pre-release info Detailed Civ and Leader Comparison Charts

pre-release info


Aug 7, 2010
Hi all, I’ve been keeping a personal series of charts that displays the Uniques for the Civs and Leaders in a way that I find more readable, and much easier to compare, than the official Game Guides. I’ve noticed a few folks have indicated that they would like to see something like this so here you are.

These charts include very basic analysis for quick reference including: Main Yields, Terrain Preferences and Keywords. At the end I have included another chart of all civs with more extensive analysis as well, but didn’t want to color these basic charts too much to allow for people to come up with their own ideas.

I will endeavor to keep this updated, please inform me of anything I missed or erred on. I have been searching for specific abilities beyond the vagaries of the game guides, so if anyone has info for exact numbers for abilities not yet included here I would appreciate them!

They are a rather large size, so I would consider downloading them if not on a full sized monitor.

For more concise charts (created by @Siptah), see this post - they are excellent for quick comparisons and are much easier to read on smaller screens!

Antiquity Age Civilizations:
Spoiler :


Exploration Age Civilizations:
Spoiler :


Modern Age Civilizations:
Spoiler :


Spoiler :


Lastly I have this chart which includes a certain amount of analysis in the interest of theorycrafting future runs. It is still very much a work in progress, especially wrt Wonders and Leaders.
Spoiler :




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What do the numbers and dots in the last table on the left mean?
What do the numbers and dots in the last table on the left mean?
The numbers represent the bonus Settlement Limit effects that are in the Unique Civic Tree.

The stars are my personal rating of how strong I expect them to be. (TBH I meant to remove them from the basic charts, and shall do so when I update later.)
Seems that I do not understand Terrain column markings: Letters, underlines, bold texts etc.

Edit: Seems that I should as there was instructions in the column header :blush:
I just see a french streamer who played aksum + majapahit and have 1000 culture per turns in exploration age on archipelago map (14 settlements "turn 51")
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Not sure if scared or impressed the most. :D
I did not manage to decipher the meaning of letters in brackets. Others I think I got.
Ah, the letters in parentheses are the yields that buildings get adjacency bonuses for from those terrain types. So for example, coast gives adjacency to Food and Gold buildings so that is indicated as “Coast (F/G)”. So coastal civs get a bit of a bonus to food and gold. Same works for Resources (Science and Production), Mountains (Happiness and Culture).

As we become more familiar with these I may remove them..
Hi all, I’ve been keeping a personal series of charts that displays the Uniques for the Civs and Leaders in a way that I find more readable, and much easier to compare, than the official Game Guides. I’ve noticed a few folks have indicated that they would like to see something like this so here you are.

These charts include very basic analysis for quick reference including: Main Yields, Terrain Preferences and Keywords. At the end I have included another chart of all civs with more extensive analysis as well, but didn’t want to color these basic charts too much to allow for people to come up with their own ideas.

I will endeavor to keep this updated, please inform me of anything I missed or erred on. I have been searching for specific abilities beyond the vague rise of the game guides, so if anyone has screenshots with exact numbers for abilities not yet included here I would appreciate them!

They are a rather large size, so I would consider downloading them if not on a full sized monitor.

Antiquity Age Civilizations:

Exploration Age Civilizations:

Modern Age Civilizations:


Lastly I have this chart which includes a certain amount of analysis in the interest of theorycrafting future runs. Not updated fully with recent leader reveals, and I plan to add a Wonders column in the future.
Thank you for creating and sharing these charts!
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As a comment, verticalizing the charts (the current orientation is horizontal) would be more readable online as the greater width of most screens would expand the size of the text and the ability to easily scroll up/down while scanning left right would make row by row comparison easier. The current orientation is more suitable for an offline poster on a wall which would look lovely and be useful right up until the first major patch 😂
I just see a french streamer who played aksum + majapahit and have 1000 culture per turns in exploration age on archipelago map (14 settlements "turn 51")
Could you link? Solely cuz I want to see archipelago map script 🙏
Thanks for these tables @Seek! This is great work.

I've been working on something similar, but made a few different decisions. For starters, I chose more eye-cancer colors, which makes my tables way less pleasant to look at. I also shortened the texts and left out all names and numbers, because some might change quickly and my intention wasn't to present all FXS info, but to help with revealing synergies. Overall, your work is much more comprehensive, detailed, and nicer. But still, I thought that I don't want to just bury mine and add them here. I haven't done the modern civs yet though.

As I was (untypical for me) compiling these in Excel, I thought it would be easy to include a combination sheet. In this, you can select civs, leader, and two attribute trees from dropdown lists and compare the bonuses side-by-side. However, Excel doesn't like to include highlighting and colors (or any other formatting) in these. Hence, I think this isn't very practical. I put a screenshot here nonetheless.


Updated OP:
  • Jose Rizal’s attributes
  • Buganda
  • A plethora of new precise information about a number of civs (Antiquity is almost complete! None of the streamers have even glanced at Persia yet though…)
  • Began to add wonders to the analysis chart
  • Included a link to the wonderful charts by @Siptah
Updated OP:
  • Jose Rizal’s attributes
  • Buganda
  • A plethora of new precise information about a number of civs (Antiquity is almost complete! None of the streamers have even glanced at Persia yet though…)
  • Began to add wonders to the analysis chart
  • Included a link to the wonderful charts by @Siptah
I see you caught Rome's Basilica change to Influence, but you didn't factor it into their secondary yields in the Quick View section
I see you caught Rome's Basilica change to Influence, but you didn't factor it into their secondary yields in the Quick View section
I left it as a tertiary (Gold) since they have multiple minor Gold related perks, but only the one Influence perk.

Basically, my methodology is this: I just add up the number of times each yield is mentioned with minimal weighting to come up with the two (or three) main yields. With some civs, including Rome, I only did a primary and tertiary because they have no strong secondary yield, and often it is arguable that another yield could be the tertiary - indeed, I considered Production instead of Gold for Rome.

Although this has been my basic methodology thus far, once we have the game and can truly judge the effect of said perks (eg, if the influence on Rome’s UB overshadows all the gold bonuses) I may reconsider.
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