Designing a War of the Worlds Scenario & Modpack


Senior Elder
Sep 26, 2003
Expanding the Brotherhood
Gentlemen i need to know has anybody designed a Martian Tripod or if anybody can do the unit graphics for me.Unfortunately i am not an artist. I also want to know would anyone would like to help me on this project.

Some of the things that are going to be included are
The Martians will have a completely different tech tree.
The Humans will if they survive long enough and certain things happen will be able to defeat the Martian tripods.But also do not forget Stalins statement "that quantity has a quality all its own."
The Martians will have unique buildings and wonders.
It will be a strictly conquest scenario, no cultural,diplomatic or science victories.
The scenario will begin in 1895.
So far the Civs that will be in it are:
United Kingdom, United States ,France, Germany, Italy, Austria Hungary, Russia, Japan, Ethiopia, The Boer Republics, Ming China, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico and of course The Martians.
Originally posted by Thorgrimm
Gentlemen i need to know has anybody designed a Martian Tripod or if anybody can do the unit graphics for me.Unfortunately i am not an artist. I also want to know would anyone would like to help me on this project.

Some of the things that are going to be included are
The Martians will have a completely different tech tree.
The Humans will if they survive long enough and certain things happen will be able to defeat the Martian tripods.But also do not forget Stalins statement "that quantity has a quality all its own."
The Martians will have unique buildings and wonders.
It will be a strictly conquest scenario, no cultural,diplomatic or science victories.
The scenario will begin in 1895.
So far the Civs that will be in it are:
United Kingdom, United States ,France, Germany, Italy, Austria Hungary, Russia, Japan, Ethiopia, The Boer Republics, Ming China, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico and of course The Martians.

You might want to change Ming China to Qing China. This originately Mandchu dinasty ruled China from 1644 to 1911.
Follow the link in my sig
Lou thank you i will change it to Qing China.
Also thank you Wyrmshadow for the Tripod.

Some of the Martian unique buildings that are going to be in it are
Martian Blood Farm
Copper Extractor
Triadmantanium processing facility
Naval Heat Ray Emplacement
Tripod Assembly plant
Silicon Extraction facility
Black Smoke Manufactory
Microwave Transmitter
Also as the Martians terraform(irrigate) the planet it will take on a decidedly red look. aka the red weed.
Here are some of the Martian unique techs:
Copper Extraction
Force Screen Assembly
Heat Ray Fortifying
Human Farming
Martian Government
Martian Phisiology
Martian Weaknesses
Microwave Transmission
Naval Assembly
Teleport Manufacturing
Triadmantanium Extraction
Tripod Manufacturing

This is some of the Martian units
Black Smoke (cruise missle) need good anim.
Combat Tripod have anim thanks Wyrmshadow
Scout Tripod need anim
Flying Machine have anim thanks Wyrmshadow
Martian Infantry need anim
Martian Naval Combat Vessel need anim
Martian Naval Transport need anim
Martian Terraformers need anim
Defensive Heat Ray need anim
Martian Colonist Crawler Thanks Level
Do the martians need naval vessels? They wouldn't have had them on Mars, because of lack of water and the thier flying machines would be used to fly/transport over and attack ships.
I'm excited to hear about this scenario. I decided to do a scenario for Conquests, and had thought about this very thing, but I found another idea I've been working on.

Thorgrimm, can I suggest working some theremin music into the mix? :crazyeye: That would be really cool.
Originally posted by JtheJackal
Do the martians need naval vessels? They wouldn't have had them on Mars, because of lack of water and the thier flying machines would be used to fly/transport over and attack ships.

Ah, but in Wells' novel the Martians would've come from a world of canals -- perhaps let them start with ships limited to coastal waters and then need to develop true seagoing vessels!

Gentlemen i apologise for not posting but the real world intruded and i had to go to Iowa.
JtheJackal the reason that the Martians would need naval vessels is because coming from a planet which has no discernable oceans they did not develop long range transport when they could make endless short hops to get where they need to go. The Martian tech tree in not that the Martians have lost the tech,but the problems with setting up a whole new infrastructure on another planet. Human technology would be totally useless to the Martians, as they were a telepathic race as speculated by Wells.
Aaron Burr i had an idea about trying to use snippets of the Musical version of The War of The Worlds by Jeff Wayne. I think that Richard Burton was the best narrator used in any version.
Ozy you are correct. But i was going to try to give the tripods both land and water capabilities, as they were 100 feet tall and in the encounter with the torpedo ram Thunder Child Wells states that the tripod waded out till the water was just below the hull.At 100 ft. tall you could make a case that they could wade in coastal but not sea or ocean. Thus trireme ability.
Originally posted by Thorgrimm
Ozy you are correct. But i was going to try to give the tripods both land and water capabilities, as they were 200 feet tall and in the encounter with the torpedo ram Thunderchild Wells states that the tripod waded out till the water was just below the hull.At 200 ft. tall you could make a case that they could wade in coastal but not sea or ocean. Thus trireme ability.

... Yes, but sadly Civ3 units cannot be hybrids-- each must be land OR sea OR air ... Trust me, you're not the first one to have an excellent idea derailed by this game "feature". The best you could do would be to give them bombard combat abilities and let them attack shipping that way.


Ozy thats a shame, so we cannot have the exciting encounter with the Thunder Child and the tripods. Thats a real shame because of the 3 tripods the Martians lost in the book 2 were lost in the encounter with the Thunder Child.
Thanks for the suggestion because i was wondering how i was going to simulate the encounter. I think that also the bombardment by human ships should be lethal against the tripods. what do you think? Could you recommend someone who could do cities? I was going to have the Martian Small settlement be a landed cylinder and the upgrades be sci-fi cities.

Thanks for the suggestion.
Originally posted by Thorgrimm
Could you recommend someone who could do cities? I was going to have the Martian Small settlement be a landed cylinder and the upgrades be sci-fi cities.

Interesting possibilities in generally released city graphics packs (i.e., not specifically part of a mod) that you might want to look at are:

mrtn's Evil Cities
mrtn's Oriental Cities
mrtn's Dwarven Cities
frenchman's LOTR Saruman's Cities
Badi_Dea's Matrix-inspired Cities

Some very different-looking 'burgs :)

Gentlemen, a little blurb about the structure of this endevor.
The scenario will be the Martian invasion and either conquest or defeat.
The modpack will be a typical empire builder by which i mean that the humans will start with one city and grow there. The humans will start with some unique units because they have moved most of their civilization underground (Brave New World).
Gentlemen, i have the Basic human setup finished and i tested the scenario and it loaded properly.When i tried to add the Martians it would only load to 30% then give me a box with just one word in it. It was "previous" and then proceded to kick me out to my desktop.I followed Bamspeedy's tutorial on adding civs and uu's to the game. I even went through every line in the civilopedia and pediaicons files and they look proper. I have added 2 Martian units, 11 techs, and a govt. called Hive Mind. If somebody knows what is wrong would you please help me fix it? Until i can figure out what is wrong i am dead in the water as far as the scenario goes.:wallbash:
Perhaps you should import the scen. to a new map. Sometimes the map becomes corrupt.
Hard to help with the crash without more info; I'd suggest you go back to the Human changes only version, then add the Martian changes one at a time, test loading as you go.
I've never encountered that specific error you mentioned, and I've done a lot of unit/tech/govt. modding (and made what I thought were all the mistakes you can make).
If you still hit a brick wall, maybe you could upload it and I'll try to help?
If you do get it going again, a quick suggestion to allow the classic Thunderchild vs Tripod encounter; why not have a land AND a naval Tripod, using the same animations. If you don't like the idea of Tripods walking all over the ocean, you can limit them to the coast by making sea/ocean impassable to wheeled and the naval Tripods wheeled. Not perfect but it'd be a shame to miss out on imo the best image from the musical.
@Amenhotep i should have also said i have tried Marla Singers, Kal-Els and Teturkhans maps. It only Happens when i Try to add the Martians.Question do you have to remove anything when you add Govts. ,techs, resources or units? The only thing i can think of is that there is a hardcoded limit for these things. Since this is my first civ 3 mod i don't know.
@Tacit_Exit thanks for the advice i will try that.I was also thinking of making a naval version of the tripod that could only go in the coast.Thanks for the way to make that happen.If can't figure it out is there a way i can e-mail you the files, because i really need the help. I would really like to finish this because War of the Worlds is one of the best sci-fi books ever written, also it started the genre of the alien invasion of Earth. You're right about the best image from the musical. The sight of the Thunderchild being melted to slag in the foreground while the passenger ship escapes in the background makes for a powerful image. When i made my War of the Worlds scenario for civ 2 i thought that was tough!! Ha! to my suprise that was a piece of cake compared to this. Thanks for the help
@Tacit_Exit You were correct i was designing it for PTW and somehow Boneheaded me copied the civilopedia and pediaicons files from vanilla civ. Thats why it was giving me the "previous" message in the box. Now i have to recreate the files again this time with the right files.

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