Do yuo belive He was a real person like you and I?
-Do you belive He preformed miracles?
-Do you belive He was crucified?
-Do you belive He was the Son of God?
-Do you belive He was resurected on the third day?
This is purly a satistical survey, so please no long drawn out aggresive comments. You may however, post a breif reason for why you belive what you do?
Oh yeah if this should be in the history forum, move it.
-Do you belive He preformed miracles?
-Do you belive He was crucified?
-Do you belive He was the Son of God?
-Do you belive He was resurected on the third day?
This is purly a satistical survey, so please no long drawn out aggresive comments. You may however, post a breif reason for why you belive what you do?
Oh yeah if this should be in the history forum, move it.