Shaken, not stirred.
(This is a continuation of a subject started in the Civ3 High Score HOF Opens thread which didn't belong there.)
Last message from other thread, Grey Fox said:
There are variations of course. It can pay off to have a single city working 2 cattle/wheat for a while. Sometimes (especially early on) it can be good to let the city grow larger than size 2. If unhappiness doesn't prevent it, it is good to get the extra cash from more working citizens. You can often squeeze a warrior out of the city before rushing its granary. It might be worthwhile to squeeze a temple or worker out of the city early on.
When a size one city has one irrigated wheat/cattle tile it produces 4 extra food/turn. So that's .4 of a rush per turn. You can squeeze a Horseman out of it every 2.5 turns. I got 7 of them up and running as soon as possible, for 2.8 Horsemen/turn.
I haven't set up pop rush cities with less than an irrigated wheat/cattle. It could work of course but the number of turns between rushes would go up. The ideal is a wheat on an irrigated flood plain, for 5 extra food/turn. I think that if you found the city on a flood plain itself, that also gets extra food, am not sure. If you get two food bonus tiles within one city's area, you could use two warriors to control unhappiness and increase the rush rate.
The only times I've used pop rushing of more than one citizen at a time is when I deliberately want to reduce population. E.g. if I capture a city which has 8 citizens remaining once resistance is over, I'll often rush a Colosseum to use up 5 citizens.
About the tech race: It sure would have been nice to have Great Library! But by the time I learned (i.e. beat it out of another Civ
) Literature, it had already been built. It wasn't necessary for my strategy anyway and I didn't have any town I prepared for serious building. For most of the phase when Great Library would have helped me, I had research at zero, money was more important. I got most of that era's tech by buying it from, or beating it out of, rival Civs.
Last message from other thread, Grey Fox said:
I pop rushed in this game from the beginning. I put a city beside each each wheat or cattle tile I found, seven of them before the string of them gave out. I irrigate that tile. (Even if it means irrigating a number of tiles to get water there - when this is necessary it is useful to place the city where it will save one connection, the city passes the water on once you bring it to one side of the city.) Put one military unit in the city for happiness. Rush granary first, then barracks, then military units. I rush the city every time it grows to size 2 and has at least one shield already toward whatever it is currently producing. If it can't produce its next task with one citizen (e.g. granary or cavalry) then I switch production to something which costs 40 shields, rush that, then switch production back to the real target. Next time it reaches size 2, rush the real target.I usually play at Emperor, and I recently started my own Deity game on a Huge map with 8 Civs. Both times I had no horses within miles, and I was playing China (Indoustrois must ROCK on huge maps, and Militaristic is always good...). And both times I never came to the stage were I needed to Pop-Rush, It just made my cities worse, I could actually produce an archer every 4th turn in 4-6 cities and a Settler every 4-6 turn in 3 cities, without Pop Rushing.
Questions to the 2 Deity-Rockers Aeson and Sir-Pleb:
When do you pop rush?
How fast must the city grow to be a good pop rusher?
How many citizens should the city have?
Do you ever waste more then 1 citizen by poprushing?
And about the Tech-Race on the Higher difficulties. I always go for the Great Library, I build it in a River-City with improvements concentrating on Mines, I always build start building a Palace when I'm about to get Writing, then I start Literature and I almost always gets it. Then I lower my tech research to 10% and sometimes 0% when I now I won't get the tech before the comp.
Well, I've currently gave up on Huge-Deity, and will play Huge-Emperor instead...
Locking forward to any tips from you!
There are variations of course. It can pay off to have a single city working 2 cattle/wheat for a while. Sometimes (especially early on) it can be good to let the city grow larger than size 2. If unhappiness doesn't prevent it, it is good to get the extra cash from more working citizens. You can often squeeze a warrior out of the city before rushing its granary. It might be worthwhile to squeeze a temple or worker out of the city early on.
When a size one city has one irrigated wheat/cattle tile it produces 4 extra food/turn. So that's .4 of a rush per turn. You can squeeze a Horseman out of it every 2.5 turns. I got 7 of them up and running as soon as possible, for 2.8 Horsemen/turn.
I haven't set up pop rush cities with less than an irrigated wheat/cattle. It could work of course but the number of turns between rushes would go up. The ideal is a wheat on an irrigated flood plain, for 5 extra food/turn. I think that if you found the city on a flood plain itself, that also gets extra food, am not sure. If you get two food bonus tiles within one city's area, you could use two warriors to control unhappiness and increase the rush rate.
The only times I've used pop rushing of more than one citizen at a time is when I deliberately want to reduce population. E.g. if I capture a city which has 8 citizens remaining once resistance is over, I'll often rush a Colosseum to use up 5 citizens.
About the tech race: It sure would have been nice to have Great Library! But by the time I learned (i.e. beat it out of another Civ