Have this problem in an existing save (haven't started a new one yet, as I am hoping I can finish this one as I invested quite some time already). I also posted this in another topic, but will copy it here:
Save is too big for the forum attachment, so it's on dropbox:
Save 1
Save 2
When ending the turn in save-game 1, a new technology (ecology) is research. Furthermore, ethiopia wants to renew a trade in which I provide furs for gold. Also, Arabia is mad at me for coming to close to Antwerp and I get a 'top 12 of who produces the most food'. Ethiopia comes first: they ask me to renew the deal. Whether I say yes or no, the screen stays on ethiopia's diplomacy without allowing me to go back. only hitting escape works after 10 times. However, while still int he diplomacy screen I get the popup about food, which I click away. As soon as I get back to the map (with the help of the escape button) I see I researched ecology and than: BAM, game crashes to desktop,
every single time.
However, when I change my research to another one which takes two turns to research instead of one which ecology does, the game doesn't crash. I get ethiopia (still have to use escape), than get arabia about antwerp, followed by the pop-up about food. 'Fixed' you would say? Not really. I now have only two possible options for research, which both take only 1 turn. This means I have no choice than research a new tech the next turn. This can be found in save nr. 2. And again, the game crashes to the desktop when I end the turn and click away another diplomacy screen.
Furthermore, the following bugs can also be found in these saves:
- When a new turn starts it takes some time. It will still say 'next turn' even though everyone is finished (takes about 30-60 sec. to disappear). This seems to have to do with the citystates still taking their turn/moving of units by AI.
- The CPU becomes much more active. Before it would only start my fan when ending a turn (i.e. when calculating what the AI would do), now it is on all the time (I have the feeling the pc is already the calcullating the AI while I'm doing my move, hence the decreased loading time).
- The scoreboard is on top of the messages. This means with the scoreboard open you can't see what's happening (i.e. if a city state is taken over you can'tsee this because the scoreboard is over it, when you hover over the message with your mouse it won' display any popup). Because turns are so freaking fast now (which is good!) all messages appear at the same time. This means you don't get time to read them as soon as they appear.
- The scoreboard is now mainly grayed out. Before, my name was grey while the rest was easily readable, now it'sthe other way around (see also the screenshot): everyone's name is grey, besides mine.