Diplomilation - A game of diplomacy and annihilation!


Drill IV Defender
Retired Moderator
Jan 15, 2006
:king::shifty::queen:A game of diplomacy and annihilation:ar15::please::hammer:

Version 1.0

Inspired by the quirky game that was started in this thread, I've come up with another game which will hopefully offer some interesting diplomacy gameplay for those who participate.

When the game begins, I will start it in another thread, in a more appropriate forum like the MP or off-topic forum. I'll post the link to it in this thread.

I am not sure how this game will go, but hopefully it will be fairly entertaining, and afterwards some rule adjustments might be made to improve it. If anyone can see a major flaw in the rules straight away, let me know and perhaps suggest an alternative/additional rule to help.

In this thread
First Post: Rules etc.
Second Post: Sample vote post
Third Post: Sample "End of round Results" post
Fourth Post: First game signup (I will edit as people join).


The short version

The game is meant to provide a bit of fun with access to these forums being the only thing you need. You could play from work if you're bored (I know that's you! :lol:)

Basically each round you must pick 2 players to "attack" and 1 player to "assist". Usually 1 player each round will be annihilated because they did not play as diplomatically as the other players.

It's a bit of roleplaying fun. You can try to exterminate another leader based on the civ you are representing etc. If you take yourself way too seriously then perhaps this won't be the game for you.;)

It doesn't need to be taken seriously so you needn't worry that you'll have something to lose by signing up.

Post #2 and #3 below are meant to show what it will look like as people make posts, playing the game.

The long version

Spoiler :

Your name can be different to your forum username, but please keep it sensible.

The game takes place in rounds. In every round each player must make a single vote post, with 2 "attacks" and 1 "assist". There is no particular order in which you must take your turn. You cannot give an attack or assist vote to yourself. You cannot give one player both an attack and assist vote in the same round.

At the end of each round, the player with the highest number of attacks against them minus the number of assists for them, is eliminated. In the case of a tie between 2 or more players, the player with the fewest number of assists is eliminated. If a tie still results, the players still tieing are all eliminated.

When a player is eliminated in a round, they have the option to get revenge in the next round; They are allowed to submit anywhere up to 2 attack votes and up to 1 assist vote in the round following their elimination. (You do not have to post exactly 2 attack votes and 1 assist vote like the surviving players.) After that round, the player can no longer post. The last vote for the eliminated player is the last opportunity for that player to make a message to all other players!

To keep the game moving in the case of someone disappearing from the game without mention, we will play with the rule that if after a vote, no other vote is made for 2 days, then the players who have not yet voted are automatically eliminated and the next round starts afresh immediately. Players eliminated in this way are still allowed to make the final revenge vote - they will be added to the "Eliminated last round and still to vote" list (see post #2 in this thread) , and possibly waited on a second time (again with the 2 day wait). If you require a time extension, give notice and it will be allowed.

Players should keep their vote posts to the standard format presented in post #2 of this thread. Usually when voting, it will be easiest to simply quote the previous voter, remove the quote bits, and then edit the names and numbers, including the numbers in the standings (this is important because it will make the job easier for the next voter). Once the last player has voted for the round, anyone can post the "end of round results" post (see post #3 below). This signifies the beginning of the next round.

When there are 4 (or fewer) players remaining in the game, a few rules change. Firstly, when voting, you now have the choice of making either 0, 1 or 2 attack votes, and 0 or 1 assist vote. This is just like how the revenge votes worked.

When there are only two players left alive, the player/s eliminated in the previous round can only make 1 attack vote, so he/they will effectively pick the person who wins the game! In the unlikely event there is still a tie, victory will go to the player who had the highest number of attacks against him in the entire game.

In each post, there is the option to include a message to the other players in the game. Outside of your vote post, you should not make any posts with messages relating to the game situation. In other words, your vote post is the only opportunity you have to communicate to other players, so use it wisely! If you need to enquire about rules, you can do it in this thread.

No editing of vote posts! If you make an error in your vote post, you should make a separate post to clarify the error, hopefully before the next voter comes along.

The first game has commenced!




Let's get things rolling eh! Sorry to do this Amelia and Barry. :( You're lucky this time Charlie. Edward I'll leave alone... for now...:mischief:

Standings Update: Round 1. Edit these standings for the result of your vote in this post.

Spoiler :

PieceOfMind the Placid (Empire of Penguins)
0 Attacked
0 Assisted

Amelia (Arabia)
1 Attacked
0 Assisted

Barry (Babylon)
1 Attacked
0 Assisted

Charlie (China)
0 Attacked
1 Assisted

Edward (English Empire)
0 Attacked
0 Assisted

Still to vote this round. Remove your name when you vote.
Eliminated last round and still to vote. Remove your name when you vote.
End of Round 0 Results

PieceOfMind the Placid (Empire of Penguins)
0 Attacked
0 Assisted

Amelia (Arabia)
0 Attacked
0 Assisted

Barry (Babylon)
0 Attacked
0 Assisted

Charlie (China)
0 Attacked
0 Assisted

Edward (English Empire)
0 Attacked
0 Assisted

Annihilated. These players can make up to 2 attack votes and up to 1 assist vote in the next round for their last attempt at revenge!
Person2 (if more than one is killed)

Round 1 Begins!

Would the first voter please remember to reset all player votes to 0, the current round number in the standings, and the "Still to vote this round" and "Eliminated last round and still to vote" lists. Thank you!
1st game, completed...
Spoiler :

For the first game, I will play host and not participate specifically in the game. Hopefully we will find a neutral host is not necessary, and the game can be run by the players alone. Remember that the host is not needed to post the "End of round results" post. If you are the last person to vote in the round, you can do it yourself - Use post #3 from this thread as reference.


Signed Up:
Charles Li (Empire of the Chins)
Roller the Roller (unknown)
Ramesses (Egyptian Federation)
sciguy (Ultimate Canadian Resurgence Operation)
Emperor PreLynMax (Great Ethiopian Empire)
PureE (Dutch-Belgium Alliance)
President Stephen 'Whoopsidoodle' Sandringham (The Clownstorm)
CCRunner (Imperial Empire of South Western Tajikistan)
Icekommander (Albertan Federation of Oil and Grain Companies)
PieceOfMind the Ruthless (Anti Freedom Militia)

Post now to sign up! Post your leader name and the civ/empire/country/whatever you wish to represent.

For example,

PieceOfMind the Placid (Empire of Penguins)

For the first game our signup target will be 10 players. If a lot more people after 10 want to play, I may open another game which will run in parallel.

Game is now full. Game will start soon...

2nd game signup:
CivOtaku of the Sosialistic Republic of Satakunta
Charles Li of the Confederacy of Jorise
Sciguy of the UCRO
Firestorm94 of Paradox inc
lermfish of the Dark Empire of Necromancy and Oncoming Doom
Kennedy of The United Communist Republic of Baked Art
If anyone can see a major flaw in the rules straight away
Too much text to read. Can you summarize it in a few sentences. Like: "We place our names on a list and collectively vote to kick out one person per round". With a flaming flavor. This is what it all is about right?
Too much text to read. Can you summarize it in a few sentences. Like: "We place our names on a list and collectively vote to kick out one person per round". With a flaming flavor. This is what it all is about right?

Thanks for the tip. Done. Perhaps you should break the ice and sign up Roller?

If you sign up and for some reason leave the game you will not be chased down - you can leave at any time. There is no prize for winning, and nothing to lose for losing!:king:
Sure, trying doesnt hurt. Sign me up as Roller the Roller.

lol nice name. Whom do you represent, or are you a one man army? ;)

I think it would help the roleplaying flavour, and make it less likely for things to get too personal if you name a civ or whatever to represent.
I guess I could try. I'll be sciguy of the Ultimate Canadian Resurgence Operation or UCRA which will be the Canadians attempt to use diplomacy and polar bears to become an world power next to the United States and take over the world!!!!
in! in! in!

PureE of the Dutch-Belgium Alliance

some background info: in the near future the Netherlands and Belgium will join forces to protect the weak and innocent! They will no longer stand for abuse of small countries all over the world. The alliance will send its complete army as soon as possible to any aggressors. Should said enemies be able to destroy all three tanks and both paratroopers, the alliance will use diplomacy instead.
There's a forum for forum games, although you'll find recruiting players much harder there.
There's a forum for forum games, although you'll find recruiting players much harder there.

Yes I just learned that from another civfanatic as well. Some of the stuff in that forum is pretty neat. When I actually start the new thread I'll probably put it in that forum.

By the way, if we have trouble finding many more people I might change my mind and include myself in the first game. This may be a good idea so I can show how things will work.
Welcome guys to our humble abode.
This doesn't looks like my cup of tea, but feel free to check the other threads (starting with the stickies will get you a good idea of what we do around here).

Ehh, why not. I'll need to read the rules a bit more carefully before I really understand what's goin' on though.

Name and Nation
President Stephen 'Whoopsidoodle' Sandringham of the Clownstorm

What do you expect a nation taken in a coup by a ragtag band of jaded court jesters to be like? A seltzer bottle in every home, of course, and socialised provision of floppy shoes and make-up to the elderly. Any and all political disagreements solved with a pie-fight. That sort of thing.

The reality, though, is far more brutal. Every day is a bitter power struggle for the fools at the top in a political system mired in corruption, sleaze, and a not inconsiderable number of mime artists. Even now, the government is under attack from its opponents and the mainstream media over accusations of racial bias towards whiteface clowns, and its controversial bailout of the clown car industry (the wheels fell off, in more ways than one). And there is only the occasional pie-fight.

(P.S. for reference, not everybody in the nation governed by the Clownstorm is a clown, but the Clownstorm themselves are all clowns. Well, some of them are just bad stand-up comedians. But the rest are clowns.)
Hrm... I'll join I guess.

CCRunner of the Imperial Empire of South Western Tajikistan
Backround for the UCRO:
Canada has been tired of sitting there in northern north America practicaly doing nothing with other countries since we gained independence. Canada wants to have something more than a lot of baren land and an annoying accent. So the Canadian Parliament finally decided that they should do something about that and gave Sciguy the official position of running the Ulitmate Canadian Resergence Operation or the UCRO! The UCRO promoted peace, hapiness, and love when dealt with enemies because the power of friendships was a more effective weapon than the Canadian military.

Nation: UCRO (which has a slightly different government than the actual Canada)
Leader: Sciguy
Co-leader: Sciguy
Economic leader: Sciguy
Military Advisor: N/A
Peace advisor: Sciguy
Population: 1
Military Population: N/A
Spoceror: Canadian Government
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