Mark Zuckerberg wants to start Twitch channel to stream his favorite game


Say No 2 Net Validations
Oct 22, 2008
We have already learned previously that Mark Zuckerberg is a big Civ fan (he does world domination... surprise :mischief:), but has published an article called "Mark Zuckerberg wants to start Twitch channel to stream his favorite game".
In the article he ponders about live streaming Civ, see this quote:
“Priscilla looked at my Steam account the other day and she’s like, ‘What?! You’ve played this for more than a thousand hours.” Zuckerberg said. “In terms of strategy games, the one that I’m more likely to want to be the best in the world at is Civilization.”

“I think at some point, I should do, like, a Twitch stream of me playing with someone because I’m pretty convinced that I’m close to grandmaster status. I’d be surprised if anyone in the world could beat me at that.”

Do we want to see this? Will PotatoMcWhiskey have some good tips for him? Will he beat the Carlbarian? Possibilities over possibilities!
Potato has already issued the challenge:

Plot twist: since Zuck has always been referring to the game as “Civilization” without a specific number, he meant CivNet all along :mischief:
Mark Zuckerberg as America, The_J as the Dutch, duel map, see who wins.

But even if it's not The_J, I bet we have a few CivFanatics who could eke out a win. Do we know yet whether he plays multiplayer, and if so, what style of multiplayer? I suspect that if the answer is no, he'd find out fairly quickly that grandmaster versus the AI and grandmaster versus other humans are very different things. And within the latter, playing with friends versus playing competitively are also quite different.

But we know that he's been playing since at least 2002, when he got his college acceptance letter, so he's been playing the series since at least Civ III, quite possibly Civ II. Thus he is seasoned. Could be interesting, although unless he's secretly one of us and leading the multiplayer scene already, my guess is he'll find quite a few people who are better than him.
Zuckberg's obsession with Civ feared in Steven Levy's history of FB.

Somewhere in that kid’s head it all seemed to be simmering into a stew: Conquerors. Swashbuckling. Civilization. Risk. Coding. Empire-building. The recipe for Mark Zuckerberg.
Facebook: The Inside Story. Steven levy.
It seems the game is on!
The game with you and Zuckerberg that I said should happen? He took you up on it? When can I watch?

Well done on taking the initiative and suggesting it to him, I didn't think you'd put your vast Civ VI experience on the table against a true grandmaster like that ;).
It seems the game is on!
Might need to check with @Blake00 if he sees something on our FB page about this :D.
Nothing in our inbox yet. Still gotta share the story too lol.

PC Gamer have covered it too.. "Beware: Zuck's words are backed by nuclear weapons." :lol:
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