DGIT #1 Romans on Warlord

Sandrock LQ

Demi-God in Training
Sep 30, 2001
Margate, FL
It is time for Demi-Gods in Training first game!

World Size: Small
Barbarians: Roaming
Land Mass: Continents 2
Climate: Normal
Temperature: Temperate
Age: 4 Billion
Civilization: Romans[Legions ho!]
Rivals: All Random, 4 of them
Victory Conditions: Domination and Conquest turned on
Allow Civ Specific Traits: On
Culturally Linked Start Locations: On
Respawn AI PLayers: Off
Preserve Random Seed: On
Accelerated Production: Off
Elimination: Off
Regicide: Off
Mass Regicide: Off
Victory Point Locations: Off
Capture the Princess: Off
Allow Cultural Conversions: On
Difficulty :Warlord

4000 BC

Turn Order:
1)Sandrock LQ

We'll take ten turns a piece.

I'll get us started. I'll post our start position pic again in the second post.

Discussion from everyone is welcome and encouraged.
I wanted to get my turn out of the way. I have an interview for a job tomorrow, and I have a couple of errands to run tomorrow.

Here's what I did:
4000 BC
-Founded Rome
-Set Rome on Warrior
-Set research to Bronze Working

-Set worker to mine square south of Rome



-Rome builds warrior...I fortify it.


-Set worker to build road on the mined square


-Rome builds warrior, I send him NE to explore.
-Rome's cultural borders expand giving us a better view.

I guess we discuss for 24 hours where to go from here and then SolarKnight is up.

I'll post a pic in my next post.
OK, nice to have one thread for the game... So you chose culturally link on : no problem, you'll probably meet Greece, Carthage... Celts ? You can check in F10 if you want.

So ! Comment on your turns. I don't have the time to fully organize a training session, as I said, but I can still comment on what you do...

First about how to play the SG : 10 turns each, yes, but 4000BC is usually counted as Turn 0 ; so you should have played until the end of 3500BC (turn 10), but without clicking on next turn ! Next player should play until the end of 3000BC (all units moved).

4000BC : You don't tell what unit you move first. This can be important, and lurkers and players may want to know. If the worker can spot something cool out of the fog, then it could be wise to move the settler before founding the capital. Also it could have been an option to move the settler towards the coast, to be able to build boats and coastal wonders, to fully get advantage of coast tiles in the future... Right now, you'll end with 2 coast tiles that won't be able to be improved.

3750BC : You get a 1st warrior, cool. Why fortifying it in the city ? You could send him find huts, friends, and explore the map as soon as possible. The level is Warlord, so I think you get 3 content faces (at least ?) in the city before they start to be unhappy, so military police isn't an issue right now. And barbarians are set to roaming, which means there will be few of them, and you'll get advantage attacking them, so don't fear barbs right now !

3550BC : Another warrior. At last you send one !

In fact, we usually say Rome's borders expand in 3500BC. I know it's in the IT (inter-turn), but because you get the advantage of it the next turn, that's how we say. And you should indicate that Rome gets a new citizen in 3500BC too.

Oops, and according to the pic, you set science on Bronze Working without wondering if you could get it faster. Major error here (the most important so far). 10 turns researching a tech (not so expensive BTW, and on Warlord (advantage for you)), and still 21 turns into it ? That's too much, well too much ! Remember that you get a tech every 40 turns at least (if you do research each turn, even with a scientist). So you're not far from that, and you don't get much gold at the same time. You should have either set science at 100% in 4000BC (maximum research, treasury stable), either set science at 10% or 20% (minimum science that actually gets you beakers each turn) and set the tech to be one of the most expensive (Alphabet is the most expensive, but you already have it, so that could be the Wheel or Masonry or Writing (very expensive tech and very important !!!)).

You can quite safely pop up the hut when you feel like it. We are on Warlord.

That's all for now, folks ! :)
Sorry for not posting yesterday, i had major problems with my isp, and couldnt get online.

Im ready to take my turn now whenever you are ready to post the save.
Thanks for the criticism, after all, the whole reason to do this is to learn.

Normally I build a warrior, fortify him, then go straight to settler. We didn't have the greatest growth in Rome so, I decided to go with a second warrior, so I could see how many turns it took to reach pop 3, once Rome grew to 2. I forgot to change warrior to settler, and that was my intention, before saving. You can take it any way you like SolarKnight, but my style is to found cities and take up map space on the best possible sites in a conquest game. It seems we have plenty of coastline to build a city along, so perhaps our second city should be coastal. I also think we should pump up the science at least until we get iron working, then we can build our wonderful legion unit. THen, we may want to turn it down depending on how many civs we meet, and can trade with. Most of the time, I leave science alone at least until I get that second city up. But iron working is a priority, hence by choice of bronze working as our first tech.

I never thought to move the worker first, then the settler. I've done that with units later in games, but never right in the beginning. Good idea.

The only two moves I made were the worker and warrior. I mentioned direction on the warrior and I thought by saying I mined the tile SOuth of the city, that would imply where I had sent the worker.

Also, I could have sworn I posted the save file, but I guess I didn't. Here you go SolarKnight.

3550 BC
Got it.
Am i taking this to 3000BC or just for ten turns?
Originally posted by Sandrock LQ
so I could see how many turns it took to reach pop 3, once Rome grew to 2.
Actually, if you don't dislike doing some little maths, you could know how your city will grow in the near future by looking the food available, the shields available, and how workers are working. You could have seen right from the beginning that Rome wouldn't hit size 3 before 3000BC. ;) Then mentally adds shields in the production box turn after turn, don't forget added shields on the turns the city grows (one more citizen) (it is a bit random, I'm not sure there is a rule for it, that's why I don't like this feature, but we eventually get used to it), and don't forget worker improvements that can give their benefits on the turn they are built too. Then see if you settler can be built once size 3 is reached (once again, you can build him on the turn Rome hits size 3, using the extra shields size 3 will give you, as explained above :crazyeye: ).

Now don't forget this is Civ3 and not Civ2 anymore. Think settler factories. And granaries. In Civ2 I would build settlers here and there, but that's over in Civ3, because city growth and settler production have both radically changed. It's now better to build all the settlers in one or maybe two cities. The best sites for such cities (that will be turned into settler factories) are high-food tiles with a fair number of shields. Those cities usually build a granary before producing settlers : it is called an investment, and it must be done if you feel you will get an advantage over not building it in the long run. Here unfortunately I don't see any bonus food tile. :( So the best thing to do is : EXPLORE !!! :goodjob: And find such sites. In the mean time Rome should produce a settler as soon as possible.

Emphasize on : settler as soon as possible, and extensive exploration of the map.
Originally posted by kryszcztov
Emphasize on : settler as soon as possible, and extensive exploration of the map.

This is standard operating procedure for me. I usually just send out warriors, or scouts if I have them. As far as predicting when a Settler can be built, that will take me some practice to get down. There wouldn't happen to be any recommending reading on Settler farms and such, is there?

In any event, this game is paying dividends in my Civ3 education.

BTW, I got the job I interviewed for, and I start training on Monday.:goodjob:
Pre - turn: everything looks good.

3500 BC: Boost science to 90%, Bronze in 11 turns. Moved worker to bonus grass NW of Rome ready to mine.
Warrior continues NE.

3450 BC: Worker to mine, warrior continues NE.
Rome Builds Warrior, will use him to pop the hut near rome.
Set rome to build settler.

3400 BC: Warriors continue on their travels.

3350 BC: Warriors continue on their travels.

3300 BC: Warrior pops hut, gets map of region, reveals a whale just off the coast.

3250 BC: will move the warrior i used to pop the hut north with the other to explore the area in that direction, but

the next player can change that if they want to.

3200 BC: Northen most warrior reveals another hut on the eastern coast, as well as a plains wheat square, site may

have potential for a city site.

3150 BC: Worker builds road on newly mined square.

3100 BC: Warrior pops hut, gets Cerimonial Burial.

3050 BC: Settler due next turn, will leave rome at size one though. Bronze due in 2 turns.

3000 BC: Going by kryszcztov's advice in the thread ive taken this turn as well.
Moved settler one square North East.
Discovered Bronze Working, Chose Pottery as next advance.
Worker to Bonus Grass NW of previous square.

Here is the world as we know it
Sorry i dont think the image works, i tried uploading it and then putting in the url but it doesnt show.

EDIT: Ive sorted the problem now, my bad i messed up the url.
could a moderator please delete this post.
Hum, all that I can really say is that you got a tough start ! :crazyeye: Are you ready to struggle for life ?

SolarKnight, OK for taking my "advice", but it seems you pressed "next turn" in 3000BC, and ended up in 2950BC ; what I said is that you should play all 10 turns until the end, but not press "next turn". So that the next player knows you have "completed" your turn and moved all the units you wanted. Next player should play until the end of 2550BC (turn 30), that means move all units and do all the stuff up to 2550BC, then saving without pressing "next turn" in 2550BC.

Same comment as before : why is a warrior fortified in Rome ? Send him in the north right away ! You need to know what is north of the worker.

Sending the settler to the game forest is indeed a good idea, but remember you won't get a food bonus before Monarchy/Republic if you don't find a source of fresh water. And because this is a small map, you won't want to space your cities too much, because corruption is higher than on standard maps (regarding number of tiles), and the game could end more quickly, so you may not need all 21 squares for your cities (before hospitals (Sanitation) you can't get more than 12 citizens per city), and there is something important to remember : tiles are power ! If you don't work some tiles in your core by the middle of the game, those useful tiles (not so corrupted) will be lost, and so your empire will suffer.

It may be an option to build a granary in Rome, because I don't see any close settler factory sites here. That would help Rome to grow in the meantime. And if you research Pottery... it must be for a good reason ! Because it is one of the 2 cheapest techs (along with Ceremonial Burial), and if you meet a civ that already has Pottery, your research will be less valuable by far.

Oops, seeing the image once again, it seems the lake north of Rome is indeed a lake ! :D That could mean fresh water. :goodjob: To be continued...
My thinking was to found near the game forest and put a granary in there to help expansion, the next player can veto pottery if they want.

I think the turn changed after i moved the last warrior in 3000 BC, maybe the always wait at end of turn wasnt on i just got the tech choice box.

If you want the 3000 BC save ive still got it.
HAving our cities closer together should work out ok anyway. We're going to be pumping units out of them.
Turn Log:

2950: Look around Worker mines Bonus Grassland, Warrior goes north west up that isthumus, Warriors keep on exploring

2900: Warrior spots yellow border it is? Gems spotted,

2850: It is Eypgt, they have one tech, masonry so i trade alpabey for it. I get seven gold alogn with it. The warrior moving NW spots a cow on plains.

2800: Warrior built in Rome, other warriors keep on exploring

2750: Veii founded with game and fish in reach. Start it on warrior, one warrior popped a goody hut which gave us an map of the region, some nice land up north



2630: get 25 gold from a hut.


2550: Get pottery set tech to math in 27 at breaking even. This is a good min sci gambit imo.

We have one contact a newly finished spearman in rome. We can cut Egypt off with one city. We have 2 luxs in sight gems and spices.

Two Cities

And the save oh and sorry for not posting a got it.

2550 BC-

Time for systems check.
I switch from Mathematics to Iron Working. IT will be done in 20 turns instead of the 27 turns of mathematics. Plus Legions are important for taking out Egypt quick.

I fortify the spearman that was built in Rome. I think that's why he was built in the first place. I change production to Granary since we need to expand at a faster rate.

I send worker just west of rome. I fortify warrior in Veii since we have enough men exploring already. I change production in Veii to worker, we need him to start improving the land.

I push the exploring warriors towards the frontiers and one warrior spots a hut. And why is there a warrior heading straight for Egypts capitol? Was the last player going to attack him or something? or did he use the go to commmand?

2510 BC-

Alright, heres comes a turning point for me. I was put in this position by the last player. Now since theres a warrior already next to the capitol, maybe we could start a early war now. Theres is another warrior pretty close to Thebes also. I could wait for him and both of the warriors could attack Thebes at once. I mean Thebes has only 1 warrior, his fortified of course, I say we take this sucka out early. They are a pathetic civilization. We gotta take this opportunity......I have decided.....we are going to war with Egypt.

Ok, second warrior outside of thebes gets closer moving east toawards thebes. The warrior way off to the west is heading for the hut to pop it. Worker is starting on road next to west of rome. Warrior to the far east also keeps going north exploring the peninsula. Warrior adjacent to the capitol of thebes moves south west of thebes and will wait for second close warrior.

2510 BC-

Egypts leader tells me to get off her city. I tell her to make me, and we declare war.

The Egypt-Roman War begins I fortify my unit waiting for the second warrior to arrive. I will wait for the second warrior to arrive and then I will attack as a stack of 2 warriors.

The warrior to the far west pops the hut and we get Mysticism. My other warrior to the far east will keep exploring going north. And thats the end of another exciting turn.

2430 BC-

Warrior to the far west moves south and warrior to the far east moves north on a mountain, to uncover a nice little dye area(3).

Egypt-Roman War
Details- My first warrior is still fortified no a jungle waiting for the second warrior to appear. If a attack comes to my fortified first warrior he gets a defensive bonus for fortifying in a jungle. No fear of a attack as of yet, The sissy Egypts have done nothing as of yet.

2390 BC-

Worker west of rome will start building a mine. Warrior to the far west goes south and warrior to far east goes north. Now to more interesting news...

Egypt-Roman War

The second warrior has reached its destination and next turn the first attack will begin. Still those Egyptians are paralyzed by fear as the streets of Egypt are in much chaos. Don't worry people you will join the The great Roman empire soon. Muahahahahaha

2350 BC-

Worker is done in Veii I move him east of Veii to the deer forest that is being worked on by the citizens. I then change production in Veii to warrior, I fear that we may lose a warrior in the Egypt-Roman War. Warrior to the far west moves south again. Now to the war front...

Egypt-Roman War

The first actual attack of this war begins NOW!!!! Reports have been flooding in of the war by messenger runners. It seems that early reports of only being one warrior garrisoned in the city were false there were two freaking warriors, not one. Other runners come in and say that the first battle has been a total loss to Roman warriors. This burns my soul.....they have won this battle but not the war. Mark my words...........

2310 BC-

Worker east of Veii builds road, so we can earn commerce in that square. Warrior to far west heads east and warrior to far east heads north.

Egypt-Roman War

As the war rages on and as the defeat of my men is even more evident, my blood rages. It was a assured victory my military advisor said, well he is now dead. We have no warriors yet to spare to go on the frontlines. A attack has to be postponed to a later date, until we get more men.

2270 BC-

My warrior to the far west is going north again and the warrior to the far east is going north as usual.

Egypt-Roman War

I have gotten word from one of my men that the people are planning to kill me in 2 turns time. That means my reign will have been only 10 turns time. How sad....

2230 BC-

My warrior to the far west heads north and my warrior to far east heads north as well.

Egypt-Roman War

It seems that the humiliating loss at the first battle has angered the people. I can there angry little eyes out of my castle. Sigh...

2190 BC-The final year...

My warrior to the west heads north and my warrior to the east heads north as well.

Egypt-Roman War

The people have busted through my guards and have taken me outside to a beheading ceremony. These savages dont understand that I just wanted to bring pride to the Roman people. It's too late now as I look down at the wooden platform and feel the cold wind(CUT!!!).................

Save Here.
Oh, goody. I'm up. :) Got it! Due to the nature of the situation, I'll wait for comment before playing.
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