Do you ever change religions? If so, why?


Jan 18, 2002
I've been bored and so playing with different difficulty levels. In lower levels I go for religion first because I want work ethic and tithe, but at higher levels this is seldom possible. I've just gone with what's left, but was wondering if instead of staying with my religion, it might make sense to switch to one with work ethic for the production boost. How do your games go, have you ever switched religions? If so, what was the experience like?
The AI took work ethic? Is this vanilla civ 6 perhaps?
Asking because work ethic is sort of OP in civ 6 GS, and its also always available to the player, to the point that you can reliably play around it every time if you got the landscape and pantheons for it.
No AI did not take work ethic, but I just wanted to grab it. If it's low risk, then hassle of changing religions is a NoGo.
No AI did not take work ethic, but I just wanted to grab it. If it's low risk, then hassle of changing religions is a NoGo.
Well as long as you play GS, work ethic (assuming a decent pantheon or landscape for it) is pretty broken.
I would not choose anything else except for the rare case where where I get "free" faith from sources other than holy sites.
Examples are Spain, Ethiopia, Bull Moose, then I might pick jesuit education or something.
But in 90% of cases, work ethic is (sadly) the best pick.
I usually take work ethic and pilgrims (pilgrimage?) in order to float in faith and buy anything I need. Also holy order in order to get apostles quickly and spam missionaries. That works on Immortal.
I generally go Work Etic and Religious Colonization. Them spam settlers with faith through golden age Monumentality. I never have to faith-buy missionaries for my cities.
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