DoaNE v3.10


Mar 29, 2009
Hello everyone,

Here is our latest DoaNE at December 11, 2013. Three months after the v3.00 (09/14/2013) the v3.10 improves playability by providing aids and makes more intuitive and easier tasks.
Concepts eras and crop plants were too vague. We solved this problem by providing greater clarity. This is actually better.

This is an intermediate version before an overhaul of the AI ​​(which is slow in coming and that will emerge after another intermediate version).

This is still the multi game the best. For those who no longer loved Colonization, it may be time to make a comeback and test it with DoaNE.

The changelog and the download link. Good game !
Hello!! and congratulations for this work, Is a really step forward.

I havent been around civ4 col and its mods for quite a long time, and just recently felt like playing it again.

I just found 3.1 version and I have been testing it for some days, but I have some questions, maybe I didnt install it right or I just dont remember the way it was this game,

Well, first, I havent been able to create missionaries, not even in europe, is there something wrong with my instalation?, or are they just gone.
Besides, I see no founding fathers in this version, I dont actually remember if there were founthing fathers in previous Doane versions, sorry, but I recall founding fathers like being fun to try to get them, and adding some content to the game

Thanks for the work, I really appreciate and enjoy playing it. The new trade system is far way better, and the recruiting system, is also cool besides some other new features.

Hello Renick,

Well, first, I havent been able to create missionaries, not even in europe, is there something wrong with my instalation?, or are they just gone.
Nothing is wrong. We removed them for the moment, but they will come back when we will have a cleverer system.
Besides, I see no founding fathers in this version, I dont actually remember if there were founthing fathers in previous Doane versions, sorry, but I recall founding fathers like being fun to try to get them, and adding some content to the game.
Don't worry, we removed them since the 3.00 version. It was for us really annoying, that some players can have permanent bonuses. That's why we removed them. In future, we will add some skill trees. Players will be able to follow different ways (Military, economic, trade, religion, politics...) I don't really know what else but be sure it will be awesome. However, we have to upgrade IA firstly.
Thanks for the work, I really appreciate and enjoy playing it. The new trade system is far way better, and the recruiting system, is also cool besides some other new features.
Glad to see that. I am currently working on new trade routes screens. It is easy to use and really more powerful. We have also a lot of statistics. I think a lot of people will like that this feature. We will see :)
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