Do you EVER accept AI proposed trades?


Apr 3, 2018
Honestly, at this point, I just close out the windows as fast as I can. They never offer anything interesting or useful.
I pick and choose which ones I take.
Often after discovering a new civ, they'll try to take me to the cleaners with some ridiculously one-sided trade. Something like 2 luxuries/30 turns in exchange for some pocket lint and a half eaten diplomatic favour. Of course these are rejected immediately.

Later in the game, I'll happily trade 1 lux/30 turns for gold per turn, open borders and upfront gold.
I usually just x out whatever they offered and ask "what will you give me?" and they just offer gold instead, which I accept without further haggling. I don't want strategics, diplo favor, etc. I want MONEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

(Sometimes I do lux for lux trades, or borders for borders, but I generally initiate those on my own)
They are offering works of arts regularly. Don't mind giving some strategics or whatever for those.
Yeah, I've noticed now that the AI seems more willing to trade Great Works, which I'm always happy to accept. Sometimes I'll accept a deal out of pity, even if I don't gain much from it.
They are offering works of arts regularly. Don't mind giving some strategics or whatever for those.
Yes since a couple of patches ago, they’ve started offering some nice deals of a great work for 20 strategics and maybe a luxury. I think this is based in a bug where they overvalue strategics they have zero off, at least I saw some mention of this a while ago. Either way, I usually accept those.

Talking about AI deal evaluations, they always undervalue luxuries in late game. They seem to value a luxury at something like 2GPT which is just stupid when game is in industrial era. Plus often they will give me three of their luxuries for one of mine, which just feels plain bugged.
Rarely. I look closely what they want and will only accept, if the conditions are at least ok.

Yes, unless they want strategics, because more gold is more gold.

I would be especially cautious with these kind of of offers from them. The AI's pricing logic for strategic ressources is that they only pay up to a certain amount of units (independent of game speed: 40 Iron/Horses/Niter, 22 Coal/Oil/Aluminium and 62 Uranium) for them - any excess isn't payed for (or only the consolation price of 1 Gold, if you offer them a single unit separately). And these rule is also applied in case of these proposals, even if they ask for more units. If you do the math, you will see that they only pay for the part of the units being under their limit, despite asking for extra units. And that fact is often masked by them asking for none-strategic ressources in the same deal (and/or by overall paying the double price for them, because having none wehen the trade is initiated...)... So unless you are generous and want to gift the AI some strategic ressources, it is always better to redo the trade offer yourself and only sell them what they are actually willing to pay for.
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I reject all AI trade offers by reflex at this point.

The crappy UI made me to adapt my trading patterns: nowadays I do all my trades with all known AIs within 1 turn every 30 turns, selling my copies of luxuries for gpt and buying their copies and open borders for single payments only, so that the UI induced pain would be limited as much as possible and I had peace of mind for 29 further turns.

If I want great works of art or strategic resources, I go and look for them myself whenever I need them, paying single payments, never gpt, so that those odd gpt deals would not clutter the cash flows tooltip. I sell my strategic resources or some DF to the AI needing them for single payments as well, as a means of quickly raising funds for immediate cash needs, never gpt for the above reasons.

The AI may get lost with their offers, they routinely offer silly terms or come at a bad time, like with invitations to make some inconvenient joint wars.

However, I must pay triple attention when there's an Aid Emergency ongoing with myself as the target. The UI and wording for their cash support is exactly the same as when they ask for something, so there's a real danger to reject the free money they're giving to you :)
Yes, because I found that if I modify an acceptable deal they may not accept it any more. Then even if I restore the original offer they won't. At least at some point it worked so, not sure if this changed. Anyone experienced this?
nope , no and no , too much haggling to get the max out of a deal and also i really dont want to give the computer any resources at all.
About 70% of time they offer something very useful, it saves time instead of me to go after them.
I found that if I modify an acceptable deal they may not accept it any more. Then even if I restore the original offer they won't. At least at some point it worked so, not sure if this changed. Anyone experienced this?
Yes, I noticed this, especially with joint war offers. They come to offer it and if you refuse, next turn they won't accept a similar deal from you on any terms, but as I've said, they usually come to offer joint adventures at inconvenient times.

i really dont want to give the computer any resources at all.
Why is that? If two AI are at war with each other, why not to sell them your surplus of strategic resources that otherwise go to waste? That way they can have their fun for a bit longer, and it is harmless to you, and you get a bit richer at the same time.
Extra copies of luxuries sold to AI can also boost your economy considerably, they can pay very generously for your luxuries and sell their luxury copies to you for peanuts.
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Sure, if I'm too lazy to haggle and it's a decent offer.

Yes, because I found that if I modify an acceptable deal they may not accept it any more. Then even if I restore the original offer they won't. At least at some point it worked so, not sure if this changed. Anyone experienced this?
My experience with this is limited, but I think this happened to me recently, and then when I clicked 'what would it take', the deal went back to acceptable even though nothing changed.
Until free Oceanic moves occur (mainly on Archipelago).. i tend to offer (( or accept their low demands for "What would it take?" in certain situations )) some smallish amount of gold for AI's OpenBorders.
Rarely does any other auto-transactions (mostly by them) are worth considering -- in time of Peace.
While Mid to Late game my extra Luxuries can generate fair enough GPT in some cases.
Honestly, at this point, I just close out the windows as fast as I can. They never offer anything interesting or useful.

I almost never give open borders or great works. Apart from that, they can have everything. Double lux for 2gp one time? Sure. Whatever. Click. Stop asking.
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