Dividing Chryshe?


Jun 12, 2002
Worcs UK
Chryshe currently has 10 cities plus is surragate province for Uppsala. Is it now time to have a new province? I've put two possible options on this map for discussion, but feel free to add your own choices! (White lines are previously designated borders with Aonia and Boreum)

There are quite a few dedicated players here so it would be nice if most people had something to do besides the regular posting. Therefore more provinces (and more needed governors) might be a good idea.

My favourite is the yellow line in which the northern part also includes newly subverted/founded cities on Viking-land.
Yellow was the first line I did. It would include anything on the peninsula and Buffalo Island. Once we own Scandinavia, we can divide it up again.

I agree we need more provinces and more Governers. There is a lot to do in Chryshe, which is why I've had to split it into two polls. I'd probably do a better job with fewer cities to deal with, but maybe others would disagree!! ;)
It would make more sense to have a separate province for the upsalla subcontinent (considering expansion and conquest will occur there in the future), perhaps dividing Chryshe into 2 even parts as well, or leaving the mainland as is.
It allready has many cities, and has room for many more, so (since this isn't a poll I'll post my opinion:) ) I'm in favor of splitting the province:)
We are about to subvert Viborg, and found V2 on Pure Green w Whale and Peat. So there are plenty of Viking Cities.

We could give Ren to Boreum, or keep it Chryshe. More importantly, how about keeping Fort Anarchy with Chryshe?

Chryshe would then have 8 cities: DH Ren FA, MT CJ LC, new Indian Port and Hill Mine (NE of Fish)
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