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DI1 - 3CC AW (Look at me I'm insane!)

Jul 29, 2003
My first SG and I decided to take my name to heart ;)

Map settings :

Size : Small
Land : Pangea
Barbarians : Roaming (3CC and AW)
Climate : Wet
Temp : Warm
Age : 4 Billion
Difficulty : Regent preferably, Amirsan's 5CC AW seems to be going fine but with two less cities it will be quite a ride :)
No culturally linked, no respawn, no accelerated production
Victories : 20 K Cultural

Oooh gotcha there :D

Civ : Up for debate

Rules : 3 Cities only, if you don't know the AW rules :
We must declare on civs the turn we meet them; we may make deals with them before the end of the turn but no 20 turn deals. You must declare war on them before ending the turn.

Roster :

Disruptiveidiot (I'm a coward)
And maybe a fifth spot

The first person can take 40 turns on the first round if they choose. After that 20 turns until industrial than it's 10 turns.
Hey, I'd like to join. I'm pretty comfortable with regent, but these 2 variants will be a challenege.... :D. I just ask that I not be the first player to start out.
"Obviously the only feasible goal is Conquest."

Hmm... Difficult variant. :rolleyes:
A 20k victory may be also feasible.
You're in andvruss! What spot do you want on the roster?

Belisar : Fine, no conquest just Cultural victory. Happy?
I am tempted to join, but I am over-committed already. Also I think it is probably too difficult a variant for me. With 3 cities and AW, getting AA wonders will be very risky, and also I don't have any AW experience.

Good luck! I think you're going to need it. :)
If this game gets off the ground- A note of absence: I will be away from August 6th to 14th. If I am up, please skip me. Sorry for the short notice.
Originally posted by DisruptiveIdiot
Alright; *sigh* I'm thinking this is gonna drop dead...

This is a very interesting variant. I dont think this kind (3CC AW) has every been attempted. If you give it a little more time, I think people will join, but thats just my opinion......
Originally posted by andvruss

If you give it a little more time, I think people will join, but thats just my opinion......

Please sirs...

Can I join?

Regent 3CC AW 20k ...

Too good to pass up.

Hmm I would be so bold to suggest 1st...

I'll start the thing and get us going.

I wont settler anywhere without first checking the boards...

Might be an idea to consider. We will have but 3 cities and should all be involved in deciding where they go.

Civs :hmm:

Militaristic Expansionist? For Scouts and Armies (We gotta fight right?)

or Scientific/Religious for easy culture building builds?


My Tuppence...

Expansionist is wasted in AW in my opinion because you will not want to scout like in a normal game. The later you can prolong contact, the better off you will be. Militaristic is a must, I think, to maximize your chance at Great Leaders (by having more elites). I am not signing up by the way, but just wanted to give you my 2 kroner.
The 'big 4' for an AW game are:

industrious, militaristic, scientific and a good, early UU (ancient or medieval)

While you can't have all of them, the more the better.

Civs like China, Persia, Rome, Germany.....
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