Do you agree that Japan should never have a military again, EVER?

Should Japan ever be allowed to have a military again?

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Jun 26, 2010
St. Louis
I think America was a bit strict for that. Right now they aren't allowed to have much more than the Japanese equivalent to coast and national guards.

300,000 Japanese soldiers, 805 aircrafts, 110 major warships, including 2 Helicopter carrier, 18 submarines, 47 destroyers and frigates, 29 mine warfare ships, 9 patrol craft and 9 amphibious ships, 980 tanks and the Japanese Prince Hisahito would like a word with you.

there is a lot of outside pressure for the japanese to become involved in peace keeping operations and pull their weight.... by the US

in Iraq they deployed reconstruction engineers which were protected by Australian troops because of their restrictive constitution, considering our histories I think this could be seen as a great leap forward in and of itself, they really need more leeway for assisting the US and the UN
They should have a larger military now!

If I were able to wave the magic wand, I'd grant Japan no limitations on the air or land forces and only somewhat limit their naval forces.

First we'll allow them to have an army, the next thing they would landing robotic soldiers on the coasts of the free republics of the world!!!! :eek:

We must not allow for such a possibility. Ever.


In all seriousness, not allowing Japan to have an army has freed tons of cash to fund their research and development; one of the reasons Japan is advanced.
inb4 moderator action

You have a particulate fondness of making threads with very little content and otherwise, silly one sided questions that you don't think through very well before posting threads. I mean, even before you made this thread, did you actually read about Japanese military?

I only pointed it out.
Japan has already quite a large and well funded military so it is by no means considered coast guards and "national guards" what ever that means. I don't think any country should ever militarize themselves. I am realistic so i will say that Japan can only do so when they have faced up to the things they have done during WW2 on a national level. It is no sense grumbling over old grudges, but Japanese people seems not to have been misinformed about their roles during ww2, and it worries me that their government does it.
Japan has a very advanced military and it also claims a stated capacity to put 2,000 nuclear warheads together within a six-month period. This is a threat it made to China a year or two ago, designed to point out who is still number one in East Asia.

This is even more worrying in the context of the potential Japanese rejection of the US-Japan security treaty, which is the real aim of removing American military bases from Japan. This will be a serious blow to the international security system if it is allowed to pass, and a strong Japanese faction wish to push for it.
I don't really see why they need more than the SDF; they seem to do alright now. The only threats they really face would seem to be North Korea/China maybe, and the US/Europe/The UN would be there for them in that eventuality.
I don't really see why they need more than the SDF; they seem to do alright now. The only threats they really face would seem to be North Korea/China maybe, and the US/Europe/The UN would be there for them in that eventuality.

Dont forget Godzilla.
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