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Diplomacy/ International Relations


May 13, 2008
Yorkshire, England
I am currently working on assigning diplomatic values for each civ to another, on the following:

a) Attitude according to 'past events have brought us apart/closer together' on a scale of -15 to +15.

b) Whether open borders or not.

c) Whether defence treaty or not.

d) War or Peace

It should be noted that I am doing this as a KEEN CIV PLAYER and SOMEONE WITH AN INTEREST IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. I am NOT a modder so someone else is going to have to either input these values or realise that I'm going to have to be patiently shown how to do it when the time comes.

Anyway, I have a few questions that are becoming apparent as I'm doing this-

1) Do we want any vassal states? I'm thinking Belarus to Russia, but that's about it. (I recommend in the game we switch off the vassal state option to avoid the likes of America instantly colonising half the world, as this frequently happens in the GEM 1940 mod, also imperialism is supposedly on the wane)

2) Forgive me for asking a silly question but as my laptop is broken and I do not have a civ game to check, does anyone know if it's possible for the 'past events have brought us apart/closer together' score to not be reciprocated? e.g. Ukraine is overall more pro Russia than Russia is pro Ukraine.

3) What are we doing with Neutral, Minor and Failed States? As these by definition are conglomerates, the solution is never going to be ideally representative, but... My recommendations:

Neutral- No negative or positive diplo values with any other civ, permananent peace with all (or VERY BIG diplo penalty for a civ who declares war), open borders decided on civ by civ basis.

Minor- Same as neutral except war is allowed.

Failed- Negative diplo points of '-10 past events' with all civs, no open borders allowed, war is allowed but peace with all at beginning. (Perhaps there is a case for some civs having a more negative attitude than others depending on their ideological/ political cullture e.g South Africa is more tolerant of failed states than is US/UK... discuss)


I'm hoping to have this done within 2-3 weeks and will post on here for feedback.
Before ANY of this gets started. We need to figure out from Rhye (from RFC), how we can enable defensive pacts to maintain in tact even AFTER war has been declared. This is the only way to correctly do diplomacy in the game and RFC actually has it working.

If you don't know what I mean, I will use a scenario:

USA & UK have a defensive pact.

USA pre-emptive first strikes Iran. This strike, in all likelihood, will not cause the UK to cancel their defensive pact with the USA. Now, for the sake of the argument, Russia decides to declare war on the USA for aggressing Iran. At this point - Russia declares war and the IN TACT defensive pact ensures that the UK now declares war on Russia. This is the only way to correctly maintain diplomacy in the game. Someone needs to speak with the guys at RFC (or ask someone how it can be done, in general) for the mod to function correctly.
Sounds like a good idea and I'm with you on that solution if someone can do that and allow the AI to discriminate on when to keep or drop a pact (I doubt the UK and EU would want to maintain a defensive pact if the US invaded Australia), that'd be great.

Yet I don't see how it prevents 'ANY (I note your CAPS) of this getting started'? Surely we still need to configure diplo points, open borders, defensive pacts etc anyway, whether or not we can have defensive pacts survive a war declaration?
This would help preserve realism I'm all for it
Another gem of a post from civ editor. -_- Try not to make too many posts like that. It just means important posts get lost.

Anyway. Matty, I'll PM Rhye later today and see what he's got to say. You're right that we need to have that in.

Adhesive, keep doing what you're doing, and we'll probably come up with a diplo threshold for maintaining the pact.
I thought about doing that, too. But I think with you it is in competent hands, adhesive. By the way: Did you know that there are own wikipedia-entry for the diplo relations of many countries with each other?

Like this one:

Yes, wikipedia is proving rather valuable especially for 2 small random countries. (I have no idea how Mexico gets on with South Korea...) :lol:
This is a World Mod, so I think some of the AI's should be based off of real life interactions. So if we are going through the ages, maybe for a good portion or at least until the end of the Napoleonic Era, Britain and France might not like each other. I'm not completely sure if this is possible through coding, but its a suggestion. And yes, this is late considering the date of the last post.
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