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Do you belive Jesus exisited?

Was He real?

  • Yes

    Votes: 40 75.5%
  • No

    Votes: 13 24.5%

  • Total voters


Jul 7, 2001
United States of America
Do yuo belive He was a real person like you and I?
-Do you belive He preformed miracles?
-Do you belive He was crucified?
-Do you belive He was the Son of God?
-Do you belive He was resurected on the third day?

This is purly a satistical survey, so please no long drawn out aggresive comments. You may however, post a breif reason for why you belive what you do?

Oh yeah if this should be in the history forum, move it.
I believe there may have been a man named Jesus who may have had something to do with the setting up of christianity, but apart from that the answer to all questions asked is: NO!

Basically because I don't believe in God and so on.
Sure, he existed. It's all documented by the Romans (and others). The question whether he was a/the prophet remains to be seen. I believe he was, but that's because I'm catholic.

But if you don't think he existed, at all, then you didn't pay attention to your history lessons.
Yes, of course he existed, the question is whether or not he was the son of a deity and a virgin mother or if joseph and mary were messing around before there wedding...:rolleyes:
Do yuo belive He was a real person like you and I?
-Do you belive He preformed miracles?
-Do you belive He was crucified?
-Do you belive He was the Son of God?
-Do you belive He was resurected on the third day?

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. The reason- because just I do.
Let me answer with some quotes from the Quran.

-Do yuo belive He was a real person like you and I? Yes.
(3:59) The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: "Be". And he was.

-Do you belive He preformed miracles? Yes.
2:253 Those apostles We endowed with gifts, some above others: To one of them Allah spoke(Moses); others He raised to degrees (of honour); to Jesus the son of Mary We gave clear (Signs/Miracles), and strengthened him with the holy spirit.

-Do you belive He was crucified? No.
4:157 That they said (in boast), "We killed Jesus Christ the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah.;- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:-

-Do you belive He was the Son of God? No.
23:91 No son did Allah beget, nor is there any god along with Him:
i don´t really believe in god, it´s more like i hope he exist, but i believe that jesus existed. i really like what he said and his message and i don´t believe that anyone could make up a story like the one about jesus. if he really performed all the miracles doesn´t really matter to me.
I believe he was existed, might have been a rabbi, and could have been crucified. I do not believe in the son of god, or resurrection aspect at all.
Yes to all.
If we answer yes to the poll are we answering yes to all your questions in your post?
B/c I believe there was a Jesus, but I am not sure if he was the son of God.

I do evolution.....maybe.
Originally posted by Sixchan
I believe SOMEONE called Jesus existed, and that he was crucified, but lots of people were crucified back then.

Brian, for example.:D :p


I'm sure someone by the name of Jesus was cruisified in whenever he was.....but no. He was not the son of God. As there is no God.
Sorry to say, but I think that the bible (and the coran) was just good story, based on nothing.
Before I start I would like to say that this is not an attack of Jesus and Christianity, it is just to say that the Bible was not a historical document and so should not be taken as such.

Sure, he existed. It's all documented by the Romans (and others).

Where is this documentation? The is a real problem with the Romans and their history, that is that there are very few documents. The history relies heavily on archaelogical evidence. For example, Tactius mentions a great battle that Agricola won in the Scottish highlands but no-one really knows if it actually happened. This wasn't a minor battle but a huge one (by standards of the day) and we still can't prove if it happened. There is also the problem with Ponitus Pilot (spelling is wrong but you get the idea) because the Bible story is well known that he washed his hands of the affair. Well he was a bloody ruler of the Jews and to think he would allow Jesus, a real threat to his position, to live is highly unlikely. So I would like to see the documentation that Jesus exists and why it can be believed so readily.
Yes, a person called Jesus who hailed from Nazareth in Galilee existed and was crucified by the Romans. This much is documented in various, mostly rather mundane Roman documents of the day. Not Roman historians, mind you, but the everyday "executed x number of criminals today" type of thing. I don't remember and don't have immediate access to the documents, but i could research it and get back to you all if anyone is really that curious.

That he preached and attracted a large following is also difficult to dispute, given the existence of the gospels and independent mention in various other historians of the day. What he preached and his specific actions one could reasonably doubt, but not the fact that he did preach.

He was crucified, and *something* happened afterward. Many others during that time preached and claimed to be the Messiah, but only his followers went on to found a major world religion. One has to ask why him particularly...
He was crucified, and *something* happened afterward. Many others during that time preached and claimed to be the Messiah, but only his followers went on to found a major world religion. One has to ask why him particularly...

Not really. Nine months before we was born, millions of sperm made an attempt to fertilize an egg. One will have made it through.

I don't question why that sperm cell was the lucky one, do you?
Originally posted by MrPresident
Where is this documentation? The is a real problem with the Romans and their history, that is that there are very few documents.
You clearly didn't have any ancient Greek/Roman, like on a grammar school. There are tons of literature of that period of time. At the end of Augustus' ruling days there were reports of an uprise due to a so-called Messiah. And ofcourse the crusification by Pilatus is there, on paper. And not just in the bible. ;)
Yes; I don't know what MrPresident is thinking of, but the Romans turned out huge amounts of paperwork, much of which still survives. They were a bureaucracy, and bureaucrats don't have much to do other than produce paperwork.
Originally posted by Sixchan

Not really. Nine months before we was born, millions of sperm made an attempt to fertilize an egg. One will have made it through.

I don't question why that sperm cell was the lucky one, do you?

Wouldn't really matter if was He was divinely conceived, now would it? :crazyeyes
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