Do You Have A TV Show That You would Be Embarrassed About If Your Friends Found Out?

This was decades ago, but I used to watch She-Ra. Not really embarrassed about it now, but I think it would have been disconcerting to me back in high school for my friends to have found out. Also watched He-Man, but that's not embarrassing!

Link to video.
All I use the TV for is video games.
Well, I don't really care what my good friends know, but I'd be slightly embarassed if kids I casually hung out with at school knew I watch these on netflix from time to time.

And even my mom likes this show:mischief:

The Big Bang Theory is great, just watch it.

Bad science isn't fun to watch;)

as for me, I still watch Sponge-bob.

Really? You're still awesome but this is a new low. I hate that little guy.
When I first started watching MLP FiM, I was embarrassed about it, but I've since gotten over that. I really don't watch any other shows that I would feel embarrassed about.

Though, now that I think about it, I'm excited that Courage the Cowardly Dog is coming back, though as I already watch ponies, I'm not sure I could work up being embarrassed about that.

It's coming back?! I'm not one for cartoons, but the surrealism of that cartoon is great!
The older episodes are really funny. The newer ones are stupid though.

I honestly have not seen much of the show. We weren't exposed to it as kids when we were very young because it wasn't really considered appropriate. Years later when I've actually seen them due to... other people watching them, I've thanked my parents for sparing me.

Don't really know which ones I've seen though.

"Old is better than new" is a common trend though, Star Wars and Star Trek both (Show-wise in the latter case) follow that theme. Comics seem to follow that trend, though I haven't sat there and read every issue, I've heard of some new stuff and thought it was kinda dumb.
Yep, not embarrassed about my choice in TV entertainment.

@warpus wait, what? :dubious:

Isn't that one of those fundamentalist Christian programs?
I confess I do watch far left wing media outlets like CNN sometimes.
I've watched a lot of bad TV over the years. Too much to care if someone finds it embarrassing.
Pawn Stars and American Pickers. Though that's more of a thing where my family watches it and I just end up watching it as a result sometimes. The guys in those shows annoy the hell out of me too. Not really that much that I like it but more of a thing where if the other family folks are watching it I don't really mind watching it a bit either. Though the only people I can imagine that would care about me watching those shows are the folks here. Some of my friends hate on the stuff I like, but, I just think of it as whatever since I hate a lot of their stuff too.
You should be ashamed;)

I don't know how bad CNN is, but I've seen MSNBC and their lies are more poisonous than vipers.

CNN is benign... only someone really to the right would claim it is really to the left. MSNBC on the other hand is more or less the left's answer to Fox News.
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