Disembarkation inconsistency between potential movement shown and the actual movement


Jul 3, 2014
Disembarkation used to be unreasonable in earlier versions of the game. Say a unit has movement 3 and as embarked has movement 6 on sea, when it disembarked it could move 6 tiles further away on land, giving you a feeling like "oh, now that we have to get out of our ships first before moving on land we can run twice as fast" and spoiling part of the strategic beauty of the game.

This was fixed with the Australia dlc release and now seems to be working fine... almost. The old disembarkation interpretation by the engine seems to not have been modified, so there is inconsistency between what you are shown you can do (and what the engine really thinks you can do) and what you can actually do.

This is an actual problem and it is not just about being provided wrong information by the movement potential algorithm. The real issue is that the engine itself actually thinks this works the old-fashioned way.

Say your builder is embarked next to your city center and there is some rough terrain (no cliffs) with movement cost 2 next to your city and next to your builder (3 elements forming a triangle). You want to disembark to the tile with the rough terrain. You know that the earlier disembarkation issue has been fixed and that you need to move directly to that tile as fastest access method. However, the engine thinks that if you jump to your city first and from there move to the rough terrain tile, you will have some movement points left to spend and thus tries to perform that path instead. When you press it, the builder disembarks to the city center and waits until next turn to move to the rough terrain tile, as after the game update he doesn't actually have enough movement points. The end result is that the builder needs two turns to access a tile that is next to him and could access directly in one turn. Note that you are forced to follow the wrong path, as the engine mistakenly thinks it is optimal. (253607)
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