holies

Tier 1: Unlocks the Tabernacle. Unlocks the Jubilee tradition
Jubilee - Celebrations last only 7 turns (on Standard speed), but only require 70% Happiness to trigger
Tier 2 - Create a free Maccabee Unique Military Unit on the Town Hall or Palace if a foreign Army moves onto a Tabernacle

Tier 1: Unlocks the Synagogue. Unlock the Shabbat tradition.
Shabbat: A special Celebration that lasts 1 turn and occurs once every 7 turns: +100% Culture, but no Production towards Buildings
Tier 2: Gain extra War Support per Belief added to the Hebrews’ Religion

Tier 1: Adds Culture for every Codex
Tier 2: Adds the Passover and Feast of Booths traditions
Passover - Suffer no damage from Natural Disasters during a Celebration
Feast of Booths - Add a Population to each Town when a Celebration is Triggered (excluding a Shabbat)

Unique Infrastructure
Temple Mount
- Unique Quarter. Culture and Happiness for each Nevi’im earner. Has a Great Work Slot
Tabernacle - Happiness base. Gains Culture if placed on a hill. Has a Great Work Slot
Synagogue - Culture base. Science adjacency with Palace and Town Hall. Has a Great Work Slot

Unique Civilian Unit
Nevi’im - Unique Scholar Unit. Can only be built in Cities with a Temple Mount, and the specific Nevi’im received is random.
Each Nevi’im can only be received once. Cost increases per Nevi’im built.
Every time a Nevi’im is built, the Hebrews can pick an additional Belief for their Religion, until it’s complete, after which a Celebration is triggered instead.
Possible Nevi’im units:

  1. Abraham - Activated on a Palace or Town Hall to create a Settler
  2. Moses - Activated on a Constructible with a Great Work Slot to grant a Codex called “Torah” that adds Culture
  3. Joshua - Activated on a Tabernacle to create a set number of Maccabee Unique Military Units with increased Combat Strength
  4. David - Activated on a Constructible with a Great Work Slot to grant a Codex called “Ketuvim” that adds Culture
  5. Solomon - Activated on a Temple Mount to add Culture and Happiness
  6. Isaiah - Activated on a Constructible with a Great Work Slot to grant a Codex called “Nevi’im” that adds Culture
  7. Ezekiel - Activate on a Town Hall to preserve it as a City through the Age Transition
  8. Jonah - Activated in another civ’s borders to eliminate their Pantheon bonus for the duration of the Age
  9. Ezra - Activated in a foreign Town or City to reduce its population and add it to the Hebrews' capital
  10. Nehemiah - Activate on an Urban District to build Walls
Unique Military Unit
- Infantry. While in the Hebrews’ borders, has additional Combat Strength for each Belief added to the Hebrews’ Religion

Associated Wonder - Temple of Solomon

Associated Leader - Judas Maccabeus

Geographical Path
Hebrews -> Outremer -> Israel
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The gameplay of Outremer is all about engaging in Holy Wars meant to reconquer Cities and Towns that have been captured and converted by civilizations that follow foreign Religions. .

Unique Ability: “Deus Vult!
When against civilizations that have captured and converted Outremer Cities or Towns:

  • Holy Wars cost no influence to declare, generate no War Weariness for Outremer, and gain additional War Support from other civilizations following Outremer’s Religion.
  • Outremer’s Military Units have increased Combat Strength and its Commanders gain additional Experience during Holy Wars.
  • Military units can be purchased with Culture.
  • Military victories eliminates foreign Religions and spread Outremer’s own

Cultural, Militaristic

Civics Tree:

Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon
Tier 1: Unlocks the Templum Domini. Unlocks the Knights Templar tradition
Tradition - Knights Templar: Military units gain Gold when defeating units of civilizations following foreign Religions. Increased during Holy Wars.
Tier 2: Banks gain Culture. Temples gain Gold.

Order of Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
Tier 1: Unlocks the Hospital. Unlock the Knights Hospitaller tradition.
Tradition - Knights Hospitaller: Military units gain Health when defeating units of civilizations following foreign Religions. Increased during Holy Wars.
Tier 2: Outremer’s units gain additional Healing in Cities with a Hospital

Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem
Tier 1: Unlock the Teutonic Knights tradition
Tradition - Teutonic Knights: Gain Culture on kills against military units from a civilization that follows a different Religion. Increased during Holy Wars.
Tier 2: Unlocks the Penitential Warfare tradition and the Holy Sepulchre
Tradition - Penitential Warfare: When a foreign Missionary or Apostle spreads its Religion to an Outremer City or Town, gain Production towards military units there.

Unique Infrastructure
Crusader Fortification
- Unique Quarter. Acts as Walls. Has a slot for a Relic.
Templum Domini - Culture base. Gold adjacency with Banks. Has a slot for a Relic.
Hospital - Food base. Culture adjacency with Barracks. Has a slot for a Relic.

Unique Civilian Unit
Crusader King
- Unique Vizier Unit.
The specific Crusader King received is random. Each Crusader King can only be received once.
Cost increases per Crusader King built, but decreases when foreign Missionaries or Apostles spread their Religion to Cities or Towns founded by Outremer.
If one of Outremer’s cities are captured by a civilization following a foreign Religion, or if Outremer’s Holy City is converted, automatically gain a free Crusader King.
Some Crusader Kings create Relics, others Army Commanders with specific upgrades, and others have unique abilities

Possible Crusader King units:

  1. Baldwin I
  2. Baldwin IV the Leper King
  3. Conrad of Montferrat
  4. Frederick Barbarossa
  5. Godfrey of Bouillon
  6. Louis XI
  7. Philip Augustus
  8. Raynald of Châtillon
  9. Richard I the Lionheart
  10. William Marshal

Unique Military Unit
- Heavy Cavalry.
Has additional Combat Strength for each Relic Outremer owns.

Associated Wonder - Holy Sepulchre

Geographical Path
Hebrews -> Outremer -> Israel
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Perhaps the hardest region I can think of to make work in VII: Australia! (I may flesh this out more, but it's just a rough sketch, I'm not even sure if it can be done, I'm leaning hard on very modern "we're not racist anymore" Australia just to try to pull it together).

Mokare leads "Australia:"

Leader agenda: Dislikes civs with natural wonders in territory. Likes civs with no natural wonders in territory. (reflecting things like Kakadu, Great Barrier Reef, Uluru, Rottnest Island, Swan River, etc. etc.).

Leader abillity: The Dreaming: Towns you settle inland (away from a coast) can never become cities. Town and city tiles next to natural wonders gain additional food and happiness.

Antiquity: Pama-Ngyungan (symbol: Maliwawa figure kangaroo)
* Wonder: Gabarnmung.
* Ability: ???
* UI: ???
* UU: There's a term for a Boomarang warrior that I'm forgetting...

Exploration: Noongar (symbol: Wagyl snake)
* Wonder: ???
* Ability: Fire-stick Farming - free movement through rough terrain, rough terrain produces higher yields when improved.
* UI: Probably a Noongar word for camping site. Does not lower the tile's appeal/happiness.
* UU:

Modern: Australia (symbol: Southern Cross)
* Wonder: Rickett's Sanctuary.
* Ability: Tribal Title. You can give up a town in your empire to become an Independent Power. That Independent Power created will be selected from a list of aboriginal tribes, each with a different unique improvement. Example - Independent Power Tiwi, builds UI Pukumani Poles. You have automatic suzerainty over Independent Powers released from your empire.
* UI: Heritage Site. One per settlement, grants additional culture per unique infrastructure or natural wonder in that settlement.

I'm tired, and it's a rough but good start, I think Australia could barely pull itself by as three-civ path.
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I don't have a civ deisgn, but I do have a leader design:

Alfred the Great of Wessex
Leader Ability: Rex Angolorum - +1 Culture, +1 Production, and +1 Happiness for each slotted Codex
Agenda: Treaty of Wedmore - dislikes leaders who pillage tiles, likes leaders who are at peace and have more excess Happiness than he
I've had an idea for an "out there" leader design:

Maximilien Robespierre
Ability - Exporting the Revolution
: Crises require 10 less point on the "age progression" meter (ergo, start and last ~10 turns longer) and require all civs to pick 1 additional crisis policy. His military units get +5 strength (or whatever is balanced) per active crisis policy.
Agenda - Death to Kings: Likes civs that fill up the "age progression" meter; dislikes civs that do not.

The idea is simple, he's vanilla during most of the game, but goes crazy during crises. He makes them last longer and hit harder for everyone, but he's in a position to conquer others during it. If he can survive his own turmoil. He would very much be a love-to-hate-him kind of character.
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I thought it would be fun (and help me get a better understanding of the mechanics we've learned about) to try putting together a civ concept, so here's one for the state of Minnesota! Will it ever be in a civ game? Not a chance, but it's a region I'm rather familiar with and I had a lot of fun writing it.


Screenshot 2024-10-21 at 12.20.42 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-10-21 at 11.57.31 AM.png

Formed from primarily Dakota land conquered by the United States in the late 1800s, Minnesota became a hub of economic activity around the Mississippi river. Its "Twin Cities" became a playground for aspiring industrialists, who harnessed the river and other natural resources to build enduring corporate empires. The populace, dissatisfied with their working conditions, organized en masse, setting the stage for the State to rally behind increasingly progressive movements as the decades went on. As the old mills crumble and museums and theaters rise in their place, the North Star's culture grapples with the wrongs it was built upon for hope of a just tomorrow.

Unique Ability

The Water Reflects the Skies: Improved Resources and Urban Districts on Fresh Water gain Culture and Gold based on the amount of active Naval Trade Routes. Gain a burst of Culture and Production towards the replacement building when Overbuilding or replacing a Rural District on a tile with Fresh Water.

  • Cultural
  • Economic
Civic Trees

Land of 10,000 Lakes
  • Tier 1: Cities and Towns on Fresh Water gain an additional Resource Slot. Unlocks the Flour Mill building. Unlocks the ‘Twin Cities’ Tradition.
  • Tradition - Twin Cities: The largest City closest to the Capital also gains the benefits of associated towns and vice versa.
The Star of the North
  • Tier 1: Additional Culture on non-unique Culture Buildings. Unlocks the Art Center building. Unlocks ‘State Fair’ Tradition
  • Tradition - State Fair: Bonus to all yields in Settlements for each Celebration that has occurred while State Fair was active.
  • Tier 2: Towns gain a small amount of Happiness equal to a portion of the Happiness produced in associated Cities.
  • Tradition - Farmer-Labor: Triggering a Celebration in a City provides a small burst of Happiness in associated Towns, and vice versa.
Boundary Waters
  • Tier 1: Additional Culture on Camps. Unlocks the ‘Headwaters’ Tradition. Unlocks the Como Zoo and Conservatory.
  • Tradition - Headwaters: Unimproved tiles with Fresh Water in Towns provide Happiness to the nearest City. Acts as an associated Town yield.
Unique Infrastructure

Sculpture Garden: Unique Quarter. Provides Happiness equal to the Culture provided by the district and buildings within.

Flour Mill: Unique Building. Gold base. Must be built adjacent to a navigable river. Provides Gold and Food for each resource assigned to this city. Can always be overbuilt, and overbuilding does not remove any Quarters created by it.

Art Center: Unique Building. Culture base. Provides Culture for each adjacent Culture or Happiness building.

Unique Military Unit

1st Regiment: Unique Infantry unit. Attacking a tile containing an enemy Commander defeats the Commander, even if the occupying unit survives. Defeating a Commander under influence of a Commander grants that Commander a free promotion.

Unique Civilian Unit

Empire Builder: Unique Influential Person unit. Can only be built once the majority of Cities have built a Flour Mill. The specific Empire Builder received is random. Some will only appear if the majority of Cities contain a Flour Mill, others will only appear if the majority of Cities no longer contain Flour Mills. Cost increases per Empire Builder built.

Possible Empire Builder units if the majority of Cities contain a Flour Mill:
  • James J. Hill: Activated on a Railroad Station to make Railroad Trade Routes also act as Naval Trade Routes. +100% production towards Railroad Stations.
  • John Pillsbury: Activated on a Flour Mill to add a Resource Slot and double its per City Resource yields.
  • James Ford Bell: Activated on a Flour Mill to add Science
  • John Dwan: Activated on a City Center to grant extra Production to City Resources.
  • William Wallace Cargill: Activated on a City Center to grant extra Food to City Resources.
Possible Empire Builder units if the majority of Cities no longer contain a Flour Mill:
  • Charles Shultz: Activated on a Constructible with a Great Work Slot to grant a Codex called “Peanuts” with increased Happiness.
  • Bob Dylan: Activated on a District to add a large amount of Culture when at peace.
  • Judy Garland: Activated on a City Center to immediately trigger a Celebration. Additional Culture on the City Center for each Celebration after.
  • Jesse Ventura: Activated on the Palace to add Culture and Happiness.
  • Tim Walz: Activated on Palace to provide Food towards Specialists in the City.
Associated Wonder:

Como Zoo and Conservatory: Specialists provide bonus science equal to 2.5% of per turn Happiness in this City (round down.)

Starting Biases:
  • Navigable River
  • Fresh Water
  • Vegetated

Attached below are jersey colors (I know colors are leader tied this time around but I was really excited to find the official colors section of the state website) as well as some images of the Twin Cities, a shot of part of the Sculpture Garden next to the Walker Arts Center, Como, and the Guthrie Theatre (a notable theater that could honestly replace Como as the wonder) to get across the vibes.


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