DG4 Game Options: Water Coverage


Looking for the door...
Mar 18, 2002
Behind you
OK, people here's another game options discussion thread. This one deals with the amount of water we will have surrounding the Land Mass type we choose. As each of you know, when you start a game and choose your land mass type, you select one of three water coverage options. From what I've been able to gather here is that the 3 options represent 80% water coverage (20% land), 7o% water coverage (30% land), and 60% water coverage (40% land). I've posted a pic below, in case I'm not describing the options well enough.

So regardless of which land type we choose, or which size map we use, we should also decide which water coverage figure we are going to select, as this option can not be random. It might be a good idea to wait on polling this option until we know for sure which land mass we'll be using.

Personally I always choose 60% water coverage as that option gives me the most land to work with. Discuss!
I pretty much agree, whether the ocean is wide or not does little to effect the game (over-seas invasions mostly), but more landmass means more "world" for the gamer.
Espeially if we take a Large map we should take 60% water.
60%. Limiting land is good. See this combined with my plea for 18 opponents on a large map:

As many opponents as possible. If 12 is standard for a Large map, let's have 18 opponents.
Less room, more focus on the individual cities and less resources and luxes, which forces us to deal more with war, trades, science and diplomacy than in DG3. The mil dep, sci dep, trade dep, FA dep and culture dep become more important and the Pres and Dom dep slightly less important than in DG3 (I thought they were too important there). We'll be forced to make decisions more often, which lead to more discussions and more polls.
I always play the 60% option -- unless I feel like more land is appropriate and generate a map from the editor and modify it. We could recruit a reputable scenario builder who's not in the game and get a map that matches our water % while keeping the landmass a mystery...
I say no modifications and no scenarios. If we have someone build a scenario, the in formation of the world is going to leak out to someone, you know this. Let's keep the creation of the new world happening on Creation Day.

Also, random land mass type is useless in my eyes. Civ3, regardless of whether you're playing PTW or C3C, is not that much of a mystery anymore. Maps are maps. If we were to choose random (very decisive :rolleyes: ) and got an Archipelago map, we would basically be intentionally limiting ourselves to a map with small land mass. Does this make sense? Are we trying to see if we can beat the AI? Or are we trying to see if we can run a virtual government? I can understand wanting a challenge, but one of the key features in the game for citizen participation is being part of the Government. (did I really need to say that?) So if we get an Archipelago map, we're saying we don't want a good number of cities or Provinces. If we do wind up with a good number of either, it will be late in the game and (sarcasm) hopefully everyone will have gotten bored and left by then(/sarcasm). I just don't see the point. The more land mass we have, the more participation we have. Why limit ourselves by going random?
60% Water would be good. More land, more fun.
60% water would also be good.
Wow, Cyc, I should take my cue from you when running these discussions. Great first post! :goodjob:

I would have to say 60% as well. After all.....in the DemoGame, its the journey that matters, not the destination.
60%, Continents or Pangaea. I'm leaning toward continents, as that may force us to actually USE a Navy.
Random, to make life more interesting.
Originally posted by Eklektikos
Random, to make life more interesting.
this can't be random

i think we should go with 70% interesting exploration aspects in the beggining game as we wouldn't just send out scouts/warriors, we would have to actually build galleys :eek: and explore the water too, it will make interesting early exploration, while not making much of a difference in the late game then 60%
Since this topic has reached an all but unanimous consensus, there will be no forthcoming poll.

Our Water Coverage will be set at 60%.
Hmmph! :p
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