Do you want Bush to be President for 4 more years

Should Bush be President 4 more years?

  • Yes, I think hes doing a good job

    Votes: 34 27.4%
  • Only if there is nobody else good

    Votes: 10 8.1%
  • No, never want to be leader of our country again

    Votes: 80 64.5%

  • Total voters


Reagan Republican
Aug 24, 2003
Post whether or not you think our moronic president deserves 4 more years in office. I personally wish for the last option.
Originally posted by cgannon64

(Oh BTW look up "miserable failure" in Google and hit "I'm Feeling Lucky" for a good laugh.)


Though I dont have anything to say in this topic, I would like to see him go. Im tired of him allready..
no more bush- I would prefer a democrat in office, or failing that, a member of the scorched earth party ;)
It remains to be seen whether Bush should stay in office as far as I’m concerned. Though I initially supported the war, I don’t feel so good about it currently because there are no WMD. Be that as it may, it is good we terminated the dictator's command. For me there is but one way Bush will get my vote and that is to not sign the "Assault Weapons Ban." The NRA propped Bush up because he supported our 2nd Amendment, and I will vote democrat to keep him out if he renews the bill.
LEt him stay, he hasn't done anything particularly bad to the country and he is better than Dean. (the most likely canidate)
Oops sorry Moderators if I was a little bit too harsh with what I had in my poll before.
Well, I'd like to see Bush win again, one reason why is the scenarios for 2008 that it would permit. HRC is staying out this year while the Dems get trashed, only to ride in on a stallion in 2008 and save the day from those evil fascist Republicans.

I'd like to see the GOP run Condoleeza Rice against HRC. It would be funny watching the Dems lob charges of racism, sexism, and tokenism against the party who is running a black woman for president.

Dems: "But the GOP isn't diverse at all!"
GOP: "We have men and women candidates of various ethnicities, so how is that not diverse?"
Dems: "It just isn't!"
GOP: "Ahh, so your problem with Dr Rice is that she, as a black and a woman, has the audacity not to be an ultra liberal Dem, right?"
Dems: "Shut up! You're racially insensitive!"

I should add that one of the main redeeming features about such a contest (aside from the likelihood of a woman president) would be the comical circus-like atmosphere around the race.
I'd rather see him go. Do I need to go into bashing or other things? No.
I absolutely want to see him go. Far, far away.

Unfortunately, I do not get much of a say on the matter.
Originally posted by SeleucusNicator
Unfortunately, I do not get much of a say on the matter.

Are you not of voting age? Or do you believe that your vote doesn't matter?

If the first, then wait a couple of years until you are. If the second, your vote does matter.
I want him to stay. Possibly even a third or fourth term if we could get the appropriate amendment.
Originally posted by ShiplordAtvar

Are you not of voting age? Or do you believe that your vote doesn't matter?

I have one vote in a state that Dean is probably going to win by several thousand anyway.

Certainly a say, but not MUCH of a say.
Absolutely, he is doing a superb job.
You're a democrat living in Chicago. I thought you guys got to vote as often as you liked?
Anyone but Bush is fine by me. I wish for the glory days of Clinton. Even he was not as bad as Bush. Bush put us millions of dollars in debt before September 11 even struck. Then he wastes money on a war in which we didn't even get our target. Then he launches a completely unrelated war for no good reason(do not say to liberate Iraqis, they are worse off now than before), and puts us nearly half a TRILLION dollars in debt. 500 billion dollars. This is what impressed me a about Bush's presidency so far:

1. He manages to butcher the English language only every other speech.
2. He cut taxes on dividends, because I'll be damned if those weren't putting me in the poor house.
3.He made our civil liberties less cumbersome by taking away all that long-winded drivel about having the right to report on immigration hearings conducted by the Justice Department, the right to protection against unreasonable search and seizure with McCarthy's, er, Ashcroft's PATRIOT act, and the right to due process for US citizens suspected of being terrorists.
4.He withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty. Good I say, global stability was getting to be a pain in the ass.
5.He hasn't started World War III yet. (Note, list from

The worst thing of course, is that there are so many people in this country that still think he is a good president, that he will be voted into office again.
Originally posted by Norlamand
You're a democrat living in Chicago. I thought you guys got to vote as often as you liked?

Not when we're alive, no.
I wouldn't say Clinton was THE glory days....but I liked the way it was run better then...and certainly, the president does not do everything. It seemed more effective with a Democrat president and Republican Senate, so on.

I find it funny Norlamand wants to get rid of an amendment that Republicans wanted oh-so-much 50 years ago.

Edited to fix the minced words.
Originally posted by The Yankee
I find it funny Norlamand wants to get rid of an amendment that Republicans wanted oh-so-much 50 years ago.

I suspect that I missed a discussion. Would you by any chance be referring to the Constitutional Amendment that places term limits on the presidency?
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