Flanders - Age of Exploration
A powerul French Vassal, the County of Flanders became an influential mercantile power in the low countries around the 10th century AD. Thanks to their accessible rivers and strategic location near the north of France, Flanders flourished as its many trade ports imported raw materials from far away and processed them into fine goods, to be sold at high prices. Flemish lace remains, to this day, one of the region's biggest calling cards. The prosperity from the cloth trade also fueled a boom in the arts and crafts, with Flemish painters revolutionizing the techniques and laying the foundations for later styles.
Focus: Cultural, Economic.
Unique Ability -
Flemish Primitives
- Excess Happiness in towns and cities adds to the Culture and Tourism Generation of Great Works
- Towns can specialize in Art (generates Culture and Influence)
- +30% towards the Gravensteen World Wonder
Unique Unit:
- Cheap Pikeman replacement
- +50% Strength when defending on flat terrain
- +1 Movement in Marshes
- If attached to a Commander, these bonuses apply to all units adjacent to the Commander.
Unique Building:
- +2 Culture
- +5 Civic Defence to city for each adjacent Quarter
- +2 Influence from Adjacent Production Buildings
Unique Building:
- +1 Gold on local Resource, +2 Gold from Resources imported from Towns.
- If the city has a copy of Silk, Wool and Cotton in the city, generate another.
- If the city has Silk, Wool or Cotton, also create two copies of the Lace Luxury
Unique Quarter:
Kasselrij (Requires Belfort + Lakenhalle on the same tile)
- +1 Production and +1 Culture on resources improved via Plantation or Pasture.
- +2 Happiness on adjacent Marsh or Navigable River
- +1 Happiness on adjacent Minor River
Cities: Brugge, Gent, Ieper, Rijsel, Kortrijk, Aalst, Oudenaarde, Kassel, Veurne, Gistel, Dendermonde, Diksmuide, Damme, Deinze, St. Winoxbergen, Duinkerke, Sluis, Oostende, St. Niklaas, Roeselare, Torhout, Eeklo, St. Omer, Dowaai, Oudenburg, Toerkonje, Aardenburg, Hulst, Poperinge, Staden, Hondschoote, Axel, Westrozebeke, Steenvoorde, Waasmunster, Hazebroek, Wijnendale, Sijsele, Male, Saefthinghe.
Associated Wonder:
- +2 Influence on Resources in this city
- +1 Influence on Resources in other cities and in towns
- +5 Civil Defence on all City Centres
- Allies that kill an enemy inside the city that built this, generate Happiness for the city
- Must be built adjacent to a Navigable River or on a Marsh
Associated Leader - Pieter de Coninck
Leader Ability:
- +1 Happiness and Production in Cities for each copy of Silk, Wool, Cotton or Lace.
- Military units have +3 Strength in Marshes
- Military units have additional Strength against Civs with a higher amount of Cities and Towns (+2 per additional city, +1 per additional town)
Traditions give:
bonus food from Marshes,
bonus Happiness and Gold from resources assigned to the Capitol from Towns,
bonus Culture from Cloth related resources.
bonus Combat Strength when defending to friendly units inside the borders. (double for Civilian units)