[DoaNE] Mod Development


Mar 29, 2009
Hello everyone,

We will talk here about DoaNE development in this thread.
That means we can discuss features we would like to add or what should be the next step.
What are we working on?
When is planned the next released?
All these questions can be asked here.
As mentioned in another post, I have just released a new version of DoaNE to fix a crash when natives were given us one of their village.

For the next version I will work on a external market that will allow Europeans to exchange some of their resources via independent merchant fleets or wagon.

Why are we doing this feature ?

In fact, it is a first step before updating the economic system in DoaNE. For now, we can sell in Europe all resources that we produce in Europe. It will change in the next version of DoaNE and players will have to negotiate with other players in order to sell more resources and be stronger.
Moreover, resources in Europe will be shared between European markets.
That's means If I am the only player that sell tobacco in Europe, I will control the market and be able to sell a lot of resources in Europe. However, if another player also sell tobacco in Europe, my capacity of selling will decrease.

This system will automatically generate natural tensions between European players, because they will want to sell more in Europe. These tensions will create wars !

So back to the feature that I am working one, If I produce too much cotton, I will be able to exchange some cottons against indigo for instance in order to be able to sell everything in Europe.
Hi M07,

This economic changes sound interesting. I can't wait to see those changes in the next version! :-)

I have some questions :
What i would like to see (if possible) is the ability to terraform a little more. for example the Pioneer or Agronomist would be in the possibility to change hills to a flat surface or maybe change desert to plains or Gransland to swamp or something That would be awesome. also the possibilty to add a river for an increase of wood & ore. This feature would also have his limits.. for example you can't make desert to grassland or make Mountains into a flat surface. what do you think?

The terraform you can do now : make light & heavy forrest is limited to only one agronomist that takes 20/40 turns. Can you disregard this limit and make for example 4 agronomist work on it so that it would only take 10 turns as with upgrading cotton / tabacco etc...?

I know you will tell me it's a feature but after 150 turns or so most agronomists did there work and i can't further upgrade the terrain, most of my cities are doing great & have all the skilled personel they need. Now i just delete these agronomists because i can't make veteran soldiers out of these guys and each turn they cost me doing nothing. Can't you add this possibility to the college or university (veteran soldier) ? would be awesome! :-)

Also can you re-activate the possibility to "buy off" peace with indians? Sometimes i'm really not prepared yet (not enough veteran soldiers & muskets) to go to war with the indians.. Because you can only provide horses or guns or so you have to go through with the war. i'm a pacifist ;-)

Anyway thank you for everything!

have a nice day!
Hi Nexus1980,

For the terraform, I will see for the possibility to transform hills to plain. But for the other features are too complicated or non realistic for the period of time.

Make heavy forest take times, even if you are 10 agronomists, you will need times for trees to grow up, and we cannot speed up the process.

I will put back the ability to clear the specialty for agronomists. I could add the veteran soldier inside university. You will have to pay and wait some turns but why not.

I do not want reactivate the possibility to buy off peace with Indians at least not with gold. You have to a lot of agreements with your native neighbors .
They will be more peaceful. :)

Have a nice day too ;)
Good evening !

We have just released the DoaNE 5.40

One big technical change for this version is the usage of my new tool CivXMLEditor
If you have any issue with accents in the game, please tell me.
Also @Weird Asian, if you test on your (Japonese) computer it could be helpful for me.

Have a good game all of you ;)

See below the change log:
Spoiler CHANGELOG DoaNE - V5.40 - Nov 2017 :
# Cannot move in Europe when pirate is above a seaway.
# Avoid ships to cross a Native village to reach a lake.

Bugs Fix:
# Too much agronomists are given when two players are in the same team
# King gives too much colonies in when two players are in the same team
# Natives ask for Rum in early game

# If no promotion available, do not display the promotion button.
# Decrease min turn to reach era 2
# Increase treasure gold received
# Increase stolen gold retrieved when killing a pirate
# Change accents in translation to the corresponding ISO code.
Hi guys!

We have just released the DoaNE 6.00

This version is mainly for the economic aspect of DoaNE. I will write soon a new post about it.

Have fun!

See below the change log:
Spoiler CHANGELOG DoaNE - V6.00 - Mar 2018 :
# Europe trades ressources to other nations
# Add screen to see yields interaction between Europe nation
# Display the Europe needs for raw yields in Europe
# Display the most and less needed yields in Europe
# Prices are directly related to Europe needs and yields stocks.
# Add yield consumption system based on the Europe needs.

Bugs Fix:
# Ships could some time did not leave Europe
Good Stuff M07.

I worked my way to era 3 and had a lot of fun.

I got annoyed though with 2 things.

The first one I know has been said before, which is the colony requirements for eras.

I really liike the era requirements as it really makes you develop your colonies, but it is frustrating when it starts limiting your expansion as anything you build needs 10-15 extra people (defenders and residents) when all you want it to be is a plantation. I know in another thread you discussed changing it to be a global pop instead of per colony goals.

Another possibility might be instead to have those era goals only effect the 'min number of colonies' So for example you need to have at least 4 colonies that have 16 pop and 5 defenders (or whatever) but any colonies after you have 4 developed cities, don't have to meet those requirements. This way you keep the feeling of having to develop a presence/infrastructure/administration in the colonies to advance (which i actually really like), but you are not locked into a state of forced non expansion because developing another 8 soldiers and colony slots for 16 pop would take too long, etc.

I had lots of sites ready to go with farms and produce all waiting to accept a brand new colony, put i just had no motivation to pull the trigger, because of the requirements.

The Second problem is one that i cannot figure out why it happened.
I wanted a silver mine so that I could be rich, but the only one i could find was in a spanish zone of control. I founded next to it and my colony immediately vanished along with my expert silver miner. Ok Spain if that is how it is then War it is! I took the colony that was controlling the area, and went to found my new colonial silver mine, but when I founded it it would not give me zone of control over those two silver mountains!
When I looked in the tile exchange screen, both had black 'blocked' markers (so did the tile where my colony was founded) I could never figure out why though as the tiles were between my two colonies and I have expanded borders all around them. Suffice to say my ambitions thwarted I was sad.. I could not build a new colony at a different silver site because of era requirements, so my dreams of being a silver baron were at an end...

Other than that, great job. The Economic changes were interesting. I also really like the indicators telling me which cities were not meeting the era requirements it made keeping track of them much easier!
Sorry to bother you all, noticed there isn't any activity in this section anymore...

Wanted to know if the original modder who created the trade menu (which is like the best trade menu i've seen) was willing to tell me a bit about how long it took to create that feature and how they did it!

Thanks :)
Wanted to know if the original modder ...
M07 and Dazio have left this community years ago.

It is pretty unlikely that they may read this anytime soon or take time answer to modding questions.
Their last posts were about 3 years ago and even before that they did not post much at all the last several years.

In other words:
You are necroing the forum of an abaondoned mod.
It is unlikely to find any help here.
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