Did Civ 1 have a "city swap" like Civ3 does now?


Retired Moderator
Feb 10, 2002
I only had this happen once on Chieftain mode in Civ1, where a city (half a world away), joined my civ's empire. I was one of the Asian Civs (Chinese or Indian..), and a Roman city in South America (Rome - or it's previous civ of the same color - had respawned in S.A.) switched sides! (Not to mention, they were in the middle of a war!).

Has this happened to anyone else? When I first saw it, I thought it was a glitch. It never happened again, and didn't even happen in Civ2.
It happened to me twice (also in chieftain). Once the city was very nearby and I had build virtually all wonders in a city of mine and the inhabitants of my enemy's city were amiring it and decided to join my empire. Nice way to get a city from your enemy (without fighting.....:lol: ). Another time my city was a very poor defended city in a continent far away and i was low on money. They took it back a couple of turns later. :(
Yes this did happen to me (in either Civ1 or CivNet). :D I was quite pleased, even though the other city was in a poor location. In fact, I think it happened twice that game.
Hmmm I've never had this happen in Civwin
but for CivSNES I've found this to constantly happen. Anytime I had a bigger city than the AI but less cities it allowed me to obtain a city of their's close to one of mine (within the same radius) I had no clue this could be done in Civ for the PC though.
Happened quite a few times for me.. It really added a lot of color to the game. In Civ3 I just find it plain annoying, because it happens much too often.

I had a pretty interesting game once, where the russians were somehow 'lost' in the game, and only occasionally landed a few cavalry in southeast asia, where I almost possessed most of southern Asia and Europe. Then suddenly a russian city joined the ranks of my empire, and I found they had been trapped in Australia, poorly developed and hopelessly behind in technology!! :D What a stiff starting position for such a potential tough opponent! -I often wondered during that game where they were hiding! :lol:
I have seen this quite often, but only under chieftan. Often the city is on the other side of the world, and although it usually is not a good city, it gives me a temporary military base on another continent.

I don't even need extensive wonders or a military presence.
I haven't played Civ in far far too long:( but I remember on one of my first games (Chieftan) a city around the world mysteriously joined me. I had always thought it was a random bug because I played for years afterwards and never saw it again.
BTW, when it happened to me, I had the DOS version (version 4 or 5). I thought it was a bug too...
I think it was called a "civil war"...
Civil War occurs when you take the capital of a big civ. We are talking about a random city halfway across the map suddenly and completely randomly joining your civ. It's totally possible you have never had this happen.
I have had it, many times. But, IIRC, it says "Civil War in Vladivostok! Zulu influence suspected." or something like that.

I also think it says the same when you buy the city ("initiate revolt"?).

I could be wrong, though...
I also have DOS version 4
It says for example, "(their city) admires the prosperity of (my city)"
Then it goes to a screen that gets shown when a city is captured and a message says, for example, "Civil war in (their city)! Aztec influence suspected"
I have only seen it in Cheiftain, though.
Has anybody ever seen this in another difficulty?
I have seen it on emporer level when I had a few big cities and my opponents had many little ones. Only once however, and I was playijg with modded rules.
Civ1 could be modded!? :)

Or were you using WinCiv?
In DOS version it was possible to change parts of the program (editing) but in WinCiv it's probably much harder because I've never seen ayone who had edited WinCiv.
Yes, this was a completely annoying experience that I had several times. When this happened, it just brought me into a war with the nation whose city I took over. And of course the city would be weak, and in constant rebellion and never well developed, so I would end up losing the town, and the computer would not only get their city back in working fashion (cause the population would be reduced below rebellion levels from the fighting) and they would get a free technology from me. To hear that the idiots who made Civ3 would bring that back is beyond me. Why???? That is sooo fruitin stuiped it ain't funny.
Why are game developers so brain-dead?
I had that happen once too, I was fighting a war, and suddenly a city on a landmass near one I had conquered switched over to my side.
Atleast you can't steal techs by capturing a city in Civ3...
I actually like the idea of taking techs from a conquered enemy city. Even if you're not trying for conquest, it is a good reason to have a strong army.
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