Anglo-Saxon Liberal
After Iraq said that it won't allow U.N. inspectors back into the country war seems inevitable. Here in Britain there has been recent rumours that two high profile cabinet ministers will resign if Britain joins the war. The EU is keeping its distance from the situation with it probably not joining in. So do you support a war against Iraq? Should America be allowed to finish what it started in the Gulf War? Is there sufficient justification for such a war? Would you support your country sending troops and resources to help the Americans? Do Americans feel they are threatened by Iraq and Saddam enough to warrant a war? What happens if a result cannot be found quickly? Should ground troops be deployed? Can it be done in the name of NATO? or the U.N? Will it further destabily the Middle East? Can the world accept a war to remove Saddam from power and from being a viable threat? or is this another example of America disregarding world opinion and pursing another of its imperialistic policies to further increase its power?