[IAAR] DM1: Deviant Minds Tourism Club (an SG)

Turn 186 (inherited turn)

Wait, turn 186? One...eighty...six. Pholk, I've started every single one of my sets this game that you you've handed me on some weird turn number. What the hell is wrong with you? Go back to Sesame Street, man, and learn to count. It's really not that hard. Anywho...

We have room for 4 more relics. I might start temples where convenient, but I'm not worried.

We've got a ways to go. We're leading by producing 127 culture / turn, but our tourism is less than ideal. What happened to triple tourism for relics? Shouldn't that have netted us more than four stinking tourists?

Looking at the war, we probably have enough troops to do real damage. I'll move the bombard up to Kwango and see what happens. While surveying operation "smack the snot out of the impudent ass-hat", I notice that we never hooked up the sugar and silk in our new city (the whole reason we sent a settler over there). We need to get a builder over there quickly.

We need housing more, but amenities aren't exactly overflowing. Maybe now that we're starting the snowball, we can get some entertainment complexes up and that won't matter, but I'd really like to see those extra luxes online. We've got fur, jade, diamonds, tobacco, and truffles. That gives us +20 amenities to spread across 13 cities. Not enough, IMO.

Last thing on my inherited turn, I built an apostle in Rio to counter the English apostle comin' at us.

Okay, press enter.

IBT, Kongo wants peace. No deal, bub. Also, our galley parked outside of Mbamba was attacked and nearly sunk by the city center. I'll try to move it to our waters, but I doubt she'll make it. She's got 7HP left.

Turn 187

Ra Kedet is starving and will lose a pop in one turn. I set it to basically stagnate (growth in 68).

I moved some troops around and attacked a little, killing nothing. I'm amazed that Kongo has no improved tiles that I can see. Where's the fun in a war where I can't pillage anything?

IBT, Russia declared war on Preslav. Do we care?

Turn 188

Curitiba bombard >> commercial hub. We need more internal trade routes.

IBT, Lizzy's apostle near Rio is dead. He kept suiciding against ours while ours sat on our holy site healing.

Turn 189

I swapped out scripture (+100% holy site adjacency bonus) for Medina Quarter (+2 housing for cities w/ at least two districts)

I just noticed that we're building Bolshoi Theatre in Rio and it'll take 40 more turns to complete. Is it worth 40 turns for 2 free civics and nothing else? I'll keep it, but that 40 turns is with 0 growth in our capital.

With natural history in, we've got 8 antiquities sites on our home continent that I could count and another three within reach of our city on Kongo's home continent. Cool. We need some archaeology museums.

I set the civics tree to go civil engineering, nationalism, urbanization, for the housing.

A note, we've got a *lot* of stuff to build and very few hammers on our map. We *have* to get trade routes going within our empire. Plus, it takes 39 turns to get a bombard from our interior to the front line.

We have four envoys to send. I decided to put them all into Buenos Aires. They're an industrial CS. We don't have many (if any) industrial districts yet, but we will. But the reason I did it was because they have the suzerain bonus where all your bonus resources act as amenities. And it only takes 4 envoys to steal her away from Germany.

IBT, Germany denounces Russia and Kongo tries to make peace, this time offering toys. Yay, toys.

Turn 190

I used a horseman to plunder two of Kongo's trade routes at once for 120 gold. Sweet.

Kwango has an archer sitting on top of chicken itch and, with Kabul leaving his troops all over the place, he's got a nice choke point on us.

I took that archer out with a knight and eureka'd military science.

Lizzy finally created another apostle on her continent and I was able to suicide the one pholk left for me

Turn 191

Shedet: bombard >> commercial hub
Natal: something? >> granary

We cleared a barb camp (after killing quite a few barbs) for 40 gold and that brought us over the top to buy a bombard in Sao Luis. We now have two in the fight. Super.

IBT, Germany denounces Kongo

Turn 192

I used a knight to capture a worker, but I might have over-extended the knight.

Manaus: something? >> street carnival

This dude's on a roll. Maybe we do need to take his capital.

I purchased an apostle in Ra Kedet because Frederick showed up with two missionaries and an appostle.

IBT we got the ark of the covenant because Freddie attacked our wounded apostle on the open seas. He's trying to convert us hard now.

Also, IBT, Kongo offers more peace. Two great works are included, but I think we need more.

Turn 193

We've got a problem an enemy spy stole a great work of writing from Rio. Eugene Onegin.

Freddy stole it.

We recruited Rembrandt.

Ra-Kedet started work on an archaeological museum.

Turn 194

I chose scientific theory next, as it's the first on the line to Radio (seaside resorts)

IBT Freddie offers us a trade I liked.

Also, IBT, we got a new relic, courtesy of our new partner in trade. We now only have one more slot.

Turn 195

We recruit Dmitri Mendeleev and our tables are much more periodic now. I used him to boost Chemistry and Steam power.

I bought another apostle (for 640 faith!!), but had to do it in Shedet because Ra Kedet (near our German proselytizers) is no longer of the peoples' front.

Fortaleza begins work on a theater square.

IBT, more peace offerings, more rejections, and more finger waggling.

Turn 196

I noticed that we're about to get nailed by a barb wave near Salvador da Bahia. Our troops are thin around there. Only an archer and a horseman. I see a swordsman and a spearman coming down with an alerted scout about to reach the camp.

Turn 197

We've lost suzerain status with Kandy. I think we care about this one because they give +50% faith for relics. We have 3 envoys and we need 4 to get it back.

Corinth starts on an Amphitheater

After a really long siege, and with most of our units needing to be cycled out to heal at least once, we've finally taken Kwango.

She's a pretty nice city.

Turn 198

I began teching flight in my bee-line to radio.

Barbs near Salvador da Bahia plundered a trade route. Joy. We're now down to 3. Not good.

Kongo has completed Oxford University because priorities. He's still 7 techs behind us.

Turn 199

IBT, Peter is worried about our bombards near his war chariots.

Also, IBT, Kongo settles a coastal city to his southwest. Sure, why not?

Turn 200

I've moved troops up to begin assaulting Kongo's capital. I'll let the group decide whether we should take it. My vote is now yes.

Curitiba works on a trader and Natal begins a water mill.

Our wounded galley has managed to make it all the way around and arrive in waters in which he can heal. I'm surprised.
Let's be careful when we peace Kongo. We have 2 relic slot, 6 writing slots, and 0 art slots open.

  1. pholkhero >> learning to count
  2. Rex Tyrannus >> just played
  3. Ozbenno >> up
  4. Hobos 'n Fairies >> on deck
  5. Nfora >> still just Nfora, but considering a change to Loretta


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Curitiba bombard >> commercial hub. We need more internal trade routes.
I disagree. We need external trade routes to increase tourism spread. We need to have one with every other civ, including Kongo.

Plus, it takes 39 turns to get a bombard from our interior to the front line.
Do we need to send more over? I'd say we're in good shape.

Yay, toys
Take them all!

we've finally taken Kwango.

My vote is now yes.
I concur, but I think it should be the last one before we take peace. With those two cities gone, Kongo stops being a threat.

We have 2 relic slot, 6 writing slots, and 0 art slots open.
What are we going for, for our primary source of tourism now? If we still expect to get good numbers from relics, we need to drop a couple of extra temples and get the apostles fighting Freddy. I think our tourism numbers are getting there, we just don't have the diplomatic relationship with anyone to pull them in.
I disagree. We need external trade routes to increase tourism spread. We need to have one with every other civ, including Kongo.

Do we, though? Remember, our race isn't against the Philistines of our world. It's against the single most cultured civ in this game. Long before we're anywhere close to eclipsing Kongo's or Russia's internal tourism, we'll have reached influential status with Germany and England twice over, probably. We don't need to waste trade routes on the Klingons.

Meanwhile, we have cities spending 40 turns on basic infrastructure buildings. It's fine to divert one or two routes to culture, but we have 14 cities now, and can have a trade route for every commerce district and harbor we can build. Each of those will net a city + 3 production and +3 food on average.

As far as I know, you don't get a bonus from having more than one route to a civ. If we want to improve relations, give them free stuff. Extra luxes we can't use or just plain free gold.
We don't need to waste trade routes on the Klingons.

Yep we do.

See 25% bonus for a trade route, we don't get this for resource trading just a trade route. We will have to at some stage make an effort to convert other civs (and copy their government).

BTW, played 3 turns already

Came with an impressive amount of art!!

He will give up his remaining 4 books (which we can house) but not the art (which we can't), as well as ceding the two cities and all his toys and gold. I'm assuming we're good to take this deal?

The deal works for me.

Influential with a Civ isn't what we're after... it doesn't matter which civ we get our tourists from. We need to try to get them from everyone we can.

Bolshoi may very well have been a mistake. Let's avoid the sunk cost fallacy: if we don't need it, scrap it. Forget the hammers, they're gone and can't come back. If the 40 turns left don't give us enough return, let's build something more valuable.
So I played until T210.

Took the peace as detailed above.

At the beginning of my set we had 1 slot available for a relic

Make that none. I started a holy district in one of our cities, so we'll have another in 20 turns or so. Had another apostle about to die without a slot, so I got another belief out of him rather than him die needlessly (Cathedral, which have a slot for religious art which we currently have none).

Another Apostle on the move to Manaus to respread the belief.

Also, first IBT

I got trade routes up with Germany, Kongo and Russia and OBs with England and Russia (another 25% bonus in tourism).

Got a couple of inspirations

The first came from making 3 corps. No idea if this is good or not but I hadn't ever made any so why not!

Trying to get the new continent fog busted and deal with the bard threat on the old. Moved some horses that weren't busting anything up to help.

Research and civic on Radio (for Naturalists and sea side resorts) and Mass Media (for Christo Redentor).

Kept the capital on Bolshoi (it is 10 or 11 turns away) but diverted to a water mill for the extra production during the set. Have invested enough hammers it can't hurt keeping it going.

Should be a fairly peaceful set from now, just building tourism stuff (resorts, national parks, wonders, great works).

It is probably worth keeping track of the tourism numbers at the end of each set, so here we are...

17 down, 112 to go


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So, am I completely misunderstanding the mechanic? In Civ5, you had to become influential with each civ individually. The game kept track of tourism to and from each civ. You won when you gained influential status over the last civ and you probably had influence over the in-sophisticates several centuries past.

Are you guys saying that's no longer the case? That you just have a global bucket of tourists and, whether you get them from Russia or from Germany, it doesn't matter? A tourist is a tourist?
That you just have a global bucket of tourists and, whether you get them from Russia or from Germany, it doesn't matter? A tourist is a tourist?

Yep, you can win with 0 tourists from an AI (or even never met them) as long as you have the numbers elsewhere.

On a side note, I would have thought that Kongo's domestic pool of tourists would have dropped substantially (as they are now citizens of Greater Brazil) but didn't drop at all (was 127 at the beginning of my turns).
Ozzie said:
deal with the bard threat
Brave, brave, brave
brave sir robin!

anyways ~ good couple to sets. I thikn, at this point, anything we can get our hands on for attracting tourists is the right move ~ any wonders, religious buildings, national parks, archeological themed museums, etc.

I think our build priorities should be: religious buildings (for faith)>theatre (for museums)>wonders>national parks (another faith purchase).

realy, check out that culture guide: https://forums.civfanatics.com/resources/culture-victory-guide.25713/#FT
very good info, but fwiw:
Trade Routes
  • Having a trade route provide +25% tourism
  • Civic Online Communities provides +50% tourism to civilizations you have a trade route with.
  • Sara Breedlove (Modern Merchant): +25% Tourism towards other civilizations you have a Trade Route to. 1 charge
  • Melitta Bentz (Atomic Merchant): +25% tourism to other civilizations you have a trade route to.
So your trade route will gain you 25% extra tourism for most of the game.
You will gain 50% addition due to online communities but it is only available with the Solcial media Civic in the Technology Age so occurs very late.
There are also 2 UTM’s of 25% with the 2 great merchants but these also come late.

How valuable is this modifier? Well you would be expected to have a trade route with all other civilizations by the time you are nearing victory so like every modifier on the last screen it is of good value but compared against the best modifiers as an example it is not very powerful before online communities unless you get the great merchants.

100 BCT + 100% (computers) = 200 +25% (trade route) = 250 TP
100 BCT + 25% (trade route) = 125 TP

Open Borders
Having open borders provides + 25% Tourism This is not modifiable.
You will not be able to gain open borders with a civilization that denounces you.
If you are friends with a civ, your borders are opened automatically.

Different Governments
The formula is

(Gov1_factor + Gov2_factor) x Base Government tourist factor = Diff Gov trade factor

The Base tourism government factor is hard coded currently at 3
You then have to compare the 2 governments taking their individual factors into account
  • Chieftan = 0
  • Autocracy = -2
  • Oligarchy = -2
  • Classic republic = -1
  • Monarchy = -3
  • Theocracy = -4
  • Merchant Republic = -2
  • Facism = -5
  • Communism = -6
  • Democracy = -3

Therefore if I am a merchant republic (good idea to be with culture) and want to trade with a Theocracy I will get a government tourism modifier of (-2 + -4) x 3 = -18

If many governments are of a particular type not yours or you want to hammer a particular civ then change government.

Either country having a trade route allows both to gain the tourism.
The path where you will get the least negative government modifiers is as below.
  • Cheftain
  • Classic Republic
  • Merchant Republic
  • Democracy

home stretch time

[edit: if you click that quote, it enlarges]
Good evening, everyone! Not much happened, so let's just go already.
My first turn, Steam Power's eureka was stolen, so that's not good. What is good is that Mass Media was finished. I set it to Conservation and set some production, said production being a factory in Corinth and a trader in Mbanza Kongo. The next turn I begin a market in Shedet. We then get the Great Writer James Joyce! IBT, this happens:

Can you believe him? What would make him think that we're warmongers? Well, whatever. I start on Economics and get Mozart. Woo. Next turn I begin to research Cultural Heritage and start building a zoo in Sao Paulo. I also take back Kandy and get us to 6 envoys in the process. By the way, I saw a wonder being built in, like, Germany I think. Anyone know what it is?

Salvador da Bahia is making a bank and Sao Luis a monument, plus due to the fact we now have a Great Musician, I begin work on a Broadcast Center in Mbanza Kongo. Next, Shedet's making a bank and Ra-Kedet a cathedral. IBT Peter offers a deal I think is acceptable, so I accept.

Nothing happens next turn, but ol' Fred does offer something I turn down.

After Economics finishes, I head to Steel for the Eiffel Tower. Seems useful, you know? Stuff is being made, like an arena in Athens, a shrine in Curitiba, and another broadcast tower in Kwango. Finally, we get a really useful Great Merchant, John Rockefeller. I thought I had a picture, but oh well. He gives us a free Oil and gets more gold from trade routes. I set Corinth to make a bank and Curitiba a temple, then save and quit. Man, I'm tired...


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Hey ladies! Your old DM fellow ·Imhotep· (yes, with the stupid dots) here. Unfortunately my account data is lost in my brain, just wrote to staff in the hopes they can give me my account back. Just picked up Civ VI and saw the thread. Think you might wanna play some games together again? ;)

Greetings to all of you!
Imhotep's back? It's like 2006 all over again.

I see the save, and I'll play tonight (~12-13 hours from now). It's time to push on the tourists!
Hey ladies! Your old DM fellow ·Imhotep· (yes, with the stupid dots) here. Unfortunately my account data is lost in my brain, just wrote to staff in the hopes they can give me my account back. Just picked up Civ VI and saw the thread. Think you might wanna play some games together again? ;)

Greetings to all of you!

Hey there legendary builder, good to see you around :)

There are rumours of a new game :mischief:
Temporary Imhotep
:lol: literally laughed out loud when i saw that name! welcome back :clap:

of course you can have a spot ~

and, sorry, will read the set now
good set ~ i think that wonder might be chichen itza but i seem to recall someone already built that? or that other one built on a mt ~ ponta palace??
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