Originally posted by newfangle
Who would you force to supply the necessary funds for quality education?
I already pay through the nose for a sub standard level of education.
Personally, I don't think that money is the issue, rather the initial stampede towards trendy teaching methods that didn't work, followed by constant tinkering by successive governments in an attempt to show that they are doing something have failed a whole generation (or two) of schoolchildren.
Maybe if they actually sat down and decided what they wanted people to learn at school (basic adding up, spelling and grammer would be a start), drew up a comprehensive and challenging syllabus, and set tests to accurately assess the knowledge of students, then maybe the certificates awarded at the end of the process would be worth something more than the paper they are printed on. (Edit -- This would also require recognising that some students will not perform as well as others in an academic environment, but that this does not mean that they do not have any contribution to make to society. Allow students to fail exams, and introduce vocational training such as NVQ's etc)
If they also realised that 50% of students going on to university is not a meaningful target if they cannot read or write when they get there, or are destined to end up working in Mcdonalds as there are no extra graduate level jobs for them to take up when they get their degree, then perhaps the resources wasted in fulfilling a purely politically correct target could be redirected to providing the country with the skills that are currently in very short supply (Eg Engineering etc)
Paying for education is not wasted resources, it is an investment into the future of society. If politicians actually recognised this fact, instead of concentrating on voting themselves 40% pay rises, perhaps this country could close the productivity gap it has suffered for the last 40 years.