DMOC's DEITY Game #3 - Willem van Oranje


Aug 23, 2007
Many thanks to kossin who generated the map for me.


I'm back.

After a brief single-player Civilization IV hiatus to play more multiplayer, I am now itching for a return to single-player.

Past walkthroughs/games I have posted:
  • Darius/Immortal - Space Race Win
  • Boudica/Immortal - Domination Win
  • Julius Caesar/Immortal - Incomplete, but in a dominating position
  • Gandhi/Deity - Space Race Win
  • Churchill/Deity - Loss

  1. Starting Location [This Post]
  2. 4000 BC - Starting Warrior Move
  3. 4000 BC - Capital Settled
  4. Round 1: 4000 BC to 3125 BC [35 Turns] - The Unkind Map Creator
  5. Round 2: 3125 BC to 2050 BC [43 Turns] - The Gold City
  6. Round 3: 2050 BC to 775 BC [52 Turns] - Six Cities
  7. Round 4: 775 BC to 215 BC [31 Turns] - Dual Wonder Construction
  8. Round 5: 215 BC to 430 AD [44 Turns] - Catapulting Ahead in Science
  9. Round 6: 430 AD to 970 AD [41 Turns] - Post-Liberalism Growth
  10. Round 7: 970 AD to 1100 AD [14 Turns] - The Fall of Japan, Part I
  11. Round 8: 1100 AD to 1360 AD [38 Turns] - The Fall of Japan, Part II
  12. Round 9: 1360 AD to 1600 AD [49 Turns] - The Dutch Renaissance
  13. Round 10: 1600 AD to 1700 AD [21 Turns] - The Tale That Ends in the Light, Part I
  14. Round 11: 1700 AD to 1780 AD [41 Turns] - The Tale That Ends in the Light, Part II
  15. Round 12: Epilogue

Before I begin, I would like to mention that the following game I will post here is likely to be my last single player Civilization IV - BtS game I will ever play. I definitely plan on getting Civilization V and will likely switch over to that game completely (I am psyched about it). Therefore, I had to think hard before setting up the game. Did I want a relatively easy game? Did I want to finish with winning in a unique way? In the end, I opted for these settings:

  • Willem van Orange [Creative/Financial]
  • Deity Difficulty [Hardest!]
  • Epic Speed
  • Random Events Off
  • Tribal Villages Off
  • Large World Map Size
  • High Sea Level
  • 8 Total A.I. Civilizations
  • Tech Trading On [Normal Setting]
  • Barbarians On [Normal Setting]
  • Big and Small Map Script
    • Massive Continents
    • Islands Exist
    • Islands Mixed In

I knew I wanted to finish a game on deity difficulty as my final game (it's only fitting). I also wanted it to be a bit different from some standard games on the forum, so I opted for a large map. I added 9 total civilizations to the game. Trust me - even with a Large, High Sea Level map and 9 civilizations, there is PLENTY of land. I ran tests to confirm this. In regards to game speed - I kept the speed to Epic in case I want to war, as it gives me some more leniency in that respect. Finally, I selected Willem van Oranje as my leader since when I went to my Hall of Fame, I realized that I never won a game as the Dutch.

My last game did not end so well. Stupid Peter (an AI who tends to be in the middle of the pack early, and can explode late game) ended up beelining to the Manhattan Project, creating an impregnable wall that could not be stopped by me. I plan on redeeming myself in this game by (hopefully) winning a domination victory against whoever stands in my way.

The starting location is here. My thoughts - settle in place. What do you think?


The map has been checked by kossin, to ensure it's playability (i.e. I'm not stuck on a tundra island or boxed in by Shaka and Tokugawa on a tiny peninsula).

The save is here. I think you may need BUG 4.4 in order to play it.


Tough decision. Setlle in place to get the rice and pigs and what looks like 3 floodplains or seetling 1 W to add the marble in the BFC. I don't know about you but I would settle 1 W The marble tile is too good to pass on and you also gain a plains hill right for working. You could save the eastern floodplains for another city. On the other hand that blue circle up north tell me there is seafood to the north. Settling in place would allow a later fshing village to have the marble tile for working and you will get the marble tile in your borders soon nonethless since you are Creative. So I agree settle in place seems to be the right move. I would sen the warrior onto that blue circle though to check if there is indeed sea food there

I'm confused, this isn't the game I uploaded [or meant to].
Let me check...

EDIT: Sorry, I shared the wrong link with DMOC. The first map was saved in case I didn't find anything better. I've sent the correct link this time (which coincidentally is an Autosave so there's no tampering possible there).
Settling 1N of oasis sounds good. Start with Mining so you can mine that gold after farming the wet corn.

Edit: Comment was based on another starting position
AH-Mining seeing as the oasis will give decent commerce and you don't need to hook up the gold as fast. I vote for 1N too unless the warrior finds something really good.
:lol: I'm totally confused now. Are we still waiting on another map?

Warrior 1SW, then most likely settle 1SE on this one. :p

That's up to DMOC I guess. This one is also playable and unaltered for certain, I just thought the other was more interesting.
EDIT: Actually, I just remembered why I regenerated this one.

New map has Fleme's seal of approval. Was it generated by kossin or DMOC? Anyhow, I'll be following and hoping the rounds come more frequent than in your past games.

I got to say though, the part of your first sentence saying "tampered too far" kind of implies that this map is tampered with but to a lesser extent. Maybe that's being too semantic about it, but I have to point it out.

Edit: Looks like I could've also read this thread through. Good luck, I won't harass you (much) anymore.
...I think you may need BUG 4.4 in order to play it.

I'm using 4.2 and it seems to open OK and play a couple of turns.

@kossin -
Spoiler :
the new map (pig, rice) has 8 AIs, not 10 as originally intended :mischief:

@DMOC - good luck in your final game!
Kid R - regarding the spoiler, I realized that as soon as I opened up the settings. :lol:

However I'm sick of restarting, etc. so I'm going to stick with this one. The fewer AI's will either be a good thing (more land for me, less tech competition) or worse (more chance of boxed in, chances are high for a runaway AI with lots of techs, more land to the AI, etc).

PS: I am glad it has Fleme's seal of approval. :goodjob: No, it was not tampered. I asked kossin to generate a map for me, that's all.

Regarding the start ... is anyone against settling in place? I mean there's marble but that's best suited for later (100 culture) and it will be hard to settle on a river without wasting a floodplain.
SIP is fine. You shouldn't move for that Marble since with creative you'll get it soon anyhow. Besides, moving 1N loses 2 FP and probably 2 hills as far as I can tell.
JFleme and bbp I agree. In my experience, I have found that marble is very helpful when in the "3rd" ring of the capital if you are aiming for wonders, because there are few, if any, wonders you can build with the aid of marble before the capital expands to the third ring.

Now for the bad news - I encountered yet another bug in this game, this time due to the B.U.G. mod I have on my game, so I made a post in that board, hoping for an answer there. Once that's cleared, the game will start. Finally.
Whenever I make contact with an AI leader, I get the typical screen (leader head, etc.). What's missing is the TEXT underneath the leader head, which is where he should say "Greetings" etc.

you have bug as single player installation in custom assets? Isnt the game with locked modified assets?
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