DNES2: War and Civilization


canonically ambiguous
Nov 27, 2002
Portsmouth, England, UK

What is this?
It’s a NES set in an alternate world – one with altered geography, and thus different history. But otherwise, it is supposed to be a realistic world.

I am aiming for simplicity and (edit: substance), hopefully there will still be some interesting conflicts and events going on without too many stats and rules. I am also aiming to see the world develop through the ages of history... There should be maybe (edit: 1, kinda) updates a week year, and regular BT to jump forwards in time.

This NES is based on ‘Civ3 NES 1’, which I was running over the past month. That was an experiment at using the game of civ itself as a base for a NES. It worked for a while, but as the game got more complex, I hit more and more problems. With the amount of time it was taking to update, I thought I might as well be enjoying all the freedom of a regular NES…

So this is now a regular NES, but it still borrows heavily from civ, especially civ3. The starting situation is very uneven, and ideally id like this to be about 'roleplaying' and making things interesting, rather than striving to conquer the world at all costs... unless you really want to do that :)

Spending point system:
Each player receives ‘spending points’, which can buy certain effects and bonuses for their nation. Spending points represent a major effort by your people, and will tend to have a big effect in game.

> Spending points will accumulate at a slow rate - usually one for every update, perhaps more for special achievements.
> Unused spending points can and will be stored for later use.
> Multiple spending points can be used on the same turn – either on the same thing to multiply the effects, or they can be split for different effects.
> Spending points cannot be traded between players/nations. If people wanted to trade 'money', part of the economy stat can be sacrificed and given to the other player. But spending points cant really be traded, as they respresent great acts of leadership, effort and motivation by your own people, rather than any amount of resources.

Exactly what you spend these on is up to you, but these are some ideas:
Spoiler Examples :

* Military – give a boost to an attack on another nation, or increase the size of your army, or increase the quality of the training and weapons, etc
* Trade – give a boost to the economy overall, or give a boost to your trade routes (possibly getting a new trade centre), or discover a new resource to trade.
* Science – boost science rate, and/or receive free tech level
* Political – make a change of government easier, create rebellions in foreign territory, protect your own cities from rebellions, send spies etc
* Cultural – boost the culture of your nation, to impress foreign peoples and promote loyalty among your own.
* Colonise – get new cities and expand your borders, or increase the size of existing cities.
* Explore – reveal more of the world, make contact with new civs (and possibly expand trade routes)
* Build – new fortified areas on the map, or increase infrastructure, or work on a wonder.
* Something else – anything you want to increase or attempt to carry out. Note that a single spending point is designed for roughly one area only, such as military, economy etc. But I don’t want to set rules and limits, as long as its realistic.

To begin with, every nation is assumed to have various beliefs and religions that keep people happy, but dont inspire people very much. Basically if you'd like religion to affect things, you'd have to make it up yourself and maybe write a bit about it...

Various religions are coming into effect now (religion details are listed below, same post as UU list)

There isn’t anything else to spend apart from these ‘spending points’. But even without them, your nation will still gradually develop, explore and expand by itself. The army will also gradually increase in size, if it isn’t already too high. So feel free to say what general direction you’d like the nation to take, and set general orders for building, army recruiting, researching and settling etc.

And of course, feel free to give any orders for the military as usual. It doesn’t cost anything to go to war, or to just give orders to your commanders. Usual stuff like conscripting, hiring mercenaries etc. is all possible too.

Orders can be PM or just in the thread, I don’t mind, just however much privacy you want.

Random Stuff:
Your people wont usually go against your orders, but they will possibly act more independently in this game than in other NES’s. Random inventions, explorations and colonisations are possible. Random mistakes and accidents could also happen, but only very rarely will this lead to something as serious as war.

Updates arrive at random intervals but there will be at least one per month :)

Stories, or anything that is cool and/or adds background to the NES, will be rewarded somehow – probably with extra spending points. Maximum +1 bonus point in an update - to give any more than that would be kinda unfair to the people that don’t have the time or inclination to write stories. Also, I hope people will write occasional stories when they get inspired or to explain ideas about their nation, rather than just doing it for points.

The World:
Basically, much like earth, in that there is one ‘asia’ and one ‘africa’ and one ‘mediterranean’, but otherwise very different geography. The map will only show the areas of the world explored by nations listed in the stats. Everything else is shrouded in blackness…

There is an ‘america’, with its own culture, and civs similar to real earth. But they will remain hidden, and their level of technology will remain a surprise, until they are encountered (or until someone decides to play as an american civ).

Should be as you’d expect, though please note there are no eco points, only the 'spending points' described above. A lot of subtle stuff (like culture) isn’t in the stats, but you can trust me to take it all into consideration :)

Most stats are: *none*, tiny, v small, small, average, large, v large, huge, *gigantic*
Unit experience goes like this: *rabble*, conscript/untrained, trained, experienced, veteran, *elite*

Im also keeping track of the ‘inbetweens’ - so if a stat doesn’t increase in an update, it doesn’t mean that no progress is being made.

Spoiler Stats description :

* Spending Points: How many you have available to spend (the 'treasury'/bank), not how many you get per turn (which is 1 usually, + any bonuses). The uses of 'spending points' are described above.

* Culture: First, culture now has an actual rating. A high rating will promote unity among the people, and spread your influence further etc. A small rating means your people more influenced by outsiders. A very low rating might lead to your culture being assimilated by a neighbour’s culture, giving that nation more influence over your people etc.

Secondly, Cultures also come in various types now. The culture type(s) listed in your stats is the culture of the ruling classes, which could be different to the actual populations on the map, making it a bit harder for your culture to work. Most countries have their own type(s), but some share common cultures (and thus, might have better relations).

* Government: the type (with effects similar to civ3), and some idea of its stability or lack thereof

* Economy: the overall size of your economy, and how it is changing. There are no eco points, but the economy still has an effect – if its big, it will boost everything else. If its ok, it will just support everything. If its low, it will be harming progress in other areas, due to lack of funds and resources etc. Economy also affects the confidence of your people, etc. Note that the economy can fluctuate a lot over the course of the game, due to all kinds of events.

* Infrastructure: (updated, thanks to warman17) Infrastructure represents how well maintained your nation is. It represents road systems, water systems, communication systems, irrigation systems, tunnels, mines, 'emergency response', how well public space is kept, how efficient the bureaucracy is, etc.

It is easer to raise other stats when they are below the level as infrastructure, and harder to raise them above infrastructure. Infrastructure is also needed to keep a large standing army. You can keep a large standing army with a small infrastructure, but it will drain more from the economy. Finally, infrastructure is much easier to improve for a small nation than a larger one.

* Production: your nation’s ability to make stuff, be it infrastructure, wonders, or new military gear.

* Science rate: the chance for advancing in tech each turn, or at least copying other’s progress. A high science rate will have other random benefits, like new inventions and stuff which will help your stats.

* Techs: Basically, a rough indication of how advanced your people are, in terms of the civ3/4 tech trees. This roughly affects what kind of military you can have, how well your troops do in battle, how advanced your culture is, how competitive your traders will be, how far your ships can travel, etc.

* Military: the numbers of different types of units that you have, along with a description of their training/experience or lack thereof. For simplicity, experience is shared by all units of that type, so it could be ‘diluted’ by adding hordes of new conscripts…

> Generic Units – based on civ units, but will probably work the same as in other NES’s. Note i am thinking more in terms of real-world for how units work in combat, so that spearmen are good all-round units, not just useful for defence as in civ...
> UU’s - Since some are shared, ive made a list of them separate form the nation stats.
> ‘Tribal’ units – easier to support and likely to more ferocious in attack, but less disciplined and harder to control
> ‘Mercenary’ units – mercenaries can be quickly hired in large numbers, but they will drain the economy much more than normal units, and are likely to disappear when things get too tough.

Note about archers etc - for simplicity, everyone is assumed to have various support troops like this accompanying their armies. Archers and skirmishers can be UU's if they are particularly deadly.

* Navy: the floaty version of the military. You would need some kind of boat before you can go exploring the seas…

* Wonders: a list of any wonders your nation has built, and their location, and what benefit they have. Feel free to order new wonders at any time - but they may take a long time to build, even with high production, unless a spending point is used on it.

Autonomous regions/provinces
These are now kinda identifiable on the map, by having a slightly different shade from the main nation, but no actual border. These areas are basically just part of your nation, but have their own laws/customs etc and sometimes might not follow your policies. They also have a greater potential for breaking away to form new countries or rebel areas if things get really bad. But the benefit is increased loyalty and gratefulness from these areas most of the time.

Vassal States / Puppet States
Vassals will give a bit of their economy growth and special resources to the controlling nation, allow access for their troops, and generally support their policies (though, as happened with Karthia, their NPC rulers can sometimes start behaving badly). They are different from ‘autonomous regions’ because of their increased independence - they keep their own army, deal with their own issues, and their own stats will still be listed (assuming they are not a grey-coloured minor power or barbarian tribe).

The benefit of vassal states is effective control of the area strategically, without needing to supress the people with your own garrison or fight rebellions there. And vassals will probably be more efficient in organising their own territory than if it was a part of your own nation, especially if its a different culture.

Other Stuff:
Hopefully, everything else is self-explanatory, and should just work as you’d expect. More info about the map details is here if needed:

Spoiler Map stuff :

Barbarians and rebel uprisings: Apart from the extreme poles, you can assume there is some kind of tribal peoples in all the white areas of the map. Grey areas are more organised tribes, minor powers, or rebellions. The most serious of any of these will have their names on the map in black, but they wont have any stats.

Place names: They are the stuff in italics. Feel free to suggest names for places if you like :)

City names: the most important cities have names shown, along with some random ones. Ill add new city names or rename any city on request. All capitol cities will have bright white names to help highlight them, if i remember to do it.

Resource icons on the map:
Iron: which is actually counted as various kinds of useful metals. If you have access to this, ill consider it a bit easier to make metal weapons and tools etc. However, unlike civ, you don’t require this. Ill assume your people have access to some kind of metal at all times.

Stone blocks: A bit easier to expand infrastructure type stuff, and build wonders and forts etc.

Horses: easier to recruit cavalry, though not required (I assume some horses can be found or brought to anywhere in the known world)

Elephants: required for war elephants, also doubles as a luxury (the ivory)

Lumber/logs: A bit easier to build infrastructure type stuff with this too. Also, a bit easier to make basic weapons, as well as boats and siege machinery.

Food: fruit/vegetables and wheat icons. Generally, the more of these you have access to, the bigger your cities can grow, the more people you will be considered to have, and the easier it will be to recruit more troops, etc.

The rest: various luxury resources as in civ3. Generally, the more different types you have in your land = more trade and happier people. Also, you can kinda tell what terrain is there by the kind of resources that it has.

Other icons on the map:
Hammer/chisel thing: Early industry and metalworking in this area. Owning this will make it a bit easier to build more complex weapons and military gear. It also gives a little help with more advanced infrastructure stuff.

Science flask: A centre of learning/philosophy/invention in this city. Owning this will give a little help to your science progress.

Trade arrows: Trade centre, AKA economic centre in this city. Your economy will be stronger for owning these (tax on merchants etc). It also helps to be within range of other peoples trade centres. Each turn, I will try to work out how goods and resources get traded about (including food and metal etc) - so new trade centres could appear, and old ones dissapear, as the trade routes change. Note that even if you don’t have any tradable resources in your land, you can still have trade centres, due to trade routes passing through.

Fort (little squashed building thingy): Obviously, this indicates a more fortified area, to help defend the land during war.

Cities: Bigger blobs for bigger cities, obviously. Cities only really grow big if they are near a river, lake, or good food areas. Cities are the source of power for civilised peoples. But in the unclaimed lands or semi-civilised areas, the smallest dots are more like moveable camps, which could be easily dismantled and rebuilt in new places.

Gold star: this indicates a capitol city.

A white border is a not-very-well-defined border, harder to keep under guard. The border is too new, or the area is too uncivilised, or the terrain is too impassable (like a large desert for example). This border may shift around a little from turn to turn, and it will be easier to launch raids and send spies across etc.

A black border is a regular, established, guarded border. It wont change by itself.

A red border is the front line of an ongoing war.

A dark red border is not actually a border, but showing where old established borders used to be if they have recently changed due to war etc.

Roads and rivers:
Dark brown and dark blue, respectively, and obviously. Note that new roads can be built, and old ones destroyed, and they will help troop movement and trade. Rivers help trade too, but are obviously a bit of an obstacle for armies.
World History: 4000 BC – 250 BC…
For anyone following the old Civ3 Nes thread, only the last part is new (300-250 BC).

Basically, south asia is home to larger, more peaceful, more advanced, but slightly more stagnant empires. Europe is slightly more pioneering, explorative, but still more backwards and highly divided. Africa is still something of an unkown, while the middle-east (or middle-west, depending how you are orientated) has seen the biggest and richest empires, but also the most conflict.

Spoiler World History :

4000-3000 BC
Civilisation first emerged in the Taejon valley area, and slowly began to spread across asia. By 3000 BC, civilisation was also appearing in the western mediterranean area.

3000-2000 BC
The first civilisations reached their peak. The legendary Taejon Empire dominated asia, while the mediterranean became home to many fine city-states. But by 2500 BC, these first civilisations came crashing down in a storm of war, famine, and disorder.


Out of the ashes rose three great new powers… Loosely-unified kingdoms began to reappear in the Taejon valley, while the new empire of Argos swallowed up all the old civilised areas of the mediterranean under an oppressive military regime. Meanwhile, the Kairon civilisation had emerged in north east Africa.

2000 BC – 1500 BC
Civilisation had recovered again, but was still a shadow of its former self. All round the world, many new powers were emerging to pick up the pieces. Ideas of civilisation had now been spread far and wide. Nomadic peoples were settling down to build their own empires, which were destined to be more aggressive and innovative than anything seen so far – Many of the world’s civilised peoples trace their origins back to this time.

Major wars were taking place... Argos and Kairon fought many long exhausting wars, with no real benefit to either. The matriarchy of Almoth became very powerful, benefiting from slave labour and from having the first iron-making technology. As a result, Almoth’s swordsmen conquered large areas of Europe. Meanwhile, the middle-east also saw much fighting. Altyn-Kanalat ( forerunner of both the later Aahnad and Altynai empires) conquered the homelands of the ulak peoples after a great chariot battle at Talulak.

In asia, a sense of unity was slowly beginning to return to the Taejon peoples. But the new empires of Panga, Ormash, and Yaktan were also on the rise.

1500-1000 BC
Many new powers became well established in Europe - The Ys League went voyaging far and wide across the seas (establishing colonies at the entrance to the Mediterranean which would later become the nation of Catalya). Anguile expanded into the north west, forging its first great empire.

The Argosian Empire finally inflicted a crushing defeat on Karion, using their own african mercenaries against them. The mediterranean did not remain quiet for long however, as the empire was soon fighting against both the powerful armies of Almoth and waves of rebellions within its borders.

In asia, the emerging power of Yaktan was drawn into the civil wars of Taejon. But after much fighting, a new unified monarchy had managed to take hold in Taejon, brining peace and stability to the whole region.

1000-500 BC
This was a period of decline for many cultures. The ancient Argosian empire began to disintegrate - only the area around Mycenae was able to remain strong, and eventually formed its own kingdom. After the collapse of trade routes, and a series of natural disasters along the coasts of eastern Europe, the glory days of the old Ys League came to an end, and many of their explorations were forgotten. The Zekul peoples lost most of their territory, and the Anguile Empire was also weakened and fractured by civil wars.

In Africa, the new peoples of Umidia took over from the ancient Kairon kingdom. In the middle east, Altyn-Kanalat stood for a while as the world’s greatest empire, but weak leaders and attacks on all fronts soon brought the empire into crisis. The new Aahnad dynasty took power in the north, eventually expanding their rule to cover the old homelands and much of the old Argosian empire. The old dynasties of Altyn-Kanalat survived in the south, becoming the Altynai kingdom.

In southern asia, things were different. It was a period of stagnation, but also a period of stability and high culture.

Meanwhile the Ulak peoples, expelled from their homelands by Altyn-Kanalat in previous centuries, had became a greatly feared horse-riding people, and established a vast empire of their own across northern asia. The armies of Ormash were able to defend the south against the ulak hordes, but their nation was greatly weakened in the process, and for a while they became virtual puppets of Taejon and Panga.

500-300 BC

This was a period of revival for many. A new Ys League began to take shape, reviving old trade routes and exploring even further than before. Anguile was gradually strengthened and reunified, while Mycenae was able to reclaim more of the old Argosian lands, including the ancient city of Argos itself.

Motria and Saxony emerged as new powers in Europe… Motria gradually expanded against barbarian lands in the north, while Saxony doubled its borders within a few decades, conquering several minor powers…

In asia, there were scattered raids by Ulak peoples, but the war against the Ongan peoples by Yaktan and Panga was the only real disturbance of the peace.

Spoiler 300-250BC :

300-250 BC
Four main wars were happening during this time. First, the Aahnad Empire was being attacked from all sides…

As the Aahnad Emperor Karlyk I lay dying, the empire was poised on the brink of war with Mycenae, while Ulak hordes were breaking through the great wall in the west and threatening the great city of Antalyak. But the new Aahnad leader, Aleksandyr I, secured peace with Mycenae, and gathered a huge army to defend Antalyak – the largest army ever seen in the world so far. Seeing that they had no chance of taking the city, the Ulaks dispersed and began pillaging the countryside…


It was then that Aleksandyr I showed his greatness (or some say, his naivety). Leaving the trusted commander Kurluk-Baghatur to defend Antalyak, Aleksandyr took the greater part of his army on a great campaign into the north west – the ‘great pacification’. It was a great success – the germanic peoples of the north were overrun quickly, outnumbered three to one by the well-armed Aahnad troops. The semi-civilised Samar peoples soon followed suit in the west. Vast swathes of land were taken, yet there were disappointingly few riches to be found here…

Meanwhile, two new enemies appeared in the south. First, the old ruling dynasty of Altyn-Kanalat, now styling themselves as ‘Alytnai’, gathered a large army and boldly attacked Aahnad Empire. With Kurluk-Baghatur still chasing the Ulak around in the west, the Aahnads could not gather enough troops to meet the Altynai head on. With the efforts of many great siege engines, the city of Atil eventually fell, along with its Great Library, and its all its trading wealth. Altynai forces moved further northwards, threatening the Aahnad captiol of Agre itself…

At the same time, the independent cities east of Herakleia had been united into the new power of Tarnas. Sensing weakness in the Aahnad Empire, Tarnas gathered a large army and attacked Herakleia. Despite heavy losses during the siege, they were able to capture the city and gain its vast trading wealth for themselves.

Aleksandyr I began moving his armies to meet the new threats, disappointed that his achievements would be overshadowed by losses elsewhere… But then he fell sick, and has yet to recover...
*Aahnad empire at war with Ulakam, Altynai, and Tarnas.
*It is also rumoured that large hordes of Samar horsemen are gathering to retake their lands!


The second main war was in eastern Europe. Seeing Anguile becoming ever stronger in the north, the leaders of Catalya decided their only option was a pre-emptive attack. The main Catalyan army focused on the ancient city of Anguile itself, hoping to demoralise the new Anguile Republic by conquering their ancient homelands. Although taken by surprise, the Anguilan people rallied to the defence of their old captiol, and many large battles were fought outside the city…

Meanwhile, with their huge trade profits, the Catalyans had been able to hire a vast mercenary army from the island of Buto in the mediterranean. The mercenaries landed at Sharlerde, the new Anguilan captiol, and immediately began attacking the city. But the leaders of Anguile had expected such a move, and had kept a large army of their own in reserve to defend the area. There was now an extremely bloody and brutal battle as the mercenary forces were caught by surprise, outmanoeuvred, surrounded and hacked to pieces outside the walls of Sharlerde. The Anguile forces were not without losses of their own, but it is said more than 30,000 mercenary troops were slaughtered.


Yet at the same time, the main forces of Catalya were finally able to overrun the city of Anguile and take control of the southern heartlands. Things remained at stale-mate for some time, until the Ys League came to the assistance of Anguile and was able to organise a revolt in Etienarde. Anguile forces were then able to capture Vengano on the west coast. Catalya seemed to be losing the war, but was still able to field a powerful army of Catal infantry and various mercenaries.

At sea, Catalya was victorious in every battle, and was able to keep the smaller and less experienced Anguile fleet in port for most of the time. Some fighting took place between Yssian and Catalyan ships, but not much, as both sides were more worried about guarding their own trade routes.
* Catalya is now at war with Ys and Anguile.


Thirdly, there was a great uprising in Ys’s western territories. It began in the Pictish city of Yuchan, with the birth of Argus Mach, later to be known as Argus the Black. His mother was a Pictish noblewoman, his father a wealthy Yssian merchant. But for unkown reasons, Argus failed to advance in either Pictish or Yssian society, and became disillusioned...

Argus then became feared as a brigand and mercenary in the Yssian border territory around the ‘black hills’. Slowly he evolved into a charismatic ‘freedom-fighter’, with a somewhat twisted sense of honour, yet a beacon for any and all who resented the expanding power and influence of the Ys League. Zekulians, Picts, and Yssian exiles all flocked to his cause, and a group of bandits quickly became an army of rebellion.

As Black Argus captured several small towns, things spiralled out of control. Vast numbers of tribes people from Zekul lands flocked to join the action. Saxon and Anguilan mercenaries also arrived in the area. A few years later, the Pictish city of Yuchan opened itself to the rebels. A few years after that, a vast rebel army was at the gates of Brieg, the most important Yssian city in the region.


With their resources being tied down in other conflicts, the Ys could not prevent Brieg from falling to the ‘black army’. It seemed a new pan-zekul-pictish nation was taking shape… But then, a large rebel army was defeated by the forces of the governor of Gwened, as the rebels pushed too far into the lands of Ys. Argus’s son was killed along with tens of thousands of rebels.

Old, sick, and embittered, black Argus retired out of sight - some say he is already dead. A large rebel army remains, led by a new stable leadership, but exact numbers are not known. Despite losing some territory of their own, the nations of Pictland and Zekul have yet to get involved, while it seems they may have more to gain from the Ys League’s loss.
*’Black Army’ uprising near Breig.


Fourthly, there was the Umidian conquest of Judea. After expanding their control of the eastern coast, the Umidian leaders ordered a great army to be gathered, putting emphasis on the formidable horse bowmen. The Judean peoples put up a brave fight, inflicting heavier losses on the Umidians overall, but they had to fall back to the mountain strongholds around Beer-Sheva, ceding all their coastal lands to the invaders. Fighting is still going on, and it seems the Judeans will be able to hold out for a while yet.
*Judea largely conquered, but war continues

Back in northern Europe, Almoth was forced to retreat from its most northern territory around Gadloch, as barbarian tribes continued to attack the area. Finnstad remains under control for now.
*Large barbarian forces north of Finnstad - the 'Nor' and 'Goth' tribes

Elsewhere, the ‘Oru’ came to power. It started as an obscure cult in the remote mountains of central asia, offering enlightenment and an end to suffering by detaching from the desires of this world. As the cult’s influence spread, local warlords began to take action against it. In response, the followers of the way of Oru became fanatical warriors, determined to defend their way of life, and thinking it an honour to die for their cause. Not only were the local warlords unable to suppress the Oru, but they themselves were overthrown as the cult gained more and more members. Within just a few years, large areas of central asia had come under control of the chief monks of Oru. The expantion of Ormash, Taejon, and Yaktan into this region was halted.
* Oru nation appears!

Meanwhile, Yssian and Altynai explorers have met in south Africa. An alternative asian-european trade route has been set up, and it is getting more and more traffic as the route through Herakleia is still being disrupted by war. However, occasional battles between Yssian and Catalyan ships have also caused some disruption to this new route.
* new trade centres in Tasai (Altynai) and Sulchan (Ys)

At the same time, in the eastern ocean, the Ys League was trying to expand east from their colony of Ember to take control of that whole island But the strange tribes continued to resist fiercly, and combined with the difficulties of disease and terrain, the few Yssian troops there could not advance any further.
* Fighting continues east of Ember

Finally, the former Ongan city of Zanung, the most eastern city that was under Yaktan rule, has rebelled against its overlords. Yaktan troops are preparing to move in to retake control, but there are fears of sparking a war with Taejon. The leaders of Zanung are already making overtures to Taejon, asking for protection. Commanders on both sides are waiting for instructions…
* Tension between Taejon and Yaktan
Recent/Current Stuff

Claimed Nations / Player names:
11 ish
Thulean League = Disenfrancised
Holy Rovien Empire = Luckymoose
Empire of Germanica = The Farow
Tusca = TerrisH
Kaliate of Acre = ~Darkening~
Antalese Empire = Thlayli
Videssos = Warman17
Tian = KrimzonStriker
Pangari = Lord_Iggy
Ormash = jalapeno_dude
Ohukal = Slavic Sioux

Available Nations:
Orion Empire: strong defensive position, strong military, good technology and growing trade
Taej Empire: cultural giant, potential economic giant, but still a little unstable
Umidia: may be losing the war in the east ocean, but still a colonial power with the most powerful warships in the world.

There are many smaller NPC nations which have a chance for greatness too.

Update History:

From Civ3 NES 1 (precursor to this NES):
2000-1750 BC
1750-1500 BC
1500-1350 BC
1350-1200 BC
1200-450 BC
450-350 BC
350-300 BC

From DNES2 (this NES):
250-225 BC
225-200 BC
200-175 BC
175-150 BC
BT1: 150 BC - 250 AD
250-275 AD
275-300 AD
300-330 AD
330-355 AD
355-380 AD
380-395 AD
395-415 AD
415-425 AD
425-435 AD
435-445 AD

Maps of the Known World:

Political map (445 AD)

Generic cultural zones (never updated yet!)

Old Civ3 terrain map (Updated to 355 AD)

New accurate terrain map (Updated to 445 AD)

Religion map (Updated to 445 AD)

plain map (300 AD, with no text or icons. a bit messy)

Wars and Alliances (updated to 445 AD)
Spoiler Wars and Alliances :

Declared alliances: (not including vassals)
Tian and Shimazu have an alliance
Videssos and Shimazu have an alliance
Umidia and Kaliate of Acre have an alliance
Talibria and the Antalese Empire have an alliance

Ongoing wars: (not counting rebels/minor powers)
Germanica, Karinthia and Seculia are at war with Talibria
Zhizhou is at war with the Chimuko Empire
Videssos and Norgar are at war with Juhtland
Umidia is at war with Segudah

Spoiler Religions Info :

The religion of Phos teaches of a duality between the god of light, sun, and life (Phos), and of the god of darkness, night, and death (Skotos). The practice of Phosism is currently centred around the nation of Videssos, under the overall leadership of the Patriarch (who oversees all religious activity). Followers of this religion believe that the ultimate victory will come to Phos and those that follow him. Enemies of the people are thus equated with followers of Skotos… This demonisation of the enemy makes the followers of Phos more determined to crush their enemies, and more confident of victory.

However, a variation of Phosism preaches that the battle between Phos and Skotos is actually an even battle… Since the victory of Phos is not certain, it is an act of greater devotion to place faith in Phos. Some view this as heretical, since Phos is always the clearly more powerful to them, and that it is set in stone. They view anything less as a lack of faith, and much tension has come of this, but no emperor or patriarch has yet demanded an end to the practice.

Its origins are obscure, all that is known for sure is that it started as a small cult in the remote mountains of central asia in about 300 BC. Orusim gained many followers, and was responsible for the creation of the nation of Oru. Since then, it has been slowly spreading into other lands. Oruists believe in reincarnation, and that the spirit acquires knowledge over many lifetimes, until it has learned enough to live in heaven permanently. Oruism offers a faster path to enlightenment and an end to suffering, by learning to detach from the desires of this world.

In recent years, Oruism has taken a far more militant tone, as the homelands of Oru were attacked by foreign invaders. Oruists believe that the spirit can make a great step on the path to enlightenment, by giving up physical life in defence of spiritual teachings. This has inspired many Oruists to perform great acts of bravery on the battlefield.

“To Preach of the Tao, the One God, and his benevolence and mercy. That is what I preached, of life eternal after death. For there is no true death, death is only the gateway to new life. For in one’s death, one returns to the Great Wheel of Life, where his deeds are considered and determined. A virtuous righteous life will allow one’s soul to return as a human while a sinful one would return as insects. And when a soul has come to grasp, over many a cycle of reincarnation, they shall go to heaven pure once more as had they had come to the world.

I spoke of balance on this earth, that to reach enlightenment one must come to grief with their past, and all their sins. And that upon confessing and apologizing from the depths of their hearts and receiving penance, their sins would be washed and diminished, reducing the time one must return to the Great Wheel again and again. And so began, the Way of the Tao. There is no God but one, and his name is Tao.”

Taosim originated in Taejon, and was partly based on the older Oruist beliefs. Taoism has become known as a religion of peace and open-mindedness – encouraging intellectual pursuits, instead of discouraging them, and at the same time helping to keep order among the masses.

Tarrism originated in Kenbu. It preaches the existence of one main God – Tarr, lord of water and fish – together with several lesser Gods, who decide who can enter the afterlife. It also incorporates many elements of animism and ancient tribal beliefs, but in a much more structured way. Giving sacrifice to Tarr remains an important part of Tarrism (although human sacrifice would seem to be very rare).

Tarrism helps to keep order among the people, and is also easily adopted by tribal cultures - easing their incorporation into the nation of Kenbu.

“For some twenty years Murabi wandered the plains, collecting the various tales and beginning the process of uniting the Theosim faith. From the Xhose in the far north to the Kalandor in the west and the Parudians in the south, he ventured among the scattered tribes. It would be in 205 that the man would return to Hlobane- a changed person. He would immediately take over as the religious advisor to the early kings after the death of Imas arb Daser, preaching to the king and gathering support for his faith. In 191, after learning the Kiyahian system, he would begin the basis of all Sarukian literary works: the Ibya dal Eos.

In this book that would be published ten years later and one year before his death, Murabi laid down the rules. The Writer (as he became known) claimed that there was one sole force in this world- Eos, or “Divine”. He claimed that this force had been around before time itself and had guided both mankind and the world to their current states. He claimed that in order to reach the next life, one had to follow the rules of Eos and attempt to live a moral life. In addition, he claimed that after death man went to a new, immortal realm that could be considered paradise.

He laid out a system of six rules, known as the jiahs, that one had to follow in order to reach the next realm. The first, known as Kaji, was Faith- one must express the ultimate belief in Eos and be willing to give their lives for him. The second, Abej, was Guidance- one had to follow the jiahs and the other religious laws. The third, Bah, was Charity- those who had more in life were responsible for easing the lives of the poorer classes. The fourth, Ta’jie, was Prudence: one must live a simple life, one void of all things unnecessary. The fifth, Raej, was Prayer- one was required to pray a three minute prayer three times a day to Eos. The sixth and final, Yusuf, was War- one was required, if necessary, to give their life in battle for their fellow Theosits”

Theosim originated in the Kingdom of Saruk. So far, it has been the most intolerant of all religions - meaning that it is better at replacing and suppressing other faiths in captured areas. At the same time, it also helps to keep order among the people, and to inspire soldier’s bravery and loyalty in battle.

This religion has its roots in ancient Germanic and Gallic mysticism, but exactly how it started is unclear. Believers maintain that Aeonis is an aspect of the divine, who lived in human form in southern Anguile (the vicinity of Lenierde) sometime after 80 BC, during a chaotic series of civil wars there. Aeonis preached a moral code that people should live by, in order to end suffering and bring the divine down to earth. For allegedly practising black magic, and for criticising the brutality and selfishness of local Saxon and Anguilan warlords, Aeonis was sentenced to death (by being shot with arrows). After being buried, Aeonis is said to have risen from the dead to complete his teachings, before ascending to the divine realms.

Aeonism is a unifying force among believers, and like many religions it inspires troops to greater deeds. Its code of morals discourages corruption and crime among the people, but it also tends to distract them from academic pursuits.

‘Ultimism’ teaches that the world was not created merely an accident of chaos and blood (as in some ancient Yssian and Pictish creation beliefs). There might not be a beginning god, but there will be a Final God, the summation of the universes life in which all deeds are incorporated and all thoughts collected. Some men, the ‘Saints’ see this more clearly and thus are able to set down precepts on how to live ones life. Ur-Saint Qyiss was the first of these, and he set down the main body of the religion, which teaches that you must live life in a ‘more real’ fashion. What this translates to is doing events of note – a good life is one full of great deeds, acts of daring, wisdom, and kindness that have changed the world – worthy of inclusion in the Final God.

‘Saints’ are arrived at by general consensus – if enough people think you have done well, then you become one.

Thus, Ultimism spurs people on to great accomplishments and individualism, while it is very accommodating of other faiths – the traditional prophets and gods of other cultures easily become adapted to ‘saints’ under Ultimism.

This religion combines aspects of Taoism and Oruism with other outside influnces.

It is less of a stabilising force than Taoism, but it provides more of a motivation for the troops in battle. There is heavy emphasis on obtaining glory in battle, demonstrating mastery of the physical body through bravery - the contempt of physical pain and death.

Lanvinquists, named after their leader Poiret Lanvin, argued that orthodox Aeonism had lost its way, and that the plague was an act of God, signalling the people to rise against the flawed HRE’s authority. The Lavinquists were also greatly inspired by the (somewhat bizarre) works of Juhtish/Ultimist mystics living on the far northern island of Staffa (see Thulean League). The result was a mixture of Aeonism and Ultimism – stating that there was and still is an original God, whose nature is a just and caring one (the Aeonist part), but that God also seeks to explore itself through the chaotic creation and eventual re-absorption of the whole universe (the Ultimist part).

Anyway, this Lanvinism is not for the simple-minded, but it has an appeal for the more spiritual or intellectually minded people, or anyone with a grudge against either HRE/Germanican-dominated Aeonism, or Thulean-dominated Ultimism. The ideas of Lanvinism have spread across scattered parts of northern europe.

‘Altoc’. It teaches that the King of the land is a lesser God, created by the greater God, and sent into the world to bring order and justice, with divine authority over all lands and peoples. It is the duty of all peoples to serve their god-king, and it would be an insult to the greater God to disobey him.

Basically, ‘Altoc’ is used to get fanatical support from the people. There is little depth or inspiration with this religion.

In the Altyn-Sarai Academy of Philotheology, Ivan Avaryk has come up with a remarkable theory. Religion is based on truth, and the search for truth, but it has become corrupted and turned into a tool for war and greed. As a result, he founded the religion of Rationalism.

Rationalism does not act like a traditional world religion. It has no established hierarchy, and relies on individual self-exploration to discover truth, personally and universally.

The core tenets of the faith are a commitment to enlightenment, through active spiritual thought, self-control, through keeping the body healthy and free of needless greed or lust, and altruism, actions of kindness to surrounding citizens, and upholding a fair society.

As for deities, Rationalism does not strictly deny or worship any particular one, but members are free to worship the god of their choice, as long as they maintain their spiritual, physical, and active commitments to the faith. Rationalists have weekly meetings to discuss their faith and its applications towards finding truth, and improving the world. Rationalists believe that there may be a Higher Power, but do not presume his presence, and so they pray for truth to be revealed to them.
Nation Stats: first half
This will be updated here with each update.
The stats kinda go in order of who's nearby. I might put them in alphabetical order at some point.

New players always welcome. It would also be possible to play just as a trading network, religious order, mercenary army etc.

Spoiler Nation Stats :

Stat Levels:
Most stats are: *none*, tiny, v small, small, average, large, v large, huge, gigantic, colossal, *immeasurable*
Unit experience goes like this: *rabble*, conscript/untrained, trained, experienced, veteran, *elite*
Tech levels go like this: early, early-mid, mid, mid-late, late

+ or – show how that stat has changed recently.

Spoiler Thulean League: Disenfrancised :

Thulean League: Disenfrancised
Vassals held: Ohiwa
Spending Points: 1
Government: stable republic
Culture: large, Yssian/Pictish
Economy: immeasurable (++), stable
Infrastructure: v.large (+)
Production: v.large
Science: v.large
Techs: early-mid enlightenment (+)
Heavy Infantry: 7 = many Kornden Militia (experienced), some Sea Dragons (elite), few Campagnards (trained)
Light Infantry: 2 = many coastal levies (experienced), some Yihamco pirates (veteran)
Heavy Cavalry: 4 = many Armoured Horsemen (trained), few Chevaliers (trained)
Light Cavalry: 4 = some horsemen (trained), some Storm Riders (veteran)
Support: 2 = Bombards (trained)
Navy: 5 Galley (veteran), 5 Ys Sloop (veteran), 2 Tosess (trained), 2 Ship of the Line (veteran), 1 Khima (trained), 4 Geariis (trained)
Wonders: The Great Lighthouse of Ys (+trade, +seafaring, 76% ‘complete’)
Description: The evolution of the Ys League. Under Gustornii the great, the Thulean League united the Pictish and Yssian peoples, and saved Ys from being swallowed up by the ‘Saxon-Anguile Empire’. The southern african colonies were lost, but new colonies began to grow on the ‘new continent’. The League is now fighting to reclaim the east ocean islands from Umidia.

Spoiler Holy Rovien Empire: Luckymoose :

Holy Rovien Empire: Luckymoose
Vassals held: Gallica
Spending Points: 1
Government: stable Monarchy
Culture: v.large, Saxonguile/Gallic
Economy: v.large (+), stable
Infrastructure: large (+)
Production: average
Science: average
Techs: late renaissance (+)
Heavy Infantry: 12 = some Campagnard (veteran), many Pikemen (trained)
Light Infantry: 3 = Peasants (untrained)
Heavy Cavalry: 2 = Chevaliers (elite)
Light Cavalry: 2 = Horsemen (trained)
Support: 2 = Bombards (trained)
Euris Ocean Navy: 1 Galley (trained), 2 Caravel (trained), 5 Ys Sloop (trained)
Mediterranean Navy: 3 Galley (trained), 1 Caravel (trained)
Wonders: Palace of Roves in Robime (31% complete, +stability, +diplomacy)
Description: Rovien was founded by uncivilised tribes living in the ‘black hills’ region. After fighting as mercenaries for the old saxon-anguile empire, they were granted their own lands. But with no family links to the old Saxon and Anguile royal lines, they had less influence within the fragmented ‘empire’. After the 40 years war, Rovien defeated Dauphien and reunified much of Europe by force. The Holy Rovien Empire now stands in place of the old ‘saxonguile’ empire. The main cultural influences are from Germanica, the Thulean League and old Anguile.

Spoiler Gallica :

Gallica: NPC
Vassal of Holy Rovien Empire
Spending Points: ?
Government: unstable republic
Culture: average, Gallic
Economy: small, growing
Infrastructure: average
Production: v.small
Science: average
Techs: mid-late renaissance
Heavy Infantry: 4 = many Campagnard (veteran), some Pikemen (trained)
Light Infantry: 1 = Peasants (untrained)
Heavy Cavalry: 4 = Chevaliers (elite)
Light Cavalry: 1 = Horsemen (trained)
Support: 1 = Bombards (trained)
Mediterranean Navy: 1 Galley (trained)
Wonders: none
Description: The Gallic Knights were formed by southern Rovien noblemen, in order to protect the old Gallic heartlands from Catalian/Umidian attack. After playing a key role in the conquest of Catalia, the Emperor Gabriel granted the Gallic Knights their own vassal state. The local people are a mix of Gallic, Rovien, Catalian, Umidian and Yssian, with an almost equal mixture of faiths. This situation does not lend itself to stability.

Spoiler Freiland: NPC :

Freiland: NPC
Spending Points: ?
Government: slightly unstable Democracy
Culture: average, Germanic/Saxonguile
Economy: average, growing
Infrastructure: v.large (+)
Production: average
Science: large
Techs: late renaissance (+)
Heavy Infantry: 4 = some Pikemen (trained), some Campagnard (trained)
Light Infantry: 1 = Arquebusiers (trained)
Heavy Cavalry: 2 = Armoured Horsemen (trained)
Light Cavalry: 2 = Horsemen (trained)
Navy: none (landlocked)
Wonders: none
Description: The Lanvinquist movement was underestimated by both of the Aeonist Empires. Their fanatical troops defeated several half-hearted attacks by Rovien garrison forces (possibly with material aid from the Thuleans, or ‘Juhtish’ mercenaries). Eventually the new state of ‘Freiland’ (literally, ‘the free land’) was declared, based on democratic and Lanvinquist ideals (basically a combination of Aeonist and Ultimist ideals, but strongly opposed to ‘corrupt’ Aeonist authority).

Spoiler Umidia: NPC :

Umidia: NPC
Vassals held: Ohukal
Spending Points: ?
Government: unstable Monarchy
Culture: large, Umidian
Economy: large (=), growing
Infrastructure: large
Production: large (-)
Science: large
Techs: late renaissance
Heavy Infantry: 2 = some Immortal Warriors (elite), few Almothian Infantry (elite)
Light Infantry: 3 = many Phalangites (trained), some Bowmen (veteran)
Heavy Cavalry: 1 = many Falangii Cavalry (veteran), some War Elephants (trained)
Light Cavalry: 3 = Horse Bowmen (experienced)
Support: 1 = few Screaming Arrow (untrained), many Cannons (elite)
Navy: 1 Galley (trained), 1 Caravel (experienced), 2 Galleon (veteran), 3 War Galleon (veteran)
Wonders: The Oracle of Abydon (stability+, cultural+)
Description: Already an ancient culture in its own right, Umidia is built upon the even older culture of Kairon. At its height in previous centuries, Umidia controlled all of northern africa, and a lot of the rest of the continent. Much land has since been lost to powerful rivals and separatists, but the core of Umidia remains strong. Umidia recently conquered the lands around the entrance to the Mediterranean from the divided ‘Saxon-Anguile Empire’, and now controls all trade through the straights, making a large profit in trade dues.

Spoiler Segudah: NPC :

Segudah: NPC
Spending Points: ?
Government: unstable Despotism
Culture: small, Segu/Umidian
Economy: small
Infrastructure: average (+)
Production: small
Science: v.small
Techs: early renaissance (+)
Light Infantry: 4 = some Phalangites (trained), many Tribal Spearmen (untrained)
Light Cavalry: 3 = few Horse Bowmen (trained), many Camelmen (trained)
Navy: none (landlocked)
Wonders: none
Description: In 424 AD, the Umidian trading guilds conspired with elements of the army and aristocracy, as well as the Segu tribes of central africa, in an attempt to overthrow the ruling dynasty. The rebellion was promising at first, but soon degenerated into a shambles. The scheming Segu leaders hijacked the remains of the rebellion for their own ends.

Spoiler Germanica: The Farow :

Germanica: The Farow
Vassals Held: Seculia
Spending Points: 1
Government: stable Monarchy
Culture: large, Germanic/Saxonguile
Economy: v.large, growing
Infrastructure: large
Production: huge
Science: large (+)
Techs: very late renaissance (++)
Heavy Infantry: 5 = some Axemen (veteran), some Pikemen (trained), some Holy Crusaders (elite)
Light Infantry: 5 = some Repeating Crossbowmen (untrained), many Peasants (untrained), few Arquebusiers (untrained)
Heavy Cavalry: 6 = Chevaliers (veteran)
Light Cavalry: 3 = many Horsemen (experienced), few Horse Crossbowmen (trained)
Support: 3 = few Screaming Arrow (untrained), few War Wagon (trained), few Bombards (untrained), few Mobile Cannon (trained)
Serpent Sea Navy: 4 Galley (trained), 1 Ys Sloop (trained), 1 Caravel (trained), 2 Tosess (trained)
Wonders: none
Description: Germanica was founded by Saxon nobility that split away from the ‘Saxon-Anguile Empire’ to preserve their old culture and their old gods. They soon re-established a strong centralised state. The cooperated with Rovien’s rise to power, and gained more territory in the process. A long and bloody war was fought against Almothian rebels in the south of the country. Germanica has become the most important nation for the Aeonist religion, with heavy great over all other Aeonist peoples.

Spoiler Karinthia: NPC :

Karinthia: NPC
Vassal of Germanica
Spending Points: ?
Government: stable Monarchy
Culture: average, Germanic/Mycenean
Economy: average, growing
Infrastructure: average
Production: small
Science: average
Techs: late renaissance (+)
Heavy Infantry: 3 = some Axemen (veteran), some Eagle Pikemen (trained), few Holy Crusaders (veteran)
Light Infantry: 3 = Repeating Crossbowmen (untrained)
Heavy Cavalry: 2 = Armoured Horsemen (experienced)
Light Cavalry: 2 = many Horsemen (experienced), few Horse Crossbowmen (trained)
Support: 1 = Screaming Arrow (untrained)
Navy: none (landlocked)
Wonders: none
Description: One of the successors to the Cyrasian Empire, with many Aeonist/Germanic influences. It is now a vassal of Germanica, though the Germanicans failed to prevent the loss of western Karinthia to the ‘heathen’ Knights of Mycenae, something which has caused much bitterness.

Spoiler Seculia: NPC :

Seculia: NPC
Vassal of Empire of Germanica
Spending Points: ?
Culture: average, Seculien/Germanic
Government: stable Monarchy
Economy: average, growing
Infrastructure: average
Production: small
Science: average (+)
Techs: mid renaissance (+)
Heavy Infantry: 3 = some Axemen (veteran), few Pikemen (trained)
Heavy Cavalry: 2 = Armoured Horsemen (veteran)
Light Cavalry: 1 = Horsemen (trained)
Navy: none
Wonders: none
Description: Seculia is mainly built on areas of old Zekulian (or ‘Seculian’) culture. There are also large pictish, germanic and yssian groups. The Seculians have been ‘crusading’ in Catalia in support of the Aeonist cause.

Spoiler Juhtland: NPC :

Juhtland: NPC
Spending Points: ?
Government: unstable Monarchy
Culture: average, Juht/Nor
Economy: small (=)
Infrastructure: tiny (-)
Production: small (-)
Science: v.small
Techs: early renaissance (+)
Heavy Infantry: 3 = Axemen (elite)
Heavy Cavalry: 1 = Armoured Horsemen (trained)
Navy: 2 Longship (veteran)
Wonders: none
Description: Under the rule of King ‘Offa the Great’, the Juhtish people fought off both the Thuleans and the Nor, and re-established a unified (if impoverished) kingdom. After expanding too far into Norgar for Videssian liking, the Videssians invaded with Norgar’s support. Juhtland is back to square one and struggling to hold on. Germanica and Aeonism are strong influences.

Spoiler Norgar: NPC :

Norgar: NPC
Vassal of Videssian Empire
Spending Points: ?
Government: stable Monarchy
Culture: average, Nor/Videssian
Economy: average (+), growing
Infrastructure: small
Production: small (+)
Science: small (+)
Techs: early-mid renaissance (+)
Heavy Infantry: 2 = Axemen (elite)
Light Infantry: 2 = few Repeating Crossbowmen (trained), some Spearmen (veteran)
Navy: 1 Longship (trained), 1 Caravel (trained)
Wonders: none
Description: After the Tavuri sacked the city of Gadlok, the original Nor kingdom disintegrated. The kingdom has now been restored by the Videssians.

Spoiler Tusca: TerrisH :

Tusca: TerrisH
Spending Points: 1
Government: stable Democracy
Culture: huge, Mycenaean/Tuscan
Economy: large, growing
Infrastructure: large
Production: v.large (+)
Science: large
Techs: early-mid enlightenment (+)
Heavy Infantry: 4 = many Eagle Pikemen (trained), few Armoured Swordsman (trained)
Light Infantry: 2 = some Repeating Crossbowmen (trained), some Arquebusiers (trained)
Heavy Cavalry: 2 = Armoured Horsemen (trained)
Light Cavalry: 2 = some Horse Crossbowmen (trained), some Horse Pistoliers (trained)
Support: 2 = Mobile Cannon (trained)
Navy: 5 Canade (trained)
Wonders: Tusca Steel Works in Viroconium (+production, +science)
Description: One of the descendents of the former kingdom of Mycenae. Tusca has inherited the best of its cultural and scientific traditions, and is now building a strong military. It is also one of the first states to experiment with industry on a large scale.

Spoiler Knights of Mycenae: NPC :

Knights of Mycenae: NPC
Military order, part of Antalese Empire
Spending Points: ?
Culture: large, Mycenean/Agrinese
Techs: mid-late renaissance
Heavy Infantry: 3 = many Eagle Pikemen (elite), some Armoured Swordsmen (veteran)
Light Infantry: 1 = some Repeating Crossbowmen (experienced), some Swordsmen (trained)
Heavy Cavalry: 2 = Mycenaean Knights (elite)
Light Cavalry: 1 = Raiders (experienced)
Support: 2 = some Screaming Arrow (trained), few Bombard (untrained)
Navy: 4 Dromon (veteran), 1 Cannon Galley (trained)
Description: Technically, not a nation but a powerful military order. The Knights of Mycenae were originally devoted to the glorified ideals of the Agrinese Empire and the legacy of the ancient Argosians. With the decline of the Agrinese, and after much turmoil, they have now become part of the Antalese sphere.

Spoiler Talibria: NPC :

Talibria: NPC
Spending Points: ?
Government: unstable monarchy
Culture: average, Librian/Motrian
Economy: average (=), growing
Infrastructure: average
Production: average
Science: small
Techs: early renaissance
Heavy Infantry: 4 = Armoured Swordsmen (trained)
Light Infantry: 8 = some Tribal Spearmen (untrained), some Tribal Swordsmen (trained)
Heavy Cavalry: 3 = Armoured Horsemen (trained)
Light Cavalry: 3 = Northern Horsemen (experienced)
Navy: 2 Galley (trained)
Wonders: none
Description: Ancient Librian peoples are once again unified under a strong kingdom. Talibria has emerged with the collapse of the Kyzar Khanate.

Spoiler Antalese Empire: Thlayli :

Antalese Empire: Thlayli
Spending Points: 2
Vassals Held: Antal
Government: stable Monarchy
Culture: gigantic, Antalese
Economy: gigantic (+), growing
Infrastructure: v.large
Production: huge (+)
Science: huge
Techs: early-mid enlightenment (+)
Heavy Infantry: 6 = many Antalese Legionary (elite), some Agrinese Pikemen (experienced), few Armoured Swordsmen (experienced)
Light Infantry: 3 = some Repeating Crossbowmen (veteran), some Arquebusiers (trained)
Heavy Cavalry: 7 = many Saraian Guard (elite), some Ildyrn Cavalry (veteran), some War Elephant (trained)
Light Cavalry: 5 = some Horse Archers (experienced), some Baghatur (elite), few Camelmen (veteran)
Support: 1 = Bombards (trained)
Ak-Dynghez Navy: 2 Corsairs (experienced), 2 Galleons (trained), 1 Galley (trained)
Mediterranean Navy: 2 Galleys (untrained)
Wonders: Grand Canals (68% complete, +trade, +cultural, +stability), Hanging Gardens of Altyn Sarai (+cultural, +stability), Great Library of Atil (+cultural, +science), Great Embassy of Agre (+trade, +diplomacy), Pyramids of Argos (+cultural, +infrastructure), Great Mausoleum of Mycenae (+stability, +cultural), Art of War in Mycenae (+troop morale, +training), Lertirons Workshop in Mycenae (+science, +cultural)
Description: The legendary general Kristinyan defeated the Kyzar Khanate and saved the rest of the Agrinese lands from destruction, but his successors were unable to take power in Agre. Finally, under Karlyk’s rule, the Krisntinyd dynasty conquered the Agrinese Empire, and won over the vassal states and most of the old aristocracy. One and a half centuries of conflict followed, first against the Kyzar Khanate and then against the Orion Empire. After many setbacks, the empire is now looking stronger than ever. It is the birthplace of the ‘Rationalist’ ideology.

Spoiler Tarkan Khanate: NPC :

Tarkan Khanate: NPC
Vassal of Tian
Spending Points: ?
Government: stable Monarchy
Culture: small, Tarkan/Ulak
Economy: small, growing
Infrastructure: small (+)
Production: small
Science: small (+)
Techs: early-mid renaissance (+)
Heavy Infantry: 2 = Pikemen (trained)
Heavy Cavalry: 1 = Armoured Horsemen (veteran)
Light Cavalry: 4 = Horse Archers (trained)
Wonders: none
Description: The Samar people were conquered by Kyzar the Great. After Kyzar’s death, an independent Khanate formed here. It grew in strength, and was the only Khanate to survive after 400 AD. It is now a vassal of Tian and part of the Phosist world.

Spoiler Tian: Krimzon Striker :

Tian: Krimzon Striker
Vassals held: Ryakhi, Tarkan Khanate, Gaiyvara
Spending Points: 2
Government: stable Monarchy
Culture: large, Tianese/Ulak
Economy: v.large (+), growing
Infrastructure: large
Production: v.large
Science: large
Techs: early enlightenment (+)
Heavy Infantry: 6 = many Pikemen (trained), some Armoured Swordsmen (experienced)
Light Infantry: 5 = many Ulakam Rangers (experienced), some Ulakhi Warriors (experienced)
Heavy Cavalry: 7 = many Armoured Horsemen (experienced), few War Elephant (experienced), few Kyzar Cavalry (veteran)
Light Cavalry: 5 = many Horse Archers (experienced), few Horsemen (experienced)
Support: 3 = many Heavy Rockets (experienced), few Vodasha Cannons (untrained)
Navy: none
Wonders: Aqueous Program (+Infrastructure, +Science Rate), Tianem Square in Aral Tiyu (+Trade, +Production), Pen’tagran in Altin Tiepe (+training, +border defences), Great Hall of the Khans in Aral Tiyu (+Culture, +Science)
Description: While steppe traditions remain amongst Tian’s cavalry forces, Tian is a well civilised society, based on the large cities around Aral Tiyu. It also has a high degree of science and learning, rivalling Agre and Taejon. Under wise leadership, Tian’s power and influence are rising fast.

Spoiler Ryakhi: NPC :

Ryakhi: NPC
Vassal of Tian
Spending Points: ?
Government: stable Monarchy
Culture: small, Rayamese/Ulak
Economy: average (-), growing
Infrastructure: average
Production: average
Science: average
Techs: mid renaissance (+)
Heavy Infantry: 3 = Pikemen (untrained)
Light Cavalry: 2 = some Horsemen (untrained), some Horse Archers (trained), few Camelmen (trained)
Navy: 2 Galley (trained), 3 Caravel (trained)
Wonders: none
Description: A state with mixed Rayamese and Ulak origins. It emerged after the death of Kyzar and has since swallowed up some of Rayam’s and Ulakam’s old colonies.

Spoiler Gaiyvara: NPC :

Gaiyvara: NPC
Vassal of Tian
Spending Points: ?
Government: unstable Monarchy
Culture: small, Rayamese/Ulak/Ormash
Economy: v.small
Infrastructure: small
Production: tiny
Science: small
Techs: mid renaissance
Heavy Infantry: 2 = some Pikemen (untrained), some Armoured Swordsmen (trained)
Light Infantry: 2 = Spearmen (trained)
Light Cavalry: 1 = some Horsemen (untrained), some Horse Archers (trained)
Navy: 2 Kanmoyu (trained)
Wonders: none
Description: An unstable puppet state that Tian has created in place of former Garuda. Tian’s control seems unshakable overall, but disorder and rebellion are constant nuisances. There is very mixed support from the people.

Nation Stats: Episode Two
Spoiler Nation Stats :

Stat Levels:
Most stats are: *none*, tiny, v small, small, average, large, v large, huge, gigantic, colossal, *immeasurable*
Unit experience goes like this: *rabble*, conscript/untrained, trained, experienced, veteran, *elite*
Tech levels go like this: early, early-mid, mid, mid-late, late

+ or – show how that stat has changed recently.

Spoiler Shimazu: NPC :

Shimazu: NPC
Spending Points: ?
Government: stable Monarchy
Culture: large, Shimazu
Economy: average, growing
Infrastructure: large
Production: average
Science: average (+)
Techs: mid renaissance (+)
Heavy Infantry: 4 = some Pikemen (trained), some Daiachi (trained)
Light Infantry: 3 = some Swordsmen (trained), some Spearmen (untrained)
Heavy Cavalry: 2 = Armoured Horsemen (trained)
Light Cavalry: 1 = Horse Archers (trained)
Navy: 2 Galley (trained)
Wonders: none
Description: Shimazu fell into anarchy centuries ago, and split into the separate states of Koyon and Oda. Ormash occupation of parts of the country followed. The country reformed as Ormash’s power in the region was weakened by war with the Tianese and Videssians – countries that Shimazu maintains close ties with.

Spoiler Hojo: NPC :

Hojo: NPC
Vassal of Videssos
Spending Points: ?
Government: stable Monarchy
Culture: average, Hojo/Videssian
Economy: average, growing
Infrastructure: average
Production: small
Science: average
Techs: mid renaissance (+)
Heavy Infantry: 2 = Armoured Swordsmen (veteran)
Light Infantry: 3 = Tribal Spearmen (untrained)
Light Cavalry: 1 = Horsemen
Navy: 1 Galley (trained), 2 Caravel (trained)
Wonders: none
Description: A recently-emerged kingdom, under heavy Videssian influence. From primitive beginnings, it is developing quickly. It is home to refugees from neighbouring lands.

Spoiler Ryzovy: NPC :

Ryzovy: NPC
Vassal of Videssos
Spending Points: ?
Government: slightly unstable monarchy
Culture: average, Muskovyan/Videssian
Economy: average, growing
Infrastructure: small
Production: average
Science: small
Techs: early-mid renaissance
Heavy Infantry: 1 = Pikemen (trained)
Light Infantry: 3 = Tribal Swordsmen (untrained)
Heavy Cavalry: 2 = Armoured Horsemen (trained)
Light Cavalry: 3 = Horsemen (untrained), few Horse Archers (untrained)
Navy: 1 Longship (trained), 1 Galley (trained)
Wonders: none
Description: Ryzovy is the remains of Muskovya. At one stage, much land was lost to the Tarkans, including the old capitol of Skovy itself. Ryzovy has now reclaimed land from the collapsing Kyzar Khanate. Videssos exerts a great influence, helping to modernise the country.

Spoiler Videssian Empire: Warman17 :

Videssian Empire: Warman17
Vassals held: Ryzovy, Hojo, Norgar
Spending Points: 1
Government: stable monarchy
Culture: large, Videssian/Vaspurakan
Economy: huge, growing
Infrastructure: v.large
Production: large
Science: large
Techs: very late renaissance (+)
Heavy Infantry: 4 = some Haloga Imperial Guard (experienced), some Pikemen (trained)
Light Infantry: 6 = many Arquebusiers (trained), some Vaspurakan Infantry (veteran), some Swordsmen (veteran), some Tribal Spearmen (veteran)
Heavy Cavalry: 4 = Namdaleni Cavalry (experienced)
Light Cavalry: 2 = Horse Archers (trained)
Support: 2 = Bombards (trained)
Navy: 3 Galley (trained), 5 Caravel (experienced), 1 Longship (experienced)
Wonders: The Grand Temple of Phos in Videssos (+religion, +cultural), The Holy Academy of Videssos (+religion, +science)
Description: Founded along the shores of the Videssian Sea, Videssos slowly expanded itself from a city state to gain control of the lands around it, which were much less organized. After the conquests of the Vaspurakans in the west, Videssos became an Empire ruled by the Avtokrator (emperor). Videssos’s religion, the worship of Phos, has been spread far and wide.

Spoiler Kymash: NPC :

Kymash: NPC
Vassal of Ormash
Spending Points: ?
Government: stable Monarchy
Culture: average, Rayamese/Ormash
Economy: average, growing
Infrastructure: average
Production: average
Science: average
Techs: mid-late renaissance (+)
Heavy Infantry: 3 = Pikemen (trained)
Light Infantry: 3 = many Spearmen (trained), few Crossbowmen (trained)
Heavy Cavalry: 1 = some Armoured Horsemen (trained), few War Elephant (experienced)
Light Cavalry: 1 = Horsemen (untrained)
Navy: 1 Galley (trained), 3 Caravel (trained), 1 Kanmoyu (trained)
Wonders: none
Description: Rayamese lands were divided by Ulakam and Ormash. During and after Ulakam’s demise, the Rayamese people were fighting a war of independence. The part under Ormash’s rule was eventually granted semi-independence as a vassal state, but still has mixed loyalties.

Spoiler Ormash: jalapeno_dude :

Ormash: jalapeno_dude
Spending Points: 1
Culture: large (+), Ormash
Government: slightly-unstable monarchy
Economy: v.large, stable
Infrastructure: large
Production: v.large
Science: large
Techs: early-mid enlightenment (+)
Heavy Infantry: 9 = many Imperial Guard (trained), many Pikemen (trained)
Light Infantry: 2 = Fire Lancers (trained)
Heavy Cavalry: 3 = Armoured Horsemen (experienced)
Light Cavalry: 2 = Horsemen (trained)
Support: 3 = Vodasha Cannons (experienced)
Navy: 1 Galley (trained), 4 Caravel (experienced)
Wonders: The Colossus of Ormash (+trade, +happiness)
Description: The Ormash peoples have a long and proud history, and would perhaps be the strongest power in asia today, if not for some major setbacks in previous centuries. Much land has since been lost in the east with the rise of the Orion Empire. But the heartlands of Ormash remain strong.

Spoiler Orion Empire: NPC :

Orion Empire: NPC
Vassals held: Gyutan
Spending Points: ?
Government: unstable monarchy
Culture: average, Orion/Ormash
Economy: huge, growing
Infrastructure: large
Production: huge (+)
Science: large
Techs: late renaissance
Heavy Infantry: 3 = many Imperial Guard (veteran), many Pikemen (experienced)
Light Infantry: 3 = many Ascended Warriors (veteran), few Fire Lancers (experienced)
Heavy Cavalry: 2 = Armoured Horsemen (experienced)
Light Cavalry: 3 = some Horsemen (trained), some Horse Archers (trained)
Navy: 5 Galleys (trained)
Wonders: The Great Foundries of Oro (+production, +trade)
Description: Founded by rebel Ormash generals. The culture of the empire has little in common with the original Oru state, and much more in common with Ormash, though a strong independent identity is now taking shape. The empire is in a strong position – a ring of mountains offers defence, and is rich in gems, diamonds, and gold.

Spoiler Gyutan: NPC :

Gyutan: NPC
Vassal of Orion Empire
Spending Points: ?
Government: unstable monarchy
Culture: average, Gyu/Orion/Taej
Economy: v.small (-), growing
Infrastructure: v.small
Production: v.small (-)
Science: v.small
Techs: early-mid renaissance
Heavy Infantry: 1 = some Armoured Swordsmen (veteran), few Imperial Guard (veteran)
Light Infantry: 2 = Ascended Warriors (trained)
Heavy Cavalry: 1 = Armoured Horsemen (experienced)
Light Cavalry: 1 = Horse Archers (trained)
Navy: none
Description: Rebelled against the Orions in alliance with the Torai dynasty, which they later annexed. Gyutan’s warriors are renowned for their bravery, but this was not enough to hold off the pressure from neighbouring empires. Orion has now forced the Gyutans to become vassals.

Spoiler Pangari: Lord_Iggy :

Pangari: Lord_Iggy
Spending Points: 1
Vassals Held: Pegu
Culture: average, Pangari
Government: stable Republic
Economy: gigantic, growing
Infrastructure: v.large
Production: v.large
Science: colossal
Techs: mid enlightenment (+)
Heavy Infantry: 5 = many Navvian Guard (trained), many Pikemen (trained)
Light Infantry: 5 = some New Guard (trained), some Tribal Spearmen (trained)
Heavy Cavalry: 3 = Armoured Horsemen (trained)
Light Cavalry: 2 = Horsemen (trained)
Navy: 6 Galley (trained), 7 Caravels (experienced), 4 Tarsa Junk (trained), 2 Yuan Junk (trained), 1 Sea Castle (trained)
Wonders: The Great Temple of Panga (+stability, +cultural)
Description: the new Pangari is the result of both a civil war and a war against the Taej Empire. Miraculously, neither of these caused much harm to the Pangari homeland. The republic is a world leader in terms of science, and also one of the world’s main trading powers. There is a major Pangari influence in the new world, via the vassal state of Pegu.

Spoiler Taej Empire: NPC :

Taej Empire: NPC
Vassals held: Yutan
Spending Points: ?
Government: slightly-unstable monarchy
Culture: huge, Taej
Economy: gigantic (+), growing
Infrastructure: large
Production: v.large (=)
Science: v.large
Techs: early enlightenment
Heavy Infantry: 7 = many Pikemen (untrained), some Armoured Swordsmen (experienced)
Light Infantry: 3 = some Composite Bowmen (trained), many Taej Milita (untrained)
Heavy Cavalry: 6 = many Armoured Horsemen (trained), few Brutes (veteran)
Light Cavalry: 4 = Horsemen (experienced)
Navy: 1 Galley (trained), 2 Caravel (trained), 2 Yuan Junk (trained), 2 Treasure Ship (trained)
Wonders: Tianzou Palace near Huich’on (+diplomacy, +stability, +cultural)
Description: Taejon is the most ancient civilisation in the known world, and the only one of the older civilisations to keep both its heartland territory and its culture more or less intact over the course of history. Taej culture has impacted most of asia, and its strength is only rivalled by that of the Antalese. Though still one of the largest and greatest empires in the world, it experienced difficulties after an unsuccessful war with Pangari, with many rebellions taking place. Much has since been done to restore Taej power and prestige.

Spoiler Yutan: NPC :

Yutan: NPC
Vassal of Taej Empire
Spending Points: ?
Government: stable monarchy
Culture: average, Taej/Yaktan
Economy: average (+), growing
Infrastructure: small (=)
Production: small (=)
Science: average
Techs: mid-late renaissance (+)
Heavy Infantry: 4 = many Pikemen (untrained), few Armoured Swordsmen (untrained)
Light Infantry: 2 = Composite Bowmen (trained)
Heavy Cavalry: 1 = Armoured Horsemen (trained)
Light Cavalry: 1 = Horse Archers (trained)
Navy: 2 Galley (trained), 2 Caravel (trained), 2 Yuan Junk (trained)
Wonders: none
Description: An older version of Yutan was a splinter state of the old Yaktan empire. The current Yutan is a vassal of Taejon with much less territory. The island of Kousha was only reconquered from Sarukian colonists after a long and bloody war, even with major help from Taejon. Yutan has never been particularly stable, and is now seeing more trouble with pirates and rebellions.

Spoiler Kaliate of Acre: ~Darkening~ :

Kaliate of Acre: ~Darkening~
Vassals held: Sulchan League, Arzamber
Spending Points: 2
Government: slightly unstable Monarchy
Culture: v.large, Sarukian
Economy: v.large, growing
Infrastructure: large
Production: large
Science: large
Techs: early enlightenment (+)
Heavy Infantry: 3 = some Aznarians (experienced), some Almothian Infantry (elite)
Light Infantry: 4 = some Kaji (veteran), many Karitayha (trained)
Heavy Cavalry: 4 = few Acrian War Elephant (experienced), some Macribi Cavalry (trained), few Narobi Cavalry Archers (trained)
Light Cavalry: 6 = many Aj-Savar Cavalry (experienced), many Rydhan Cavalry (trained), some Camelmen (trained)
Mediterranean Navy: 2 Galley
Ak Dynghez / Ocean Navy: 2 Galley (trained), 7 Khima (experienced), 1 Caravel (trained)
Wonders: Nomads Captiol in Saruk (+stability), Greater Capital in Saruk (+ population in Saruk, + production), Ihali-al-Gadan in Saruk (+religious, +cultural)
Description: The Kaliate of Acre is the vast successor empire of Saruk, also incorporating Savaria and Byzar. Its birth is largely due to a man by the name of Ismail al'Zaiye, a man who many considered to be a prophet of the divine. Ismail’s recent death has plunged the Kaliate into uncertainty.

Spoiler Tamlki: NPC :

Tamlki: NPC
Vassal of Saruk
Spending Points: ?
Government: stable Theocracy
Culture: small, Sarukian
Economy: v.small, growing
Infrastructure: small
Production: v.small
Science: small
Techs: early-mid renaissance
Light Infantry: 3 = some Kaji (veteran),some Karitayha (untrained)
Light Cavalry: 3 = some Rydhan Cavalry (trained), many Camelmen (trained)
Navy: none (landlocked)
Wonders: none
Description: The rebels at Tamlki were granted semi-independence. Their leader was given the title ‘Shabaye’ (meaning ‘guide’) and a Theocratic form of government was introduced. There are tensions with the vast Kaliate of Acre, whose borders now virtually surround this small country.

Spoiler Sulchan League: NPC :

Sulchan League: NPC
Vassal of Saruk
Spending Points: ?
Government: slightly-unstable Republic
Culture: small, Sarukian
Economy: large, growing
Infrastructure: average
Production: small
Science: small
Techs: mid renaissance
Heavy Infantry: 3 = Aznarians (trained)
Light Infantry: 3 = Kaji (trained)
Navy: 1 Galley (trained), 4 Khima (trained), 1 Ys Sloop
Wonders: none
Description: As the Ys League declined, the southern african colonies were isolated. Much of the Yssian establishment in southern africa came under the protection of Saruk. Things remained much the same as Saruk became the Kaliate of Acre. Theosim and Sarukian culture have been large influences, and only a few elements of Yssian culture are left. Following the end of the second Eurisian war, there are still tensions with the Thulean League - the Thuleans are extending their influence into Tanyis and the old lands of Kenbu, an area in which the Sulchan League had its own ambitions…

Spoiler Zantlwan: NPC :

Zantlwan: NPC
Spending Points: ?
Government: unstable Despotism
Culture: small, Kenbuan/Tonguan
Economy: v.small (+)
Infrastructure: v.small
Production: tiny
Science: tiny
Techs: mid medieval (++)
Heavy Infantry: 2 = Tongan Braves (trained)
Light Infantry: 3 = many Tribal Spearmen (untrained)
Navy: 2 Galley (trained)
Wonders: none
Description: Tongu fought its way deeper into the old lands of Kenbu, only for the conquering army to rebel and declare the independent kingdom of Zantlwan. This new kingdom has survived the collapse of Tongu, only to suffer from the rise of Tanyis.

Spoiler Tanyis: NPC :

Tanyis: NPC
Spending Points: ?
Government: Despotism
Culture: small, Kenbuan/Yssian
Economy: average (+)
Infrastructure: small
Production: small
Science: small (+)
Techs: late medieval (+)
Heavy Infantry: 3 = Armoured Swordsmen (trained)
Light Infantry: 4 = many Tribal Spearmen (untrained)
Navy: 3 Galley (trained), 2 Tosess (trained)
Wonders: none
Description: A new and rapidly-expanding state based on the ancient Yssian city of Utigan. Just a few traces of Yssian culture have survived. But close contacts are now established with the Thulean League.

Spoiler Pegu: NPC :

Pegu: NPC
Vassal of Panga
Spending Points: ?
Government: slightly unstable Republic
Culture: average, Pangari
Economy: huge (+), growing
Infrastructure: average
Production: average
Science: average
Techs: late renaissance (+)
Heavy Infantry: 2 = some Navvian Guard (trained), some Pikemen (trained)
Light Infantry: 7 = many New Guard (experienced), some Tribal Spearmen (trained)
Light Cavalry: 1 = Horsemen (trained)
Navy: 4 Caravels (trained), 1 Tarsa Junk (trained)
Wonders: none
Description: New Panga was briefly independent when asian Panga was annexed into Taejon, before becoming a vassal of the restored Pangan nation. So far, it has expanded without major conflict with the native civilisations. The swift defeat of the splinter-kingdom of Hanago has ensured that Pangari/republican domination will continue.

Spoiler Kopeng: NPC :

Kopeng: NPC
Spending Points: ?
Government: unstable Monarchy
Culture: large, Pangari/Pictish/Hocatelan
Economy: average (-), growing
Infrastructure: small (=)
Production: v.small (-)
Science: small (-)
Techs: mid-late renaissance
Heavy Infantry: 2 = some Navvian Guard (trained), some Pikemen (trained)
Light Infantry: 2 = New Guard (trained)
Light Cavalry: 1 = Horsemen (trained)
Navy: 2 Caravel (trained), 2 Ys Sloop (trained), 1 Galley (trained), 1 Tarsa Junk (trained), 1 Tosess (trained)
Wonders: none
Description: Kopeng has split from Pangari territory in the new world. It is ruled by former-pangari generals who are against the Pangari Republic. It has a bigger mix of cultures and customs than anywhere else in the world. This also makes it highly unstable.

Spoiler Arzamber: NPC :

Arzamber: NPC
Vassal of Kaliate of Acre
Spending Points: ?
Government: unstable Despotism
Culture: small, Thulean/Arzambian
Economy: small (+)
Infrastructure: v.small
Production: v.small
Science: v.small
Techs: early renaissance
Light Infantry: 2 = some Coastal Levies (trained), some Tribal Spearmen (untrained)
Navy: 1 Galley (untrained)
Wonders: none
Description: With the collapse of local Thulean authority, the Theosists were able to take power. Unfortunately for Umidia, they followed ‘orthodox’ (Mahal ) Theosim, and took a pro-Saruk stance. Having survived the first decades of the ocean war, they quickly fell into Acre’s sphere of influence.

Spoiler Zhizhou: NPC :

Zhizhou: NPC
Vassal of Chimuko
Spending Points: ?
Government: stable Despotism
Culture: small, Taej/Pangari/Chimuk
Economy: average
Infrastructure: small (+)
Production: small
Science: small
Techs: early-mid renaissance
Heavy Infantry: 1 = some Pikemen (untrained), some Armoured Swordsmen (trained)
Light Infantry: 5 = many Tribal Spearmen (untrained), few Composite Bowmen (trained)
Navy: 1 Galley (trained), 3 Caravel (trained)
Wonders: none
Description: A colony of the Taej Empire, established by Zheng He’s voyages to the new world. Zhizhou endured many struggles, and is now expanding its territory at the expense of the Chimuko Empire, its former overlord. Taej culture has been diluted by many native and Pangari influences.

Spoiler Imawa: NPC :

Imawa: NPC
Spending Points: ?
Government: unstable Republic
Culture: average, Alganwian/Scotian
Economy: small
Infrastructure: v.small
Production: small
Science: small
Techs: late medieval (+)
Heavy Infantry: 2 = some Pikemen (trained), some Armoured Swordsmen (experienced)
Light Infantry: 8 = some Tribal Spearmen (trained), some Tribal Swordsmen (trained)
Light Cavalry: 2 = Horsemen (trained)
Navy: none
Wonders: none
Description: Much to the Thuleans’ disappointment, the native Kingdom of Alganwi was dissolved, and replaced by an alliance of tribes known as the Imawa, who had a more ambiguous stance towards the Thuleans. Most of the Scota tribes joined this alliance for protection against the Thuleans.

Spoiler Ohiwa: NPC :

Ohiwa: NPC
Vassal of Thulean League
Spending Points: ?
Government: stable Republic
Culture: average, Ohiwan/Alganwian
Economy: tiny
Infrastructure: tiny
Production: tiny
Science: tiny
Techs: mid-late medieval
Light Infantry: 2 = some Tribal Spearmen (trained), some Tribal Swordsmen (trained)
Navy: none
Wonders: none
Description: A long time was spent under the rule of the Hanawauk Kingdom. The Ohiwa only remerged with the collapse of that kingdom. Growing Thulean pressure and influence has led to the Ohiwa becoming a protectorate of the League.

Spoiler Chanuka: NPC :

Chanuka: NPC
Spending Points: ?
Government: stable despotism
Culture: average, Chaunkan
Economy: small
Infrastructure: small
Production: average
Science: v.small
Techs: late ancient
Light Infantry: 6 = many Tribal spearmen, few Tribal swordsmen (untrained)
Navy: none (landlocked)
Wonders: none
Description: An isolated native culture, apparently with a large, mountainous territory. Thulean colonists have established contact with them.

Spoiler Hocatelco: NPC :

Hocatelco: NPC
Spending Points: ?
Government: stable Monarchy
Culture: large, Hocatelcan
Economy: average, stable
Infrastructure: average
Production: small
Science: average
Techs: early renaissance (+)
Heavy Infantry: 5 = many Pikemen (trained), many Hawk Warriors (veteran)
Light Infantry: 7 = many spearmen (untrained), many Swordsmen (untrained)
Navy: 2 Galley (untrained)
Wonders: none
Description: Formerly the strongest of the native empires in the new world, at once time straddling both sides of the ‘Hocatleco straights’. The empire fell into decline after being attacked by the Pangans. The northern half of the empire has managed to survive on its own thus far.

Spoiler Tomelcahu: NPC :

Tomelcahu: NPC
Spending Points: ?
Government: stable Monarchy
Culture: average, Tomelcan/Hocatelan
Economy: average (+), growing
Infrastructure: small
Production: small
Science: small
Techs: late medieval (+)
Heavy Infantry: 2 = many Macemen (trained), few Pikemen (trained)
Light Infantry: 4 = many Spearmen (trained), few Swordsmen (trained)
Navy: 2 Galley (untrained)
Wonders: none
Description: A native kingdom which previously lost much ground to Hocatelco and Chimuko. After decades of fighting, it has now clawed back much of its former homelands from the Chimuko.

Spoiler Chimuko Empire: NPC :

Chimuko Empire: NPC
Spending Points: ?
Government: unstable Monarchy
Culture: small, Chimuk
Economy: average (=), growing
Infrastructure: small
Production: small
Science: average
Techs: late medieval
Heavy Infantry: 2 = some Macemen (trained), some Pikemen (trained)
Light Infantry: 3 = Spearmen (untrained)
Navy: 3 Galleys (untrained)
Wonders: none
Description: still one of the strongest new-world powers, but seems to be in decline as it is attacked by all sides.

Spoiler Ohukal: Slavic Sioux :

Ohukal: Slavic Sioux
Vassal of Umidia
Spending Points: 1
Government: unstable Monarchy
Culture: average, Chimuk/Umidian
Economy: small (-), stable
Infrastructure: small (-)
Production: small (=)
Science: small (-)
Techs: early-mid renaissance
Heavy Infantry: 1 = Armoured Swordsmen (trained)
Light Infantry: 1 = few Phalangites (trained), some Spearmen (untrained), some Swordsmen (untrained)
Navy: 1 Galley (untrained)
Wonders: none
Description: This native kingdom is related to the Chimuko culture, and is probably descended from Chiumko colonists. Following the end of the Second Eurisian War, Umidia has now regained control over the country, with help of the Kaliate of Acre. Overwhelming force was needed to break the brave native resistance, which still continues in the north of the home island.

Famous Battles of History:
Its mostly pointless and irrelevant at the moment, but I hope to include some more info and maybe some pictures too.

Spoiler Famous Battles of History :

Battle of Talulak, 1700 BC
Famous chariot battle of the ancient era
Altyn-Kanalat: Taralyk-Khanal (monarch), Dasyr (general)
500 Light Chariots
300 Mercenary Three-Man Chariots
8,000 Spearmen
3,000 Utrigurk Warriors
1,000 Mercenary Hoplites
Total: 13,900
Ulak Allies: Unkown leader
800 Light Chariots
6,000 Spearmen
12,000 Tribal Warriors
Total: 19,600
Altyn-Kanalat: 3,000 dead
Ulak Allies: 6,500 dead + 3,000 captured
Decisive victory for Altyn-Kanalat.

Responding to Taralyk-Khanal’s invasion of Ulak homelands, the Ulak warlords combined their forces and moved to face the invaders at the captured town of Talulak. With superior knowledge of the local terrain, the Ulaks attempted to surprise Taralyk-Khanal by moving through the mountain passes at dawn, to strike at the flank of his unsuspecting army. But, some of Taralyk’s veteran Utrigurk Warriors discovered the Ulak approaching, and were able to hold the mountain passes for just long enough until the whole Altyn-Kanalat army was alerted. Then, for several hours, Altyn-Kanalat’s infantry held firm against increasingly-desperate Ulak attacks. Finally, Taralyk-Khanal led his heavier three-man chariots (an Argosian design) in a counter attack against the Ulak charioteers, scattering them and putting the whole Ulak army into flight. Many were cut down by Taralyk’s chariots as they fled.

The victory led to the establishment of Altyn-Kanalat as the greatest power in the middle east, and the greatest power in the world after the collapse of the Argosian Empire. This, in turn, led to the Aahnad, Agrinese and Antalese empires of later centuries.

The battle also led to the eventual exile of the Ulaks to the west, where the powerful empire of Ulakam would arise to do battle with the Agrinese in later centuries, and then collapse itself, giving birth to many other empires and kingdoms with ulak heritage, spreading from north west asia to the western fringes of europe.

Had the Ulaks defeated Taralyk-Khanal, it is likely they would have conquered the middle-east completely, and remained settled there. After the fall of the Argosian Empire, Ulak warlords could have conquered the city-states of the mediterranean, and perhaps spread further into europe and africa. Meanwhile, north asia would be open to endless expansion by Rayamese, Ormash, and (later) Videssian cultures. The current state of the world would be very different.

Battle of Sia Teaga, 1470 BC
First massed cavalry battle in history
Taejon Monarchy: Shin (general)
4,500 Horsemen
600 Chariots
Total: 5700
Yaktan, Taejon Rebels: Hunan (Yaktan monarch)
5,000 Horsemen
500 Chariots
Total: 6000
Taejon Monarchy: 3,000 dead + 1,000 captured
Yaktan: 1,500 dead + 500 captured
Decisive victory for Yaktan.

The early Taejon kingdom was experiencing a civil war as a new united Monarchy attempted to establish itself. Taejon rebels sought the backing of the rival kingdom of Yaktan, plunging south asia into a major war. Yaktan had pioneered horseback-riding in previous centuries, and had bred horses which were stronger and larger than any others. But by the time of this battle, Taejon and other powers were rapidly catching up with the advances in cavalry warfare.

The Taejon cavalry army was not at full strength, having taken losses in previous fighting. The tide of battle was with the better-trained and more-experienced Yaktan horsemen right from the start. Despite a late rallying effort by the Taejon forces, the Yaktanese won a crushing victory. Taejon’s main cavalry army was destroyed. But the Yaktanese had also taken losses, and were forced to return to their homeland. Within a hundred years of this battle, a united Taejon kingdom had become well established

Kaironas, 1375 BC
First large-scale urban battle in history
Argosian Empire: Terrisander II (general)
25,000 Hoplites
30,000 Mercenary Impi
5,000 Mercenary Bowmen
1,000 Heavy Chariots
Total: 63,000
Kairon Empire: Ramephka V (monarch)
25,000 Spearmen
10,000 Mercenary Impi
5,000 Bowmen
800 Light Chariots
Total: 41,600
Argosian Empire: 21,000 dead
Kairon Empire: 30,000 dead + 10,000 captured
Close victory for the Argosian Empire. The Argosian and Kairon empires had duelled with each other for centuries. By 1400 BC, the Argosians were gaining superiority. This battle marked the highpoint of the old Argosian civilisation

The final assault on the city of Kairona was a bloodbath. Kairona was the biggest city in the world at that time. The battlefield stretched across open plains, riverbanks, and deep into the city itself. Much fighting took place amidst a labyrinth of densely packed mud-brick houses. Catapults were used on both sides, chariots crashed through the streets, elite bowmen fought from rooftops and ruined houses. The final attack could not be repulsed, and the elite Kairon forces fought to the death amidst a storm of fire, spears, arrows, and collapsing buildings, from which few of the city’s civilian inhabitants emerged alive. The Argosian’s african mercenary forces (many bribed from Kairona’s own army) went on a rampage through the streets, killing as many as 50,000 civilians. The world’s largest city was left as a ghost town. The ancient Oracle temple was among the few buildings left standing.

The site of Kairona was later rebuilt as the great Umidian city of Abydon.

Vodash, 883 BC
Major clash between Ormash and Ulak forces.
Ormash: Jal’Epihn (General)
14,000 Horsemen
45,000 Spearmen
20,000 Imperial Guard
Total: 79,000
Ulak Horde: Krym-Sun (Khan)
20,000 Horse Archers
21,000 Horsemen
34,000 Spearmen
Total: 75,000
Ormash: 25,000 dead
Ulak Horde: 21,000 dead + 10,000 captured
Close victory for Ormash, ensuring not only it’s own survival, but also preventing large scale Ulak invasions of Panga and Taejon. The Ulak’s attention would now focus north and east.

Altyn Sarai, 727 BC
Aahnad Dynasty: Aahn II (Monarch)
12,000 Librian Swordsmen
6,000 Altyn Spearmen
4,000 Mercenary Hoplites
4,000 Steppe Horsemen
Total: 26,000
Altyn-Kanalat loyalists, anti-Aahnad factions: Gorundyr (General)
5,000 Altyn Swordsmen
10,000 Altyn Spearmen
5,000 Hoplites
3,000 Desert Horsemen
Total: 23,000
Aahnad Dynasty: 5,000 dead
Altyn-Kanalat: 12,000 dead + 5,000 captured
Decisive victory for the Aahnads, which led to the establishment of the Aahnad Empire, later to become the Agrinese Empire. Altyn-Kanalat survived, but in a reduced and weakened state.

Anguilairme, 440 BC
Anguile Empire: Jules I (Emperor)
20,000 Campagnards
15,000 Grognard Spearmen
Total: 25,000
Anguilarime Republic: Sassonairde (General)
30,000 Campagnards
10,000 Spearmen
Total: 40,000
Anguile Empire: 5,000 dead
Anguilarime Republic: 18,000 dead + 7,000 captured
Decisive victory for the Anguile Empire. Despite having a weaker and less experienced army, Jules I led a successful ambush against his enemy in the forest north of Anguilairme, inflicting a crushing defeat upon them. The city of Anguilairme soon fell, leading to the establishment of the second Anguile Empire. This survived several more centuries, and several civil wars, before it evolved into the Saxon-Anguile Empire.

Antalyak Delta, 243 BC
Remains the biggest and bloodiest battle in history so far
Agrinese Empire: Aleksandyr I (Bazilevs)
10,000 Horsemen
4,000 Camelmen
65,000 Spearmen
12,000 Swordsmen
10,000 Hoplites
400 War Elephants
1,000 Heavy Chariots
Total: 105,200
Ulakam Empire and allied warlords: Stry-Kyr (Khan)
55,000 Horse Archers
22,000 Horsemen
35,000 Spearmen
350 War Elephants
Total: 113,000
Agrinese Empire: 34,000 dead + 2,000 captured
Ulakam Empire: 38,000 dead + 5,000 captured
An inconclusive battle, spread over several days. The Ulak forces were attempting to cross the river delta south of Antalyak, and Agrinese forces were able to prevent them crossing the final branches of the river. The Ulakam Empire was ultimately forced to withdraw from Antalyak, but was able to keep campaigning in the north of the Agrinese Empire for some time, while Aleksandyr I’s attention was drawn elsewhere. The two sides never again fought each other on such a scale.

Herakleia, 222 BC
Umidian Empire, Tarnas, Altynai: Anteph I (Umidian Monarch)
20,000 Horse Bowmen
5,000 Horsemen
14,000 Spearmen
10,000 Bowmen
5,000 Hoplites
5,00 War Chariots
Total: 55,000
Kingdom of Mycenae: Tolemas (General)
7,000 Armoured Horsemen
6,000 Raider Horsemen
15,000 Hoplites
8,000 Eagle Hoplites
Total: 36,000
Umidian Empire: 13,000 dead
Kingdom of Mycenae: 10,000 dead + 2,000 captured
Decisive victory for the Umidian Empire. This was the first real test of Umidia’s new army, and the first real defeat that the Myceneans had suffered. The battle ensured Umidian control of north west africa until around 50 BC, when the Agrinese launched an overhwleming invasion led by Bazilevs Karlyk III.

Orung, 170 BC
First large-scale use of heavy composite bows by Taejon infantry
Taejon Empire: Taizu (Emperor)
4,000 Horsemen
10,000 Armoured Horsemen
35,000 Pikemen
12,000 Composite Bowmen
Total: 61,000
Kingdom of Zakutan: Qui-Zian (Monarch)
5,000 Horsemen
10,000 Brute Cavalry
22,000 Spearmen
6,000 Swordsmen
Total: 43,000
Taejon Empire: 2,000 dead
Kingdom of Zakutan: 20,000 dead + 5,000 captured
Decisive victory for the Taejon Empire, one of the most one-sided battles in history. Taejon’s massed bowmen devastated the Zakutan cavalry as they charged forwards, the survivors were then impaled upon countless thousands of pikes. Qui-Zian himself was killed by an arrow to the head. Zakutan’s army was scattered and crushed, as the old cavalry traditions of Yaktan were overtaken by more modern Taejon weapons.

Amash, 49 BC
Biggest battle between Ormash and Taejon, biggest battle in southern asia to date
Taejon Empire: Qi Jiguang (General)
8,000 Horsemen
15,000 Armoured Horsemen
40,000 Pikemen
18,000 Composite Bowmen
10,000 Armoured Swordsmen
Total: 91,000
Ormash: Dudash (General)
10,000 Horsemen
10,000 Armoured Horsemen
32,000 Pikemen
25,000 Imperial Guard
Total: 77,000
Taejon Empire: 26,000 dead + 2,000 captured
Ormash: 23,000 dead + 2,000 captured
Inconclusive. Ormash’s Imperial Guard took a heavy toll on the Taejon pikemen, while Taejon’s bowmen caused most of Ormash’s casualties. This was the first and only time that both sides fought each other with such large armies. The war continued for many more years on a smaller scale. Although Ormash’s southern cities remained under constant threat, they never fell to Taejon’s army.

Argwen, 86 BC
Highpoint of Saxon-Anguile expansion, biggest battle in Europe to date
Saxon-Anguile Empire and allies: Gilles de Rais (General)
7,000 Horsemen
25,000 Campagnards
18,000 Pikemen
Total: 77,000
Thulean League and allies: Gustornii the Great (Lord Protector)
6,000 Horsemen
5,000 Armoured Horsemen
15,000 Pictish Swordsmen
20,000 Kornden Militia
15,000 Coastal Levies
Total: 61,000
Saxon-Anguile Empire: 26,000 dead + 9,000 captured
Thulean League: 13,000 dead + 1,000 captured
Decisive victory for the Thulean League. Gustornii had only been Lord Protector for several months when this battle occurred. The Saxon-Anguile army was over-confident, Gustornii was able to exploit this with his hardy pictish warriors and the superior discipline he had instilled in the whole Thulean army. After the battle, the Saxon-Anguile Empire began to dissolve into an alliance of separate states, and most of the old Yssian lands were recovered for the new Thulean League.

Antalyak, 115 AD
Highpoint of Kyzar Khan’s rule
Kyzar Khanate: Kyzar (Khan)
35,000 Horsemen
10,000 Armoured Horsemen
40,000 Horse Bowmen
25,000 Spearmen
18,000 Swordsmen
Total: 128,000
Northern Agrinese coalition: Kristinyan (General)
5,000 Baghatur Horsemen
4,000 Ildryn Cavalry
12,000 Pikemen
7,000 Crossbowmen
4,000 Camelmen
Total: 32,000
Kyzar Khanate: 22,000 dead +10,000 captured
Agrinese: 10,000 dead + 1,000 captured
Decisive victory for the Agrinese. Despite being outnumbered 4 to 1 by only part of Kyzar’s horde, Kirstinyan was able to hold the line and ultimately lead his forces to victory. The early death of Kyzar himself on the battlefield, combined with the use of simple gunpowder rockets as a terror weapon, caused the whole of Kyzar’s army to panic and flee in disarray. Kristinyan lacked the manpower to hunt down the vast numbers of fleeing enemy, and was unable to prevent them from regrouping. But without a strong leader to guide them, Kyzar’s army began to fight amongst itself, and it never returned to Antalyak. Kristinyan himself would later forge his own dynasty, and rise to challenge the struggling authority of Agre.

Konstantynai, 268 AD
Antal: Karlyk (Autonomarch)
9,000 Baghatur Horsemen
10,000 Horse Archers
5,000 Ildyrn Cavalry
18,000 Pikemen
3,000 Crossbowmen
5,000 Armoured Swordsmen
2,000 Camelmen
350 War Elephants
Total: 53,000
Agrinese Empire and allies: Aleksevs V (Bazilevs), Kaliseph (General)
4,000 Baghatur Horsemen
6,000 Ildyrn Cavalry
9,000 Mycenean Knights
10,000 Pikemen
7,000 Eagle Pikemen
6,000 Armoured Swordsmen
3,000 Repeating Crossbowmen
10,000 various mercenary infantry
Total: 55,000
Antal: 23,000 dead + 5,000 captured
Agrinese Empire: 9,000 dead
Decisive victory for the Agrinese Empire. Despite the superior leadership of Karlyk and his generals, and the determination of their soldiers, it was a black day for Antal and the Kristinyd family. Antal’s forces initially gained the upper hand, but a series of unfortunate mistakes stole away what probably would have been a great victory. Instead, they suffered a crushing defeat by Kaliseph and his loyalist forces. Antal’s cavalry took particular heavy losses against the Mycenean Knights.

General Kaliseph gained much power and influence from this battle, and this had adverse effects on the fragile Agrinese unity. Although Antal was forced on the defensive for some time after this battle, Karlyk was later able to conquer most of the old Agrinese heartlands.
ok, think thats everything. Probably some errors to fix tho.

Please feel free to post anything :)
I claim Mycenea, awesome work Daft!! :goodjob:
I am still Taejon :)
Dang Terris already reserved it, any hope for me in my bid daft? :sad:
TerrisH didn't reserve it krimzon, he was Mycenea in the nes this one's kinda a continuation of ;)
Edit: ^what alex994 said :)

But if you have any ideas for new a faction to appear or anything, just let me know :)
So I can have it then? Yeaaaa!!! Terris please don't hate me for wanting it. I haven't had a good NES in awhile. :cry:
KrimzonStriker said:
So I can have it then? Yeaaaa!!! Terris please don't hate me for wanting it. I haven't had a good NES in awhile. :cry:

Em... Actually that means you can't have it I'm afraid. :confused:

EDIT: Sorry daft that I'm taking the prerogatives of the mod :( I'll shut up from now on.
Shooooootttt!! Fine, give me the Valkam Horde, but if anybody changes their mind I'm right here. :D

Daft can I have Mycenea, if no then Terris can I have Mycenea? If no I shall switch to the Valkam then... :please:
@Kentharu, theres the 'Oru' fanatics in the middle of asia, who might be able to convert other lands to their religion. There is Rayam in the west, they are quite weak but beginning to explore by sea. Altynai might be good, but you'd be at war with Das if he is playing. Otherwise there is Hlobane, which is the zulu's basically, they are a bit isolated and backwards at the moment.

@Krimzon, do you mean the 'Ulakam'/Ulak? I know the font on the map is a bit dodgy :)
@Luckymoose, Zekul still has a chance for greatness :) They could maybe unite with those rebels in the east to form a big nation.
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