Divided Souls


Arty person
Jul 13, 2006
Glasgow, Scotland
Are awesome. Maybe too awesome?

The sever soul ability is essentially a range 2 teleport, on a 2 movement recon unit. I'm finding a lot of excellent uses for it.

-Hit and run attacks. I can charge in and hit someone, then use sever sould to teleport away again. If I retreat into hills, or forests, (which always seem to be abundant) even horsemen can't catch me.

-General movement. It's like having a 4 movement unit, except it's even better, because 2 of that movement ignores terrain costs. With a bit of smart usage (that the AI is probably not capable of) I can outrun most normal 4 movement units too.

-Tactical positioning. I can use it to teleport behind an enemy armmy, and onto any nice defensible position like a forested hilltop

-Surmounting the insurmountable. It can be used to cross mountains, and lakes. Places where very few other units can tread.

-False "march". Not sure if this is a bug, but you can fortify, and not move, but still use Sever Soul to "move" 2 spaces per turn, and because you're not using your actual movement, you heal as if standing still, while still being able to cover ground at half speed.

The sidar are fast becoming my favorite civ. Just one question, can they keep the sever soul ability when upgrading to rangers ?
Since it is a unit-specific spell, it is not currently possible. Of course, it would not be hard at all to make it instead be allowed by a new promotion, or to make a copy of the spell for upgrades (I definitely think that Assassins need to keep the ability, even if Rangers/Beastmasters can't).

In my (FF-based) version, I removed the Divided Soul unit and make a new Soul Severer promotion available only to Sidar recon units with combat 3.
WarKirby, let me give you a few words of advice, and I hope you don't take it wrong. I think you've just fairly recently started playing FFH from your posts, and a *lot* of things seem broken at first. Some probably are, but get a good deal more play sessions into things before you post threads about them.

Divided souls are pretty cool, but the Sidar are generally a middle of the road strength civ.
I keep my divided souls. Powered up with marksman, they are the best assassins. You can get deep behind enemy lines, then teleport away from battle, or better, sometimes you can find unreachable strike points which you mercilessly pick off assassins and shaman then teleport back to.

Of course, I am someone who will never play anything but Sidar.... so don't listen to my opinion.
Just the thought of eye gouging giants is enough for me to want to keep it as it is :p, they are much better than siege units IMO simply because they can get mobility. but seriously though I would prefer that they be building and set as a national unit so that you don't get more than 4 at a time, (and maybe cycle though the name of all 6(7?) stooges as you build em :eek:)

Just the thought of eye gouging giants is enough for me to want to keep it as it is :p, they are much better than siege units IMO simply because they can get mobility. but seriously though I would prefer that they be building and set as a national unit so that you don't get more than 4 at a time, (and maybe cycle though the name of all 6(7?) stooges as you build em :eek:)

Since it is a unit-specific spell, it is not currently possible. Of course, it would not be hard at all to make it instead be allowed by a new promotion, or to make a copy of the spell for upgrades (I definitely think that Assassins need to keep the ability, even if Rangers/Beastmasters can't).

In my (FF-based) version, I removed the Divided Soul unit and make a new Soul Severer promotion available only to Sidar recon units with combat 3.

nice change, it really sucks to lose the ability when you upgrade them :D
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