So, this thread contains a summary of the diplomacy situation. I suggested creating it a while ago, did most of the work then, and now I've finally got around to posting it.
I've included Lord Parkin's pre-game analysis quotes for everyone, as I find them interesting, and they're the best analysis of the players that we've got.
Rough map of the currently-known world:
Overall summary:
The game appears to have broken into a 4vs2 situation. The two northenmost teams (ourselves and Amazon) are strongly allied, as are the two southernmost teams (Quatronia and CDZ). All four of these teams have signed on to a complete tech equality trading agreement. This leaves Mavericks and Merlot out in the cold. Mavericks and Merlot have also yet to make contact with each other, and the other teams are doing their best to prevent them.
Currently Merlot are officially at war with both Amazon and Quatronia. There is a general sense that the ETTT teams on the west (ourselves and Quatronia) will ally in taking down Mavericks, while the ETTT teams on the east (Amazon and CDZ) will ally in taking down Merlot. However, no-one can actually finish a war until they learn astronomy.
I've included Lord Parkin's pre-game analysis quotes for everyone, as I find them interesting, and they're the best analysis of the players that we've got.
Rough map of the currently-known world:
Spoiler :
Overall summary:
The game appears to have broken into a 4vs2 situation. The two northenmost teams (ourselves and Amazon) are strongly allied, as are the two southernmost teams (Quatronia and CDZ). All four of these teams have signed on to a complete tech equality trading agreement. This leaves Mavericks and Merlot out in the cold. Mavericks and Merlot have also yet to make contact with each other, and the other teams are doing their best to prevent them.
Currently Merlot are officially at war with both Amazon and Quatronia. There is a general sense that the ETTT teams on the west (ourselves and Quatronia) will ally in taking down Mavericks, while the ETTT teams on the east (Amazon and CDZ) will ally in taking down Merlot. However, no-one can actually finish a war until they learn astronomy.
Currently our strongest ally. We have made a number of agreements with them, including notably starting the ETTT together, and the ASP. On the whole it seems we both intend to stick together through to the end game.
Amazon are currently at war with Merlot.
Location: Northwest island.
Our Diplomat: Irgy
Their diplomat: Naxabo in an envoy for us specifically, SilentConfusion is the chief diplomat.
Leader/Civ: Cyrus of Persia
Pre-game analysis:
Spoiler :The team of the slightly dodgey female images. Probably the most well known player on Team Amazon is TheMeInTeam. He's a fairly strong player, and I expect his opinions will hold some weight on their team. He's used to very fast paced games though, so may be a bit out of his comfort zone here. As for some of the other players, most of us who played in the last game will be familiar with Sommerswerd. Let's just say he's an opinionated guy. Depending on how much influence he has over his team, it's possible it may end up being a bit of an anarchy. If this is the case, they may be slightly less efficient with their empire management, but they will be much more unpredictable (and unreliable) diplomatically. (Anyone who was in the last game knew that Sommerswerd's team were a handful to communicate with!) To sum up: A reasonably skilled but unpredictable team which has picked an extremely military leader; I expect to see them making and breaking many deals and warring early. I would be disinclined to trust them as an ally. Let's hope they're far away from us.
Current Treaties/agreements
The ASP:
Spoiler :The ASP
The AMAZON-Sirius Pact
Section 1. Members of the ASP
1.1. Team Sirius
1.2. The AMAZON
Section 2. Pact Duration and Cancellation Terms
2.1. The pact continues indefinitely until it is canceled.
2.2. The pact cannot be canceled until 1000AD.
2.3. The pact will be canceled if at any time there are no non-member teams
left in the game.
2.4. The pact can be canceled by either member if the other member
knowingly violates the terms of the pact.
Section 3. Non Aggression
3.1. Both members agree not to attack each other at any time while
this pact is in effect.
3.2. If a third party attacks either one of the members, the other member
agrees not give aid to that third party.
3.2.1. Giving aid to a third party includes providing gold,3.3. Both members agree to help each other where possible if either of them
gifting military units, and granting passage to troops.
are engaged in a defensive war.
3.3.1. If either member is engaged in an offensive war against a3.4. If the pact is canceled because there are no non-member teams left in
third party, the other member is not obligated to get involved, although
help may be given voluntarily.
the game (Section 2.3) a Non-Aggression Pact will go into effect that will
last for 10 turns after the last non-member team is eliminated.
Section 4. Open Borders
4.1. Both members agree to maintain an Open Borders treaty to
facilitate trade and unit movement for the length of this pact.
Section 5. Resources
5.1. Both members will seek to trade excess resources with the
other member first before attempting to trade it to a non-member.
5.1.1. If the other member is unwilling or unable to make a
reasonable trade offer the resource may be traded to a
Section 6. Sharing Information
6.1. Both members agree to cooperate with complete openness and
6.2. Neither member will hold back any information which we feel the other
member would like to know. This includes but it not limited to all of the
6.2.1. Contact with new nations
6.2.2. Important diplomacy with other nations
6.2.3. Positions and strengths of suspicious rival units
6.2.4. Information gained through espionage
6.2.5. Settlers being sent anywhere close to the line running North to
South bisecting the mainland area between the two members.
Section 7. Mutual Technological Advancement
7.1. Both members agree to conduct tech trading honestly and
7.2. Both members agree to continue to coordinate tech paths to avoid
duplicate teching for the length of this pact.
7.3. Both members agree to the terms of the Exclusive Tech-Trading Treaty
(ETTT) and agree to remain members while both The ASP and The ETTT are in
7.4. Neither member will vote for the other to be removed from the ETTT.
7.5. Both members agree to seek to add at least one more member to the ETTT
(for a total of 3 members) to ensure that both ASP members are not on the
outside of a major tech trading alliance.
Section 7. Religion
7.1. If either member gains a religion in any way while the other
member is without a religion, the member with a religion agrees to make an
effort to provide the other member with a missionary within a reasonable
time limit.
Section 8. Wonders
8.1. Both members agree be open with each other about plans to
build World Wonders, to avoid duplication and the tension that could arise
from secretly competing against each other.
Section 9. Temporary Exceptions
9.1. Temporary exceptions can be made to the terms of the pact with
the express agreement of both members. This is meant to allow either member
to react to unforeseen circumstances.
Section 10. Amendments
10.1. A proposed amendment may be submitted by either member.
10.2. A proposed amendment will be adopted upon agreement of both
Spoiler :The ETTT
The Exclusive Tech-Trading Treaty
The Exclusive Tech Trading Treaty is the governing treaty of the Exclusive
Tech Trading Alliance (ETTA), which is composed of the members of the ETTT.
Section 1. Members of the ETTT
1.1. The AMAZON
1.2. Team Sirius
Section 2. Addition and Subtraction of Members
2.1. New members may be added by unanimous agreement of all current
2.2. A member may be removed by unanimous consent of all other current
2.3. A member may be removed at any time if they are proved to have
violated any of the terms of this treaty.
Section 3. Treaty Duration and Cancellation Terms
3.1. The treaty continues indefinitely until it is canceled.
3.2. The treaty can be canceled at any time by the mutual agreement of all
Section 4. Trading Policies
4.1. Members agree to trade freely and generously with all otherSection 5. Amendments
4.2. Members agree to trade with non-members only with unanimous consent
from all other current members.
4.3. Members will be open and forthright about research plans to avoid
duplication of effort and ensure rapid progress.
4.4. All technology shall be shared openly, upon request, without
regard to beaker value.
5.1. A proposed amendment may be submitted by any member. The
proposed amendment must be sent to all members.
5.2. A proposed amendment will be adopted upon the agreement of all
Playing a game focused on wonders, religions and great people. Not part of the ETTT and our neighbours, making them our most likely war target. Currently they appear to be unaware of the tech alliance around them and focused on their own issues.
Managing this team is going to be quite a subtle task. We want to avoid helping them as much as possible, while avoiding letting on that we consider them a target.
Location: Central western island
Our Diplomat: Lord Parkin (previously Trystero)
Their Diplomat: TheMike
Leader/Civ: Gandhi of India
Pre-game analysis:
Spoiler :This team has quite a lot of extremely good Civvers. To mention just a few, there's DMOC, Niklas, Obsolete, KingMorgan, and Snaaty. Their leader choice was an interesting one for a democracy game, slightly weak in my opinion but I'm sure they've got a detailed plan to make the most of it. DMOC and I were on the same team in the last game, so it's possible we'll be on more amicable terms when we first meet; but then again Niklas was on the arch-rival team in the last game. So I'm not quite sure what to make of the Mavericks, on the whole. Potentially they could be good allies if we strike the right tone, but they could also be formiddable enemies should they decide to work against us. I think it all depends on when we meet them: knowing DMOC and Niklas, they will probably push for an alliance with the first team they meet, so let's hope that either we're right next to them or as far away as possible.
The Kingdom of Merlot. A differently run team, in that at any given point in time someone is king, and they are in charge of making the moves (i.e. being the turn player). The king may still be overthrown in a kind-of-democratic way. It appears that other players may also still take on roles such as diplomats, so the king is not uniquely in charge of everything.
We have made contact in-game, and have generally peaceful relations. They are however not part of the ETTT, and are at war with our close allies Amazon (as well as Quatronia). We intend to remain cordial, but are prevented from trading with them by our agreements with Amazon.
Location: Central eastern island
Our Diplomat: grant2004
Their diplomat: Sir Caledorn
Leader/Civ: Pacal II of Maya
Pre-game analysis:
Spoiler :A slightly unusual team, structured so that one player is always dictating the moves each turn (perhaps with slight influence from the sidelines). In a way this makes them quite a formiddable opponent if they pick a strong player to lead them, which they have done with their initial pick of Indiansmoke. There are also other strong players on the sidelines that they could pick in future, such as Donovan Zoi and slaze. Because one player calls all the shots, if they know what they're doing then they can micromanage and run a very efficient civ indeed. When it comes to diplomacy, I'm not sure how they'll structure things, but presumably the current leader will have the majority of the say on how relations with other teams progress. This could make them quite a good ally if the right person is consistently leading the team, but could also make them quite unreliable as allies if their leadership (and thus their opinions regarding diplomatic relations) are changing rapidly. I think we'll have to adopt a "wait and see" approach with this team.
Refer to themselves as "The Continuum". These were third team to join the ETTT, and essentially brought CDZ with them. They are our likely allies against Mavericks, but also likely our longer turn rivals once Mavericks have been eliminated. We haven't had much interaction with them as yet. They were the team most strongly pushing to sink boats to prevent Merlot and Mavericks from making contact.
Location: South western island
Our Diplomat: Trystero
Their Diplomat: CharlemagneXLII
Leader/Civ: Hannibal of Carthage
Pre-game analysis:
Spoiler :The smallest team, but not without their share of good players (Earthling and RegentMan, for instance). Because of their small team size, the more experienced players may actually have more influence, meaning they may actually run quite a decent civ. The wildcard here is probably how active Provolution is on the team, as that will probably influence their foreign policy a lot. In my experience he's a bit of a weird and unpredictable guy. He seems to like to role play a lot: he has a large number of very strong opinions, and likes to throw his weight around in diplomacy, but doesn't actually seem to care much for the fundamentals of micromanaging a civ well in-game. In essence, he's mostly talk and not much else. However, if we get on his bad side we could make an enemy for life, so we'll have to be careful. To sum up: again, I'll have to wait and see with this team, but depending on who's calling the shots they could potentially make decent allies. The one thing I'm worried about is whether they might implode due to their very low membership.
The team on the opposite side of the map. They were part of the ETTT before we'd actually even made contact with them. We haven't had a great deal of interaction with them yet, but we seem to be on good terms.
Location: South western island
Our Diplomat: Trystreo & pindicator
Their Diplomat: Robi
Leader/Civ: Ragnar of the Vikings
Pre-game analysis:
Spoiler :They joke around a lot, but don't let that fool you... they're quite experienced with civ. The most vocal member is BCLG100, who is also a pretty decent player. His strategy always seems to tend towards early rushes, and with an Aggressive leader pick I'd suspect this even more. Many of the other members of the team are also highly experienced civvers (such as Matrix and Akots), who are not only good at the game itself but also skilled at diplomacy, so there is no doubt that they will lead a potent team. In essence: A very strong team which may be inclined towards an early rush; the difference between them and the Amazons being that CDZ will probably be more reliable diplomatically. If they start next to us they could be a problem, but providing they're far enough away they could make valuable allies at some point against a third party.