Civ4Col Modder
Hi guys,
considering game design I always had one big issue with Civ4Col ... I call it the "Too Much Money Problem" (aka "Late Game Boredom").
(It especially applies in late game, when your economy has snowballed to incredible sizes.)
Current Status:
The problem has been slightly reduced by a few game design decisions:
1) E.g. more goods are required for e.g. "Profession Settlers" or now also Yields like "Gun Powder" or "Bakery Products"
2) Features like Happiness, Health, Law require to hire Experts that do not produce Cash Yields
3) Increasing the Costs (in "New Hope") of e.g. Ships and some Experts a bit
But the problem has also on the other hand been slightly increased by a few other game decisions:
1) E.g. King gold requests are now a bit more realistic in early game and adapt to number of Citizens
2) There are now many events and features that give you additional powerful rewards for a good price
3) We now have many more Yields (especially in "New Hope") that allow to make even more money
All in all the "Too Much Money Problem" in WTP has not really changed in its overall balance.
(There are just many more features that you can use money for but also get money from.)
The simple fact remains:
In late game you will swim in money and have almost no need for it and very little opportunity to invest it in anything interesting.
Because you can educate your own specialists, build your own ships, produce all the goods you need, immigration in masses ...
But there are at least "mitigations"
I have come up with several concepts to change that and keep the game interesting for much longer and probably even in late game.
But those concepts will basically require players to be interested to give deeper and more challenging gameplay a chance ...
Such concepts may e.g. be:
Upkeep and Taxes (I am currently working on a new detail game concept, which I will post after Release 4.0)
Logistics and Supply (I am currently refining the existing concept a bit, because I had some new interesting ideas)
New Growth Mechanism (Which is actually one of the most popular concepts in quite a while and easy to implement)
City Workers also requiring Equipment (I know it is unpopular currently, but I still think it would make the mod better)
Connection and Distance to Capitol / Regional Governments (It is already accepted but currently not top priority)
More Diplomacy Options that require to invest Money (e.g. buying Land from Natives instead of just having the stronger Culture)
Potentially acquiring "Privileges" from the King (e.g. having to pay the King to be allowed to settle Colonies or acquire Privateers)
Social Progress System (aka Techs) (requiring to first unlock some of the Options to make more cash, also taking some time)
Political Crisis and Diseases (small conflicts in your colonies that will bind some attention and may require gold to be solved)
Loyalty to the Motherland (to balanced "Liberty Bells" and thus make a declaration of Independence a bit more challenging)
In other words:
I believe the "Too much Money Problem" can be solved or at least be mitigated.
But it will require to implement more game mechanics that basically have 3 goals:
1) Slow down snowballing of the economy by requiring the player to invest more.
2) Add more gameplay that allows to spend money for other meaningful benefits.
2) Bind more attention of the player to game mechanics that do not generate cash.
Personal Opinion:
If we do so, I believe that we can keep the game interesting until late into the endgame.
Because it will prevent the player from having too early so much money and power that he already won.
The "Cons":
But yeah, I also see problems with this.
1. WTP would become even more difficult for new players to learn without lots of "guidance".
2. WTP would become a "hardcore game" that casual players might find too challenging.
3. WTP would become even more difficult to teach AI, altthough at the moment it does quite well.
4. WTP would become harder for players that like to play extremely wide, tall might be easier.
To solve some of the "Cons":
Part 1:
Deactivation / Game Options
I intend to make some of these new mechanics deactivatable in XML at least, where it all can also be balanced of course.
And some of that may even become ingame Game Options or Player Options so the player can activate / deactivate in Custom Game.
But some of these new game mechanics will become so deeply tied into gameplay that fully deactivating will not work.
Or at least if the player does, he will heavily damage the intended gameplay or cause further balancing problems.
Part 2:
UI Optimization / Advisor Screens / Colopedia / Tutorials / Strategy Guides
A lot of this will come down to good visualization, good overviews and good explanations.
So of course we would need to put effort in Mouse-Over Helps, Advisor Screens and also Colopedia.
Also community could help to explain new content to others.
E.g. by writing good tutorials and and creating strategy guides.
Kind of a "summary":
Still, this is the strategy I would like to use to solve the challenge of the "Too much Money Problem" and "Late Game Boredom".
It would simply be a lot more challenging to get into a situation where you feel you simply already won and have nothing more to achieve.
The "Too much Money Probem" is actually one of the fundamental "Cursed Problems" in game design (of 4X games) that until now was never solved.
(Because in one way or another in every 4X game you will come to a point when you are so powerful that you know you will definitely win - or feel that you already have.)
It is the conflict between these 2 "Player Promises":
Promise 1: If you play well, you will emerge as the stongest player and eventually win the game because it rewads your skill.
Promise 2: You will always be challenged and not get bored because there is always competition and always something to achieve.
Those 2 conflict heavily.
(Because once you feel you won, then there is not really anything to achieve anymore.)
Well, I wrote this just to explain my current design thoughts on the mod.
Would of course be interested to hear what others think about this.
considering game design I always had one big issue with Civ4Col ... I call it the "Too Much Money Problem" (aka "Late Game Boredom").
(It especially applies in late game, when your economy has snowballed to incredible sizes.)
Current Status:
The problem has been slightly reduced by a few game design decisions:
1) E.g. more goods are required for e.g. "Profession Settlers" or now also Yields like "Gun Powder" or "Bakery Products"
2) Features like Happiness, Health, Law require to hire Experts that do not produce Cash Yields
3) Increasing the Costs (in "New Hope") of e.g. Ships and some Experts a bit
But the problem has also on the other hand been slightly increased by a few other game decisions:
1) E.g. King gold requests are now a bit more realistic in early game and adapt to number of Citizens
2) There are now many events and features that give you additional powerful rewards for a good price
3) We now have many more Yields (especially in "New Hope") that allow to make even more money
All in all the "Too Much Money Problem" in WTP has not really changed in its overall balance.
(There are just many more features that you can use money for but also get money from.)
The simple fact remains:
In late game you will swim in money and have almost no need for it and very little opportunity to invest it in anything interesting.
Because you can educate your own specialists, build your own ships, produce all the goods you need, immigration in masses ...
But there are at least "mitigations"
I have come up with several concepts to change that and keep the game interesting for much longer and probably even in late game.
But those concepts will basically require players to be interested to give deeper and more challenging gameplay a chance ...
Such concepts may e.g. be:
Upkeep and Taxes (I am currently working on a new detail game concept, which I will post after Release 4.0)
Logistics and Supply (I am currently refining the existing concept a bit, because I had some new interesting ideas)
New Growth Mechanism (Which is actually one of the most popular concepts in quite a while and easy to implement)
City Workers also requiring Equipment (I know it is unpopular currently, but I still think it would make the mod better)
Connection and Distance to Capitol / Regional Governments (It is already accepted but currently not top priority)
More Diplomacy Options that require to invest Money (e.g. buying Land from Natives instead of just having the stronger Culture)
Potentially acquiring "Privileges" from the King (e.g. having to pay the King to be allowed to settle Colonies or acquire Privateers)
Social Progress System (aka Techs) (requiring to first unlock some of the Options to make more cash, also taking some time)
Political Crisis and Diseases (small conflicts in your colonies that will bind some attention and may require gold to be solved)
Loyalty to the Motherland (to balanced "Liberty Bells" and thus make a declaration of Independence a bit more challenging)
In other words:
I believe the "Too much Money Problem" can be solved or at least be mitigated.
But it will require to implement more game mechanics that basically have 3 goals:
1) Slow down snowballing of the economy by requiring the player to invest more.
2) Add more gameplay that allows to spend money for other meaningful benefits.
2) Bind more attention of the player to game mechanics that do not generate cash.
Personal Opinion:
If we do so, I believe that we can keep the game interesting until late into the endgame.
Because it will prevent the player from having too early so much money and power that he already won.
The "Cons":
But yeah, I also see problems with this.
1. WTP would become even more difficult for new players to learn without lots of "guidance".
2. WTP would become a "hardcore game" that casual players might find too challenging.
3. WTP would become even more difficult to teach AI, altthough at the moment it does quite well.
4. WTP would become harder for players that like to play extremely wide, tall might be easier.
To solve some of the "Cons":
Part 1:
Deactivation / Game Options
I intend to make some of these new mechanics deactivatable in XML at least, where it all can also be balanced of course.
And some of that may even become ingame Game Options or Player Options so the player can activate / deactivate in Custom Game.
But some of these new game mechanics will become so deeply tied into gameplay that fully deactivating will not work.
Or at least if the player does, he will heavily damage the intended gameplay or cause further balancing problems.
Part 2:
UI Optimization / Advisor Screens / Colopedia / Tutorials / Strategy Guides
A lot of this will come down to good visualization, good overviews and good explanations.
So of course we would need to put effort in Mouse-Over Helps, Advisor Screens and also Colopedia.
Also community could help to explain new content to others.
E.g. by writing good tutorials and and creating strategy guides.
Kind of a "summary":
Still, this is the strategy I would like to use to solve the challenge of the "Too much Money Problem" and "Late Game Boredom".
It would simply be a lot more challenging to get into a situation where you feel you simply already won and have nothing more to achieve.
The "Too much Money Probem" is actually one of the fundamental "Cursed Problems" in game design (of 4X games) that until now was never solved.
(Because in one way or another in every 4X game you will come to a point when you are so powerful that you know you will definitely win - or feel that you already have.)
It is the conflict between these 2 "Player Promises":
Promise 1: If you play well, you will emerge as the stongest player and eventually win the game because it rewads your skill.
Promise 2: You will always be challenged and not get bored because there is always competition and always something to achieve.
Those 2 conflict heavily.
(Because once you feel you won, then there is not really anything to achieve anymore.)
Well, I wrote this just to explain my current design thoughts on the mod.
Would of course be interested to hear what others think about this.
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